Lesbian Teacher: How I convince kids to accept "gay marriage" starting at 4

Lesbian teacher: How I convince kids to accept gay ‘marriage’, starting at 4 years old

Disgusting bitch. So glad I am very involved in my kids schooling....this shit would have been stopped before it started.

LOL....keep your kids in your bunker- poor sods.

Meanwhile- I can see why this teacher upsets you

“I said, you know, we take our kids to the park. I swing them on swings,” she related, telling conference attendees that she could share things she did with her own children that “mostly likely all of their families did with them.”

Then she told the children: “We laugh together. We go grocery shopping together. I read to them. I tickle them, sometimes until they scream and laugh and when they cry, I hug them until they stop.”

She probably also tells the kids not to call people n*ggers.

Of course you despise her.
Lesbian teacher: How I convince kids to accept gay ‘marriage’, starting at 4 years old

Disgusting bitch. So glad I am very involved in my kids schooling....this shit would have been stopped before it started.

Yeah, teaching tolerance, disgusting. She should be teaching them how to kill gay people, and learn to say "n*gger" every five minutes too.
Children at that age do not EVEN need to enter the realm of sexuality, gay, straight or otherwise....want to teach them how to play with their private parts as well? Good God, you are a friggin' perverted piece of filth. It is NOT the responsibility of public education to indoctrinate little children about morality...their job is to teach them how to read, write, add and subtract and they do a piss poor job at that. It is a good thing that my kids are out of school because if they were subjected to this kind of filth? I would be yanking them out and kicking the ass of the administrators that signed off on this perverted agenda....and you can bet your ass on that.

The point I made in another post is that kids grow up with "mommy and daddy" and don't think "mommy and daddy fuck". So, when it's "mommy and mommy" do you suppose that 4 year olds can learn this without "mommy and mommy fuck"????

It's the same thing. However some people on the right see lesbianism as just fucking, and then project this onto 4 year olds, but don't do the same with heterosexual couples.
As for your ridiculous claim that i'd a "friggin' perverted piece of filth", no, I'm not. The fact that you're resorting to insults suggests something else, maybe that your argument isn't very good.

Are you saying that 4 year olds know that mommy daddy have sex? Since when?????

Of course the woman in the OP doesn't mention her sex life.

She talks about her family.
I am not really opposed to lesbians as long as they are hot, look like girls, and not at all gross. It's those militant dykes that bug me.
Lesbian teacher: How I convince kids to accept gay ‘marriage’, starting at 4 years old

Disgusting bitch. So glad I am very involved in my kids schooling....this shit would have been stopped before it started.

Yeah, teaching tolerance, disgusting. She should be teaching them how to kill gay people, and learn to say "n*gger" every five minutes too.
Children at that age do not EVEN need to enter the realm of sexuality, gay, straight or otherwise....want to teach them how to play with their private parts as well? Good God, you are a friggin' perverted piece of filth. It is NOT the responsibility of public education to indoctrinate little children about morality...their job is to teach them how to read, write, add and subtract and they do a piss poor job at that. It is a good thing that my kids are out of school because if they were subjected to this kind of filth? I would be yanking them out and kicking the ass of the administrators that signed off on this perverted agenda....and you can bet your ass on that.

The point I made in another post is that kids grow up with "mommy and daddy" and don't think "mommy and daddy fuck". So, when it's "mommy and mommy" do you suppose that 4 year olds can learn this without "mommy and mommy fuck"????

It's the same thing. However some people on the right see lesbianism as just fucking, and then project this onto 4 year olds, but don't do the same with heterosexual couples.
As for your ridiculous claim that i'd a "friggin' perverted piece of filth", no, I'm not. The fact that you're resorting to insults suggests something else, maybe that your argument isn't very good.

Are you saying that 4 year olds know that mommy daddy have sex? Since when???? 4 year olds don't need to know about sex, 5 year olds do not need to know about sex, 6 year olds do not need to know about sex, 7 year olds do not need to know about sex and so on until they are at least 13 and that is the responsibility of the parent to explain it....not some liberal teacher that took a few psych college courses at a college like Jacksonsonville University.......the state has no fucking place in this equation WHAT SO EVER.....get it now??????

No, that's not what I'm saying. In fact, I'm saying the opposite.

I'm saying when kids say "mommy and daddy" they don't think "mommy and daddy fuck".

Surprising that really, seeing as this is WHAT I WROTE.

The point I made in another post is that kids grow up with "mommy and daddy" and don't think "mommy and daddy fuck".

How anyone can think this means that that 4 year olds know that mommy and daddy are having sex I don't know.
Same-sex marriage is so two years ago. Now the frontier is people claiming they are neither male or female, who want restrooms for themselves, or to share with helpless little girls.
Lesbian teacher: How I convince kids to accept gay ‘marriage’, starting at 4 years old

Disgusting bitch. So glad I am very involved in my kids schooling....this shit would have been stopped before it started.

Yeah, teaching tolerance, disgusting. She should be teaching them how to kill gay people, and learn to say "n*gger" every five minutes too.
Teaching tolerance is really not the same thing as trumpeting that you are pushing your agenda on primary school children IN SCHOOL where this really does not belong.

Do you know how much I knew about my teachers 'family' in the beginning of school? Nothing at all - it does not belong. Gay, straight or otherwise - that time is supposed to be used actually instructing children in the curriculum.
Lesbian teacher: How I convince kids to accept gay ‘marriage’, starting at 4 years old

Disgusting bitch. So glad I am very involved in my kids schooling....this shit would have been stopped before it started.

Yeah, teaching tolerance, disgusting. She should be teaching them how to kill gay people, and learn to say "n*gger" every five minutes too.
Teaching tolerance is really not the same thing as trumpeting that you are pushing your agenda on primary school children IN SCHOOL where this really does not belong.

Do you know how much I knew about my teachers 'family' in the beginning of school? Nothing at all - it does not belong. Gay, straight or otherwise - that time is supposed to be used actually instructing children in the curriculum.

I knew about my teachers. I knew who was married, the secretary got married and we had to all do something. Did they mention sex? No they did not. They just said they were getting married.

So, if she says to kids that women can marry kids, it's not an agenda, it's just the truth of the society we live in. Or should kids be hidden from the fact that women can marry woman but not hidden from the fact men can marry women?

Both usually end up involving sex. But in neither situation do we talk about sex. So.... what's the problem.

Basically you're trying to pretend one is bad and the other is good when they're the same thing.

The woman might have an agenda, most teachers have agendas, like "teach the kids", should this not be allowed simply because it's an "agenda"?
Lesbian teacher: How I convince kids to accept gay ‘marriage’, starting at 4 years old

Disgusting bitch. So glad I am very involved in my kids schooling....this shit would have been stopped before it started.

Yeah, teaching tolerance, disgusting. She should be teaching them how to kill gay people, and learn to say "n*gger" every five minutes too.
Teaching tolerance is really not the same thing as trumpeting that you are pushing your agenda on primary school children IN SCHOOL where this really does not belong.

Do you know how much I knew about my teachers 'family' in the beginning of school? Nothing at all - it does not belong. Gay, straight or otherwise - that time is supposed to be used actually instructing children in the curriculum.

I knew about my teachers. I knew who was married, the secretary got married and we had to all do something. Did they mention sex? No they did not. They just said they were getting married.

So, if she says to kids that women can marry kids, it's not an agenda, it's just the truth of the society we live in. Or should kids be hidden from the fact that women can marry woman but not hidden from the fact men can marry women?

Both usually end up involving sex. But in neither situation do we talk about sex. So.... what's the problem.

Basically you're trying to pretend one is bad and the other is good when they're the same thing.

The woman might have an agenda, most teachers have agendas, like "teach the kids", should this not be allowed simply because it's an "agenda"?

You are a pervert.........nothing more needs to be said. Homosexuality is nothing grade school kids should EVER be subjected to.....do you get it now????
Lesbian teacher: How I convince kids to accept gay ‘marriage’, starting at 4 years old

Disgusting bitch. So glad I am very involved in my kids schooling....this shit would have been stopped before it started.

Yeah, teaching tolerance, disgusting. She should be teaching them how to kill gay people, and learn to say "n*gger" every five minutes too.
Teaching tolerance is really not the same thing as trumpeting that you are pushing your agenda on primary school children IN SCHOOL where this really does not belong.

Do you know how much I knew about my teachers 'family' in the beginning of school? Nothing at all - it does not belong. Gay, straight or otherwise - that time is supposed to be used actually instructing children in the curriculum.

I knew about my teachers. I knew who was married, the secretary got married and we had to all do something. Did they mention sex? No they did not. They just said they were getting married.

So, if she says to kids that women can marry kids, it's not an agenda, it's just the truth of the society we live in. Or should kids be hidden from the fact that women can marry woman but not hidden from the fact men can marry women?

Both usually end up involving sex. But in neither situation do we talk about sex. So.... what's the problem.

Basically you're trying to pretend one is bad and the other is good when they're the same thing.

The woman might have an agenda, most teachers have agendas, like "teach the kids", should this not be allowed simply because it's an "agenda"?

You are a pervert.........nothing more needs to be said. Homosexuality is nothing grade school kids should EVER be subjected to.....do you get it now????

No, I don't get it.

You seem to think that kids that age should not be told one thing that concerns sex, but should be told another thing that is basically the same that concerns sex.

It doesn't make any sense.

Also, I don't get why you feel the need to try and insult people instead of making an argument.
I have no problems with LGBT. I do have a problem teaching children that young about sexual preferences. That should come from the parents, not someone hired to teach math, english, history, art, science, etc. Social teachings should be left out of the school room. If I were a parent and a teacher was doing that..I would yank my kid out faster than you could say jack shit. And that goes for corporal punishment as well. Touch my kid with a ruler or harm them physically, I beat that teachers ass. That is MY job. Not theirs. Same with sex education. Leave sex out of the school room.
Lesbian teacher: How I convince kids to accept gay ‘marriage’, starting at 4 years old

Disgusting bitch. So glad I am very involved in my kids schooling....this shit would have been stopped before it started.

Yeah, teaching tolerance, disgusting. She should be teaching them how to kill gay people, and learn to say "n*gger" every five minutes too.
Teaching tolerance is really not the same thing as trumpeting that you are pushing your agenda on primary school children IN SCHOOL where this really does not belong.

Do you know how much I knew about my teachers 'family' in the beginning of school? Nothing at all - it does not belong. Gay, straight or otherwise - that time is supposed to be used actually instructing children in the curriculum.

I knew about my teachers. I knew who was married, the secretary got married and we had to all do something. Did they mention sex? No they did not. They just said they were getting married.

So, if she says to kids that women can marry kids, it's not an agenda, it's just the truth of the society we live in. Or should kids be hidden from the fact that women can marry woman but not hidden from the fact men can marry women?

Both usually end up involving sex. But in neither situation do we talk about sex. So.... what's the problem.

Basically you're trying to pretend one is bad and the other is good when they're the same thing.

The woman might have an agenda, most teachers have agendas, like "teach the kids", should this not be allowed simply because it's an "agenda"?

You are a pervert.........nothing more needs to be said. Homosexuality is nothing grade school kids should EVER be subjected to.....do you get it now????

No, I don't get it.

You seem to think that kids that age should not be told one thing that concerns sex, but should be told another thing that is basically the same that concerns sex.

It doesn't make any sense.

Also, I don't get why you feel the need to try and insult people instead of making an argument.

I think grade school is to teach kids how to read, write and cipher. It isn't for political indoctrination.
Lesbian teacher: How I convince kids to accept gay ‘marriage’, starting at 4 years old

Disgusting bitch. So glad I am very involved in my kids schooling....this shit would have been stopped before it started.

Yeah, teaching tolerance, disgusting. She should be teaching them how to kill gay people, and learn to say "n*gger" every five minutes too.
Teaching tolerance is really not the same thing as trumpeting that you are pushing your agenda on primary school children IN SCHOOL where this really does not belong.

Do you know how much I knew about my teachers 'family' in the beginning of school? Nothing at all - it does not belong. Gay, straight or otherwise - that time is supposed to be used actually instructing children in the curriculum.

I knew about my teachers. I knew who was married, the secretary got married and we had to all do something. Did they mention sex? No they did not. They just said they were getting married.

So, if she says to kids that women can marry kids, it's not an agenda, it's just the truth of the society we live in. Or should kids be hidden from the fact that women can marry woman but not hidden from the fact men can marry women?

Both usually end up involving sex. But in neither situation do we talk about sex. So.... what's the problem.

Basically you're trying to pretend one is bad and the other is good when they're the same thing.

The woman might have an agenda, most teachers have agendas, like "teach the kids", should this not be allowed simply because it's an "agenda"?

You are a pervert.........nothing more needs to be said. Homosexuality is nothing grade school kids should EVER be subjected to.....do you get it now????

No, I don't get it.

You seem to think that kids that age should not be told one thing that concerns sex, but should be told another thing that is basically the same that concerns sex.

It doesn't make any sense.

Also, I don't get why you feel the need to try and insult people instead of making an argument.

I have been more than perfectly clear...it's not my problem if you have a comprehension issue. I can only lead you to water...if you wish to drink from the trough or not is only something you can reconcile.....not my job.
Yeah, teaching tolerance, disgusting. She should be teaching them how to kill gay people, and learn to say "n*gger" every five minutes too.
Teaching tolerance is really not the same thing as trumpeting that you are pushing your agenda on primary school children IN SCHOOL where this really does not belong.

Do you know how much I knew about my teachers 'family' in the beginning of school? Nothing at all - it does not belong. Gay, straight or otherwise - that time is supposed to be used actually instructing children in the curriculum.

I knew about my teachers. I knew who was married, the secretary got married and we had to all do something. Did they mention sex? No they did not. They just said they were getting married.

So, if she says to kids that women can marry kids, it's not an agenda, it's just the truth of the society we live in. Or should kids be hidden from the fact that women can marry woman but not hidden from the fact men can marry women?

Both usually end up involving sex. But in neither situation do we talk about sex. So.... what's the problem.

Basically you're trying to pretend one is bad and the other is good when they're the same thing.

The woman might have an agenda, most teachers have agendas, like "teach the kids", should this not be allowed simply because it's an "agenda"?

You are a pervert.........nothing more needs to be said. Homosexuality is nothing grade school kids should EVER be subjected to.....do you get it now????

No, I don't get it.

You seem to think that kids that age should not be told one thing that concerns sex, but should be told another thing that is basically the same that concerns sex.

It doesn't make any sense.

Also, I don't get why you feel the need to try and insult people instead of making an argument.

I think grade school is to teach kids how to read, write and cipher. It isn't for political indoctrination.

Thank you....a sane voice..........
Yeah, teaching tolerance, disgusting. She should be teaching them how to kill gay people, and learn to say "n*gger" every five minutes too.
Teaching tolerance is really not the same thing as trumpeting that you are pushing your agenda on primary school children IN SCHOOL where this really does not belong.

Do you know how much I knew about my teachers 'family' in the beginning of school? Nothing at all - it does not belong. Gay, straight or otherwise - that time is supposed to be used actually instructing children in the curriculum.

I knew about my teachers. I knew who was married, the secretary got married and we had to all do something. Did they mention sex? No they did not. They just said they were getting married.

So, if she says to kids that women can marry kids, it's not an agenda, it's just the truth of the society we live in. Or should kids be hidden from the fact that women can marry woman but not hidden from the fact men can marry women?

Both usually end up involving sex. But in neither situation do we talk about sex. So.... what's the problem.

Basically you're trying to pretend one is bad and the other is good when they're the same thing.

The woman might have an agenda, most teachers have agendas, like "teach the kids", should this not be allowed simply because it's an "agenda"?

You are a pervert.........nothing more needs to be said. Homosexuality is nothing grade school kids should EVER be subjected to.....do you get it now????

No, I don't get it.

You seem to think that kids that age should not be told one thing that concerns sex, but should be told another thing that is basically the same that concerns sex.

It doesn't make any sense.

Also, I don't get why you feel the need to try and insult people instead of making an argument.

I think grade school is to teach kids how to read, write and cipher. It isn't for political indoctrination.

Kids learn so much at school, more than just simple stuff. They learn about life.

They learn how to use scissors, is that political indoctrination?

No, it's only political indoctrination when you're opposed to something.

Somehow it's political indoctrination to say "mommy and mommy".... really? To give kids a label for something.

Therefore it must be political indoctrination to say "mommy and daddy" yet, for some reason, you haven't complained about this.
Yeah, teaching tolerance, disgusting. She should be teaching them how to kill gay people, and learn to say "n*gger" every five minutes too.
Teaching tolerance is really not the same thing as trumpeting that you are pushing your agenda on primary school children IN SCHOOL where this really does not belong.

Do you know how much I knew about my teachers 'family' in the beginning of school? Nothing at all - it does not belong. Gay, straight or otherwise - that time is supposed to be used actually instructing children in the curriculum.

I knew about my teachers. I knew who was married, the secretary got married and we had to all do something. Did they mention sex? No they did not. They just said they were getting married.

So, if she says to kids that women can marry kids, it's not an agenda, it's just the truth of the society we live in. Or should kids be hidden from the fact that women can marry woman but not hidden from the fact men can marry women?

Both usually end up involving sex. But in neither situation do we talk about sex. So.... what's the problem.

Basically you're trying to pretend one is bad and the other is good when they're the same thing.

The woman might have an agenda, most teachers have agendas, like "teach the kids", should this not be allowed simply because it's an "agenda"?

You are a pervert.........nothing more needs to be said. Homosexuality is nothing grade school kids should EVER be subjected to.....do you get it now????

No, I don't get it.

You seem to think that kids that age should not be told one thing that concerns sex, but should be told another thing that is basically the same that concerns sex.

It doesn't make any sense.

Also, I don't get why you feel the need to try and insult people instead of making an argument.

I have been more than perfectly clear...it's not my problem if you have a comprehension issue. I can only lead you to water...if you wish to drink from the trough or not is only something you can reconcile.....not my job.

Comprehension issues?

No, I understand what you're saying, I just disagree with you.

However you're trying to tell me that your opinion is somehow fact and we should all follow your opinion because it's the only opinion worthy. Then if we don't agree with you, then you'll start calling names.
Lesbian teacher: How I convince kids to accept gay ‘marriage’, starting at 4 years old

Disgusting bitch. So glad I am very involved in my kids schooling....this shit would have been stopped before it started.

Yeah, teaching tolerance, disgusting. She should be teaching them how to kill gay people, and learn to say "n*gger" every five minutes too.
Teaching tolerance is really not the same thing as trumpeting that you are pushing your agenda on primary school children IN SCHOOL where this really does not belong.

Do you know how much I knew about my teachers 'family' in the beginning of school? Nothing at all - it does not belong. Gay, straight or otherwise - that time is supposed to be used actually instructing children in the curriculum.

I knew about my teachers. I knew who was married, the secretary got married and we had to all do something. Did they mention sex? No they did not. They just said they were getting married.

So, if she says to kids that women can marry kids, it's not an agenda, it's just the truth of the society we live in. Or should kids be hidden from the fact that women can marry woman but not hidden from the fact men can marry women?

Both usually end up involving sex. But in neither situation do we talk about sex. So.... what's the problem.

Basically you're trying to pretend one is bad and the other is good when they're the same thing.

The woman might have an agenda, most teachers have agendas, like "teach the kids", should this not be allowed simply because it's an "agenda"?
I am not pretending anything. I am stating simple fact - this kind of bullshit agenda does not belong in the schools. She is not talking about the kids knowing that she is a lesbian - she is talking about trying to get them to accept her views on the matter - pushing an agenda that is not her business or job to be pushing.

I also didn't say squat about hiding anything. You are trying to project an argument that I am not making on me. It is blatantly simple - this kind of activism should be resoundingly rejected. It is pathetic as hell that you or anyone does not see what is obvious.

Perhaps we should be just fine with a teacher pronouncing loudly at a christian conference on how she uses the classroom for children to accept Jesus Christ into their hearts. Would that be fine with you? Perhaps another can proclaim at an NRA meeting how they use the classroom to get children to accept how wonderful it is to own and fire guns? Is that fine with you? Maybe, we can have a pro-life rally featuring a teacher who talks about how wonderful it is to explain to 4 year old children how life begins at conception. That seem like a wonderful idea?

No, in this case you and others accept it because THEY AGREE WITH THE SENTIMENT. That is the core problem here - I also agree with the sentiment but that does not mean that I am going to suddenly accept teachers using the classroom (and having the brass balls in bragging about it) to push my political agenda on children. It is flat out wrong. that is not what the classroom is for.
Teaching tolerance is really not the same thing as trumpeting that you are pushing your agenda on primary school children IN SCHOOL where this really does not belong.

Do you know how much I knew about my teachers 'family' in the beginning of school? Nothing at all - it does not belong. Gay, straight or otherwise - that time is supposed to be used actually instructing children in the curriculum.

I knew about my teachers. I knew who was married, the secretary got married and we had to all do something. Did they mention sex? No they did not. They just said they were getting married.

So, if she says to kids that women can marry kids, it's not an agenda, it's just the truth of the society we live in. Or should kids be hidden from the fact that women can marry woman but not hidden from the fact men can marry women?

Both usually end up involving sex. But in neither situation do we talk about sex. So.... what's the problem.

Basically you're trying to pretend one is bad and the other is good when they're the same thing.

The woman might have an agenda, most teachers have agendas, like "teach the kids", should this not be allowed simply because it's an "agenda"?

You are a pervert.........nothing more needs to be said. Homosexuality is nothing grade school kids should EVER be subjected to.....do you get it now????

No, I don't get it.

You seem to think that kids that age should not be told one thing that concerns sex, but should be told another thing that is basically the same that concerns sex.

It doesn't make any sense.

Also, I don't get why you feel the need to try and insult people instead of making an argument.

I think grade school is to teach kids how to read, write and cipher. It isn't for political indoctrination.

Thank you....a sane voice..........

Read: Someone who agrees with you.
Teaching tolerance is really not the same thing as trumpeting that you are pushing your agenda on primary school children IN SCHOOL where this really does not belong.

Do you know how much I knew about my teachers 'family' in the beginning of school? Nothing at all - it does not belong. Gay, straight or otherwise - that time is supposed to be used actually instructing children in the curriculum.

I knew about my teachers. I knew who was married, the secretary got married and we had to all do something. Did they mention sex? No they did not. They just said they were getting married.

So, if she says to kids that women can marry kids, it's not an agenda, it's just the truth of the society we live in. Or should kids be hidden from the fact that women can marry woman but not hidden from the fact men can marry women?

Both usually end up involving sex. But in neither situation do we talk about sex. So.... what's the problem.

Basically you're trying to pretend one is bad and the other is good when they're the same thing.

The woman might have an agenda, most teachers have agendas, like "teach the kids", should this not be allowed simply because it's an "agenda"?

You are a pervert.........nothing more needs to be said. Homosexuality is nothing grade school kids should EVER be subjected to.....do you get it now????

No, I don't get it.

You seem to think that kids that age should not be told one thing that concerns sex, but should be told another thing that is basically the same that concerns sex.

It doesn't make any sense.

Also, I don't get why you feel the need to try and insult people instead of making an argument.

I think grade school is to teach kids how to read, write and cipher. It isn't for political indoctrination.

Kids learn so much at school, more than just simple stuff. They learn about life.

They learn how to use scissors, is that political indoctrination?

No, it's only political indoctrination when you're opposed to something.

Somehow it's political indoctrination to say "mommy and mommy".... really? To give kids a label for something.

Therefore it must be political indoctrination to say "mommy and daddy" yet, for some reason, you haven't complained about this.
Scissors is not a political issue - this is.

Why not try and construct an analogy that at least makes sense.

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