Let us compare the 2000, 2016 and 2020 election reactions

The 2nd Amendment has everything to do with illegitimate government. It gives the people the power to resist.
Baloney. It's a government of the people, by the people, for the people. The people have the power to vote out any government and install a new one. Just like we did in 2020.
Nope. I followed the 2000 election closely. You may not agree but what happened in Florida was screwy from the hanging chads to the SCOTUS issuing a one time ruling they said could not be used as precedent

2004- Ohio...the former Diebold CEO who was the Sec of State (thus in charge of elections) guaranteed that Bush would win. Note...they no longer use Diebold machines and they didn't have paper ballots.
Conspiracy and the losing side cries about it, sorry, the hanging chads favored Gore, the Supreme Court issued a 7-2 ruling that the recount was a violation of the 14th Amendment, because of unequal rules in the recounts in each county. There was no way to reconcile before the votes had to be certified. The 5-4 ruling ended the recounts, but there was no way to finish because of the unequal handling of the recounts.

2004 would have need 100's of people to take part in the alleged Diebold and not one person has come forward to prove anything happened. I do appreciate how Kerry handled his defeat with class, unlike Trump who really could have helped stop the insanity by being gracious.
Democrats? In 2000 how about the U.S. Commssion on Civil Rights found voters were unlawfully disenfranchised from voting. That is just a fact. You might as well have added the Jim Crowe era to your list.

2004? Sure there were claims, small and no action taken unlike 2020. In 2016 the Russians did appear to attempt to aid the Trump campaign to include the the campaign manager for Trump sharing polling data that campaigns keep close to their vest with the Russians.

No insurrections came of this.

Sure, nothing about claims of a non U.S. citizen being in the White House. How claims that ACORN were purposefully committing voter registration fraud when in fact they self reported on their own employees and this had nothing to do with the Obama campaign anyway. Again, none of this shit from 2000-2012 rises to the level of what we saw and are continuing to see from the 2020 election. But if your going to mention small conspiracies about election fraud and only include the left then I'm going to talk about the conspiracies you somehow missed.

Well, we blew that out of the water. But the bogus claims of election fraud before 2020 were on the fringes or in the case of voter suppression that we saw in Florida there is actually some validity. Again, no riots, no attempts to install their guy by force regardless of the outcome of the election. No Q-anon dumb ass conspiracies that appear to be influencing the Republican Party and outright engulfing the wingnut members of this board. This is something new and horrible we are witnessing.

I think it is important. It shows a level of contempt for our democracy we haven't seen in over a century.
Sorry don't buy your conspiracy theories.
And within days of the 2000,and 2004, and 2016 elections...the loser conceded and the country moved on

Has Trump conceded YET?
Oh how soon they forget what they said and did.
The Democrats say that Al Gore really won the 2000 election.
They said that Bush stole the election.
They said that the Supreme Court appointed Bush.
They were never called "extremists" or "foul souls"
Does Bush consider himself to be an extremist with a foul soul because he contested the 2000 election results?
Democrats protested inside the capital and tried to block Bush's certification.
Then we had the 2016 election.
Hillary called for "resistance".
Pelosi said that the election was "hijacked".
.There were nation wide violent far left extremist riots.
But the people who have legitimate doubts about the 2020 elections because of the mass voter fraud and ballot rigging are being compared to the Genocidal Islamic Terrorists who murdered 3000 people.

Over Some Objections, Congress Certifies Electoral Vote ...

Jan 07, 2001 · As Florida's 25 electoral votes were accepted, about a dozen black House members paraded out of the chamber in protest, to the applause of some Democrats.

Black Lawmakers Protest as Congress Certifies Bush Victory ...

Jan 07, 2001 · Yesterday, for nearly 20 minutes in the cavernous House chamber, a dozen members of the Congressional Black Caucus, joined by a few sympathizers, tried in vain to block the counting of Florida's 25...

Protests against Trump’s election win turn violent

Nov 11, 2016 · Protests in the US against Republican presidential candidate Donald Trump’s election victory have turned violent as demonstrators take to the streets for a second day. Thousands of protesters

Police injured, more than 200 arrested at Trump ...

Jan 19, 2017 · Demonstrators protest against US President-elect Donald Trump before his inauguration on January 20, 2017, in Washington, DC. Three women

Women’s March 2017: Millions Protest Day After Trump ...

January 21, 2017. WASHINGTON DC — Twenty-four hours after Donald Trump was sworn in as the 45th president of the United States, hundreds of thousands of women flooded the streets of Washington, D.C., New York City, London, and more cities around the world in protest. Global Citizen: Together, We March. "We march today for the moral core of ...
Let's not forget1960: JFK won with fraudulent votes in Texas and Illinois. Nixon declined to contest the election "for the good of the country." In 2000, Gore tried to cheat his way into the White House by cherry-picking districts in the Florida recount. In 2016, Hillary tried the same thing in Michigan. In 2020, Biden pulled out all the stops in opposing any attempt to verify the unprecedented 81 million ballots that were counted as votes for him. Anybody see a pattern here?
Oh how soon they forget what they said and did.
The Democrats say that Al Gore really won the 2000 election.
They said that Bush stole the election.
They said that the Supreme Court appointed Bush.
They were never called "extremists" or "foul souls"
Does Bush consider himself to be an extremist with a foul soul because he contested the 2000 election results?
Democrats protested inside the capital and tried to block Bush's certification.
Then we had the 2016 election.
Hillary called for "resistance".
Pelosi said that the election was "hijacked".
.There were nation wide violent far left extremist riots.
But the people who have legitimate doubts about the 2020 elections because of the mass voter fraud and ballot rigging are being compared to the Genocidal Islamic Terrorists who murdered 3000 people.

Over Some Objections, Congress Certifies Electoral Vote ...

Jan 07, 2001 · As Florida's 25 electoral votes were accepted, about a dozen black House members paraded out of the chamber in protest, to the applause of some Democrats.

Black Lawmakers Protest as Congress Certifies Bush Victory ...

Jan 07, 2001 · Yesterday, for nearly 20 minutes in the cavernous House chamber, a dozen members of the Congressional Black Caucus, joined by a few sympathizers, tried in vain to block the counting of Florida's 25...

Protests against Trump’s election win turn violent

Nov 11, 2016 · Protests in the US against Republican presidential candidate Donald Trump’s election victory have turned violent as demonstrators take to the streets for a second day. Thousands of protesters

Police injured, more than 200 arrested at Trump ...

Jan 19, 2017 · Demonstrators protest against US President-elect Donald Trump before his inauguration on January 20, 2017, in Washington, DC. Three women

Women’s March 2017: Millions Protest Day After Trump ...

January 21, 2017. WASHINGTON DC — Twenty-four hours after Donald Trump was sworn in as the 45th president of the United States, hundreds of thousands of women flooded the streets of Washington, D.C., New York City, London, and more cities around the world in protest. Global Citizen: Together, We March. "We march today for the moral core of ...
Al Gore did win 2000. The Supreme Court would have stolen it for Trump too if were closer but his legal teams arguments were so weak, even the Supreme's couldn't help him.

2000 Diebold voting machines were rigged. Dominion were not in 2000 but your side claimed they were. With no evidence. We have lots of evidence Diebold machines were shady. Hell the owner ran the 2004 re elect Bush campaign in Ohio.

Compare the 2000 Brooks Brother Riots Republicans started to stop the recount to Trump's attempt to have a riot stop the certification.

Compare the fact Roger Stone takes credit for the 2000 Riot and didn't Trump pardon him?
Al Gore did win 2000. The Supreme Court would have stolen it for Trump too if were closer but his legal teams arguments were so weak, even the Supreme's couldn't help him.
Al Gore did win 2000. The Supreme Court would have stolen it for Trump too if were closer but his legal teams arguments were so weak, even the Supreme's couldn't help him.

2000 Diebold voting machines were rigged. Dominion were not in 2000 but your side claimed they were. With no evidence. We have lots of evidence Diebold machines were shady. Hell the owner ran the 2004 re elect Bush campaign in Ohio.

Compare the 2000 Brooks Brother Riots Republicans started to stop the recount to Trump's attempt to have a riot stop the certification.

Compare the fact Roger Stone takes credit for the 2000 Riot and didn't Trump pardon him?
Three justices wanted to hear the TX. lawsuit. It would have given Trump his rightful victory. The uniarty has discredited every institution we have.
Neither am I.
Then stop threatening law enforcement.

In Ohio last week, a man attacked an FBI office with an AR-15 rifle and a nail gun before he was shot and killed in a police standoff. He had posted “Kill F.B.I on sight” on the social media site Truth Social.

In Pittsburgh, a man appeared in court Monday, charged with influencing, impeding or retaliating against federal law officers. "I am going to (expletive) slaughter you," he wrote on the extremist social media site Gab a few days ago, according to a federal complaint.

Over the weekend, a handful of armed protesters gathered outside the FBI office in downtown Phoenix, and another group staked out the FBI office in Midland, Texas. Meanwhile, the FBI and Department of Homeland Security issued a bulletin warning of heightened security risks against their agents.

Animosity toward the feds is at a level not seen since the anti-government movement of the mid-90s, experts told USA TODAY — the era that led to the Oklahoma City bombing.​

Then stop threatening law enforcement.

In Ohio last week, a man attacked an FBI office with an AR-15 rifle and a nail gun before he was shot and killed in a police standoff. He had posted “Kill F.B.I on sight” on the social media site Truth Social.

In Pittsburgh, a man appeared in court Monday, charged with influencing, impeding or retaliating against federal law officers. "I am going to (expletive) slaughter you," he wrote on the extremist social media site Gab a few days ago, according to a federal complaint.

Over the weekend, a handful of armed protesters gathered outside the FBI office in downtown Phoenix, and another group staked out the FBI office in Midland, Texas. Meanwhile, the FBI and Department of Homeland Security issued a bulletin warning of heightened security risks against their agents.

Animosity toward the feds is at a level not seen since the anti-government movement of the mid-90s, experts told USA TODAY — the era that led to the Oklahoma City bombing.​

Fucking drama queens. Trump supporters are not violent.
Al Gore did win 2000. The Supreme Court would have stolen it for Trump too if were closer but his legal teams arguments were so weak, even the Supreme's couldn't help him.

2000 Diebold voting machines were rigged. Dominion were not in 2000 but your side claimed they were. With no evidence. We have lots of evidence Diebold machines were shady. Hell the owner ran the 2004 re elect Bush campaign in Ohio.

Compare the 2000 Brooks Brother Riots Republicans started to stop the recount to Trump's attempt to have a riot stop the certification.

Compare the fact Roger Stone takes credit for the 2000 Riot and didn't Trump pardon him?
BS!!!! All BS, Gore lost Florida and therefore lost the election. The lies the left keeps spewing about 2000 is nauseating.

Let's see your evidence that Diebold machines were rigged. I bet they were rigged just like the Dominion machines in 2020.
Make no mistake Republicans would have stolen 2020 if it were closer. Just like they did in 2000.

Trump strongly implied that he would fill Ginsburg’s seat with someone who would help him steal the election. The election, Trump claimed, “will end up in the Supreme Court, and I think it’s very important that we have nine Justices.”

The Court did hand down several pre-election decisions that likely diminished Biden’s vote count around the margins by making it harder for voters to cast a ballot by mail (mail-in voters were especially likely to support Biden over Trump). And before the election, much of the Court’s right flank endorsed radical doctrinal changes that would have made it easier for Trump to steal a closer election. But the justices have largely stayed away from post-election lawsuits.

There are no good legal arguments that could have justified tossing out the election results, and the clownishness of Trump’s legal strategy only drew attention to the weakness of his claims.

To be sure, judges are not immune to motivated reasoning, and it’s easy to find cases where highly partisan judges reached dubious conclusions that benefited their political party. But Trump’s lawyers gave the president’s would-be allies on the judiciary very little to work with if they hoped to craft a pro-Trump opinion that didn’t sound ridiculous. There are judges who place a thumb on the scales of justice, but even the most partisan judge can’t make a mouse weigh more than an elephant.

partisan judges would have had to overturn the results in three states to steal the election for Trump.

In many of the pivotal states, Biden’s margins were harrowingly close — such as the tipping-point state of Wisconsin, which Biden won by only about 20,000 votes. But that’s many times more than the 537 votes that separated Republican George W. Bush and Democrat Al Gore when the Supreme Court threw the election to Bush in 2000.

Finally, members of the Supreme Court who might have been inclined to swing the election to Trump if it had been closer did not lay the groundwork for such a move. A couple of pre-election rulings certainly sparked concern from many legal observers: Shortly before the election, several justices endorsed a theory that could have forced a handful of key states to toss out certain late-arriving ballots — even though those ballots were lawfully cast under existing election rules. But in the states that decided the election, Biden won by comfortable enough margins that his victory was assured even without these late-arriving ballots.

Roberts’s cold feet and Barrett’s late arrival matter because the law is an iterative process. A conservative majority typically moves the law to the right in incremental steps — handing down one decision that may limit voting rights around the margins, and then citing that decision in a future case to limit voting rights even more. Over time, a determined majority can bring about revolutionary change, but that process typically takes years. The Court’s current majority simply hasn’t had enough time to lay the groundwork (if it were so inclined) for the kind of radical decisions that could have handed Trump a second term

American democracy is still in peril​

The fact that Biden will be taking up residence at the White House next month is not a reason to heave a sigh of relief and assume that American democracy is safe. A total of 126 Republican members of Congress — a majority of the House GOP caucus — backed a frivolous lawsuit seeking to overturn Biden’s victory and hand the election to Trump. The idea that presidential elections only count if a Republican wins is now shockingly normalized within the GOP.

Many Republicans who share this disdain for democracy, moreover, are state lawmakers. Some of them are likely to push legislation that will make it harder to vote in their states — some Georgia Republicans are already calling for legislation banning ballot drop boxes and limiting who is allowed to vote by mail — and to enact rigid gerrymanders seeking to lock the GOP into power. And the courts are likely to bless such efforts.

By not overturning an election that Biden won by more than 7 million votes, the courts did the least they could possibly do to respect democracy. The fact is that Trump asked the courts to do too much, too fast, in an election that he lost by too many votes. The courts held steady, but the fact that the judiciary decided not to join a lawless attack on the 2020 election is no reason for celebration. Biden may have won the presidency, but the future of democracy in the United States still looks grim.

I don't care about 2000 I care about 2022 and 2024.
BS!!!! All BS, Gore lost Florida and therefore lost the election. The lies the left keeps spewing about 2000 is nauseating.

Let's see your evidence that Diebold machines were rigged. I bet they were rigged just like the Dominion machines in 2020.
And if the election were a little closer, the Supreme Court would have given this one to Trump too. Just like they gave Bush Florida in 2000.

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