Lets all hope AOC looses her primary on Tuesday to a much more moderate challenger.

Did that hurt when you pulled that out of your ass?

AOC Receives Shocking Polling Numbers From Her Own District – ARE News Letter
According to a recent poll, socialist Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez is very unfavorable within her own district in New York. The poll suggests that only 21% of people in her district have a favorable opinion of her and only 13% would vote for her in the next election.

I don't give 2 shits what happens on the marxist shitstain side of the aisle.... with this one exception. I would like to see this mouthy gash sent back to dumpster diving and ranting incoherently to homeless vagrants who have no idea who she is.....

ARE Newsletter is a Conservative propaganda Rag

AOC is polling at 73 percent


AOC is both smart and sexy
Don't really care about moderate just someone that is smart enough to add two and two and come even close to the right answer.

I think you might have to explain this slower to the Trumpsters...

First what do mean a politician is actually fighting for the people who elected her?
give her a few more years and the DC taint will have her.....and she will be like all the other long timers....useless....
I remember starting this thread in 2/19 about her lack of a presence in her district:

It wouldn't surprise me if she loses. She'll make a lot more as a "contributor" to one of the news networks.
She is new and has a good mentor in Bernie Sanders. But she and the other new elements trying to reinvigorate the party will have a hard time of it. The temptations to sell out are great, the pressures of fame and egoism also. Experience and good judgement can only come with time.

Every citizen against overseas military adventures like Iraq, every citizen for progressive reforms to end corrupt “crony capitalism,” and everyone supporting working-class struggles against the corporate oligarchy in the U.S. should wish her well. The country desperately needs young competent leaders. A little more radical “democratic socialism” is just what Thomas Paine would suggest.
AOC is no dummy. She built her own coalition and beat an incumbent everyone thought was unbeatable. She still has her network of small internet donors that made her a formidable force. I am no expert but I’ve heard she replaced some personnel among her close advisors who were unwilling to compromise on legislative matters, putting her more in line with Bernie over in the Senate. The political line she must walk is narrow and treacherous.
Districts like AOC;s and Ilin Omar's are filled with Liberal retards who look at everything ass backwards. Because of that, AOC will win easily.
AOC is no dummy. She built her own coalition and beat an incumbent everyone thought was unbeatable. She still has her network of small internet donors that made her a formidable force. I am no expert but I’ve heard she replaced some personnel among her close advisors who were unwilling to compromise on legislative matters, putting her more in line with Bernie over in the Senate. The political line she must walk is narrow and treacherous.

No, she is a dummy. Her handlers are the ones that aren't dummies.
The demographics of this country are shifting, and Trumpian Plague is only speeding that attrition along.

My money is on AOC being voted president in 2024.
Translated LefTard Logic:
"As this nation becomes browner the cries for free shit become louder...AOC promises the brown filth lots of free shit."

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