Lesbian Marrieds & Their 3 Adopted Kids Die. 3 Kids Still Missing

Gays are perverts who live a perverted lifestyle. They should never be allowed adoption or custody of their own children. There's no argument about that. A child given to the care of perverts grow up perverted themselves. Children are much better off in orphanages then in same sex households.

And of course that is the typical Right Wing answer to everything:

Big Brother knows best- the government should be the morality police- and strip kids away from their parents- if they are gay.

I am just surprised you didn't suggest drowning kids who might be gay.
In what looks to be murder/suicide, two lesbian marrieds, Jennifer & Sarah Hart from the Northwest drove their car off a cliff into the ocean. 3 of the 6 adopted kids' bodies & 2 adults found. 3 kids still missing & presumed dead.

Child in viral Portland police hug photo missing, 5 family members dead after California cliff crash

The family left home in a hurry just after a visit from child protective services and the sheriff. One of the lesbians had been convicted of domestic violence:

The three children killed weren't using safety equipment and "came out" of the vehicle at some point, the highway patrol said. The women were found inside.....Neighbors in Woodland told KOIN (6) they suspected the couple's children may have been abused.....A Clark County deputy had accompanied Cowlitz County Child Protective Services to the family's home Friday but nobody answered the door, Sgt. Brent Waddell, a Clark County Sheriff's Office spokesman, told The Oregonian/OregonLive on Wednesday....The women left in a hurry with all six kids shortly after the visit by CPS, a neighbor told KOIN.

Sarah Hart was convicted of domestic assault in Minnesota in 2011, court records show.
Domestic Violence Likely More Frequent for Same-Sex Couples - Northwestern Now

One of the children was in a viral video about "Black Lives Matter":

In 2014, a photograph of a tear-stricken Devonte hugging Sgt. Bret Barnum during a tense "Black Lives Matter" demonstration in downtown Portland went viral.

The photo, originally published by The Oregonian/OregonLive, was featured on NBC's "Today" show, ABC News, CBS News, MSNBC, Fox News, USA Today and Time.com. It reached No. 1 on the social-sharing website Reddit and got widespread Facebook attention.

Too bad kids' lives don't matter. Three of the children were ejected from the car when it landed upside down in the Pacific Ocean after being apparently driven into the sea. Authorities surmise they were not wearing seat belts. The case is still under investigation.

They Killed Themselves and Their Children


It may be the two lesbians were disappointed with their lives. But, why take those innocent children with them?

There were no skid marks or brake marks, the couple's children had recently been identified by child welfare authorities as possible victims of abuse and neglect, and three of them were missing from the scene of the crash.


More images and information @ Fatal cliff crash in California may have been intentional, police say
It was on the news this morning. All the evidence points to the car stopped then accelerating off the cliff.

Sad, but the strikes against them were too great.
Gays are perverts who live a perverted lifestyle. They should never be allowed adoption or custody of their own children. There's no argument about that. A child given to the care of perverts grow up perverted themselves. Children are much better off in orphanages then in same sex households.

And of course that is the typical Right Wing answer to everything:

Big Brother knows best- the government should be the morality police- and strip kids away from their parents- if they are gay.

I am just surprised you didn't suggest drowning kids who might be gay.
There is a difference in handing children over to sexual perves.
Gays are perverts who live a perverted lifestyle. They should never be allowed adoption or custody of their own children. There's no argument about that. A child given to the care of perverts grow up perverted themselves. Children are much better off in orphanages then in same sex households.

And of course that is the typical Right Wing answer to everything:

Big Brother knows best- the government should be the morality police- and strip kids away from their parents- if they are gay.

I am just surprised you didn't suggest drowning kids who might be gay.
There is a difference in handing children over to sexual perves.

No one is suggesting handing any children over to you.
In what looks to be murder/suicide, two lesbian marrieds, Jennifer & Sarah Hart from the Northwest drove their car off a cliff into the ocean. 3 of the 6 adopted kids' bodies & 2 adults found. 3 kids still missing & presumed dead.

Child in viral Portland police hug photo missing, 5 family members dead after California cliff crash

The family left home in a hurry just after a visit from child protective services and the sheriff. One of the lesbians had been convicted of domestic violence:

The three children killed weren't using safety equipment and "came out" of the vehicle at some point, the highway patrol said. The women were found inside.....Neighbors in Woodland told KOIN (6) they suspected the couple's children may have been abused.....A Clark County deputy had accompanied Cowlitz County Child Protective Services to the family's home Friday but nobody answered the door, Sgt. Brent Waddell, a Clark County Sheriff's Office spokesman, told The Oregonian/OregonLive on Wednesday....The women left in a hurry with all six kids shortly after the visit by CPS, a neighbor told KOIN.

Sarah Hart was convicted of domestic assault in Minnesota in 2011, court records show.
Domestic Violence Likely More Frequent for Same-Sex Couples - Northwestern Now

One of the children was in a viral video about "Black Lives Matter":

In 2014, a photograph of a tear-stricken Devonte hugging Sgt. Bret Barnum during a tense "Black Lives Matter" demonstration in downtown Portland went viral.

The photo, originally published by The Oregonian/OregonLive, was featured on NBC's "Today" show, ABC News, CBS News, MSNBC, Fox News, USA Today and Time.com. It reached No. 1 on the social-sharing website Reddit and got widespread Facebook attention.

Too bad kids' lives don't matter. Three of the children were ejected from the car when it landed upside down in the Pacific Ocean after being apparently driven into the sea. Authorities surmise they were not wearing seat belts. The case is still under investigation.

They Killed Themselves and Their Children


It may be the two lesbians were disappointed with their lives. But, why take those innocent children with them?

There were no skid marks or brake marks, the couple's children had recently been identified by child welfare authorities as possible victims of abuse and neglect, and three of them were missing from the scene of the crash.


More images and information @ Fatal cliff crash in California may have been intentional, police say

Just to put this post in perspective:

If they were Jewish:
It may be the two Jews were disappointed with their lives. But, why take those innocent children with them?

If they were black:
It may be the two Coloreds were disappointed with their lives. But, why take those innocent children with them?

If they were white, Christian, heterosexuals
It may be the couple were disappointed with their lives. But, why take those innocent children with them?

There is no evidence that this tragedy is because of this couples skin color, religion or sexual orientation.

But to some bigots, this is a tragedy that can be exploited.

This is a terrible tragedy- it seems more and more likely that one- or both- of the parents chose to deliberately kill themselves and their kids.

Unfortunately this happens on a regular basis in America- murder suicides by parents of their kids.
Being Jewish, black or a couple isn't a perversion. These were not normal women. They were perverts indoctrinating children into accepting perversion as a lifestyle. It's a tragedy, but the best way this could end. Maybe the three missing children got away.
It's truly amazing how the car is not being blamed for this tragic event that killed 6 beautiful children.

However, some are blaming the way that the couples lives were going. Tales of being bullied. I wonder if they were on anti depression or other mood altering drugs.

Strange how, in one case of mass murder, the tool used is not to blame, and bullied adults are shown empathy, yet the other mass murder, the tool is to blame, and there has been hardly a mention as to a child being bullied or the prescription drugs he might have been on.

Oh well, one is politically expedient, and the other isn't I guess.
Gays are perverts who live a perverted lifestyle. They should never be allowed adoption or custody of their own children. There's no argument about that. A child given to the care of perverts grow up perverted themselves. Children are much better off in orphanages then in same sex households.

And of course that is the typical Right Wing answer to everything:

Big Brother knows best- the government should be the morality police- and strip kids away from their parents- if they are gay.

I am just surprised you didn't suggest drowning kids who might be gay.
There is a difference in handing children over to sexual perves.

No one is suggesting handing any children over to you.
Ya got any proof or just what you think about when you Jack off?
Gays are perverts who live a perverted lifestyle. They should never be allowed adoption or custody of their own children. There's no argument about that. A child given to the care of perverts grow up perverted themselves. Children are much better off in orphanages then in same sex households.

And of course that is the typical Right Wing answer to everything:

Big Brother knows best- the government should be the morality police- and strip kids away from their parents- if they are gay.

I am just surprised you didn't suggest drowning kids who might be gay.
There is a difference in handing children over to sexual perves.

No one is suggesting handing any children over to you.
Ya got any proof or just what you think about when you Jack off?

The proof is in this thread- not a single person has suggested handing any children over to a pervert like you.
Being Jewish, black or a couple isn't a perversion. These were not normal women. They were perverts indoctrinating children into accepting perversion as a lifestyle. It's a tragedy, but the best way this could end. Maybe the three missing children got away.

Oh I have seen bigots just like you- except that they are anti-semites- call Jews perverts. And racists often will call blacks as not being 'normal' or even human. You are no different from the anti-semite Holocaust denier, or the racist Klan supporter.

Only a bigot and pervert like yourself would consider the tragic death of these kids as 'the best way this could end'
Gays are perverts who live a perverted lifestyle. They should never be allowed adoption or custody of their own children. There's no argument about that. A child given to the care of perverts grow up perverted themselves. Children are much better off in orphanages then in same sex households.

And of course that is the typical Right Wing answer to everything:

Big Brother knows best- the government should be the morality police- and strip kids away from their parents- if they are gay.

I am just surprised you didn't suggest drowning kids who might be gay.
There is a difference in handing children over to sexual perves.

No one is suggesting handing any children over to you.
Ya got any proof or just what you think about when you Jack off?

The proof is in this thread- not a single person has suggested handing any children over to a pervert like you.

Has it been asked?

Cus I could think of far worse people to hand children over too.
Gays are perverts who live a perverted lifestyle. They should never be allowed adoption or custody of their own children. There's no argument about that. A child given to the care of perverts grow up perverted themselves. Children are much better off in orphanages then in same sex households.

And of course that is the typical Right Wing answer to everything:

Big Brother knows best- the government should be the morality police- and strip kids away from their parents- if they are gay.

I am just surprised you didn't suggest drowning kids who might be gay.
There is a difference in handing children over to sexual perves.

No one is suggesting handing any children over to you.
Ya got any proof or just what you think about when you Jack off?

The proof is in this thread- not a single person has suggested handing any children over to a pervert like you.

Like you, you mean after all YOU are the one normalizing homosexuality and creating the fiction that homosexuality is NOT a perversion. Now you want to say that NOT being gay is perverted! That's insane and everyone else knows it even if you don't.
There aren't a lot of adoptable children in the US. That's why there are so many foreign adoptions. Many adoptions in this country are where a couple pays a pregnant girl to have the baby. There are a lot of children in foster care. They are not all available for adoption. The parent is in prison or rehab and refuses to sign release papers. They have not been declared unfit.

The children placed with gay parents are deprived of a normal family. It is child abuse that, this time, ended up with dead children.

Child abuse is what happens when the kids biological(straight) parents abandon their kids.

100,000 children a year eligible and waiting for adoption- virtually all abandoned by their biological parents- you know-the people you believe that should have kids rather than gays.

33,000 of those kids wait 5 years or more to be adopted.

23,000 foster kids age out of the system each year with no family to provide financial or emotional support.

Tell us why you would prefer that kids be kicked out on the street when they age out of the system- rather than have gay parents who want to be their forever parents?

Why is adoption so hard in this country that couples adopt Russian or Chinese children? Why are qualified heterosexual couples denied American adoptions so gays can adopt? Why isn't it easier to remove parental rights of drug addicts or prisoners so children will be released for adoption?

Well I figure you really won't accept the answers- but hell I will waste my time answering you anyways.

The reason why Americans adopt Russian and Chinese babies is because
a) they want babies- not older children and
b) because there is no 'return policy' for foreign babies- the mother can't change her mind and claim the baby back in a month- something which does happen in the United States. I know families who have adopted both ways.

Are any 'qualified heterosexual couples denied American adoptions so gays can adopt? Show me some. Please go for it.

As far as why isn't it easier to strip kids of their loser parents? Generally our society defers to the biological parents- almost exclusively heterosexual- over other willing but non-biological parents.

Then you understand that biological parents have NOT abandoned their children. They are not in a position to care for their children. They usually try to get them back.

Gays are perverts who live a perverted lifestyle. They should never be allowed adoption or custody of their own children. There's no argument about that. A child given to the care of perverts grow up perverted themselves. Children are much better off in orphanages then in same sex households.

I dont know why these 2 women had so many kids...unless the kids were siblings. The kids were asking neighbors for help. Too bad these complaints werent followed up on.
You are wrong about being better off in orphanages.. Im not championing same sex couples...but it seems smarter to take each couple on a case by case basis and determine parental fitness that way.

"The United States is facing a critical shortage of adoptive and foster parents. As a result, hundreds of thousands of children in this country are without permanent homes. These children languish for months, even years, within state foster care systems that lack qualified foster parents and are frequently riddled with other problems. In Arkansas, for example, the foster care system does such a poor job of caring for children that it has been placed under court supervision. "

A Crisis in Adoption and Foster Care
Right now there is a critical shortage of adoptive and foster parents in the United States. As a result, many children have no permanent homes, while others are forced to survive in an endless series of substandard foster homes. It is estimated that there are 500,000 children in foster care nationally, and 100,000 need to be adopted.2 But last year there were qualified adoptive parents available for only 20,000 of these children.3 Many of these children have historically been viewed as "unadoptable" because they are not healthy white infants. Instead, they are often minority children and/or adolescents, many with significant health problems.4

There is much evidence documenting the serious damage suffered by children without permanent homes who are placed in substandard foster homes. Children frequently become victims of the "foster care shuffle," in which they are moved from temporary home to temporary home. A child stuck in permanent foster care can live in 20 or more homes by the time she reaches 18. It is not surprising, therefore, that long-term foster care is associated with increased emotional problems, delinquency, substance abuse and academic problems.5

In order to reach out and find more and better parents for children without homes, adoption and foster care policies have become increasingly inclusive over the past two decades. While adoption and foster care were once viewed as services offered to infertile, middle-class, largely white couples seeking healthy same-race infants, these policies have modernized. In the past two decades, child welfare agencies have changed their policies to make adoption and foster care possible for a much broader range of adults, including minority families, older individuals, families who already have children, single parents (male and female), individuals with physical disabilities, and families across a broad economic range. These changes have often been controversial at the outset. According to the CWLA, "at one time or another, the inclusion of each of these groups has caused controversy. Many well-intended individuals vigorously opposed including each new group as potential adopters and voiced concern that standards were being lowered in a way that could forever damage the field of adoption."6

As a result of the increased inclusiveness of modern adoption and foster care policies, thousands of children now have homes with qualified parents.
And of course that is the typical Right Wing answer to everything:

Big Brother knows best- the government should be the morality police- and strip kids away from their parents- if they are gay.

I am just surprised you didn't suggest drowning kids who might be gay.
There is a difference in handing children over to sexual perves.

No one is suggesting handing any children over to you.
Ya got any proof or just what you think about when you Jack off?

The proof is in this thread- not a single person has suggested handing any children over to a pervert like you.

Like you, you mean after all YOU are the one normalizing homosexuality and .

You are the pervert who applauded ISIS for killing gays.

You are the pervert who has said that these kids being murdered was the
the best way this could end.

Doesn't get any more perverted than that.
The proof is in this thread- not a single person has suggested handing any children over to a pervert like you.

Like you, you mean after all YOU are the one normalizing homosexuality and creating the fiction that homosexuality is NOT a perversion. Now you want to say that NOT being gay is perverted! That's insane and everyone else knows it even if you don't.

Yeah, don't you like how cults take over a society? It's what happened in Sodom after all. And Ancient Greece. They started out with gay stuff in the closet, then they got some of their own positioned in leadership in society. Then "tolerance" was mandated. Then outright openness. And finally it ended with women having no other expectation than handing their little boys as young as 6 over to adult men to sodomize so that the boys might find a better position and job in society via that "love influence".

And women just became breeders of little boys at that point (and other young breeders of future little boys ie: "daughters"). Not that they enjoyed much more status than that before. But you see a parallel in today's world. Flacaltenn has pointed it out to Syriusly repeatedly, the way women are harmed by gender neutral bullshit (mid Ancient Greece phase). But she refuses to see it because she's fully inducted into the cult dogma and isn't excellent by any means of objective critical analysis.
There is a difference in handing children over to sexual perves.

No one is suggesting handing any children over to you.
Ya got any proof or just what you think about when you Jack off?

The proof is in this thread- not a single person has suggested handing any children over to a pervert like you.

Like you, you mean after all YOU are the one normalizing homosexuality and .

You are the pervert who applauded ISIS for killing gays.

You are the pervert who has said that these kids being murdered was the
the best way this could end.

Doesn't get any more perverted than that.

These children would have, as adults, spread acceptance of perversion IF they were not guided into depravity themselves. So yes, this is the best way it could have ended. Maybe three of the children escaped and will turn up later.
There aren't a lot of adoptable children in the US. That's why there are so many foreign adoptions. Many adoptions in this country are where a couple pays a pregnant girl to have the baby. There are a lot of children in foster care. They are not all available for adoption. The parent is in prison or rehab and refuses to sign release papers. They have not been declared unfit.

The children placed with gay parents are deprived of a normal family. It is child abuse that, this time, ended up with dead children.

Child abuse is what happens when the kids biological(straight) parents abandon their kids.

100,000 children a year eligible and waiting for adoption- virtually all abandoned by their biological parents- you know-the people you believe that should have kids rather than gays.

33,000 of those kids wait 5 years or more to be adopted.

23,000 foster kids age out of the system each year with no family to provide financial or emotional support.

Tell us why you would prefer that kids be kicked out on the street when they age out of the system- rather than have gay parents who want to be their forever parents?

Why is adoption so hard in this country that couples adopt Russian or Chinese children? Why are qualified heterosexual couples denied American adoptions so gays can adopt? Why isn't it easier to remove parental rights of drug addicts or prisoners so children will be released for adoption?

Well I figure you really won't accept the answers- but hell I will waste my time answering you anyways.

The reason why Americans adopt Russian and Chinese babies is because
a) they want babies- not older children and
b) because there is no 'return policy' for foreign babies- the mother can't change her mind and claim the baby back in a month- something which does happen in the United States. I know families who have adopted both ways.

Are any 'qualified heterosexual couples denied American adoptions so gays can adopt? Show me some. Please go for it.

As far as why isn't it easier to strip kids of their loser parents? Generally our society defers to the biological parents- almost exclusively heterosexual- over other willing but non-biological parents.

Then you understand that biological parents have NOT abandoned their children. They are not in a position to care for their children. They usually try to get them back.

Gays are perverts who live a perverted lifestyle. They should never be allowed adoption or custody of their own children. There's no argument about that. A child given to the care of perverts grow up perverted themselves. Children are much better off in orphanages then in same sex households.

I dont know why these 2 women had so many kids...unless the kids were siblings. The kids were asking neighbors for help. Too bad these complaints werent followed up on.
You are wrong about being better off in orphanages.. Im not championing same sex couples...but it seems smarter to take each couple on a case by case basis and determine parental fitness that way.

"The United States is facing a critical shortage of adoptive and foster parents. As a result, hundreds of thousands of children in this country are without permanent homes. These children languish for months, even years, within state foster care systems that lack qualified foster parents and are frequently riddled with other problems. In Arkansas, for example, the foster care system does such a poor job of caring for children that it has been placed under court supervision. "

A Crisis in Adoption and Foster Care
Right now there is a critical shortage of adoptive and foster parents in the United States. As a result, many children have no permanent homes, while others are forced to survive in an endless series of substandard foster homes. It is estimated that there are 500,000 children in foster care nationally, and 100,000 need to be adopted.2 But last year there were qualified adoptive parents available for only 20,000 of these children.3 Many of these children have historically been viewed as "unadoptable" because they are not healthy white infants. Instead, they are often minority children and/or adolescents, many with significant health problems.4

There is much evidence documenting the serious damage suffered by children without permanent homes who are placed in substandard foster homes. Children frequently become victims of the "foster care shuffle," in which they are moved from temporary home to temporary home. A child stuck in permanent foster care can live in 20 or more homes by the time she reaches 18. It is not surprising, therefore, that long-term foster care is associated with increased emotional problems, delinquency, substance abuse and academic problems.5

In order to reach out and find more and better parents for children without homes, adoption and foster care policies have become increasingly inclusive over the past two decades. While adoption and foster care were once viewed as services offered to infertile, middle-class, largely white couples seeking healthy same-race infants, these policies have modernized. In the past two decades, child welfare agencies have changed their policies to make adoption and foster care possible for a much broader range of adults, including minority families, older individuals, families who already have children, single parents (male and female), individuals with physical disabilities, and families across a broad economic range. These changes have often been controversial at the outset. According to the CWLA, "at one time or another, the inclusion of each of these groups has caused controversy. Many well-intended individuals vigorously opposed including each new group as potential adopters and voiced concern that standards were being lowered in a way that could forever damage the field of adoption."6

As a result of the increased inclusiveness of modern adoption and foster care policies, thousands of children now have homes with qualified parents.

You know that many of the children in the foster care system are not available for adoption. You're aware of that, right. The parents are in prison, in the hospital, in rehab, they want their children, they just can't have them right now. Right now just seems to go on for a life time. But the children are not in the adoption system.
Child abuse is what happens when the kids biological(straight) parents abandon their kids.

100,000 children a year eligible and waiting for adoption- virtually all abandoned by their biological parents- you know-the people you believe that should have kids rather than gays.

33,000 of those kids wait 5 years or more to be adopted.

23,000 foster kids age out of the system each year with no family to provide financial or emotional support.

Tell us why you would prefer that kids be kicked out on the street when they age out of the system- rather than have gay parents who want to be their forever parents?

Why is adoption so hard in this country that couples adopt Russian or Chinese children? Why are qualified heterosexual couples denied American adoptions so gays can adopt? Why isn't it easier to remove parental rights of drug addicts or prisoners so children will be released for adoption?

Well I figure you really won't accept the answers- but hell I will waste my time answering you anyways.

The reason why Americans adopt Russian and Chinese babies is because
a) they want babies- not older children and
b) because there is no 'return policy' for foreign babies- the mother can't change her mind and claim the baby back in a month- something which does happen in the United States. I know families who have adopted both ways.

Are any 'qualified heterosexual couples denied American adoptions so gays can adopt? Show me some. Please go for it.

As far as why isn't it easier to strip kids of their loser parents? Generally our society defers to the biological parents- almost exclusively heterosexual- over other willing but non-biological parents.

Then you understand that biological parents have NOT abandoned their children. They are not in a position to care for their children. They usually try to get them back.

Gays are perverts who live a perverted lifestyle. They should never be allowed adoption or custody of their own children. There's no argument about that. A child given to the care of perverts grow up perverted themselves. Children are much better off in orphanages then in same sex households.

I dont know why these 2 women had so many kids...unless the kids were siblings. The kids were asking neighbors for help. Too bad these complaints werent followed up on.
You are wrong about being better off in orphanages.. Im not championing same sex couples...but it seems smarter to take each couple on a case by case basis and determine parental fitness that way.

"The United States is facing a critical shortage of adoptive and foster parents. As a result, hundreds of thousands of children in this country are without permanent homes. These children languish for months, even years, within state foster care systems that lack qualified foster parents and are frequently riddled with other problems. In Arkansas, for example, the foster care system does such a poor job of caring for children that it has been placed under court supervision. "

A Crisis in Adoption and Foster Care
Right now there is a critical shortage of adoptive and foster parents in the United States. As a result, many children have no permanent homes, while others are forced to survive in an endless series of substandard foster homes. It is estimated that there are 500,000 children in foster care nationally, and 100,000 need to be adopted.2 But last year there were qualified adoptive parents available for only 20,000 of these children.3 Many of these children have historically been viewed as "unadoptable" because they are not healthy white infants. Instead, they are often minority children and/or adolescents, many with significant health problems.4

There is much evidence documenting the serious damage suffered by children without permanent homes who are placed in substandard foster homes. Children frequently become victims of the "foster care shuffle," in which they are moved from temporary home to temporary home. A child stuck in permanent foster care can live in 20 or more homes by the time she reaches 18. It is not surprising, therefore, that long-term foster care is associated with increased emotional problems, delinquency, substance abuse and academic problems.5

In order to reach out and find more and better parents for children without homes, adoption and foster care policies have become increasingly inclusive over the past two decades. While adoption and foster care were once viewed as services offered to infertile, middle-class, largely white couples seeking healthy same-race infants, these policies have modernized. In the past two decades, child welfare agencies have changed their policies to make adoption and foster care possible for a much broader range of adults, including minority families, older individuals, families who already have children, single parents (male and female), individuals with physical disabilities, and families across a broad economic range. These changes have often been controversial at the outset. According to the CWLA, "at one time or another, the inclusion of each of these groups has caused controversy. Many well-intended individuals vigorously opposed including each new group as potential adopters and voiced concern that standards were being lowered in a way that could forever damage the field of adoption."6

As a result of the increased inclusiveness of modern adoption and foster care policies, thousands of children now have homes with qualified parents.

You know that many of the children in the foster care system are not available for adoption. You're aware of that, right. The parents are in prison, in the hospital, in rehab, they want their children, they just can't have them right now. Right now just seems to go on for a life time. But the children are not in the adoption system.

To be reunited with their biological parent/s is always ideal and when it happens yayyy ! Still MANY are forever in the loop of state care.

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