Let the nation default?

Should Republicans let the nation default if Democrats refuse to negotiate?

  • Yes, if the Dems won't talk, we should default.

    Votes: 30 47.6%
  • No, we should never default on our debt.

    Votes: 33 52.4%

  • Total voters
There is absolutely not going to be a default. Default =depression.

Treasury Default Could Crash US, Global Economy: Bank Analyst Richard Bove, Leading To A Depression Lasting Decades

An agreement will be reached at the 11th hour. However, the world, and this nation's investors could lose confidence in the market before the 18th, siending the stock market into a downward spiral. If that happens, I intend to cash in on it, and buy, buy, buy (during the dip)

We could go months on end, years actually, and still not have to default on the debt. People that say different are either lying or ignorant wrt how our system of government works. Obama's not allowed to default this country. The house is not allowed to default this country. The senate is not allowed to default this country. It can't happen.

We can, however, cut spending. As shown by the sequester, it's not the end of the world to be forced to live within a budget.
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Sold BOTH of them?

No, Henry. I sold $92,000 worth. That was all I had left after cashing out 80% of my investments in 2008, right before the Bush recession, and parking it all into certificates of deposit. Thanks to democratic party produced Medicare and Social Security, plus living frugally with no debt (I even pay cash for cars), I'll never have to work again.


At least until you get hit with means testing. Someone is going to notice the CDs and savings accounts and IRAs and 401ks and once they figure out you have cash, kiss the Medicare and SSI goodbye.

The tit is dry.

No Problem! I used to be a Republican, so I know all about Grand Cayman banks!
No, Henry. I sold $92,000 worth. That was all I had left after cashing out 80% of my investments in 2008, right before the Bush recession, and parking it all into certificates of deposit. Thanks to democratic party produced Medicare and Social Security, plus living frugally with no debt (I even pay cash for cars), I'll never have to work again.


At least until you get hit with means testing. Someone is going to notice the CDs and savings accounts and IRAs and 401ks and once they figure out you have cash, kiss the Medicare and SSI goodbye.

The tit is dry.

No Problem! I used to be a Republican, so I know all about Grand Cayman banks!

:lol:...that's where Bill and Hillary do their banking, you must get confused..ah what?
There is absolutely not going to be a default. Default =depression.

Treasury Default Could Crash US, Global Economy: Bank Analyst Richard Bove, Leading To A Depression Lasting Decades

An agreement will be reached at the 11th hour. However, the world, and this nation's investors could lose confidence in the market before the 18th, siending the stock market into a downward spiral. If that happens, I intend to cash in on it, and buy, buy, buy (during the dip)

Sort of how the US economy was going to tank due to the sequester, right?

Didn't happen then and it won't happen if the US defaults.

The "big explosion" will occur after all is said and done and the Fed ceases the policy of QE. Hyperinflation will be the result and the economy will go in the tank.

It's coming. Your Cayman accounts won't be worth squat. I suggest Switzerland.
There is absolutely not going to be a default. Default =depression.

Treasury Default Could Crash US, Global Economy: Bank Analyst Richard Bove, Leading To A Depression Lasting Decades

An agreement will be reached at the 11th hour. However, the world, and this nation's investors could lose confidence in the market before the 18th, siending the stock market into a downward spiral. If that happens, I intend to cash in on it, and buy, buy, buy (during the dip)

Do you see the poll on this thread. 45% say let the nation default on the debt. Republicans are all fully stocked up on physical gold, silver, guns & ammo. They believe they can profit from a default & dump those government tit sucking leaches. I would not put faith in an agreement being reached at the 11th hour.

NY Times Poll: People Prefer Default to Increasing the Debt Limit Without Cuts

China and Japan warn US on default - "Beijing said “the clock is ticking” and urged politicians in Washington to “ensure the safety of the Chinese investments”. Zhu Guangyao, vice-finance minister, told a media briefing that China has made clear its unease over the political impasse in Washington.

In Japan, the Ministry of Finance is very worried about the potential impact on currency markets, according to a senior official. A US default could cause investors to dump the US dollar, which would sharply push up the value of the yen. On Tuesday Japan’s finance minister Taro Aso called on “the United States to resolve its debt ceiling stand-off without delay.” The absolute value of US bonds held by the Japanese government could decline if the situation was not brought to a swift end he added.”"
Boehner remains in the clenched and locked position.

'House of Indecision' | National Review Online

In private, Boehner has told his allies that he won’t bring up a clean CR, and he’s hopeful that as the deadline nears, President Obama will deal. “There’s no way the president holds firm,” a House GOP insider predicts. “Once that crack opens, I don’t know how the debt limit will be addressed, but it won’t be by Republican capitulation.”
Boehner remains in the clenched and locked position.

'House of Indecision' | National Review Online

In private, Boehner has told his allies that he won’t bring up a clean CR, and he’s hopeful that as the deadline nears, President Obama will deal. “There’s no way the president holds firm,” a House GOP insider predicts. “Once that crack opens, I don’t know how the debt limit will be addressed, but it won’t be by Republican capitulation.”

These idiots are ready to drive this country over a cliff. :(
Boehner remains in the clenched and locked position.

'House of Indecision' | National Review Online

In private, Boehner has told his allies that he won’t bring up a clean CR, and he’s hopeful that as the deadline nears, President Obama will deal. “There’s no way the president holds firm,” a House GOP insider predicts. “Once that crack opens, I don’t know how the debt limit will be addressed, but it won’t be by Republican capitulation.”

These idiots are ready to drive this country over a cliff. :(

What cliff...The 17 trillion dollar national debt cliff?
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These idiots are ready to drive this country over a cliff. :(

What cliff...The 17 trillion national debt cliff?

Our nations infrastructure, science and tech isn't the problem. Between 1950-1990 those were the same if not more of the budget...

Look else where.

So what's the problem Matthew...Those bad Republicans not letting the Democrats have their way? Put Obamacare off for a year, what's the bums rush all about, problem solved.

It's not about polls/winning, it's about dysfunctional government and legislation.
Look at what's causing the debt over the last 13 years....Remember we have been funding those three important areas for a very long time. So think about it.

Just complete your thoughts and quit screwing around...oh, make it brief, I'm tired.
Look at what's causing the debt over the last 13 years....Remember we have been funding those three important areas for a very long time. So think about it.

Just complete your thoughts and quit screwing around...oh, make it brief, I'm tired.

The same amount of resources by gdp were put into those areas throughout the past 60 years.

What charged? Something fishy.
Look at what's causing the debt over the last 13 years....Remember we have been funding those three important areas for a very long time. So think about it.

Just complete your thoughts and quit screwing around...oh, make it brief, I'm tired.

The same amount of resources by gdp were put into those areas throughout the past 60 years.

What charged? Something fishy.

:lol:..you tell me..
Default to ourselves?

The United States is the largest buyer of American debt thanks to the FED printing 85 billion a month. That's why they will never take their foot off the gas.


Missing a debt payment will be a disaster. It is a shock that will absolutely seize the global financial system, shutter banks, destroy the US credit rating, skyrocket interest rates, destroy jobs & the economy.

The Federal Reserve has been operating a controlled default. It buys debt from debt holders & sits on it at zero interest. It is the same as sterilization or monetizing debt.

I disagree- Let's find out

Why would we default?

Our service on the debt costs about 20 billion a month we currently collect more than 10 times that a month in tax revenue.

Even with no increase in the debt ceiling we should not have a problem servicing the debt.

default means more than just not paying interest on the debt.

it means not paying interest on the debt, not cashing out securities that are withdrawn, not paying bills that are owed to contractors, etc etc..

if we owe money (especially to non-Federal govt. entities) and don't pay it, we have defaulted.

We should have to do what Obama encouraged Americans to do as result of the evil banks

Walk away then blame it on someone else

In this case, we should walk away and Obama can blame it on Bush

J.C. Penny and Sears are both in such fragile condition already that a government default will be enough to send them over a cliff. Both are anchors at a large number of shopping malls. Shopping malls fail when they lose their anchors. If this goes into Novemeber, you can expect consumers to cut their shopping for Christmas.

But before all that happens, Wall Street goes into a meltdown...especially if foreign markets start to drop because of loss of confidence in Asia and Europe. If that happens, the dominos start to fall.

Let's get the party started then

If someone calls you and threatens to ruin your credit, if you don't do what they want you to do, they can be arrested for extortion.

So can the FBI arrest House Republicans for extortion?

No but we can hang Obama for treason if he defaults on the debt. By law the debt gets paid from the receipts. There is no reason to default on our debts, we don't need to borrow any more money, the feds will have to learn to do more with less and stop crying about it.

By God I am here to say thanks to JRK for SHARING his stupidity. Again. Thanks jrk.

Fuk you think that the President controls the governments purse strings. Why don't you show all where in the COTUS it says the President can do what you say.

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