so your advocating more racist police tactics? who cares if its unconstitutional or not? Advocates against stop and frisk aren't retards who hide behind legal loopholes. There are real reasons why stop and frisk should be stopped and whether or not the judge who ruled it unconsitutional or not was biased against cops, isn't one of them and shouldn't matter. It is a distraction from the issue and couldn't be more of a non-answer. You would think with protests in every major city against racist police violence that suggesting a policy that was ruled was ruled racist and unconstiutional would be the last thing a major politician would tie himself too. Much less one who has already been accused of racism multiple times, for mutliple reasons.

I guess we can add the fact that Donald supports stop and frisk, to the long list of reasons of why donald trump is racist. Thanks to nothing but his own ignorant, undeducated, big mouth

You poor ill educated child....your boy Bill Clinton signed an Executive Order ok'ing Physical searches WITHOUT a warrant.
you just made that up

You've SO much to learn.....

"Section 1. Pursuant to section 302(a)(1) of the Act, the Attorney General

is authorized to approve physical searches, without a court order, to acquire

foreign intelligence information for periods of up to one year, if the Attorney

General makes the certifications required by that section.

Sec. 2. Pursuant to section 302(b) of the Act, the Attorney General is authorized

to approve applications to the Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Court

under section 303 of the Act to obtain orders for physical searches for

the purpose of collecting foreign intelligence information.

Sec. 3. Pursuant to section 303(a)(7) of the Act, the following officials,

each of whom is employed in the area of national security or defense,

is designated to make the certifications required by section 303(a)(7) of

the Act in support of applications to conduct physical searches:"


You walked right into that one child.
. A racist don't want facts, because it won't fit with their agenda don't you know.
so true
so your advocating more racist police tactics? who cares if its unconstitutional or not? Advocates against stop and frisk aren't retards who hide behind legal loopholes. There are real reasons why stop and frisk should be stopped and whether or not the judge who ruled it unconsitutional or not was biased against cops, isn't one of them and shouldn't matter. It is a distraction from the issue and couldn't be more of a non-answer. You would think with protests in every major city against racist police violence that suggesting a policy that was ruled was ruled racist and unconstiutional would be the last thing a major politician would tie himself too. Much less one who has already been accused of racism multiple times, for mutliple reasons.

I guess we can add the fact that Donald supports stop and frisk, to the long list of reasons of why donald trump is racist. Thanks to nothing but his own ignorant, undeducated, big mouth

You poor ill educated child....your boy Bill Clinton signed an Executive Order ok'ing Physical searches WITHOUT a warrant.
you just made that up

You've SO much to learn.....

"Section 1. Pursuant to section 302(a)(1) of the Act, the Attorney General

is authorized to approve physical searches, without a court order, to acquire

foreign intelligence information for periods of up to one year, if the Attorney

General makes the certifications required by that section.

Sec. 2. Pursuant to section 302(b) of the Act, the Attorney General is authorized

to approve applications to the Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Court

under section 303 of the Act to obtain orders for physical searches for

the purpose of collecting foreign intelligence information.

Sec. 3. Pursuant to section 303(a)(7) of the Act, the following officials,

each of whom is employed in the area of national security or defense,

is designated to make the certifications required by section 303(a)(7) of

the Act in support of applications to conduct physical searches:"


You walked right into that one child.
that has nothing to do with stop and frisk

Nigga please.....don't make me keep embarrassing you.

"Section 1. Pursuant to section 302(a)(1) of the Act, the Attorney General

is authorized to approve physical searches, without a court order"
did you just google warrantless seaches than post the first thing with obama or clintons name on it you stupid nazi

your own source says
to acquire foreign intelligence information for periods of up to one year
I get stopped and frisked whenever I fly on an airliner. I'm told it increases safety and saves lives. Stop and frisk saved lives in new york city, so what's the big deal?
I get stopped and frisked whenever I fly on an airliner. I'm told it increases safety and saves lives. Stop and frisk saved lives in new york city, so what's the big deal?
so you would have no problem if police stopped and frisked you everyday?
. And you live in Chicago (high crime area), where stop and frisk isn't in play maybe ?? What do you suggest in that situation ? Maybe carry around a bag of yummy marshmallows in order to get peace going again ? Maybe go back to having all sit down with the peace pipe, smoke some doobies, eat some munchies, and sing cumbaya together ???
its interesting how republicans become the biggest supporters of gun control when its directed solely at blacks and hispanics, its almost as if the republican party is a white supremacist organization
. Try directed at high crime areas where it just so happens that blacks are the majority offenders in the area (killing each other with impunity), but don't let facts get in the way right ? Maybe less focus on skin color so problems can be solved ?

did you seriously just go on a racist rant about black people and then end it by saying we shouldn't focus on skin color? which is it? should we blame all crime on black people and murder them all? or should we not focus on race?

stupid nazis
. You are the stone cold racist here, but what's amazing is that you think we can't see it... wow. So if anyone here takes your bait, and says anything about you talking about black, black, black, then we are the racist as soon as we respond ???? Your a race baiting hack is what you are, and no matter what the facts are against you.
your supporting a law found by the courts to be so racist that it vioaltes the 14th amendment, and your declaring that it needs more racist and target black people more... and im the racist because why again?
. You calling it a racist thing doesn't make it so, and you know that there isn't anyone buying your bull crap here, and that's because you know the truth about it all, so quit trying to brand Trump a racist when he isn't. The facts are against you.
You poor ill educated child....your boy Bill Clinton signed an Executive Order ok'ing Physical searches WITHOUT a warrant.
you just made that up

You've SO much to learn.....

"Section 1. Pursuant to section 302(a)(1) of the Act, the Attorney General

is authorized to approve physical searches, without a court order, to acquire

foreign intelligence information for periods of up to one year, if the Attorney

General makes the certifications required by that section.

Sec. 2. Pursuant to section 302(b) of the Act, the Attorney General is authorized

to approve applications to the Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Court

under section 303 of the Act to obtain orders for physical searches for

the purpose of collecting foreign intelligence information.

Sec. 3. Pursuant to section 303(a)(7) of the Act, the following officials,

each of whom is employed in the area of national security or defense,

is designated to make the certifications required by section 303(a)(7) of

the Act in support of applications to conduct physical searches:"


You walked right into that one child.
that has nothing to do with stop and frisk

Nigga please.....don't make me keep embarrassing you.

"Section 1. Pursuant to section 302(a)(1) of the Act, the Attorney General

is authorized to approve physical searches, without a court order"
did you just google warrantless seaches than post the first thing with obama or clintons name on it you stupid nazi

your own source says
to acquire foreign intelligence information for periods of up to one year

Are you really that stupid?
Did he not sign an executive order authorizing WARRANTLESS physical searches?
Yes or no dumbass?
its interesting how republicans become the biggest supporters of gun control when its directed solely at blacks and hispanics, its almost as if the republican party is a white supremacist organization
. Try directed at high crime areas where it just so happens that blacks are the majority offenders in the area (killing each other with impunity), but don't let facts get in the way right ? Maybe less focus on skin color so problems can be solved ?

did you seriously just go on a racist rant about black people and then end it by saying we shouldn't focus on skin color? which is it? should we blame all crime on black people and murder them all? or should we not focus on race?

stupid nazis
. You are the stone cold racist here, but what's amazing is that you think we can't see it... wow. So if anyone here takes your bait, and says anything about you talking about black, black, black, then we are the racist as soon as we respond ???? Your a race baiting hack is what you are, and no matter what the facts are against you.
your supporting a law found by the courts to be so racist that it vioaltes the 14th amendment, and your declaring that it needs more racist and target black people more... and im the racist because why again?
. You calling it a racist thing doesn't make it so, and you know that there isn't anyone buying your bull crap here, and that's because you know the truth about it all, so quit trying to brand Trump a racist when he isn't. The facts are against you.
im calling you a racist for saying you support racist policing and dont think black people should've have the same rights as you. fucking nazi
It is interesting that you blame Republcans for gun control. The strictest gun laws in the country are in Chicago and Democrats have ruled there for decades. That last GOP Mayor was elected in 1927.
thats a myth Chicago gun laws not as strict as GOP candidates claim

OK so I clicked on your link...
No gun store has opened in the city yet. That means that every gun owned legally or illegally came from somewhere else. Just how many is unclear, but Chicago's police department seizes more illegal weapons than any other in the nation — nearly 20 a day for a total of 5,500 so far this year.

Mayor Rahm Emanuel released a report that blames gun sales elsewhere for much of Chicago's street violence.
It said nearly 60 percent of recovered guns used to commit crimes in Chicago from 2009 through 2013 were first sold in states with more lax gun laws. Neighboring Indiana was the biggest source, with 19 percent of all recovered guns having been sold there first. But they came from far and wide, with Mississippi second at 6.7 percent

Let me get this straight. You and this article say it is a myth Chicago has strict gun laws.... YET the mayor says gun sales are from states with more lax gun laws???

Does that make any sense? If there are lax gun laws in Chicago then why go to other states to buy guns?

You can't have it both ways !
Its a myth that they have stongest gun laws in america, especially since you can take a 15 minute drive to a state with almost no gun laws whatsoever, do you think criminals don't know how to drive cars yet? also chicago doesn't have near the highest murder rate in America, republicans spread these lies about it being the most violent city and having the strictest gun laws because obama is from chicago.and like you theyre lying racist assholes with no self respect

Nigga please...how many people have died in Chicago this year?
theyre not even in the top 10 highest murder rate

List of United States cities by crime rate (2014) - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

"Even as homicides have spiked in a number of cities, following increases in bloodshed in many of the same places last year, the situation in Chicago has stood out through sheer scale. The country’s third-biggest city has had more homicides this year than the only two bigger American cities — New York and Los Angeles — combined.

Chicago has had more homicides this year than New York and Los Angeles combined
you just made that up

You've SO much to learn.....

"Section 1. Pursuant to section 302(a)(1) of the Act, the Attorney General

is authorized to approve physical searches, without a court order, to acquire

foreign intelligence information for periods of up to one year, if the Attorney

General makes the certifications required by that section.

Sec. 2. Pursuant to section 302(b) of the Act, the Attorney General is authorized

to approve applications to the Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Court

under section 303 of the Act to obtain orders for physical searches for

the purpose of collecting foreign intelligence information.

Sec. 3. Pursuant to section 303(a)(7) of the Act, the following officials,

each of whom is employed in the area of national security or defense,

is designated to make the certifications required by section 303(a)(7) of

the Act in support of applications to conduct physical searches:"


You walked right into that one child.
that has nothing to do with stop and frisk

Nigga please.....don't make me keep embarrassing you.

"Section 1. Pursuant to section 302(a)(1) of the Act, the Attorney General

is authorized to approve physical searches, without a court order"
did you just google warrantless seaches than post the first thing with obama or clintons name on it you stupid nazi

your own source says
to acquire foreign intelligence information for periods of up to one year

Are you really that stupid?
Did he not sign an executive order authorizing WARRANTLESS physical searches?
Yes or no dumbass?
what does this have to do with stop and frisk you fucking racist hillbilly
I get stopped and frisked whenever I fly on an airliner. I'm told it increases safety and saves lives. Stop and frisk saved lives in new york city, so what's the big deal?
so you would have no problem if police stopped and frisked you everyday?

If I were living in a crime ridden area, and stop and frisk saved lives, yes I wouldn't mind it since it would make my neighborhood safer in the long run. Better frisked than dead should be the motto.
. Try directed at high crime areas where it just so happens that blacks are the majority offenders in the area (killing each other with impunity), but don't let facts get in the way right ? Maybe less focus on skin color so problems can be solved ?

did you seriously just go on a racist rant about black people and then end it by saying we shouldn't focus on skin color? which is it? should we blame all crime on black people and murder them all? or should we not focus on race?

stupid nazis
. You are the stone cold racist here, but what's amazing is that you think we can't see it... wow. So if anyone here takes your bait, and says anything about you talking about black, black, black, then we are the racist as soon as we respond ???? Your a race baiting hack is what you are, and no matter what the facts are against you.
your supporting a law found by the courts to be so racist that it vioaltes the 14th amendment, and your declaring that it needs more racist and target black people more... and im the racist because why again?
. You calling it a racist thing doesn't make it so, and you know that there isn't anyone buying your bull crap here, and that's because you know the truth about it all, so quit trying to brand Trump a racist when he isn't. The facts are against you.
im calling you a racist for saying you support racist policing and dont think black people should've have the same rights as you. fucking nazi

You angry black men are a dime a dozen, get a job asshole.
I get stopped and frisked whenever I fly on an airliner. I'm told it increases safety and saves lives. Stop and frisk saved lives in new york city, so what's the big deal?
so you would have no problem if police stopped and frisked you everyday?
. Not everyday, but until the situation is under control. Out of control means do what is nessesary to stop crime in high crime cities or areas. Anyone having a problem with it, then start a missionary in the inner city where it is bad, and start bringing people to the Lord, and help to stop the violence.
You've SO much to learn.....

"Section 1. Pursuant to section 302(a)(1) of the Act, the Attorney General

is authorized to approve physical searches, without a court order, to acquire

foreign intelligence information for periods of up to one year, if the Attorney

General makes the certifications required by that section.

Sec. 2. Pursuant to section 302(b) of the Act, the Attorney General is authorized

to approve applications to the Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Court

under section 303 of the Act to obtain orders for physical searches for

the purpose of collecting foreign intelligence information.

Sec. 3. Pursuant to section 303(a)(7) of the Act, the following officials,

each of whom is employed in the area of national security or defense,

is designated to make the certifications required by section 303(a)(7) of

the Act in support of applications to conduct physical searches:"


You walked right into that one child.
that has nothing to do with stop and frisk

Nigga please.....don't make me keep embarrassing you.

"Section 1. Pursuant to section 302(a)(1) of the Act, the Attorney General

is authorized to approve physical searches, without a court order"
did you just google warrantless seaches than post the first thing with obama or clintons name on it you stupid nazi

your own source says
to acquire foreign intelligence information for periods of up to one year

Are you really that stupid?
Did he not sign an executive order authorizing WARRANTLESS physical searches?
Yes or no dumbass?
what does this have to do with stop and frisk you fucking racist hillbilly

Your deflection and refusal to answer the question is duly noted Nigga.

OK so I clicked on your link...
No gun store has opened in the city yet. That means that every gun owned legally or illegally came from somewhere else. Just how many is unclear, but Chicago's police department seizes more illegal weapons than any other in the nation — nearly 20 a day for a total of 5,500 so far this year.

Mayor Rahm Emanuel released a report that blames gun sales elsewhere for much of Chicago's street violence.
It said nearly 60 percent of recovered guns used to commit crimes in Chicago from 2009 through 2013 were first sold in states with more lax gun laws. Neighboring Indiana was the biggest source, with 19 percent of all recovered guns having been sold there first. But they came from far and wide, with Mississippi second at 6.7 percent

Let me get this straight. You and this article say it is a myth Chicago has strict gun laws.... YET the mayor says gun sales are from states with more lax gun laws???

Does that make any sense? If there are lax gun laws in Chicago then why go to other states to buy guns?

You can't have it both ways !
Its a myth that they have stongest gun laws in america, especially since you can take a 15 minute drive to a state with almost no gun laws whatsoever, do you think criminals don't know how to drive cars yet? also chicago doesn't have near the highest murder rate in America, republicans spread these lies about it being the most violent city and having the strictest gun laws because obama is from chicago.and like you theyre lying racist assholes with no self respect

Nigga please...how many people have died in Chicago this year?
theyre not even in the top 10 highest murder rate

List of United States cities by crime rate (2014) - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

"Even as homicides have spiked in a number of cities, following increases in bloodshed in many of the same places last year, the situation in Chicago has stood out through sheer scale. The country’s third-biggest city has had more homicides this year than the only two bigger American cities — New York and Los Angeles — combined.

Chicago has had more homicides this year than New York and Los Angeles combined
thats because they have more people, homicide rates are lower than over a dozen us cities, Stlouis detroit new orleans and baltimore all have higher murder rates
I get stopped and frisked whenever I fly on an airliner. I'm told it increases safety and saves lives. Stop and frisk saved lives in new york city, so what's the big deal?
so you would have no problem if police stopped and frisked you everyday?
. Not everyday, but until the situation is under control. Out of control means do what is nessesary to stop crime in high crime cities or areas. Anyone having a problem with it, then start a missionary in the inner city where it is bad, and start bringing people to the Lord, and help to stop the violence.
what situation murder rates are down across all major cities? just because you precious flowers are hearing about it for the first time doesn't mean its getting worse
that has nothing to do with stop and frisk

Nigga please.....don't make me keep embarrassing you.

"Section 1. Pursuant to section 302(a)(1) of the Act, the Attorney General

is authorized to approve physical searches, without a court order"
did you just google warrantless seaches than post the first thing with obama or clintons name on it you stupid nazi

your own source says
to acquire foreign intelligence information for periods of up to one year

Are you really that stupid?
Did he not sign an executive order authorizing WARRANTLESS physical searches?
Yes or no dumbass?
what does this have to do with stop and frisk you fucking racist hillbilly

Your deflection and refusal to answer the question is duly noted Nigga.
the fact that you married your sister is duly noted
Nigga please.....don't make me keep embarrassing you.

"Section 1. Pursuant to section 302(a)(1) of the Act, the Attorney General

is authorized to approve physical searches, without a court order"
did you just google warrantless seaches than post the first thing with obama or clintons name on it you stupid nazi

your own source says
to acquire foreign intelligence information for periods of up to one year

Are you really that stupid?
Did he not sign an executive order authorizing WARRANTLESS physical searches?
Yes or no dumbass?
what does this have to do with stop and frisk you fucking racist hillbilly

Your deflection and refusal to answer the question is duly noted Nigga.
the fact that you married your sister is duly noted

You seem tom like my dick in your ass, keep being stupid and it will become a regular fixture for you. Niggra.
I get stopped and frisked whenever I fly on an airliner. I'm told it increases safety and saves lives. Stop and frisk saved lives in new york city, so what's the big deal?
so you would have no problem if police stopped and frisked you everyday?

If I were living in a crime ridden area, and stop and frisk saved lives, yes I wouldn't mind it since it would make my neighborhood safer in the long run. Better frisked than dead should be the motto.
stop and frisk diidnt save lives it was highly innefective and a waste of time and money on top of being a violation of rights

if you think black people shouldn't have the same rights as you, than your a racist thats the defintion of the word racist
so your advocating more racist police tactics? who cares if its unconstitutional or not? Advocates against stop and frisk aren't retards who hide behind legal loopholes. There are real reasons why stop and frisk should be stopped and whether or not the judge who ruled it unconsitutional or not was biased against cops, isn't one of them and shouldn't matter. It is a distraction from the issue and couldn't be more of a non-answer. You would think with protests in every major city against racist police violence that suggesting a policy that was ruled was ruled racist and unconstiutional would be the last thing a major politician would tie himself too. Much less one who has already been accused of racism multiple times, for mutliple reasons.

I guess we can add the fact that Donald supports stop and frisk, to the long list of reasons of why donald trump is racist. Thanks to nothing but his own ignorant, undeducated, big mouth

You poor ill educated child....your boy Bill Clinton signed an Executive Order ok'ing Physical searches WITHOUT a warrant.
you just made that up

You've SO much to learn.....

"Section 1. Pursuant to section 302(a)(1) of the Act, the Attorney General

is authorized to approve physical searches, without a court order, to acquire

foreign intelligence information for periods of up to one year, if the Attorney

General makes the certifications required by that section.

Sec. 2. Pursuant to section 302(b) of the Act, the Attorney General is authorized

to approve applications to the Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Court

under section 303 of the Act to obtain orders for physical searches for

the purpose of collecting foreign intelligence information.

Sec. 3. Pursuant to section 303(a)(7) of the Act, the following officials,

each of whom is employed in the area of national security or defense,

is designated to make the certifications required by section 303(a)(7) of

the Act in support of applications to conduct physical searches:"


You walked right into that one child.
. A racist don't want facts, because it won't fit with their agenda don't you know.
so true
. Glad you agree racist.
did you just google warrantless seaches than post the first thing with obama or clintons name on it you stupid nazi

your own source says
to acquire foreign intelligence information for periods of up to one year

Are you really that stupid?
Did he not sign an executive order authorizing WARRANTLESS physical searches?
Yes or no dumbass?
what does this have to do with stop and frisk you fucking racist hillbilly

Your deflection and refusal to answer the question is duly noted Nigga.
the fact that you married your sister is duly noted

You seem tom like my dick in your ass, keep being stupid and it will become a regular fixture for you. Niggra.
stupid nazi

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