Lets all hope AOC looses her primary on Tuesday to a much more moderate challenger.

Here's hoping the ditzy bartender goes down in a big blaze on Tuesday.

I don't care what any polls say, she's on some vital teams within the Dem Party and she pushes the most radical ideas. She's going to win for certain. Trump has to remind voters what these regional votes represent to the broader party which has a more "alt-left" flavor over the last few years.
Michelle Caruso-Cabrera
and you are living proof as to why.
She is unlikely to lose

A May poll conducted for her campaign gave Ocasio-Cortez a 73%-11% lead. Pollster Celinda Lake said the survey also showed most constituents “think of her as fighting for them.”
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AOC 2020

She is unlikely to lose

A May poll conducted for her campaign gave Ocasio-Cortez a 73%-11% lead. Pollster Celinda Lake said the survey also showed most constituents “think of her as fighting for them.”


I think you might have to explain this slower to the Trumpsters...

First what do mean a politician is actually fighting for the people who elected her?

I think you might have to explain this slower to the Trumpsters...

First what do mean a politician is actually fighting for the people who elected her?

AOC is a Rock Star in her district. She is unlikely to lose, especially to a carpetbagging converted Republican
She is very popular

Did that hurt when you pulled that out of your ass?

AOC Receives Shocking Polling Numbers From Her Own District – ARE News Letter
According to a recent poll, socialist Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez is very unfavorable within her own district in New York. The poll suggests that only 21% of people in her district have a favorable opinion of her and only 13% would vote for her in the next election.

I don't give 2 shits what happens on the marxist shitstain side of the aisle.... with this one exception. I would like to see this mouthy gash sent back to dumpster diving and ranting incoherently to homeless vagrants who have no idea who she is.....

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