Let me re-introduce myself


Political Atheist
Mar 30, 2013
I am now Imperius, formerly TemplarKormac. My name comes from the character Imperius, The Archangel of Valor from Diablo III. He also is the most hostile to the existence of mankind, and if it weren't for the rest of his brethren, The Angiris Council, and Tyrael more specifically, all of mankind would have been swept away long ago. He is hot headed, impulsive and quick to judge. But he is also willing to defend the High Heavens from the forces of the Burning Hells, at any cost. And he is warming up to the prospect of mankind's existence, too.

You guys can keep calling me "TK" if you like, or you can get used to calling me this one. All up to you though.

Well met, mortals.
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I am now Imperius, formerly TemplarKormac. My name comes from the character Imperius, The Archangel of Valor from Diablo III. He also is the most hostile to the existence of mankind, and if it weren't for the rest of his brethren, the Angiris Council, Tyrael more specifically, all of mankind would have been swept away long ago. He is hot headed, impulsive and quick to judge. But he is also willing to defend the High Heavens from the forces of the Burning Hells, at any cost. And he is warming up to the prospect of mankind's existence as well.

You guys can keep calling me "TK" if you like, or you can get used to calling me this one. All up to you though.

Well met, mortals.

I want to change my name to retard of the day...

( If you mods or anyone in authority does this I will laugh my ass off! )

Well hope the name change help you out and be well my mate...
Nice to meet you. Please allow me to introduce myself. I'm a man of wealth and taste. Have some Sympathy for the Devil.
I am now Imperius, formerly TemplarKormac. My name comes from the character Imperius, The Archangel of Valor from Diablo III. He also is the most hostile to the existence of mankind, and if it weren't for the rest of his brethren, the Angiris Council, Tyrael more specifically, all of mankind would have been swept away long ago. He is hot headed, impulsive and quick to judge. But he is also willing to defend the High Heavens from the forces of the Burning Hells, at any cost. And he is warming up to the prospect of mankind's existence as well.

You guys can keep calling me "TK" if you like, or you can get used to calling me this one. All up to you though.

Well met, mortals.

Thank you, Imperius
Sounds like this Archangel fits you very well. I'm sure we'll all enjoy the new and improved you!
(Now, if you start wanting to change your out-sy to an in-sy
and use the opposite restroom, then I'll start worrying you've gone too far with this transition phase...)
I am now Imperius, formerly TemplarKormac. My name comes from the character Imperius, The Archangel of Valor from Diablo III. He also is the most hostile to the existence of mankind, and if it weren't for the rest of his brethren, the Angiris Council, Tyrael more specifically, all of mankind would have been swept away long ago. He is hot headed, impulsive and quick to judge. But he is also willing to defend the High Heavens from the forces of the Burning Hells, at any cost. And he is warming up to the prospect of mankind's existence as well.

You guys can keep calling me "TK" if you like, or you can get used to calling me this one. All up to you though.

Well met, mortals.

Thank you, Imperius
Sounds like this Archangel fits you very well. I'm sure we'll all enjoy the new and improved you!
(Now, if you start wanting to change your out-sy to an in-sy
and use the opposite restroom, then I'll start worrying you've gone too far with this transition phase...)

Bwa ha! Very well stated. Thank you.

The Role of Marketing in the Infantilization of the Postmodern Adult
The Role of Marketing in the Infantilization of the Postmodern Adult - Bernardini - Fast Capitalism 10.1
The youthful adult is a young man who has decided not to grow up and enjoys this introspective shortcoming: he lives an artificial youth with infinite potential, possibility of digressions and recoveries, and absence of the ghosts of what could no longer be. He denies his age to assume those characteristics incidental to the symbols of eternal youth, crystallized in timelessness devoid of planning and awareness (Bonazzi et al. 2008); in reality, he tries to hide from the world and himself the non-acceptance of the new image of self that time is creating in spite of him. It is an image that has to be removed, kept away from the consciousness because its acceptance would be the recognition of a continuous inner and exterior changing: a process that does not change him suddenly, but that in the course of time modifies those psychological and aesthetic traits used to recognize himself. An alteration difficult to accept since a form of the self that he does not want to see changed is now interiorized.

Sorry to hear the establishment got to you. Hope your escape goes as planned. :lmao:

The Role of Marketing in the Infantilization of the Postmodern Adult
The Role of Marketing in the Infantilization of the Postmodern Adult - Bernardini - Fast Capitalism 10.1
The youthful adult is a young man who has decided not to grow up and enjoys this introspective shortcoming: he lives an artificial youth with infinite potential, possibility of digressions and recoveries, and absence of the ghosts of what could no longer be. He denies his age to assume those characteristics incidental to the symbols of eternal youth, crystallized in timelessness devoid of planning and awareness (Bonazzi et al. 2008); in reality, he tries to hide from the world and himself the non-acceptance of the new image of self that time is creating in spite of him. It is an image that has to be removed, kept away from the consciousness because its acceptance would be the recognition of a continuous inner and exterior changing: a process that does not change him suddenly, but that in the course of time modifies those psychological and aesthetic traits used to recognize himself. An alteration difficult to accept since a form of the self that he does not want to see changed is now interiorized.

Sorry to hear the establishment got to you. Hope your escape goes as planned. :lmao:

I am JoeMoma.

If you can live with acting like an Internet bully, what I think of it probably should be no concern of your own.
Also, I am no Mod, but these are the guidelines for posting in this thread.

"These are Welcome Threads. Please focus on Civil Discourse. Be Polite. No Flame Wars. No Derailing. No Neg Repping."
Also note, since Imperius had his name changed rather than creating a sock profile, the name on all his previous post (profile name) have been changed from TK to Imperius. That being said, it may be confusing reading some of the old treads when the others refer to Imperius as TK for those that don't know about the name change.
Eh... all I wanted to do was change my name. What's with all the anger and resentment?
Also note, since Imperius had his name changed rather than creating a sock profile, the name on all his previous post (profile name) have been changed from TK to Imperius. That being said, it may be confusing reading some of the old treads when the others refer to Imperius as TK for those that don't know about the name change.

Awesome thread!
A rose by any other name is still a rose.......oops, I didn't mean to say rose.
A rose by any other name is still a rose.......oops, I didn't mean to say rose.

I am a snapdragon. One of these:


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