Let me tell you about my Windows 10 pain today....

And Blei, I think I see your problem now, a problem of your own creation. You had at least one negative experience with Linux (obviously of your own making) and developed a negative attitude, not only that your failed attempt was at least eight years ago, that's a long time in computer years. You also believe you have enough knowledge of Linux (past and present) to make qualified judgements, you don't have enough knowledge which is why it makes you appear to be shilling for Microsoft, they've promoted an ant-Linux/anti-opensource propaganda campaign for decades. I can't count the number of M$ trained techs who regurgitate the anti-Linux crap they learned in training but could not tell anyone anything knowledgeable about Linux or open source.
2011 is not 8 years ago and it does not matter at all. And I can´t see where the given problems are self-made. After all I checked this goddamn mp3 codec box!
Ubuntu 10.10
Then I call bull shit, obviously you neglected to check the 'install third party software' during installation or did you simply try it out without installing it...... That would explain it.
Don´t remember. I only remember that I checked that mp3 codec box. Is that third party software included or will it have to be downloaded?
They're called 'Restricted Extras', not installed unless you approve them during installation or install them via the Software Center after installation. Most of the codecs are proprietary and not all Ubuntu users want the proprietary software on their computers which is why it's an option and not the automatic default. Honestly if you don't read the basic Wikis then you deserve what you get, it's called being informed.
If they make funny check boxes without any explanation how is that my fault?
If M$ relies on hardware makers to provide updated drivers how is that my fault....... :eusa_whistle:
Trapped by your own argument....... Oops.......
Dunno what this has to do with that check box...
And Blei, I think I see your problem now, a problem of your own creation. You had at least one negative experience with Linux (obviously of your own making) and developed a negative attitude, not only that your failed attempt was at least eight years ago, that's a long time in computer years. You also believe you have enough knowledge of Linux (past and present) to make qualified judgements, you don't have enough knowledge which is why it makes you appear to be shilling for Microsoft, they've promoted an ant-Linux/anti-opensource propaganda campaign for decades. I can't count the number of M$ trained techs who regurgitate the anti-Linux crap they learned in training but could not tell anyone anything knowledgeable about Linux or open source.
2011 is not 8 years ago and it does not matter at all. And I can´t see where the given problems are self-made. After all I checked this goddamn mp3 codec box!
Oh my I miss added...... So shoot me.......
There are other codecs that work alongside it, obviously you didn't install them all. But keep being closed minded and negative if you wish and I'll continue to believe you're a Microsoft shill. :thup:
Then I call bull shit, obviously you neglected to check the 'install third party software' during installation or did you simply try it out without installing it...... That would explain it.
Don´t remember. I only remember that I checked that mp3 codec box. Is that third party software included or will it have to be downloaded?
They're called 'Restricted Extras', not installed unless you approve them during installation or install them via the Software Center after installation. Most of the codecs are proprietary and not all Ubuntu users want the proprietary software on their computers which is why it's an option and not the automatic default. Honestly if you don't read the basic Wikis then you deserve what you get, it's called being informed.
If they make funny check boxes without any explanation how is that my fault?
If M$ relies on hardware makers to provide updated drivers how is that my fault....... :eusa_whistle:
Trapped by your own argument....... Oops.......
Dunno what this has to do with that check box...
Knowledge is empowerment is the basis for your pro Windows argument. Obviously you lack the knowledge hence can't be empowered. :thup:
Proper drivers and additional device software are the responsibility of the hardware manufacturers and not of the developers of the OS. Not a fan of Win 10, but this is a fact, simple and plain.
I know what you're saying but that's a cop out excuse. Prior to Vista M$ at least tried to be inclusive with their operating systems and hardware, they resumed the inclusivity with Win 7 then dropped it again with Win 8 and Win 10.
Since Windows 95, most of the OS-Disc´s content is drivers. Today, drivers even arrive via the update channel. So I think MS did not a bad job regarding the hardware support but it is still a service, not a product. The sole responsibility have the hardware manufacturers.
The issue is not XP, Vista, 7, ect but the age of the hardware. Put a Soundblaster Pro in a XP system and you will need no drivers. You have sound with the very first start after the OS´ installation. Put it into a Vista system and it will be silent unless you install the driver.
And of course, MS cannot cover all the variety of devices. There can be issues, there can even be a complete lack of drivers. No reason to damn MS. It is as if you curse your car´s manufacturer when you hit a deep and painful road hole...
You missed the point but that's expected. He did mention the hardware wasn't that old, I mean come on, what does M$ consider old? Four years? Two years? Six months? :dunno:

Exactly...the device that did not work is approx. 2 1/2 years old. The 2nd printer I mentioned will only partially work is less than a year old. And they are both HP!!! Not like I bought "Yanko"....HP!
HP forums are FILLED with Win 10 complaints, especially the mystifying fact that the same device works on some Win 10 PC's and some not....I don't understand that. That should not be possible. That can only mean that across installs there is inconsistency in the code.

I'm so glad I never "upgraded" to Windows 10. I've heard people complaining that they have had nothing but problems. One big complaint I've heard from people is how slow their computers have become after installing the Windows 10.
I upgraded and have regretted it. Windows 8 made some huge strides in boot speed that were wiped out with 10. No idea why they went backward there. Stability is garbage as well. Have had more performance issues as well.

All in all, windows 10 is garbage up against 8. The only improvement was to get back to an interface that makes more sense on anything other than a tablet. That interface is not worth the myriad of other drawbacks from the previous version.
And Blei, I think I see your problem now, a problem of your own creation. You had at least one negative experience with Linux (obviously of your own making) and developed a negative attitude, not only that your failed attempt was at least eight years ago, that's a long time in computer years. You also believe you have enough knowledge of Linux (past and present) to make qualified judgements, you don't have enough knowledge which is why it makes you appear to be shilling for Microsoft, they've promoted an ant-Linux/anti-opensource propaganda campaign for decades. I can't count the number of M$ trained techs who regurgitate the anti-Linux crap they learned in training but could not tell anyone anything knowledgeable about Linux or open source.
2011 is not 8 years ago and it does not matter at all. And I can´t see where the given problems are self-made. After all I checked this goddamn mp3 codec box!
Oh my I miss added...... So shoot me.......
There are other codecs that work alongside it, obviously you didn't install them all. But keep being closed minded and negative if you wish and I'll continue to believe you're a Microsoft shill. :thup:
So you mean I should jubilate?
I know what you're saying but that's a cop out excuse. Prior to Vista M$ at least tried to be inclusive with their operating systems and hardware, they resumed the inclusivity with Win 7 then dropped it again with Win 8 and Win 10.
Since Windows 95, most of the OS-Disc´s content is drivers. Today, drivers even arrive via the update channel. So I think MS did not a bad job regarding the hardware support but it is still a service, not a product. The sole responsibility have the hardware manufacturers.
The issue is not XP, Vista, 7, ect but the age of the hardware. Put a Soundblaster Pro in a XP system and you will need no drivers. You have sound with the very first start after the OS´ installation. Put it into a Vista system and it will be silent unless you install the driver.
And of course, MS cannot cover all the variety of devices. There can be issues, there can even be a complete lack of drivers. No reason to damn MS. It is as if you curse your car´s manufacturer when you hit a deep and painful road hole...
You missed the point but that's expected. He did mention the hardware wasn't that old, I mean come on, what does M$ consider old? Four years? Two years? Six months? :dunno:

Exactly...the device that did not work is approx. 2 1/2 years old. The 2nd printer I mentioned will only partially work is less than a year old. And they are both HP!!! Not like I bought "Yanko"....HP!
HP forums are FILLED with Win 10 complaints, especially the mystifying fact that the same device works on some Win 10 PC's and some not....I don't understand that. That should not be possible. That can only mean that across installs there is inconsistency in the code.

I'm so glad I never "upgraded" to Windows 10. I've heard people complaining that they have had nothing but problems. One big complaint I've heard from people is how slow their computers have become after installing the Windows 10.
I upgraded and have regretted it. Windows 8 made some huge strides in boot speed that were wiped out with 10. No idea why they went backward there. Stability is garbage as well. Have had more performance issues as well.

All in all, windows 10 is garbage up against 8. The only improvement was to get back to an interface that makes more sense on anything other than a tablet. That interface is not worth the myriad of other drawbacks from the previous version.
Right. And don´t miss the fixes that are around for the interface.
And Blei, I think I see your problem now, a problem of your own creation. You had at least one negative experience with Linux (obviously of your own making) and developed a negative attitude, not only that your failed attempt was at least eight years ago, that's a long time in computer years. You also believe you have enough knowledge of Linux (past and present) to make qualified judgements, you don't have enough knowledge which is why it makes you appear to be shilling for Microsoft, they've promoted an ant-Linux/anti-opensource propaganda campaign for decades. I can't count the number of M$ trained techs who regurgitate the anti-Linux crap they learned in training but could not tell anyone anything knowledgeable about Linux or open source.
2011 is not 8 years ago and it does not matter at all. And I can´t see where the given problems are self-made. After all I checked this goddamn mp3 codec box!
Oh my I miss added...... So shoot me.......
There are other codecs that work alongside it, obviously you didn't install them all. But keep being closed minded and negative if you wish and I'll continue to believe you're a Microsoft shill. :thup:
So you mean I should jubilate?
Don't let me stop ya. :dunno:
Since Windows 95, most of the OS-Disc´s content is drivers. Today, drivers even arrive via the update channel. So I think MS did not a bad job regarding the hardware support but it is still a service, not a product. The sole responsibility have the hardware manufacturers.
The issue is not XP, Vista, 7, ect but the age of the hardware. Put a Soundblaster Pro in a XP system and you will need no drivers. You have sound with the very first start after the OS´ installation. Put it into a Vista system and it will be silent unless you install the driver.
And of course, MS cannot cover all the variety of devices. There can be issues, there can even be a complete lack of drivers. No reason to damn MS. It is as if you curse your car´s manufacturer when you hit a deep and painful road hole...
You missed the point but that's expected. He did mention the hardware wasn't that old, I mean come on, what does M$ consider old? Four years? Two years? Six months? :dunno:

Exactly...the device that did not work is approx. 2 1/2 years old. The 2nd printer I mentioned will only partially work is less than a year old. And they are both HP!!! Not like I bought "Yanko"....HP!
HP forums are FILLED with Win 10 complaints, especially the mystifying fact that the same device works on some Win 10 PC's and some not....I don't understand that. That should not be possible. That can only mean that across installs there is inconsistency in the code.

I'm so glad I never "upgraded" to Windows 10. I've heard people complaining that they have had nothing but problems. One big complaint I've heard from people is how slow their computers have become after installing the Windows 10.
I upgraded and have regretted it. Windows 8 made some huge strides in boot speed that were wiped out with 10. No idea why they went backward there. Stability is garbage as well. Have had more performance issues as well.

All in all, windows 10 is garbage up against 8. The only improvement was to get back to an interface that makes more sense on anything other than a tablet. That interface is not worth the myriad of other drawbacks from the previous version.
Right. And don´t miss the fixes that are around for the interface.
He's anti Win 10 just like you're anti Linux........ :eusa_whistle:
You missed the point but that's expected. He did mention the hardware wasn't that old, I mean come on, what does M$ consider old? Four years? Two years? Six months? :dunno:

Exactly...the device that did not work is approx. 2 1/2 years old. The 2nd printer I mentioned will only partially work is less than a year old. And they are both HP!!! Not like I bought "Yanko"....HP!
HP forums are FILLED with Win 10 complaints, especially the mystifying fact that the same device works on some Win 10 PC's and some not....I don't understand that. That should not be possible. That can only mean that across installs there is inconsistency in the code.

I'm so glad I never "upgraded" to Windows 10. I've heard people complaining that they have had nothing but problems. One big complaint I've heard from people is how slow their computers have become after installing the Windows 10.
I upgraded and have regretted it. Windows 8 made some huge strides in boot speed that were wiped out with 10. No idea why they went backward there. Stability is garbage as well. Have had more performance issues as well.

All in all, windows 10 is garbage up against 8. The only improvement was to get back to an interface that makes more sense on anything other than a tablet. That interface is not worth the myriad of other drawbacks from the previous version.
Right. And don´t miss the fixes that are around for the interface.
He's anti Win 10 just like you're anti Linux........ :eusa_whistle:
I am anti-Linux? How that?
And Blei, I think I see your problem now, a problem of your own creation. You had at least one negative experience with Linux (obviously of your own making) and developed a negative attitude, not only that your failed attempt was at least eight years ago, that's a long time in computer years. You also believe you have enough knowledge of Linux (past and present) to make qualified judgements, you don't have enough knowledge which is why it makes you appear to be shilling for Microsoft, they've promoted an ant-Linux/anti-opensource propaganda campaign for decades. I can't count the number of M$ trained techs who regurgitate the anti-Linux crap they learned in training but could not tell anyone anything knowledgeable about Linux or open source.
2011 is not 8 years ago and it does not matter at all. And I can´t see where the given problems are self-made. After all I checked this goddamn mp3 codec box!
Earlier you didn't remember. But 2011 was long ago in the Linux world. Plus you could have installed non free drivers later, all the check box does is include it during installation. Also some distros are stripped down, others full blown. Depends what you want instead of a one size fits all but it requires a little effort on your part.
Exactly...the device that did not work is approx. 2 1/2 years old. The 2nd printer I mentioned will only partially work is less than a year old. And they are both HP!!! Not like I bought "Yanko"....HP!
HP forums are FILLED with Win 10 complaints, especially the mystifying fact that the same device works on some Win 10 PC's and some not....I don't understand that. That should not be possible. That can only mean that across installs there is inconsistency in the code.

I'm so glad I never "upgraded" to Windows 10. I've heard people complaining that they have had nothing but problems. One big complaint I've heard from people is how slow their computers have become after installing the Windows 10.
I upgraded and have regretted it. Windows 8 made some huge strides in boot speed that were wiped out with 10. No idea why they went backward there. Stability is garbage as well. Have had more performance issues as well.

All in all, windows 10 is garbage up against 8. The only improvement was to get back to an interface that makes more sense on anything other than a tablet. That interface is not worth the myriad of other drawbacks from the previous version.
Right. And don´t miss the fixes that are around for the interface.
He's anti Win 10 just like you're anti Linux........ :eusa_whistle:
I am anti-Linux? How that?
The fact you have to ask that is telling........ very telling........
And Blei, I think I see your problem now, a problem of your own creation. You had at least one negative experience with Linux (obviously of your own making) and developed a negative attitude, not only that your failed attempt was at least eight years ago, that's a long time in computer years. You also believe you have enough knowledge of Linux (past and present) to make qualified judgements, you don't have enough knowledge which is why it makes you appear to be shilling for Microsoft, they've promoted an ant-Linux/anti-opensource propaganda campaign for decades. I can't count the number of M$ trained techs who regurgitate the anti-Linux crap they learned in training but could not tell anyone anything knowledgeable about Linux or open source.
2011 is not 8 years ago and it does not matter at all. And I can´t see where the given problems are self-made. After all I checked this goddamn mp3 codec box!
Earlier you didn't remember. But 2011 was long ago in the Linux world. Plus you could have installed non free drivers later, all the check box does is include it during installation. Also some distros are stripped down, others full blown. Depends what you want instead of a one size fits all but it requires a little effort on your part.
I don´t remember if there was a check box similar to the one Ringel mentioned. Ubuntu 10.10 is not a stone age distro. It is the first Unity-Ubuntu. I only like that Korora Linux but it had issues as well.
And Blei, I think I see your problem now, a problem of your own creation. You had at least one negative experience with Linux (obviously of your own making) and developed a negative attitude, not only that your failed attempt was at least eight years ago, that's a long time in computer years. You also believe you have enough knowledge of Linux (past and present) to make qualified judgements, you don't have enough knowledge which is why it makes you appear to be shilling for Microsoft, they've promoted an ant-Linux/anti-opensource propaganda campaign for decades. I can't count the number of M$ trained techs who regurgitate the anti-Linux crap they learned in training but could not tell anyone anything knowledgeable about Linux or open source.
2011 is not 8 years ago and it does not matter at all. And I can´t see where the given problems are self-made. After all I checked this goddamn mp3 codec box!
Earlier you didn't remember. But 2011 was long ago in the Linux world. Plus you could have installed non free drivers later, all the check box does is include it during installation. Also some distros are stripped down, others full blown. Depends what you want instead of a one size fits all but it requires a little effort on your part.
I don´t remember if there was a check box similar to the one Ringel mentioned. Ubuntu 10.10 is not a stone age distro. It is the first Unity-Ubuntu. I only like that Korora Linux but it had issues as well.
Ubuntu 10.10 was released October 2010, that's what the numbers mean. I think I started with 11.04. Lots of improvements have been made and you can always install drivers afterwards, you just spend a few minutes looking it up.

I have no invested interest in what you do but if you speak nonsense I may comment on it.
And Blei, I think I see your problem now, a problem of your own creation. You had at least one negative experience with Linux (obviously of your own making) and developed a negative attitude, not only that your failed attempt was at least eight years ago, that's a long time in computer years. You also believe you have enough knowledge of Linux (past and present) to make qualified judgements, you don't have enough knowledge which is why it makes you appear to be shilling for Microsoft, they've promoted an ant-Linux/anti-opensource propaganda campaign for decades. I can't count the number of M$ trained techs who regurgitate the anti-Linux crap they learned in training but could not tell anyone anything knowledgeable about Linux or open source.
2011 is not 8 years ago and it does not matter at all. And I can´t see where the given problems are self-made. After all I checked this goddamn mp3 codec box!
Earlier you didn't remember. But 2011 was long ago in the Linux world. Plus you could have installed non free drivers later, all the check box does is include it during installation. Also some distros are stripped down, others full blown. Depends what you want instead of a one size fits all but it requires a little effort on your part.
I don´t remember if there was a check box similar to the one Ringel mentioned. Ubuntu 10.10 is not a stone age distro. It is the first Unity-Ubuntu. I only like that Korora Linux but it had issues as well.
Ubuntu 10.10 was released October 2010, that's what the numbers mean. I think I started with 11.04. Lots of improvements have been made and you can always install drivers afterwards, you just spend a few minutes looking it up.

I have no invested interest in what you do but if you speak nonsense I may comment on it.
It was the newest version when I tested it. However, I couldn´t go online as the Internet sticks I had didn´t work. I decided to uninstall it after some hours.
You missed the point but that's expected. He did mention the hardware wasn't that old, I mean come on, what does M$ consider old? Four years? Two years? Six months? :dunno:

Exactly...the device that did not work is approx. 2 1/2 years old. The 2nd printer I mentioned will only partially work is less than a year old. And they are both HP!!! Not like I bought "Yanko"....HP!
HP forums are FILLED with Win 10 complaints, especially the mystifying fact that the same device works on some Win 10 PC's and some not....I don't understand that. That should not be possible. That can only mean that across installs there is inconsistency in the code.

I'm so glad I never "upgraded" to Windows 10. I've heard people complaining that they have had nothing but problems. One big complaint I've heard from people is how slow their computers have become after installing the Windows 10.
I upgraded and have regretted it. Windows 8 made some huge strides in boot speed that were wiped out with 10. No idea why they went backward there. Stability is garbage as well. Have had more performance issues as well.

All in all, windows 10 is garbage up against 8. The only improvement was to get back to an interface that makes more sense on anything other than a tablet. That interface is not worth the myriad of other drawbacks from the previous version.
Right. And don´t miss the fixes that are around for the interface.
He's anti Win 10 just like you're anti Linux........ :eusa_whistle:
Not really anti-windows 10. Just noting that there are several problems with it that I see and I think that 8 is a superior product.
Exactly...the device that did not work is approx. 2 1/2 years old. The 2nd printer I mentioned will only partially work is less than a year old. And they are both HP!!! Not like I bought "Yanko"....HP!
HP forums are FILLED with Win 10 complaints, especially the mystifying fact that the same device works on some Win 10 PC's and some not....I don't understand that. That should not be possible. That can only mean that across installs there is inconsistency in the code.

I'm so glad I never "upgraded" to Windows 10. I've heard people complaining that they have had nothing but problems. One big complaint I've heard from people is how slow their computers have become after installing the Windows 10.
I upgraded and have regretted it. Windows 8 made some huge strides in boot speed that were wiped out with 10. No idea why they went backward there. Stability is garbage as well. Have had more performance issues as well.

All in all, windows 10 is garbage up against 8. The only improvement was to get back to an interface that makes more sense on anything other than a tablet. That interface is not worth the myriad of other drawbacks from the previous version.
Right. And don´t miss the fixes that are around for the interface.
He's anti Win 10 just like you're anti Linux........ :eusa_whistle:
Not really anti-windows 10. Just noting that there are several problems with it that I see and I think that 8 is a superior product.
Okay, everyone has their favorites, personally I hate Win 8.
I'm so glad I never "upgraded" to Windows 10. I've heard people complaining that they have had nothing but problems. One big complaint I've heard from people is how slow their computers have become after installing the Windows 10.
I upgraded and have regretted it. Windows 8 made some huge strides in boot speed that were wiped out with 10. No idea why they went backward there. Stability is garbage as well. Have had more performance issues as well.

All in all, windows 10 is garbage up against 8. The only improvement was to get back to an interface that makes more sense on anything other than a tablet. That interface is not worth the myriad of other drawbacks from the previous version.
Right. And don´t miss the fixes that are around for the interface.
He's anti Win 10 just like you're anti Linux........ :eusa_whistle:
Not really anti-windows 10. Just noting that there are several problems with it that I see and I think that 8 is a superior product.
Okay, everyone has their favorites, personally I hate Win 8.
I'm so glad I never "upgraded" to Windows 10. I've heard people complaining that they have had nothing but problems. One big complaint I've heard from people is how slow their computers have become after installing the Windows 10.
I upgraded and have regretted it. Windows 8 made some huge strides in boot speed that were wiped out with 10. No idea why they went backward there. Stability is garbage as well. Have had more performance issues as well.

All in all, windows 10 is garbage up against 8. The only improvement was to get back to an interface that makes more sense on anything other than a tablet. That interface is not worth the myriad of other drawbacks from the previous version.
Right. And don´t miss the fixes that are around for the interface.
He's anti Win 10 just like you're anti Linux........ :eusa_whistle:
Not really anti-windows 10. Just noting that there are several problems with it that I see and I think that 8 is a superior product.
Okay, everyone has their favorites, personally I hate Win 8.

I liked Windows 7 better, but I got used to Win 8 and I didn't want to change yet AGAIN.
And Blei, I think I see your problem now, a problem of your own creation. You had at least one negative experience with Linux (obviously of your own making) and developed a negative attitude, not only that your failed attempt was at least eight years ago, that's a long time in computer years. You also believe you have enough knowledge of Linux (past and present) to make qualified judgements, you don't have enough knowledge which is why it makes you appear to be shilling for Microsoft, they've promoted an ant-Linux/anti-opensource propaganda campaign for decades. I can't count the number of M$ trained techs who regurgitate the anti-Linux crap they learned in training but could not tell anyone anything knowledgeable about Linux or open source.
2011 is not 8 years ago and it does not matter at all. And I can´t see where the given problems are self-made. After all I checked this goddamn mp3 codec box!
Earlier you didn't remember. But 2011 was long ago in the Linux world. Plus you could have installed non free drivers later, all the check box does is include it during installation. Also some distros are stripped down, others full blown. Depends what you want instead of a one size fits all but it requires a little effort on your part.
I don´t remember if there was a check box similar to the one Ringel mentioned. Ubuntu 10.10 is not a stone age distro. It is the first Unity-Ubuntu. I only like that Korora Linux but it had issues as well.
Ubuntu 10.10 was released October 2010, that's what the numbers mean. I think I started with 11.04. Lots of improvements have been made and you can always install drivers afterwards, you just spend a few minutes looking it up.

I have no invested interest in what you do but if you speak nonsense I may comment on it.
It was the newest version when I tested it. However, I couldn´t go online as the Internet sticks I had didn´t work. I decided to uninstall it after some hours.
I have no idea how to uninstall a disto, never saw the option. I just delete the partition or install another one in the same spot. But it's like basing opinions about Windows 10 on Windows Vista.

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