Lesbian Marrieds & Their 3 Adopted Kids Die. 3 Kids Still Missing

There aren't a lot of adoptable children in the US. That's why there are so many foreign adoptions. Many adoptions in this country are where a couple pays a pregnant girl to have the baby. There are a lot of children in foster care. They are not all available for adoption. The parent is in prison or rehab and refuses to sign release papers. They have not been declared unfit.

The children placed with gay parents are deprived of a normal family. It is child abuse that, this time, ended up with dead children.

Child abuse is what happens when the kids biological(straight) parents abandon their kids.

100,000 children a year eligible and waiting for adoption- virtually all abandoned by their biological parents- you know-the people you believe that should have kids rather than gays.

33,000 of those kids wait 5 years or more to be adopted.

23,000 foster kids age out of the system each year with no family to provide financial or emotional support.

Tell us why you would prefer that kids be kicked out on the street when they age out of the system- rather than have gay parents who want to be their forever parents?
IF this had been a hetero couple- like the cases that tragically happen all too often- you would never have started a thread.

IF this had been a hetero couple, the Advocate wouldn't have lied and said "There was no indication of why this vehicle traversed approximately over 75 feet off a dirt pullout and went into the Pacific Ocean.” .

If this had been a hetero couple, you wouldn't have started another thread using the tragedy of children's death to attack gays.

But that is what bigots like you do.
My post- I presume you can read in context- was a response to that- and pointing out that IF the poster was serious about screening adoptive parents by 'risk'- then the real risk factor is gender.

Well you can not DO that anymore if you turn marriage and adoption law Gender blind. And that's where this trainwreck is heading. Just IGNORE the biology and statistics. They will be illegal and irrelevant to quote.

In terms of spousal abuse, nothing riskier than an abusive husband. But like I said -- smashing all this into one "equitable package" of gender blind marriage -- the hetero wife just takes it in the panties in terms of "special gender protections"...

You best figure out the details instead for marching for "ideals"...
My post- I presume you can read in context- was a response to that- and pointing out that IF the poster was serious about screening adoptive parents by 'risk'- then the real risk factor is gender.

Well you can not DO that anymore if you turn marriage and adoption law Gender blind. And that's where this trainwreck is heading. Just IGNORE the biology and statistics. They will be illegal and irrelevant to quote...

You couldn't do it before- and you can't do it now.

The homophobic bigots like to throw up fake statistics and argue that is why gays should not be allowed to adopt.

Again- since you seem to be very clearly missing my point:

I am not in favor of selecting adoptive parents by gender.

It was a rebuttal to idiotic and bigoted homophobic claims.
My post- I presume you can read in context- was a response to that- and pointing out that IF the poster was serious about screening adoptive parents by 'risk'- then the real risk factor is gender.

In terms of spousal abuse, nothing riskier than an abusive husband. But like I said -- smashing all this into one "equitable package" of gender blind marriage -- the hetero wife just takes it in the panties in terms of "special gender protections"... ..

And again- still can't figure out why you don't want equal protection for all spouses- regardless of gender.
My post- I presume you can read in context- was a response to that- and pointing out that IF the poster was serious about screening adoptive parents by 'risk'- then the real risk factor is gender.

Well you can not DO that anymore if you turn marriage and adoption law Gender blind. And that's where this trainwreck is heading. Just IGNORE the biology and statistics. They will be illegal and irrelevant to quote...

You couldn't do it before- and you can't do it now.

The homophobic bigots like to throw up fake statistics and argue that is why gays should not be allowed to adopt.

Again- since you seem to be very clearly missing my point:

I am not in favor of selecting adoptive parents by gender.

It was a rebuttal to idiotic and bigoted homophobic claims.

But that's not what you just asserted. Lemme repeat your quote.

My post- I presume you can read in context- was a response to that- and pointing out that IF the poster was serious about screening adoptive parents by 'risk'- then the real risk factor is gender.

You gave credence to those statistics. And I'm not entirely certain that some of that is not correct. About the likelihoods of sexual abuse for instance. And the preferences of victims.

You want "gender blindness" yet I don't think you're CONVINCED that there aren't scientific biological and existing legal differences". In fact -- gender blindness invalidates a LOT of science and social policy and law.

It's times like these where I celebrate the fact that what I BELIEVE is consistent with the political policies that I assert. And that I can CONSIDER science and statistics and not be a denier of those tools or the traditions of law...
My post- I presume you can read in context- was a response to that- and pointing out that IF the poster was serious about screening adoptive parents by 'risk'- then the real risk factor is gender.

Well you can not DO that anymore if you turn marriage and adoption law Gender blind. And that's where this trainwreck is heading. Just IGNORE the biology and statistics. They will be illegal and irrelevant to quote...

You couldn't do it before- and you can't do it now.

The homophobic bigots like to throw up fake statistics and argue that is why gays should not be allowed to adopt.

Again- since you seem to be very clearly missing my point:

I am not in favor of selecting adoptive parents by gender.

It was a rebuttal to idiotic and bigoted homophobic claims.

But that's not what you just asserted. Lemme repeat your quote.

My post- I presume you can read in context- was a response to that- and pointing out that IF the poster was serious about screening adoptive parents by 'risk'- then the real risk factor is gender.

You gave credence to those statistics. And I'm not entirely certain that some of that is not correct. About the likelihoods of sexual abuse for instance. And the preferences of victims.

You want "gender blindness" yet I don't think you're CONVINCED that there aren't scientific biological and existing legal differences". In fact -- gender blindness invalidates a LOT of science and social policy and law.

It's times like these where I celebrate the fact that what I BELIEVE is consistent with the political policies that I assert. And that I can CONSIDER science and statistics and not be a denier of those tools or the traditions of law...

Where did I say i wanted 'gender blindness'? Certainly there are situations where gender differences are very real- and relevant.

Women don't suffer from erectile dysfunctions and men don't have menstrual cramps.

But our laws should only consider gender differences where they are
a) real and
b) relevant.

So lets talk about the examples you started this off with- spousal abuse.

Statistically there is no question that:
a) Men are normally larger and stronger than women and
b) Men are much more likely to be arrested for committing spousal abuse.

So should our laws therefore presume that men will be abusers? Should our sentencing be more severe for men than for women?

Or should our laws treat all spousal abuse the same regardless of whether the one committing the abuse is a man- or a woman? Or whether the victim is a man or a woman?

Should our victim support only be for women- even when there are male victims?

You want another? Most youth organizations do not allow adults to be alone with kids. Now statistically- men are the real issue here. But women have been known to sexually abuse kids too.

Do we:
A) Say that only men need another adult present with kids?
B) Or say that regardless of gender- another adult must be present?

I say it make sense to go with B- what about you?
My post- I presume you can read in context- was a response to that- and pointing out that IF the poster was serious about screening adoptive parents by 'risk'- then the real risk factor is gender.

Well you can not DO that anymore if you turn marriage and adoption law Gender blind. And that's where this trainwreck is heading. Just IGNORE the biology and statistics. They will be illegal and irrelevant to quote.

In terms of spousal abuse, nothing riskier than an abusive husband. But like I said -- smashing all this into one "equitable package" of gender blind marriage -- the hetero wife just takes it in the panties in terms of "special gender protections"... You best figure out the details instead for marching for "ideals"...

Flacaltenn, note the title of this thread: Dumont v Lyons 2017 : Will Fathers (or Mothers) Be Judicially-Legislated Into Irrelevance?
There aren't a lot of adoptable children in the US. That's why there are so many foreign adoptions. Many adoptions in this country are where a couple pays a pregnant girl to have the baby. There are a lot of children in foster care. They are not all available for adoption. The parent is in prison or rehab and refuses to sign release papers. They have not been declared unfit.

The children placed with gay parents are deprived of a normal family. It is child abuse that, this time, ended up with dead children.

Child abuse is what happens when the kids biological(straight) parents abandon their kids.

100,000 children a year eligible and waiting for adoption- virtually all abandoned by their biological parents- you know-the people you believe that should have kids rather than gays.

33,000 of those kids wait 5 years or more to be adopted.

23,000 foster kids age out of the system each year with no family to provide financial or emotional support.

Tell us why you would prefer that kids be kicked out on the street when they age out of the system- rather than have gay parents who want to be their forever parents?

Why is adoption so hard in this country that couples adopt Russian or Chinese children? Why are qualified heterosexual couples denied American adoptions so gays can adopt? Why isn't it easier to remove parental rights of drug addicts or prisoners so children will be released for adoption?
Why is adoption so hard in this country that couples adopt Russian or Chinese children? Why are qualified heterosexual couples denied American adoptions so gays can adopt? Why isn't it easier to remove parental rights of drug addicts or prisoners so children will be released for adoption?

Gotta get at those at-risk kids. Russia no longer adopts out to the US seeing gay marriage was being judicially-legislated into "law" since 2012, so..?

Russian Ban On U.S. Adoptions Becomes Embroiled In Trump Controversy
Why is adoption so hard in this country that couples adopt Russian or Chinese children? Why are qualified heterosexual couples denied American adoptions so gays can adopt? Why isn't it easier to remove parental rights of drug addicts or prisoners so children will be released for adoption?

Gotta get at those at-risk kids. Russia no longer adopts out to the US seeing gay marriage was being judicially-legislated into "law" since 2012, so..?

Russian Ban On U.S. Adoptions Becomes Embroiled In Trump Controversy
Russia cares more about their children than the United States does. Obviously.
Why is adoption so hard in this country that couples adopt Russian or Chinese children? Why are qualified heterosexual couples denied American adoptions so gays can adopt? Why isn't it easier to remove parental rights of drug addicts or prisoners so children will be released for adoption?

Gotta get at those at-risk kids. Russia no longer adopts out to the US seeing gay marriage was being judicially-legislated into "law" since 2012, so..?

Russian Ban On U.S. Adoptions Becomes Embroiled In Trump Controversy

No where in that article was gay marriage mentioned as a reason and Obergefell was decided in 2015...two years after this ban went into place. You blame gays b/c that is what you always do.
There aren't a lot of adoptable children in the US. That's why there are so many foreign adoptions. Many adoptions in this country are where a couple pays a pregnant girl to have the baby. There are a lot of children in foster care. They are not all available for adoption. The parent is in prison or rehab and refuses to sign release papers. They have not been declared unfit.

The children placed with gay parents are deprived of a normal family. It is child abuse that, this time, ended up with dead children.

Child abuse is what happens when the kids biological(straight) parents abandon their kids.

100,000 children a year eligible and waiting for adoption- virtually all abandoned by their biological parents- you know-the people you believe that should have kids rather than gays.

33,000 of those kids wait 5 years or more to be adopted.

23,000 foster kids age out of the system each year with no family to provide financial or emotional support.

Tell us why you would prefer that kids be kicked out on the street when they age out of the system- rather than have gay parents who want to be their forever parents?

Why is adoption so hard in this country that couples adopt Russian or Chinese children? Why are qualified heterosexual couples denied American adoptions so gays can adopt? Why isn't it easier to remove parental rights of drug addicts or prisoners so children will be released for adoption?

Well I figure you really won't accept the answers- but hell I will waste my time answering you anyways.

The reason why Americans adopt Russian and Chinese babies is because
a) they want babies- not older children and
b) because there is no 'return policy' for foreign babies- the mother can't change her mind and claim the baby back in a month- something which does happen in the United States. I know families who have adopted both ways.

Are any 'qualified heterosexual couples denied American adoptions so gays can adopt? Show me some. Please go for it.

As far as why isn't it easier to strip kids of their loser parents? Generally our society defers to the biological parents- almost exclusively heterosexual- over other willing but non-biological parents.
Why is adoption so hard in this country that couples adopt Russian or Chinese children? Why are qualified heterosexual couples denied American adoptions so gays can adopt? Why isn't it easier to remove parental rights of drug addicts or prisoners so children will be released for adoption?

Gotta get at those at-risk kids. Russia no longer adopts out to the US seeing gay marriage was being judicially-legislated into "law" since 2012, so..?

Russian Ban On U.S. Adoptions Becomes Embroiled In Trump Controversy
Russia cares more about their children than the United States does. Obviously.

Clearly you care more about Russia than the kids.

You ever seen any of the photo's of Russian orphanages? They are something out of Dickens. Good heterosexual families in Russia tend to dump their special needs and handicapped kids in orphanages in Russia where they live in generally miserable conditions.

To you- that shows that Russia 'cares more about their children'.

And you probably believe that Putin loves those kids too.
Why is adoption so hard in this country that couples adopt Russian or Chinese children? Why are qualified heterosexual couples denied American adoptions so gays can adopt? Why isn't it easier to remove parental rights of drug addicts or prisoners so children will be released for adoption?

Gotta get at those at-risk kids. Russia no longer adopts out to the US seeing gay marriage was being judicially-legislated into "law" since 2012, so..?

Russian Ban On U.S. Adoptions Becomes Embroiled In Trump Controversy
Russia cares more about their children than the United States does. Obviously.
This is what you and Silhouette think is Russia 'caring about their children'

The Bleak House: Meet The Children Of The Solnyshko Orphanage - By Jake Rudnitsky - The eXiled

Thousands of Russian children abandoned to state orphanages are exposed to appalling levels of cruelty and neglect, according to a 213-page report released in Moscow by Human Rights Watch. The report is a year-long investigation accompanied by a series of powerful color photographs providing further evidence of malign neglect and inhuman treatment.

Entitled "Abandoned to the State: Cruelty and Neglect in Russian Orphanages," the report documents that "children in state custodial institutions are deprived of basic human rights at every stage of their lives.
Not only disabled orphans suffer violations of their rights in Russian state orphanages, according to Human Rights Watch. Even 'normal' abandoned children---whom the state evaluates as intellectually capable of functioning on a higher level---may be beaten, locked in freezing rooms for days at a time, or sexually abused.
There aren't a lot of adoptable children in the US. That's why there are so many foreign adoptions. Many adoptions in this country are where a couple pays a pregnant girl to have the baby. There are a lot of children in foster care. They are not all available for adoption. The parent is in prison or rehab and refuses to sign release papers. They have not been declared unfit.

The children placed with gay parents are deprived of a normal family. It is child abuse that, this time, ended up with dead children.

Child abuse is what happens when the kids biological(straight) parents abandon their kids.

100,000 children a year eligible and waiting for adoption- virtually all abandoned by their biological parents- you know-the people you believe that should have kids rather than gays.

33,000 of those kids wait 5 years or more to be adopted.

23,000 foster kids age out of the system each year with no family to provide financial or emotional support.

Tell us why you would prefer that kids be kicked out on the street when they age out of the system- rather than have gay parents who want to be their forever parents?

Why is adoption so hard in this country that couples adopt Russian or Chinese children? Why are qualified heterosexual couples denied American adoptions so gays can adopt? Why isn't it easier to remove parental rights of drug addicts or prisoners so children will be released for adoption?

Well I figure you really won't accept the answers- but hell I will waste my time answering you anyways.

The reason why Americans adopt Russian and Chinese babies is because
a) they want babies- not older children and
b) because there is no 'return policy' for foreign babies- the mother can't change her mind and claim the baby back in a month- something which does happen in the United States. I know families who have adopted both ways.

Are any 'qualified heterosexual couples denied American adoptions so gays can adopt? Show me some. Please go for it.

As far as why isn't it easier to strip kids of their loser parents? Generally our society defers to the biological parents- almost exclusively heterosexual- over other willing but non-biological parents.

Then you understand that biological parents have NOT abandoned their children. They are not in a position to care for their children. They usually try to get them back.

Gays are perverts who live a perverted lifestyle. They should never be allowed adoption or custody of their own children. There's no argument about that. A child given to the care of perverts grow up perverted themselves. Children are much better off in orphanages then in same sex households.
Why is adoption so hard in this country that couples adopt Russian or Chinese children? Why are qualified heterosexual couples denied American adoptions so gays can adopt? Why isn't it easier to remove parental rights of drug addicts or prisoners so children will be released for adoption?

Gotta get at those at-risk kids. Russia no longer adopts out to the US seeing gay marriage was being judicially-legislated into "law" since 2012, so..?

Russian Ban On U.S. Adoptions Becomes Embroiled In Trump Controversy
Russia cares more about their children than the United States does. Obviously.
This is what you and Silhouette think is Russia 'caring about their children'

The Bleak House: Meet The Children Of The Solnyshko Orphanage - By Jake Rudnitsky - The eXiled

Thousands of Russian children abandoned to state orphanages are exposed to appalling levels of cruelty and neglect, according to a 213-page report released in Moscow by Human Rights Watch. The report is a year-long investigation accompanied by a series of powerful color photographs providing further evidence of malign neglect and inhuman treatment.

Entitled "Abandoned to the State: Cruelty and Neglect in Russian Orphanages," the report documents that "children in state custodial institutions are deprived of basic human rights at every stage of their lives.
Not only disabled orphans suffer violations of their rights in Russian state orphanages, according to Human Rights Watch. Even 'normal' abandoned children---whom the state evaluates as intellectually capable of functioning on a higher level---may be beaten, locked in freezing rooms for days at a time, or sexually abused.

Please do not expect me to take anything by Human Rights Watch seriously.
Police say the speedometer was pegged at 90 MPH and no braking or skid marks. Intentional act
Why is adoption so hard in this country that couples adopt Russian or Chinese children? Why are qualified heterosexual couples denied American adoptions so gays can adopt? Why isn't it easier to remove parental rights of drug addicts or prisoners so children will be released for adoption?

Gotta get at those at-risk kids. Russia no longer adopts out to the US seeing gay marriage was being judicially-legislated into "law" since 2012, so..?

Russian Ban On U.S. Adoptions Becomes Embroiled In Trump Controversy
Russia cares more about their children than the United States does. Obviously.
This is what you and Silhouette think is Russia 'caring about their children'

The Bleak House: Meet The Children Of The Solnyshko Orphanage - By Jake Rudnitsky - The eXiled

Thousands of Russian children abandoned to state orphanages are exposed to appalling levels of cruelty and neglect, according to a 213-page report released in Moscow by Human Rights Watch. The report is a year-long investigation accompanied by a series of powerful color photographs providing further evidence of malign neglect and inhuman treatment.

Entitled "Abandoned to the State: Cruelty and Neglect in Russian Orphanages," the report documents that "children in state custodial institutions are deprived of basic human rights at every stage of their lives.
Not only disabled orphans suffer violations of their rights in Russian state orphanages, according to Human Rights Watch. Even 'normal' abandoned children---whom the state evaluates as intellectually capable of functioning on a higher level---may be beaten, locked in freezing rooms for days at a time, or sexually abused.

Please do not expect me to take anything by Human Rights Watch seriously.

I don't expect you to care at all about the health and safety of children.
There aren't a lot of adoptable children in the US. That's why there are so many foreign adoptions. Many adoptions in this country are where a couple pays a pregnant girl to have the baby. There are a lot of children in foster care. They are not all available for adoption. The parent is in prison or rehab and refuses to sign release papers. They have not been declared unfit.

The children placed with gay parents are deprived of a normal family. It is child abuse that, this time, ended up with dead children.

Child abuse is what happens when the kids biological(straight) parents abandon their kids.

100,000 children a year eligible and waiting for adoption- virtually all abandoned by their biological parents- you know-the people you believe that should have kids rather than gays.

33,000 of those kids wait 5 years or more to be adopted.

23,000 foster kids age out of the system each year with no family to provide financial or emotional support.

Tell us why you would prefer that kids be kicked out on the street when they age out of the system- rather than have gay parents who want to be their forever parents?

Why is adoption so hard in this country that couples adopt Russian or Chinese children? Why are qualified heterosexual couples denied American adoptions so gays can adopt? Why isn't it easier to remove parental rights of drug addicts or prisoners so children will be released for adoption?

Well I figure you really won't accept the answers- but hell I will waste my time answering you anyways.

The reason why Americans adopt Russian and Chinese babies is because
a) they want babies- not older children and
b) because there is no 'return policy' for foreign babies- the mother can't change her mind and claim the baby back in a month- something which does happen in the United States. I know families who have adopted both ways.

Are any 'qualified heterosexual couples denied American adoptions so gays can adopt? Show me some. Please go for it.

As far as why isn't it easier to strip kids of their loser parents? Generally our society defers to the biological parents- almost exclusively heterosexual- over other willing but non-biological parents.

Then you understand that biological parents have NOT abandoned their children. They are not in a position to care for their children. They usually try to get them back.

I understand you just don't give a damn about the children who wait years to be adopted. Just as you applaud terrorist murdering gays.


100,000 children a year eligible and waiting for adoption- virtually all abandoned by their biological parents that Silhouette and her fellow travellers insist are better parents than gays are.

33,000 wait 5 years or more to be adopted.

23,000 foster kids age out of the system each year with no family to provide financial or emotional support.

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