so your advocating more racist police tactics? who cares if its unconstitutional or not? Advocates against stop and frisk aren't retards who hide behind legal loopholes. There are real reasons why stop and frisk should be stopped and whether or not the judge who ruled it unconsitutional or not was biased against cops, isn't one of them and shouldn't matter. It is a distraction from the issue and couldn't be more of a non-answer. You would think with protests in every major city against racist police violence that suggesting a policy that was ruled was ruled racist and unconstiutional would be the last thing a major politician would tie himself too. Much less one who has already been accused of racism multiple times, for mutliple reasons.

I guess we can add the fact that Donald supports stop and frisk, to the long list of reasons of why donald trump is racist. Thanks to nothing but his own ignorant, undeducated, big mouth

Talk about "UNEDUCATED"!!!
By Walter E. Williams is a professor of economics at George Mason University.
(Who by the way as Obama once said "did I mention, Williams is black"???

The truth is that black female-headed households were just 18 percent of households in 1950, as opposed to about 68 percent today.
In fact, from 1890 to 1940, the black marriage rate was slightly higher than that of whites.
Even during slavery, when marriage was forbidden for blacks, most black children lived in biological two-parent families.
In New York City, in 1925, 85 percent of black households were two-parent households.
A study of 1880 family structure in Philadelphia shows that three-quarters of black families were two-parent households."
Black female head of households number is 68 percent

Today...a single black female parent is the ONLY adult in a majority of black young boys lives.
Boys who never had a Dad to give the kid the "TALK"!
Now THE FACTS are I had a "talk" just as MOST Fathers have discussions with their sons regarding RESPECT!!!

The "Talk" like my Dad had with me...i.e. that the teacher, the policeman, the coach, the boss,most people that were my elders... deserve RESPECT!

My Dad told me that if I was ever reprimanded by a teacher, a coach, a policeman, the boss, or an elder, I'd receive an even more severe reprimand from him!
"Yes Sir or Mame" to anyone in authority. That simple.
Comply as quickly as possible to any request with no questions, no whining, no "back talk" as my Dad said to me. My Dad told me that if there was any question -- he sided/agreed with the teacher, a coach, a policeman, the boss, or an elder.

Now if you don't see how this relates to the hatred of cops and this growing ignorance by people like you who don't obviously RESPECT anyone then you
are obviously a typical idiot Hillary supporter!

THINK for once!
Watch what Chris Rock advises any black person who never had fathers to give them the "talk".
Chris Rock - How not to get your ass kicked by the police!

so it black people's fault for getting shot by police because they a race dont raise their children right? godamn it takes a real crazy person to take chris jokes seriously and try make a politcal message in favor of racist police tactics from it.

Maybe if their fathers weren't being arrested from the age of 12, didn't grow up in segregated ghettos, and weren't discriminated against at work they wouldn't be as many single mothers for you to scapegoat? which is the only reason why YOU are bringing up single mothers, to use them as a scapegoat

Healths post was spot on,and research shows that.
And the eye test confirms it.
so your advocating more racist police tactics? who cares if its unconstitutional or not? Advocates against stop and frisk aren't retards who hide behind legal loopholes. There are real reasons why stop and frisk should be stopped and whether or not the judge who ruled it unconsitutional or not was biased against cops, isn't one of them and shouldn't matter. It is a distraction from the issue and couldn't be more of a non-answer. You would think with protests in every major city against racist police violence that suggesting a policy that was ruled was ruled racist and unconstiutional would be the last thing a major politician would tie himself too. Much less one who has already been accused of racism multiple times, for mutliple reasons.

I guess we can add the fact that Donald supports stop and frisk, to the long list of reasons of why donald trump is racist. Thanks to nothing but his own ignorant, undeducated, big mouth
So what is your plan....just stop arresting criminals.....if were nice to them, theyll be nice to us, right?

They think it'll work with muslim terrorist.......
so your advocating more racist police tactics? who cares if its unconstitutional or not? Advocates against stop and frisk aren't retards who hide behind legal loopholes. There are real reasons why stop and frisk should be stopped and whether or not the judge who ruled it unconsitutional or not was biased against cops, isn't one of them and shouldn't matter. It is a distraction from the issue and couldn't be more of a non-answer. You would think with protests in every major city against racist police violence that suggesting a policy that was ruled was ruled racist and unconstiutional would be the last thing a major politician would tie himself too. Much less one who has already been accused of racism multiple times, for mutliple reasons.

I guess we can add the fact that Donald supports stop and frisk, to the long list of reasons of why donald trump is racist. Thanks to nothing but his own ignorant, undeducated, big mouth

Talk about "UNEDUCATED"!!!
By Walter E. Williams is a professor of economics at George Mason University.
(Who by the way as Obama once said "did I mention, Williams is black"???

The truth is that black female-headed households were just 18 percent of households in 1950, as opposed to about 68 percent today.
In fact, from 1890 to 1940, the black marriage rate was slightly higher than that of whites.
Even during slavery, when marriage was forbidden for blacks, most black children lived in biological two-parent families.
In New York City, in 1925, 85 percent of black households were two-parent households.
A study of 1880 family structure in Philadelphia shows that three-quarters of black families were two-parent households."
Black female head of households number is 68 percent

Today...a single black female parent is the ONLY adult in a majority of black young boys lives.
Boys who never had a Dad to give the kid the "TALK"!
Now THE FACTS are I had a "talk" just as MOST Fathers have discussions with their sons regarding RESPECT!!!

The "Talk" like my Dad had with me...i.e. that the teacher, the policeman, the coach, the boss,most people that were my elders... deserve RESPECT!

My Dad told me that if I was ever reprimanded by a teacher, a coach, a policeman, the boss, or an elder, I'd receive an even more severe reprimand from him!
"Yes Sir or Mame" to anyone in authority. That simple.
Comply as quickly as possible to any request with no questions, no whining, no "back talk" as my Dad said to me. My Dad told me that if there was any question -- he sided/agreed with the teacher, a coach, a policeman, the boss, or an elder.

Now if you don't see how this relates to the hatred of cops and this growing ignorance by people like you who don't obviously RESPECT anyone then you
are obviously a typical idiot Hillary supporter!

THINK for once!
Watch what Chris Rock advises any black person who never had fathers to give them the "talk".
Chris Rock - How not to get your ass kicked by the police!

so it black people's fault for getting shot by police because they a race dont raise their children right? godamn it takes a real crazy person to take chris jokes seriously and try make a politcal message in favor of racist police tactics from it.

Maybe if their fathers weren't being arrested from the age of 12, didn't grow up in segregated ghettos, and weren't discriminated against at work they wouldn't be as many single mothers for you to scapegoat? which is the only reason why YOU are bringing up single mothers, to use them as a scapegoat

Healths post was spot on,and research shows that.
And the eye test confirms it.

whats the "eye test"? does that mean it confirms your pre conceived racist opinion so it must be true?
so your advocating more racist police tactics? who cares if its unconstitutional or not? Advocates against stop and frisk aren't retards who hide behind legal loopholes. There are real reasons why stop and frisk should be stopped and whether or not the judge who ruled it unconsitutional or not was biased against cops, isn't one of them and shouldn't matter. It is a distraction from the issue and couldn't be more of a non-answer. You would think with protests in every major city against racist police violence that suggesting a policy that was ruled was ruled racist and unconstiutional would be the last thing a major politician would tie himself too. Much less one who has already been accused of racism multiple times, for mutliple reasons.

I guess we can add the fact that Donald supports stop and frisk, to the long list of reasons of why donald trump is racist. Thanks to nothing but his own ignorant, undeducated, big mouth
So what is your plan....just stop arresting criminals.....if were nice to them, theyll be nice to us, right?

They think it'll work with muslim terrorist.......
whos they? the jews or the communists?
so your advocating more racist police tactics? who cares if its unconstitutional or not? Advocates against stop and frisk aren't retards who hide behind legal loopholes. There are real reasons why stop and frisk should be stopped and whether or not the judge who ruled it unconsitutional or not was biased against cops, isn't one of them and shouldn't matter. It is a distraction from the issue and couldn't be more of a non-answer. You would think with protests in every major city against racist police violence that suggesting a policy that was ruled was ruled racist and unconstiutional would be the last thing a major politician would tie himself too. Much less one who has already been accused of racism multiple times, for mutliple reasons.

I guess we can add the fact that Donald supports stop and frisk, to the long list of reasons of why donald trump is racist. Thanks to nothing but his own ignorant, undeducated, big mouth

Talk about "UNEDUCATED"!!!
By Walter E. Williams is a professor of economics at George Mason University.
(Who by the way as Obama once said "did I mention, Williams is black"???

The truth is that black female-headed households were just 18 percent of households in 1950, as opposed to about 68 percent today.
In fact, from 1890 to 1940, the black marriage rate was slightly higher than that of whites.
Even during slavery, when marriage was forbidden for blacks, most black children lived in biological two-parent families.
In New York City, in 1925, 85 percent of black households were two-parent households.
A study of 1880 family structure in Philadelphia shows that three-quarters of black families were two-parent households."
Black female head of households number is 68 percent

Today...a single black female parent is the ONLY adult in a majority of black young boys lives.
Boys who never had a Dad to give the kid the "TALK"!
Now THE FACTS are I had a "talk" just as MOST Fathers have discussions with their sons regarding RESPECT!!!

The "Talk" like my Dad had with me...i.e. that the teacher, the policeman, the coach, the boss,most people that were my elders... deserve RESPECT!

My Dad told me that if I was ever reprimanded by a teacher, a coach, a policeman, the boss, or an elder, I'd receive an even more severe reprimand from him!
"Yes Sir or Mame" to anyone in authority. That simple.
Comply as quickly as possible to any request with no questions, no whining, no "back talk" as my Dad said to me. My Dad told me that if there was any question -- he sided/agreed with the teacher, a coach, a policeman, the boss, or an elder.

Now if you don't see how this relates to the hatred of cops and this growing ignorance by people like you who don't obviously RESPECT anyone then you
are obviously a typical idiot Hillary supporter!

THINK for once!
Watch what Chris Rock advises any black person who never had fathers to give them the "talk".
Chris Rock - How not to get your ass kicked by the police!

so it black people's fault for getting shot by police because they a race dont raise their children right? godamn it takes a real crazy person to take chris jokes seriously and try make a politcal message in favor of racist police tactics from it.

Maybe if their fathers weren't being arrested from the age of 12, didn't grow up in segregated ghettos, and weren't discriminated against at work they wouldn't be as many single mothers for you to scapegoat? which is the only reason why YOU are bringing up single mothers, to use them as a scapegoat

Healths post was spot on,and research shows that.
And the eye test confirms it.

whats the "eye test"? does that mean it confirms your pre conceived racist opinion so it must be true?

So not only are you a moron you're blind......please accept my condolences for your afflictions.
I'm sure his apology to Trump is forthcoming...:dunno:

Fact-Checking Lester Holt (WALL STREET JOURNAL)

We told you Tuesday that Donald Trump was right when he pushed back on debate moderator Lester Holt over “stop and frisk” policing. But the story deserves a more complete explanation, not least because the media are distorting the record.

Mr. Trump invoked stop and frisk as a way to “take the gun away from criminals” in high-crime areas and protect the innocent. That provoked Mr. Holt, who said that “stop and frisk was ruled unconstitutional in New York.” Mr. Trump then noted that the ruling in the case came from a “very against police judge” who later had the case taken away from her. Mrs. Clinton then echoed Mr. Holt.

Here’s what really happened. The federal judge in the stop-and-frisk case was Shira Scheindlin, a notorious police critic whose behavior got her taken off the case by the Second Circuit Court of Appeals. The appellate court put it this way:

“Upon review of the record in these cases, we conclude that the District Judge ran afoul of the Code of Conduct for United States Judges . . . and that the appearance of impartiality surrounding this litigation was compromised by the District Judge’s improper application of the Court’s ‘related case rule’ . . . and by a series of media interviews and public statements purporting to respond publicly to criticism of the District Court.”

The court then remanded the case to another judge who would not present an appearance of bias against the police. In a follow-up opinion, the appellate judges cited a New Yorker interview with Judge Scheindlin that included a quote from a former law clerk saying “what you have to remember about the judge is that she thinks cops lie.”

This is an extraordinary rebuke by a higher court and raises doubts that the merits of her ruling would have held up on appeal. As Rudolph Giuliani makes clear nearby, the judge’s ruling of unconstitutionality applied only to stop and frisk as it was practiced in New York at the time. Such police search tactics have long been upheld by higher courts.

In the end, the clock ran out on Mayor Mike Bloomberg, and new Mayor Bill de Blasio chose not to appeal. We rate Mr. Trump’s claim true and unfairly second-guessed by a moderator who didn’t give the viewing public all the facts.

wasnt the only thing he wrongly fact checked
so your advocating more racist police tactics? who cares if its unconstitutional or not? Advocates against stop and frisk aren't retards who hide behind legal loopholes. There are real reasons why stop and frisk should be stopped and whether or not the judge who ruled it unconsitutional or not was biased against cops, isn't one of them and shouldn't matter. It is a distraction from the issue and couldn't be more of a non-answer. You would think with protests in every major city against racist police violence that suggesting a policy that was ruled was ruled racist and unconstiutional would be the last thing a major politician would tie himself too. Much less one who has already been accused of racism multiple times, for mutliple reasons.

I guess we can add the fact that Donald supports stop and frisk, to the long list of reasons of why donald trump is racist. Thanks to nothing but his own ignorant, undeducated, big mouth

Talk about "UNEDUCATED"!!!
By Walter E. Williams is a professor of economics at George Mason University.
(Who by the way as Obama once said "did I mention, Williams is black"???

The truth is that black female-headed households were just 18 percent of households in 1950, as opposed to about 68 percent today.
In fact, from 1890 to 1940, the black marriage rate was slightly higher than that of whites.
Even during slavery, when marriage was forbidden for blacks, most black children lived in biological two-parent families.
In New York City, in 1925, 85 percent of black households were two-parent households.
A study of 1880 family structure in Philadelphia shows that three-quarters of black families were two-parent households."
Black female head of households number is 68 percent

Today...a single black female parent is the ONLY adult in a majority of black young boys lives.
Boys who never had a Dad to give the kid the "TALK"!
Now THE FACTS are I had a "talk" just as MOST Fathers have discussions with their sons regarding RESPECT!!!

The "Talk" like my Dad had with me...i.e. that the teacher, the policeman, the coach, the boss,most people that were my elders... deserve RESPECT!

My Dad told me that if I was ever reprimanded by a teacher, a coach, a policeman, the boss, or an elder, I'd receive an even more severe reprimand from him!
"Yes Sir or Mame" to anyone in authority. That simple.
Comply as quickly as possible to any request with no questions, no whining, no "back talk" as my Dad said to me. My Dad told me that if there was any question -- he sided/agreed with the teacher, a coach, a policeman, the boss, or an elder.

Now if you don't see how this relates to the hatred of cops and this growing ignorance by people like you who don't obviously RESPECT anyone then you
are obviously a typical idiot Hillary supporter!

THINK for once!
Watch what Chris Rock advises any black person who never had fathers to give them the "talk".
Chris Rock - How not to get your ass kicked by the police!

so it black people's fault for getting shot by police because they a race dont raise their children right? godamn it takes a real crazy person to take chris jokes seriously and try make a politcal message in favor of racist police tactics from it.

Maybe if their fathers weren't being arrested from the age of 12, didn't grow up in segregated ghettos, and weren't discriminated against at work they wouldn't be as many single mothers for you to scapegoat? which is the only reason why YOU are bringing up single mothers, to use them as a scapegoat

Healths post was spot on,and research shows that.
And the eye test confirms it.

whats the "eye test"? does that mean it confirms your pre conceived racist opinion so it must be true?

So not only are you a moron you're blind......please accept my condolences for your afflictions.

blind to what?
so your advocating more racist police tactics? who cares if its unconstitutional or not? Advocates against stop and frisk aren't retards who hide behind legal loopholes. There are real reasons why stop and frisk should be stopped and whether or not the judge who ruled it unconsitutional or not was biased against cops, isn't one of them and shouldn't matter. It is a distraction from the issue and couldn't be more of a non-answer. You would think with protests in every major city against racist police violence that suggesting a policy that was ruled was ruled racist and unconstiutional would be the last thing a major politician would tie himself too. Much less one who has already been accused of racism multiple times, for mutliple reasons.

I guess we can add the fact that Donald supports stop and frisk, to the long list of reasons of why donald trump is racist. Thanks to nothing but his own ignorant, undeducated, big mouth

Talk about "UNEDUCATED"!!!
By Walter E. Williams is a professor of economics at George Mason University.
(Who by the way as Obama once said "did I mention, Williams is black"???

The truth is that black female-headed households were just 18 percent of households in 1950, as opposed to about 68 percent today.
In fact, from 1890 to 1940, the black marriage rate was slightly higher than that of whites.
Even during slavery, when marriage was forbidden for blacks, most black children lived in biological two-parent families.
In New York City, in 1925, 85 percent of black households were two-parent households.
A study of 1880 family structure in Philadelphia shows that three-quarters of black families were two-parent households."
Black female head of households number is 68 percent

Today...a single black female parent is the ONLY adult in a majority of black young boys lives.
Boys who never had a Dad to give the kid the "TALK"!
Now THE FACTS are I had a "talk" just as MOST Fathers have discussions with their sons regarding RESPECT!!!

The "Talk" like my Dad had with me...i.e. that the teacher, the policeman, the coach, the boss,most people that were my elders... deserve RESPECT!

My Dad told me that if I was ever reprimanded by a teacher, a coach, a policeman, the boss, or an elder, I'd receive an even more severe reprimand from him!
"Yes Sir or Mame" to anyone in authority. That simple.
Comply as quickly as possible to any request with no questions, no whining, no "back talk" as my Dad said to me. My Dad told me that if there was any question -- he sided/agreed with the teacher, a coach, a policeman, the boss, or an elder.

Now if you don't see how this relates to the hatred of cops and this growing ignorance by people like you who don't obviously RESPECT anyone then you
are obviously a typical idiot Hillary supporter!

THINK for once!
Watch what Chris Rock advises any black person who never had fathers to give them the "talk".
Chris Rock - How not to get your ass kicked by the police!

so it black people's fault for getting shot by police because they a race dont raise their children right? godamn it takes a real crazy person to take chris jokes seriously and try make a politcal message in favor of racist police tactics from it.

Maybe if their fathers weren't being arrested from the age of 12, didn't grow up in segregated ghettos, and weren't discriminated against at work they wouldn't be as many single mothers for you to scapegoat? which is the only reason why YOU are bringing up single mothers, to use them as a scapegoat

Are you retarded?
Who put them in segregared housing and communities?
Who doesnt want them to pick the school to.go.to?
Who babies them with affirmative action, instead of letting them earn a job and taking pride in that?
Who promotes a culture of decadence that kills the family and cause them to have waaay too many single parent households?
Who discourages them from working by giving out tons o welfare?

The answer is NOT Conservatives or republicans

If you think racist white conservatives are not responsible for segregation your living in a fantasy world and need new medication

How exactly are white people responsible?
I'm sure his apology to Trump is forthcoming...:dunno:

Fact-Checking Lester Holt (WALL STREET JOURNAL)

We told you Tuesday that Donald Trump was right when he pushed back on debate moderator Lester Holt over “stop and frisk” policing. But the story deserves a more complete explanation, not least because the media are distorting the record.

Mr. Trump invoked stop and frisk as a way to “take the gun away from criminals” in high-crime areas and protect the innocent. That provoked Mr. Holt, who said that “stop and frisk was ruled unconstitutional in New York.” Mr. Trump then noted that the ruling in the case came from a “very against police judge” who later had the case taken away from her. Mrs. Clinton then echoed Mr. Holt.

Here’s what really happened. The federal judge in the stop-and-frisk case was Shira Scheindlin, a notorious police critic whose behavior got her taken off the case by the Second Circuit Court of Appeals. The appellate court put it this way:

“Upon review of the record in these cases, we conclude that the District Judge ran afoul of the Code of Conduct for United States Judges . . . and that the appearance of impartiality surrounding this litigation was compromised by the District Judge’s improper application of the Court’s ‘related case rule’ . . . and by a series of media interviews and public statements purporting to respond publicly to criticism of the District Court.”

The court then remanded the case to another judge who would not present an appearance of bias against the police. In a follow-up opinion, the appellate judges cited a New Yorker interview with Judge Scheindlin that included a quote from a former law clerk saying “what you have to remember about the judge is that she thinks cops lie.”

This is an extraordinary rebuke by a higher court and raises doubts that the merits of her ruling would have held up on appeal. As Rudolph Giuliani makes clear nearby, the judge’s ruling of unconstitutionality applied only to stop and frisk as it was practiced in New York at the time. Such police search tactics have long been upheld by higher courts.

In the end, the clock ran out on Mayor Mike Bloomberg, and new Mayor Bill de Blasio chose not to appeal. We rate Mr. Trump’s claim true and unfairly second-guessed by a moderator who didn’t give the viewing public all the facts.

wasnt the only thing he wrongly fact checked
oh please the moderators could kneel down and give trump a blowjob on stage and you would be here complaining that they didn't work the balls.
so your advocating more racist police tactics? who cares if its unconstitutional or not? Advocates against stop and frisk aren't retards who hide behind legal loopholes. There are real reasons why stop and frisk should be stopped and whether or not the judge who ruled it unconsitutional or not was biased against cops, isn't one of them and shouldn't matter. It is a distraction from the issue and couldn't be more of a non-answer. You would think with protests in every major city against racist police violence that suggesting a policy that was ruled was ruled racist and unconstiutional would be the last thing a major politician would tie himself too. Much less one who has already been accused of racism multiple times, for mutliple reasons.

I guess we can add the fact that Donald supports stop and frisk, to the long list of reasons of why donald trump is racist. Thanks to nothing but his own ignorant, undeducated, big mouth

Talk about "UNEDUCATED"!!!
By Walter E. Williams is a professor of economics at George Mason University.
(Who by the way as Obama once said "did I mention, Williams is black"???

The truth is that black female-headed households were just 18 percent of households in 1950, as opposed to about 68 percent today.
In fact, from 1890 to 1940, the black marriage rate was slightly higher than that of whites.
Even during slavery, when marriage was forbidden for blacks, most black children lived in biological two-parent families.
In New York City, in 1925, 85 percent of black households were two-parent households.
A study of 1880 family structure in Philadelphia shows that three-quarters of black families were two-parent households."
Black female head of households number is 68 percent

Today...a single black female parent is the ONLY adult in a majority of black young boys lives.
Boys who never had a Dad to give the kid the "TALK"!
Now THE FACTS are I had a "talk" just as MOST Fathers have discussions with their sons regarding RESPECT!!!

The "Talk" like my Dad had with me...i.e. that the teacher, the policeman, the coach, the boss,most people that were my elders... deserve RESPECT!

My Dad told me that if I was ever reprimanded by a teacher, a coach, a policeman, the boss, or an elder, I'd receive an even more severe reprimand from him!
"Yes Sir or Mame" to anyone in authority. That simple.
Comply as quickly as possible to any request with no questions, no whining, no "back talk" as my Dad said to me. My Dad told me that if there was any question -- he sided/agreed with the teacher, a coach, a policeman, the boss, or an elder.

Now if you don't see how this relates to the hatred of cops and this growing ignorance by people like you who don't obviously RESPECT anyone then you
are obviously a typical idiot Hillary supporter!

THINK for once!
Watch what Chris Rock advises any black person who never had fathers to give them the "talk".
Chris Rock - How not to get your ass kicked by the police!

so it black people's fault for getting shot by police because they a race dont raise their children right? godamn it takes a real crazy person to take chris jokes seriously and try make a politcal message in favor of racist police tactics from it.

Maybe if their fathers weren't being arrested from the age of 12, didn't grow up in segregated ghettos, and weren't discriminated against at work they wouldn't be as many single mothers for you to scapegoat? which is the only reason why YOU are bringing up single mothers, to use them as a scapegoat

Are you retarded?
Who put them in segregared housing and communities?
Who doesnt want them to pick the school to.go.to?
Who babies them with affirmative action, instead of letting them earn a job and taking pride in that?
Who promotes a culture of decadence that kills the family and cause them to have waaay too many single parent households?
Who discourages them from working by giving out tons o welfare?

The answer is NOT Conservatives or republicans

If you think racist white conservatives are not responsible for segregation your living in a fantasy world and need new medication

How exactly are white people responsible?

for what? for segregation? are you fucking stupid?
Holt was right. It was ruled unconstitutional.

The program doesn't work.

To say it doesn't work is disingenuous. I mean a lot of illegal guns were confiscated during stop and frisk. And the bottom line is stop and frisk changed the trajectory of gun violence in NYC.

Along with other programs being instituted which never get mentioned in the conversation. The stop and frisk program ended and the stats haven't blown up.
. Hey it takes a while to revert back to something after it has been halted or severely lessened. Give it time just like everything else when taking the eye off the ball, and it will hit you right in the face again. Sometimes criminals figure out how to put the pressure on through proxy's in order to convince the law to back off and/or get the laws changed in order to revert back to what they might want to get going again. We are the fools who fall for it before the coast has been cleared.
I'm sure his apology to Trump is forthcoming...:dunno:

Fact-Checking Lester Holt (WALL STREET JOURNAL)

We told you Tuesday that Donald Trump was right when he pushed back on debate moderator Lester Holt over “stop and frisk” policing. But the story deserves a more complete explanation, not least because the media are distorting the record.

Mr. Trump invoked stop and frisk as a way to “take the gun away from criminals” in high-crime areas and protect the innocent. That provoked Mr. Holt, who said that “stop and frisk was ruled unconstitutional in New York.” Mr. Trump then noted that the ruling in the case came from a “very against police judge” who later had the case taken away from her. Mrs. Clinton then echoed Mr. Holt.

Here’s what really happened. The federal judge in the stop-and-frisk case was Shira Scheindlin, a notorious police critic whose behavior got her taken off the case by the Second Circuit Court of Appeals. The appellate court put it this way:

“Upon review of the record in these cases, we conclude that the District Judge ran afoul of the Code of Conduct for United States Judges . . . and that the appearance of impartiality surrounding this litigation was compromised by the District Judge’s improper application of the Court’s ‘related case rule’ . . . and by a series of media interviews and public statements purporting to respond publicly to criticism of the District Court.”

The court then remanded the case to another judge who would not present an appearance of bias against the police. In a follow-up opinion, the appellate judges cited a New Yorker interview with Judge Scheindlin that included a quote from a former law clerk saying “what you have to remember about the judge is that she thinks cops lie.”

This is an extraordinary rebuke by a higher court and raises doubts that the merits of her ruling would have held up on appeal. As Rudolph Giuliani makes clear nearby, the judge’s ruling of unconstitutionality applied only to stop and frisk as it was practiced in New York at the time. Such police search tactics have long been upheld by higher courts.

In the end, the clock ran out on Mayor Mike Bloomberg, and new Mayor Bill de Blasio chose not to appeal. We rate Mr. Trump’s claim true and unfairly second-guessed by a moderator who didn’t give the viewing public all the facts.

wasnt the only thing he wrongly fact checked
oh please the moderators could kneel down and give trump a blowjob on stage and you would be here complaining that they didn't work the balls.

moderators are to be neutral
Talk about "UNEDUCATED"!!!
By Walter E. Williams is a professor of economics at George Mason University.
(Who by the way as Obama once said "did I mention, Williams is black"???

The truth is that black female-headed households were just 18 percent of households in 1950, as opposed to about 68 percent today.
In fact, from 1890 to 1940, the black marriage rate was slightly higher than that of whites.
Even during slavery, when marriage was forbidden for blacks, most black children lived in biological two-parent families.
In New York City, in 1925, 85 percent of black households were two-parent households.
A study of 1880 family structure in Philadelphia shows that three-quarters of black families were two-parent households."
Black female head of households number is 68 percent

Today...a single black female parent is the ONLY adult in a majority of black young boys lives.
Boys who never had a Dad to give the kid the "TALK"!
Now THE FACTS are I had a "talk" just as MOST Fathers have discussions with their sons regarding RESPECT!!!

The "Talk" like my Dad had with me...i.e. that the teacher, the policeman, the coach, the boss,most people that were my elders... deserve RESPECT!

My Dad told me that if I was ever reprimanded by a teacher, a coach, a policeman, the boss, or an elder, I'd receive an even more severe reprimand from him!
"Yes Sir or Mame" to anyone in authority. That simple.
Comply as quickly as possible to any request with no questions, no whining, no "back talk" as my Dad said to me. My Dad told me that if there was any question -- he sided/agreed with the teacher, a coach, a policeman, the boss, or an elder.

Now if you don't see how this relates to the hatred of cops and this growing ignorance by people like you who don't obviously RESPECT anyone then you
are obviously a typical idiot Hillary supporter!

THINK for once!
Watch what Chris Rock advises any black person who never had fathers to give them the "talk".
Chris Rock - How not to get your ass kicked by the police!

so it black people's fault for getting shot by police because they a race dont raise their children right? godamn it takes a real crazy person to take chris jokes seriously and try make a politcal message in favor of racist police tactics from it.

Maybe if their fathers weren't being arrested from the age of 12, didn't grow up in segregated ghettos, and weren't discriminated against at work they wouldn't be as many single mothers for you to scapegoat? which is the only reason why YOU are bringing up single mothers, to use them as a scapegoat

Healths post was spot on,and research shows that.
And the eye test confirms it.

whats the "eye test"? does that mean it confirms your pre conceived racist opinion so it must be true?

So not only are you a moron you're blind......please accept my condolences for your afflictions.

blind to what?

You're either a partisan hack or a moron....
I don't have a problem with stop and frisk in high crime areas. Why would anyone?
im guessing you dont live in a "high crime area"
. And you live in Chicago (high crime area), where stop and frisk isn't in play maybe ?? What do you suggest in that situation ? Maybe carry around a bag of yummy marshmallows in order to get peace going again ? Maybe go back to having all sit down with the peace pipe, smoke some doobies, eat some munchies, and sing cumbaya together ???
its interesting how republicans become the biggest supporters of gun control when its directed solely at blacks and hispanics, its almost as if the republican party is a white supremacist organization

It is interesting that you blame Republcans for gun control. The strictest gun laws in the country are in Chicago and Democrats have ruled there for decades. That last GOP Mayor was elected in 1927.
thats a myth Chicago gun laws not as strict as GOP candidates claim

OK so I clicked on your link...
No gun store has opened in the city yet. That means that every gun owned legally or illegally came from somewhere else. Just how many is unclear, but Chicago's police department seizes more illegal weapons than any other in the nation — nearly 20 a day for a total of 5,500 so far this year.

Mayor Rahm Emanuel released a report that blames gun sales elsewhere for much of Chicago's street violence.
It said nearly 60 percent of recovered guns used to commit crimes in Chicago from 2009 through 2013 were first sold in states with more lax gun laws. Neighboring Indiana was the biggest source, with 19 percent of all recovered guns having been sold there first. But they came from far and wide, with Mississippi second at 6.7 percent

Let me get this straight. You and this article say it is a myth Chicago has strict gun laws.... YET the mayor says gun sales are from states with more lax gun laws???

Does that make any sense? If there are lax gun laws in Chicago then why go to other states to buy guns?

You can't have it both ways !
Talk about "UNEDUCATED"!!!
By Walter E. Williams is a professor of economics at George Mason University.
(Who by the way as Obama once said "did I mention, Williams is black"???

The truth is that black female-headed households were just 18 percent of households in 1950, as opposed to about 68 percent today.
In fact, from 1890 to 1940, the black marriage rate was slightly higher than that of whites.
Even during slavery, when marriage was forbidden for blacks, most black children lived in biological two-parent families.
In New York City, in 1925, 85 percent of black households were two-parent households.
A study of 1880 family structure in Philadelphia shows that three-quarters of black families were two-parent households."
Black female head of households number is 68 percent

Today...a single black female parent is the ONLY adult in a majority of black young boys lives.
Boys who never had a Dad to give the kid the "TALK"!
Now THE FACTS are I had a "talk" just as MOST Fathers have discussions with their sons regarding RESPECT!!!

The "Talk" like my Dad had with me...i.e. that the teacher, the policeman, the coach, the boss,most people that were my elders... deserve RESPECT!

My Dad told me that if I was ever reprimanded by a teacher, a coach, a policeman, the boss, or an elder, I'd receive an even more severe reprimand from him!
"Yes Sir or Mame" to anyone in authority. That simple.
Comply as quickly as possible to any request with no questions, no whining, no "back talk" as my Dad said to me. My Dad told me that if there was any question -- he sided/agreed with the teacher, a coach, a policeman, the boss, or an elder.

Now if you don't see how this relates to the hatred of cops and this growing ignorance by people like you who don't obviously RESPECT anyone then you
are obviously a typical idiot Hillary supporter!

THINK for once!
Watch what Chris Rock advises any black person who never had fathers to give them the "talk".
Chris Rock - How not to get your ass kicked by the police!

so it black people's fault for getting shot by police because they a race dont raise their children right? godamn it takes a real crazy person to take chris jokes seriously and try make a politcal message in favor of racist police tactics from it.

Maybe if their fathers weren't being arrested from the age of 12, didn't grow up in segregated ghettos, and weren't discriminated against at work they wouldn't be as many single mothers for you to scapegoat? which is the only reason why YOU are bringing up single mothers, to use them as a scapegoat

Are you retarded?
Who put them in segregared housing and communities?
Who doesnt want them to pick the school to.go.to?
Who babies them with affirmative action, instead of letting them earn a job and taking pride in that?
Who promotes a culture of decadence that kills the family and cause them to have waaay too many single parent households?
Who discourages them from working by giving out tons o welfare?

The answer is NOT Conservatives or republicans

If you think racist white conservatives are not responsible for segregation your living in a fantasy world and need new medication

How exactly are white people responsible?

for what? for segregation? are you fucking stupid?

I'd ask the same of you,unless you're like a Cowboys fan and you're living in the past.
Holt was right. It was ruled unconstitutional.

The program doesn't work.

To say it doesn't work is disingenuous. I mean a lot of illegal guns were confiscated during stop and frisk. And the bottom line is stop and frisk changed the trajectory of gun violence in NYC.

Along with other programs being instituted which never get mentioned in the conversation. The stop and frisk program ended and the stats haven't blown up.
. Hey it takes a while to revert back to something after it has been halted or severely lessened. Give it time just like everything else when taking the eye off the ball, and it will hit you right in the face again. Sometimes criminals figure out how to put the pressure on through proxy's in order to convince the law to back off and/or get the laws changed in order to revert back to what they might want to get going again. We are the fools who fall for it before the coast has been cleared.
so it black people's fault for getting shot by police because they a race dont raise their children right? godamn it takes a real crazy person to take chris jokes seriously and try make a politcal message in favor of racist police tactics from it.

Maybe if their fathers weren't being arrested from the age of 12, didn't grow up in segregated ghettos, and weren't discriminated against at work they wouldn't be as many single mothers for you to scapegoat? which is the only reason why YOU are bringing up single mothers, to use them as a scapegoat

Healths post was spot on,and research shows that.
And the eye test confirms it.
whats the "eye test"? does that mean it confirms your pre conceived racist opinion so it must be true?

So not only are you a moron you're blind......please accept my condolences for your afflictions.
blind to what?

You're either a partisan hack or a moron....
you still haven't said anything, what am I blind too? what are you even talking about? are you okay?
Who needed Lester....

im guessing you dont live in a "high crime area"
. And you live in Chicago (high crime area), where stop and frisk isn't in play maybe ?? What do you suggest in that situation ? Maybe carry around a bag of yummy marshmallows in order to get peace going again ? Maybe go back to having all sit down with the peace pipe, smoke some doobies, eat some munchies, and sing cumbaya together ???
its interesting how republicans become the biggest supporters of gun control when its directed solely at blacks and hispanics, its almost as if the republican party is a white supremacist organization

It is interesting that you blame Republcans for gun control. The strictest gun laws in the country are in Chicago and Democrats have ruled there for decades. That last GOP Mayor was elected in 1927.
thats a myth Chicago gun laws not as strict as GOP candidates claim

OK so I clicked on your link...
No gun store has opened in the city yet. That means that every gun owned legally or illegally came from somewhere else. Just how many is unclear, but Chicago's police department seizes more illegal weapons than any other in the nation — nearly 20 a day for a total of 5,500 so far this year.

Mayor Rahm Emanuel released a report that blames gun sales elsewhere for much of Chicago's street violence.
It said nearly 60 percent of recovered guns used to commit crimes in Chicago from 2009 through 2013 were first sold in states with more lax gun laws. Neighboring Indiana was the biggest source, with 19 percent of all recovered guns having been sold there first. But they came from far and wide, with Mississippi second at 6.7 percent

Let me get this straight. You and this article say it is a myth Chicago has strict gun laws.... YET the mayor says gun sales are from states with more lax gun laws???

Does that make any sense? If there are lax gun laws in Chicago then why go to other states to buy guns?

You can't have it both ways !
Its a myth that they have stongest gun laws in america, especially since you can take a 15 minute drive to a state with almost no gun laws whatsoever, do you think criminals don't know how to drive cars yet? also chicago doesn't have near the highest murder rate in America, republicans spread these lies about it being the most violent city and having the strictest gun laws because obama is from chicago.and like you theyre lying racist assholes with no self respect
Holt was right. It was ruled unconstitutional.

The program doesn't work.

To say it doesn't work is disingenuous. I mean a lot of illegal guns were confiscated during stop and frisk. And the bottom line is stop and frisk changed the trajectory of gun violence in NYC.

Along with other programs being instituted which never get mentioned in the conversation. The stop and frisk program ended and the stats haven't blown up.
. Hey it takes a while to revert back to something after it has been halted or severely lessened. Give it time just like everything else when taking the eye off the ball, and it will hit you right in the face again. Sometimes criminals figure out how to put the pressure on through proxy's in order to convince the law to back off and/or get the laws changed in order to revert back to what they might want to get going again. We are the fools who fall for it before the coast has been cleared.
Healths post was spot on,and research shows that.
And the eye test confirms it.
whats the "eye test"? does that mean it confirms your pre conceived racist opinion so it must be true?

So not only are you a moron you're blind......please accept my condolences for your afflictions.
blind to what?

You're either a partisan hack or a moron....
you still haven't said anything, what am I blind too? what are you even talking about? are you okay?

Sorry,I wont play the game that all you progressive morons try and play.
You dipshits do this constantly,why I dont know because it makes you look like an idiot.

You just carry on pretending and I'll continue laughing at you.
Holt was right. It was ruled unconstitutional.

The program doesn't work.

To say it doesn't work is disingenuous. I mean a lot of illegal guns were confiscated during stop and frisk. And the bottom line is stop and frisk changed the trajectory of gun violence in NYC.

Along with other programs being instituted which never get mentioned in the conversation. The stop and frisk program ended and the stats haven't blown up.
. Hey it takes a while to revert back to something after it has been halted or severely lessened. Give it time just like everything else when taking the eye off the ball, and it will hit you right in the face again. Sometimes criminals figure out how to put the pressure on through proxy's in order to convince the law to back off and/or get the laws changed in order to revert back to what they might want to get going again. We are the fools who fall for it before the coast has been cleared.
whats the "eye test"? does that mean it confirms your pre conceived racist opinion so it must be true?

So not only are you a moron you're blind......please accept my condolences for your afflictions.
blind to what?

You're either a partisan hack or a moron....
you still haven't said anything, what am I blind too? what are you even talking about? are you okay?

Sorry,I wont play the game that all you progressive morons try and play.
You dipshits do this constantly,why I dont know because it makes you look like an idiot.

You just carry on pretending and I'll continue ignoring you.
its called "debate" you should try it instead of spewing racial slurs, you might learn something other than how to fuck your cousin

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