Lesbian Waitress Forged Anti-Gay Note

She was a dishonest woman. Who cares that she is a lesbian? Would her dishonesty be any better if somehow she was straight? Where the heck is reason and common sense any more?
When she used her sexually to attack these people because she is a lesbian it becomes about just another fag attacking straight people to get ATTENTION!!!!

Attacking a straight couple in that manner is gender bias. I hope they take her and the restaurant to the cleaners for this constitutional violation.
How come so much attention gets paid to the low paid server. It seems like there had to be some collusion with someone in management for the scam to work. It seems we are aggressive in our attack on the worker, but willing to ignore the business. Haven't these places gotten increased business due to the publicity?
so, I didn't see this posted yet.....here we go, I'd say this puts Ms. Morales squarely in DB territory.

New Jersey Waitress Also Didn’t Donate the Money She Raised

When we first heard that New Jersey waitress Dana Morales, who claimed a family had stiffed her on a tip and left a homophobic note instead, had made the whole thing up, we tried to give her the benefit of the doubt. Morales had claimed she was donating the contributions people sent her in solidarity to the Wounded Warrior Project, so whatever her motive for the hoax, it didn't look financial. But now it seems not even that part was true, as Bridgewater Patch discovered on Thursday (h/t Gawker): "A Wounded Warrior representative checking for donations by her name and the ZIP codes for Bridgewater, where the restaurant is located, and Bedminster, where Morales said she lives, was unable to find any matching donations." If we still wanted to give Morales the benefit of the doubt, we'd point out she could have donated anonymously from elsewhere. But we don't.

N.J. Waitress Didn?t Donate the Money She Raised -- Daily Intelligencer

hopefully this is the last thread on this......
The answer is, if you suspect your server might be gay, ask to be moved to another server's area or you run the risk of being the victim of a lie campaign.
Again, the aids brigaders attack me. I'm not the one who lied and commited fraud

No, you're just the one who goes on and on and on and on about how those evil gays are doing evil things.

This was NOT Steve's fault!

Joe, it's OK to admit that this gal did something evil. She did this to the people who supported her on this site, her employer, the good folks that she defrauded for $ and the liberal couple that she accused of discriminating against her in the first place.

Lord knows I have defended some real bone-heads in my day. :mad:
Again, the aids brigaders attack me. I'm not the one who lied and commited fraud

No, you're just the one who goes on and on and on and on about how those evil gays are doing evil things.

This was NOT Steve's fault!

Joe, it's OK to admit that this gal did something evil. She did this to the people who supported her on this site, her employer, the good folks that she defrauded for $ and the liberal couple that she accused of discriminating against her in the first place.

Lord knows I have defended some real bone-heads in my day. :mad:

And every last one of those people is totally entitled to sue her for fraud, libel or whatever else she has done.

Steve acts like she offended him personally, which she probably did by liking girls instead of manly men like him who are totally not gay despite what that tranny he picked up in a bar once says.
No, you're just the one who goes on and on and on and on about how those evil gays are doing evil things.

This was NOT Steve's fault!

Joe, it's OK to admit that this gal did something evil. She did this to the people who supported her on this site, her employer, the good folks that she defrauded for $ and the liberal couple that she accused of discriminating against her in the first place.

Lord knows I have defended some real bone-heads in my day. :mad:

And every last one of those people is totally entitled to sue her for fraud, libel or whatever else she has done.

Steve acts like she offended him personally, which she probably did by liking girls instead of manly men like him who are totally not gay despite what that tranny he picked up in a bar once says.

I agree, but Steve was spot on in this thread and you might want to applaud him for being ... wait for it ... RIGHT!!!

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