Let The Truth Be Known To All


Gold Member
Feb 19, 2012
The truth being what it is, will someone please educate me as to when Israel's land since antiquity became this Muslim Palestinian land that the Palestinian supporters claim Israel is stealing or grabbing? Sure looks to me like the Muslim Palestinians are just squatters on Israel's land. How about all Palestinians who have deeds to the land they claim is theirs stay & all those who do not have deeds have to leave? Would that not be a fair & just solution as to who owns what land?

Jewish History in Israel
[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=K8E_zMLCRNg]Cricket Sound - YouTube[/ame]
Another day & still not a single Palestinian supporter here to disagree. Those few Palestinians with deeds to the land stay in Israel. And for all those without deeds it's back to their indigenous homelands.

The truth being what it is, will someone please educate me as to when Israel's land since antiquity became this Muslim Palestinian land that the Palestinian supporters claim Israel is stealing or grabbing? Sure looks to me like the Muslim Palestinians are just squatters on Israel's land. How about all Palestinians who have deeds to the land they claim is theirs stay & all those who do not have deeds have to leave? Would that not be a fair & just solution as to who owns what land?

Jewish History in Israel
The truth being what it is, will someone please educate me as to when Israel's land since antiquity became this Muslim Palestinian land that the Palestinian supporters claim Israel is stealing or grabbing? Sure looks to me like the Muslim Palestinians are just squatters on Israel's land. How about all Palestinians who have deeds to the land they claim is theirs stay & all those who do not have deeds have to leave? Would that not be a fair & just solution as to who owns what land?

Jewish History in Israel

A man went to the cinema, sat in a nice seat and left at the end of the film.
He didn't return to that cinema for two years but kicked the man who was sitting in his seat and killed his friends.
It was his bloody seat so he had the right.
The truth being what it is, will someone please educate me as to when Israel's land since antiquity became this Muslim Palestinian land that the Palestinian supporters claim Israel is stealing or grabbing? Sure looks to me like the Muslim Palestinians are just squatters on Israel's land. How about all Palestinians who have deeds to the land they claim is theirs stay & all those who do not have deeds have to leave? Would that not be a fair & just solution as to who owns what land?

Jewish History in Israel

A man went to the cinema, sat in a nice seat and left at the end of the film.
He didn't return to that cinema for two years but kicked the man who was sitting in his seat and killed his friends.
It was his bloody seat so he had the right.

silly analogy,, freddie a better analogy. There was a land--- of many peoples----
many travelers and many primitives and pigs and dogs. Many of the people were
cultured----the pigs and dogs were filthy. There came a time that one of the pigs
grew big and vicious----and attacked the settlements of the cultured peoples. That
vile pig became a LEADER OF THE PIGS AND DOGS-----and the packs of pigs and
dogs overcame the cultured peoples of the land and then SPILLED OVER thruout the region----raping and murdering and pillaging -----------BUT!!!!!! there are always survivors--
no matter where the pigs and dogs raped and murdered and pillaged------surviving doves
and lambs and deers-----in small numbers remained------obscure but living.

Eventually-----the surviving doves and lambs and deers and elks------RESTABLISHED
themselves -----here and there and reclaimed CIVILIZATION. The pigs and dogs
remain------still filthy-----and still murdering and still attacking the doves and lambs
and deers-------------and EACH OTHER ----vile pigs and dogs that they are
The only good thing about Israel's Middle East enemies is that they do kill each other, often times within their own countries. Most recently its hats off to Syria.

The truth being what it is, will someone please educate me as to when Israel's land since antiquity became this Muslim Palestinian land that the Palestinian supporters claim Israel is stealing or grabbing? Sure looks to me like the Muslim Palestinians are just squatters on Israel's land. How about all Palestinians who have deeds to the land they claim is theirs stay & all those who do not have deeds have to leave? Would that not be a fair & just solution as to who owns what land?

Jewish History in Israel

A man went to the cinema, sat in a nice seat and left at the end of the film.
He didn't return to that cinema for two years but kicked the man who was sitting in his seat and killed his friends.
It was his bloody seat so he had the right.

silly analogy,, freddie a better analogy. There was a land--- of many peoples----
many travelers and many primitives and pigs and dogs. Many of the people were
cultured----the pigs and dogs were filthy. There came a time that one of the pigs
grew big and vicious----and attacked the settlements of the cultured peoples. That
vile pig became a LEADER OF THE PIGS AND DOGS-----and the packs of pigs and
dogs overcame the cultured peoples of the land and then SPILLED OVER thruout the region----raping and murdering and pillaging -----------BUT!!!!!! there are always survivors--
no matter where the pigs and dogs raped and murdered and pillaged------surviving doves
and lambs and deers-----in small numbers remained------obscure but living.

Eventually-----the surviving doves and lambs and deers and elks------RESTABLISHED
themselves -----here and there and reclaimed CIVILIZATION. The pigs and dogs
remain------still filthy-----and still murdering and still attacking the doves and lambs
and deers-------------and EACH OTHER ----vile pigs and dogs that they are
Once again, historically both Arabs and Jews have had roots in the region for centuries. Israel did not become the Jewish state that it is today until after WWII when the British essentially abandoned the Palestinian territory and let the Jews and Arabs fight it out. It was my understanding that Israel seemed fine only taking part of the territory and leaving the rest to the Arabs, but the Arab leaders didn't want this and decided instead to attack. Israel wins, takes even more territory, and has done so every couple decades for the entire 20th century. This is what people cite when they say the Arab leaders screwed up and the Israelis won the land fair and square. However, last I checked, one cannot gain land through conflict in this day and age; those times are long gone. Meaning, conflict may happen, but at the end it is a country's obligation to withdraw.

Not only this, but is it that much of a shock that the Arab countries didn't approve of the decision to kick people out of the most controversial Holy Land in the world and replace them with a particular religious group that would make it their own. If the Jewish people needed/wanted a safe haven after the Holocaust, it didn't have to be a religious hot spot that would evoke such horrible backlash.

It's sad to see the hateful remarks going around on this site, from both sides. Both the various Arab communities and the Jews have such a rich and interesting history, I wish they could just find a way to live in that area in peace. Neither side can take all the fault, or give all the blame. Both see aggressive, violent action as a means of solving a problem, and it's not.
Another day & still not a single Palestinian supporter here to disagree. Those few Palestinians with deeds to the land stay in Israel. And for all those without deeds it's back to their indigenous homelands.

The truth being what it is, will someone please educate me as to when Israel's land since antiquity became this Muslim Palestinian land that the Palestinian supporters claim Israel is stealing or grabbing? Sure looks to me like the Muslim Palestinians are just squatters on Israel's land. How about all Palestinians who have deeds to the land they claim is theirs stay & all those who do not have deeds have to leave? Would that not be a fair & just solution as to who owns what land?

Jewish History in Israel

So are you a supporter of the palis "right of return"? If a non jew arab or muslims family lived in the levant for generations, maybe hundreds or thousands of years but had no land, does that mean they are out of luck?
Israel has repeatedly opted for a peaceful solution but all in vain considering Palestinian mentality. Peace offerings, a security fence & land concessions so Palestinians can remain in Israel have only resulted in jihad's, intifadas & rocket misiiles for a thank you.

Truly, Israel needs to abandon this Zionist agenda & start treating the Palestinians with the same Arab country love, justice & respect the Palestinians are so well accusstomed to. And so well deserve. LET THERE BE PEACE ALREADY!

Once again, historically both Arabs and Jews have had roots in the region for centuries. Israel did not become the Jewish state that it is today until after WWII when the British essentially abandoned the Palestinian territory and let the Jews and Arabs fight it out. It was my understanding that Israel seemed fine only taking part of the territory and leaving the rest to the Arabs, but the Arab leaders didn't want this and decided instead to attack. Israel wins, takes even more territory, and has done so every couple decades for the entire 20th century. This is what people cite when they say the Arab leaders screwed up and the Israelis won the land fair and square. However, last I checked, one cannot gain land through conflict in this day and age; those times are long gone. Meaning, conflict may happen, but at the end it is a country's obligation to withdraw.

Not only this, but is it that much of a shock that the Arab countries didn't approve of the decision to kick people out of the most controversial Holy Land in the world and replace them with a particular religious group that would make it their own. If the Jewish people needed/wanted a safe haven after the Holocaust, it didn't have to be a religious hot spot that would evoke such horrible backlash.

It's sad to see the hateful remarks going around on this site, from both sides. Both the various Arab communities and the Jews have such a rich and interesting history, I wish they could just find a way to live in that area in peace. Neither side can take all the fault, or give all the blame. Both see aggressive, violent action as a means of solving a problem, and it's not.
Why is it that whenever documented truth is presented here, all the Palestinian supporters just suddenly disappear or try to change the subject?

Maybe no one is answering because your premise is just flat out false?

You cite a zionist website as proof of your claims but I and everyone else in the world can refute most of the assertions.
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Israel has repeatedly opted for a peaceful solution but all in vain considering Palestinian mentality. Peace offerings, a security fence & land concessions so Palestinians can remain in Israel have only resulted in jihad's, intifadas & rocket misiiles for a thank you.

Truly, Israel needs to abandon this Zionist agenda & start treating the Palestinians with the same Arab country love, justice & respect the Palestinians are so well accusstomed to. And so well deserve. LET THERE BE PEACE ALREADY!

Once again, historically both Arabs and Jews have had roots in the region for centuries. Israel did not become the Jewish state that it is today until after WWII when the British essentially abandoned the Palestinian territory and let the Jews and Arabs fight it out. It was my understanding that Israel seemed fine only taking part of the territory and leaving the rest to the Arabs, but the Arab leaders didn't want this and decided instead to attack. Israel wins, takes even more territory, and has done so every couple decades for the entire 20th century. This is what people cite when they say the Arab leaders screwed up and the Israelis won the land fair and square. However, last I checked, one cannot gain land through conflict in this day and age; those times are long gone. Meaning, conflict may happen, but at the end it is a country's obligation to withdraw.

Not only this, but is it that much of a shock that the Arab countries didn't approve of the decision to kick people out of the most controversial Holy Land in the world and replace them with a particular religious group that would make it their own. If the Jewish people needed/wanted a safe haven after the Holocaust, it didn't have to be a religious hot spot that would evoke such horrible backlash.

It's sad to see the hateful remarks going around on this site, from both sides. Both the various Arab communities and the Jews have such a rich and interesting history, I wish they could just find a way to live in that area in peace. Neither side can take all the fault, or give all the blame. Both see aggressive, violent action as a means of solving a problem, and it's not.

I never said that the Arab countries have treated Israel in a way that I approve of. At the same time, there is no single Palestinian bloc that is making united decisions. The PLO and Hamas are very, very different. If the West Bank is vying to make a deal with the Israelis, and Hamas is shooting rockets into southern Israel, there isn't much that can be done to stop that. Even the Hamas leadership probably has trouble keeping it under control, with militia groups full of young, impressionable men roaming all throughout Gaza.

A some-12 foot security fence is no concession in my book. As for land concessions, surely there have been deals in the past that did not go through, fine. Today, to my knowledge the PLO has not demanded taking any further land from Israel. Instead, they simply want Israelis to stop building settlements (which they are continuing as we speak), and for Palestinian to be recognized as a legitimate nation.
All I ask is for someone to educate me as to when Israel's land since antiquity became this Muslim Palestinian land the Pali supporters claim Israel is stealing from them. Pretty good trick considering there were no Muslim Palestinians at all until after the 7th century AD. And among the only indigenous Palestinians were Jews. And this is what you send me. Oh well, Palestinian mentality is what it is.

Why is it that whenever documented truth is presented here, all the Palestinian supporters just suddenly disappear or try to change the subject?

Maybe no one is answering because your premise is just flat out false?

You cite a zionist website as proof of your claims but I and everyone else in the world can refute most of the assertions.
All I ask is for someone to educate me as to when Israel's land since antiquity became this Muslim Palestinian land the Pali supporters claim Israel is stealing from them. Pretty good trick considering there were no Muslim Palestinians at all until after the 7th century AD. And among the only indigenous Palestinians were Jews. And this is what you send me. Oh well, Palestinian mentality is what it is.

Why is it that whenever documented truth is presented here, all the Palestinian supporters just suddenly disappear or try to change the subject?

Maybe no one is answering because your premise is just flat out false?

You cite a zionist website as proof of your claims but I and everyone else in the world can refute most of the assertions.

Because you're premise is false, it hasn't been israel's land since antiquity.

Fix that and maybe you'll get a serious response.
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All I ask is for someone to educate me as to when Israel's land since antiquity became this Muslim Palestinian land the Pali supporters claim Israel is stealing from them. Pretty good trick considering there were no Muslim Palestinians at all until after the 7th century AD. And among the only indigenous Palestinians were Jews. And this is what you send me. Oh well, Palestinian mentality is what it is.

Maybe no one is answering because your premise is just flat out false?

You cite a zionist website as proof of your claims but I and everyone else in the world can refute most of the assertions.

Because you're premise is false, it hasn't been israel's land since antiquity.

Fix that and maybe you'll get a serious response.

LOL whose land has it been? ------it has actually been NOBODY's land-----
it got to be BRITISH LAND after world war I ----sorta ------and the brits gave it to
jews. Jews never actually RELINQUISHED it--------in fact ----therefore----it was
ALWAYS jewish land
All I ask is for someone to educate me as to when Israel's land since antiquity became this Muslim Palestinian land the Pali supporters claim Israel is stealing from them. Pretty good trick considering there were no Muslim Palestinians at all until after the 7th century AD. And among the only indigenous Palestinians were Jews. And this is what you send me. Oh well, Palestinian mentality is what it is.

Because you're premise is false, it hasn't been israel's land since antiquity.

Fix that and maybe you'll get a serious response.

LOL whose land has it been? ------it has actually been NOBODY's land-----
it got to be BRITISH LAND after world war I ----sorta ------and the brits gave it to
jews. Jews never actually RELINQUISHED it--------in fact ----therefore----it was
ALWAYS jewish land

Weird, the UK refused to vote affirmatively for UN Resolution 181 granting jews a state of their own.
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Because you're premise is false, it hasn't been israel's land since antiquity.

Fix that and maybe you'll get a serious response.

LOL whose land has it been? ------it has actually been NOBODY's land-----
it got to be BRITISH LAND after world war I ----sorta ------and the brits gave it to
jews. Jews never actually RELINQUISHED it--------in fact ----therefore----it was
ALWAYS jewish land

Weird, the UK refused to vote for UN Resolution 181 granting jews a state of their own.

SO??? they had so many problems with the EMPIRE -----I think they abstained----
the brits had a big problem------to many subjects of THE QUEEN were muslims

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