Let's be clear...trump will take his MAGA base and walk if not the 2024 nominee

Doubling down on stupid, huh?
Not really. Guns are not mentioned dictionaries nor in either the Constitution nor US Code as necessary to meeting the definition of "Insurrection".


Insurrection: an act or instance of revolting against civil authority or an established government
Merriam-Webster Dictionary:

insurrection, an organized and usually violent act of revolt or rebellion against an established government or governing authority of a nation-state or other political entity by a group of its citizens or subjects; also, any act of engaging in such a revolt.
Britannica Dictionary:


Insurrection is almost never actually charged because it is to very hard to prove absolutely within a court of law.

So it is routine to charge people with Sedition, Conspiracy, Obstruction (of Congress in this case), Assault, Battery, Rioting, etc., to sanction participants.

One can participate in an Insurrection without carrying arms and without ultimately being charged with Insurrection per se.

Sux being on the worng side of history and trying to defend the indefensible like you are, I'm sure.

And this has nothing whatsoever to do with whether or not the GOP will lose (Bigly) if it either (a) nominates Rump again or (b) fractures due to Rump.

Because it will lose - Bigly.

The Democrats have the Black Vote and the Hispanic Vote (that's changing but it will take a generation or more) and the other less-numerous Minorities.

The White Vote is split between the GOP and the Democrats, with a healthy percentage of Whites being Independents or Blue Fence-Jumpers (Reagan Democrats).

The GOP no longer has the "numbers" to win on its own... you need Independents and Reagan Democrats in very large numbers in order to tip the scales at Election Time.

Fail to gather those Indies and Reagan Dems and you lose... guaranteed.

Run Rump again and you will not get those Indies and Reagan Dems to vote alongside you... guaranteed... why? ... January 6, 2021.

Alternatively, if you let Rump split the Party you will also lose - guaranteed..

America can't stand another four years of Democrat control of the White Hosue.

The GOP is the only viable alternative.

Unless you run Rump again.
Trump is, by far, the GOP's biggest pain in the arse.

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His egomania guarantees that he will viciously deploy his cult against any GOP nominee who is not Trump. (After he whines that any primaries and caucuses he loses are "fixed", of course.)

Reality has no impact upon his cult's weird worship.

When he incited his goons to attack Congress on January 6, 2021, he spewed bullshit at them, and they gulped it down with gusto. They actually believe that he made Mexico pay for his non-existent "big, beautiful wall."


The Washington swamp would like nothing better than to get back to screwing over the American people while they line their own pockets with corruption.

What is that word that trump keeps saying? Loyalty....HE HAS NONE TO HIS PARTY OR HIS COUNTRY.
Lol, Biden is the best motivator for Republicans to get out and voter for whoever can replace him.
I heard earlier today while going to gym 23% of Republicans would follow him to a third party. I think the only hope the Republicans have is to nominate him. I actually figure it would be more like 30%
‘Former President Donald Trump wouldn't commit to supporting the 2024 Republican nominee for president should he fail to secure the title, he told radio host Hugh Hewitt on Thursday.

"It would have to depend on who the nominee was," Trump said, who added that he wouldn't commit to attending all the presidential debates.’

The coward won’t even commit to a debate.
I'm going to stick with MAGA policy, with Trump or without him. But I still think Trump is the only person who can deliver on that. But anything is better than this disaster we have now.
Given Trump’s endless corruption and criminality – his treasonous effort to overthrow a fair, lawful, and honest election contrary to the will of the American people, his refusal to stop the terrorist attack on the Capitol Building he was responsible for, and his attempt to enter into a criminal conspiracy with Georgia election officials to commit voter fraud – only those who hate America would vote for Trump.
Given Trump’s endless corruption and criminality – his treasonous effort to overthrow a fair, lawful, and honest election contrary to the will of the American people, his refusal to stop the terrorist attack on the Capitol Building he was responsible for, and his attempt to enter into a criminal conspiracy with Georgia election officials to commit voter fraud – only those who hate America would vote for Trump.
Some put aside his insipid behavior, and support him for empirical certitudes, such as his bloating the national debt, raising unemployment, and scoffing for so long at a pandemic that ravaged the nation.
The cowardly repub party will get what they have asked for. Can't wait to see the whining.
Not really. Guns are not mentioned dictionaries nor in either the Constitution nor US Code as necessary to meeting the definition of "Insurrection".


Insurrection: an act or instance of revolting against civil authority or an established government
Merriam-Webster Dictionary:

insurrection, an organized and usually violent act of revolt or rebellion against an established government or governing authority of a nation-state or other political entity by a group of its citizens or subjects; also, any act of engaging in such a revolt.
Britannica Dictionary:


Insurrection is almost never actually charged because it is to very hard to prove absolutely within a court of law.

So it is routine to charge people with Sedition, Conspiracy, Obstruction (of Congress in this case), Assault, Battery, Rioting, etc., to sanction participants.

One can participate in an Insurrection without carrying arms and without ultimately being charged with Insurrection per se.

Sux being on the worng side of history and trying to defend the indefensible like you are, I'm sure.

And this has nothing whatsoever to do with whether or not the GOP will lose (Bigly) if it either (a) nominates Rump again or (b) fractures due to Rump.

Because it will lose - Bigly.

The Democrats have the Black Vote and the Hispanic Vote (that's changing but it will take a generation or more) and the other less-numerous Minorities.

The White Vote is split between the GOP and the Democrats, with a healthy percentage of Whites being Independents or Blue Fence-Jumpers (Reagan Democrats).

The GOP no longer has the "numbers" to win on its own... you need Independents and Reagan Democrats in very large numbers in order to tip the scales at Election Time.

Fail to gather those Indies and Reagan Dems and you lose... guaranteed.

Run Rump again and you will not get those Indies and Reagan Dems to vote alongside you... guaranteed... why? ... January 6, 2021.

Alternatively, if you let Rump split the Party you will also lose - guaranteed..

America can't stand another four years of Democrat control of the White Hosue.

The GOP is the only viable alternative.

Unless you run Rump again.
All of that bullshit and not one person was charged or convicted of insurrection. Your definition fits Portland and Seattle without one Trump supporter in sight.
Let’s be clear. The OP is an idiot and it’s thread is based on speculation and his own stupidity.

As troll threads go, this one should.
Not really. Guns are not mentioned dictionaries nor in either the Constitution nor US Code as necessary to meeting the definition of "Insurrection".


Insurrection: an act or instance of revolting against civil authority or an established government
Merriam-Webster Dictionary:

insurrection, an organized and usually violent act of revolt or rebellion against an established government or governing authority of a nation-state or other political entity by a group of its citizens or subjects; also, any act of engaging in such a revolt.
Britannica Dictionary:


Insurrection is almost never actually charged because it is to very hard to prove absolutely within a court of law.

So it is routine to charge people with Sedition, Conspiracy, Obstruction (of Congress in this case), Assault, Battery, Rioting, etc., to sanction participants.

One can participate in an Insurrection without carrying arms and without ultimately being charged with Insurrection per se.

Sux being on the worng side of history and trying to defend the indefensible like you are, I'm sure.

And this has nothing whatsoever to do with whether or not the GOP will lose (Bigly) if it either (a) nominates Rump again or (b) fractures due to Rump.

Because it will lose - Bigly.

The Democrats have the Black Vote and the Hispanic Vote (that's changing but it will take a generation or more) and the other less-numerous Minorities.

The White Vote is split between the GOP and the Democrats, with a healthy percentage of Whites being Independents or Blue Fence-Jumpers (Reagan Democrats).

The GOP no longer has the "numbers" to win on its own... you need Independents and Reagan Democrats in very large numbers in order to tip the scales at Election Time.

Fail to gather those Indies and Reagan Dems and you lose... guaranteed.

Run Rump again and you will not get those Indies and Reagan Dems to vote alongside you... guaranteed... why? ... January 6, 2021.

Alternatively, if you let Rump split the Party you will also lose - guaranteed..

America can't stand another four years of Democrat control of the White Hosue.

The GOP is the only viable alternative.

Unless you run Rump again.
No one revolted against the government, you dumb fucking idiot.
No one revolted against the government, you dumb fucking idiot.
Mind your manners, child.

Assaulting the Congress of the United States whilst in the midst of performing its Constitutional duties
IS a "revolt".

You a$$hole$ have nothing to excuse yourselves for, in connection with January 6, other than semantics and word-games.

Sux to be on the wrong side of history and having to defend the indefensible like you a$$hat$ are stuck doing, I'm sure... :auiqs.jpg: :cool:
January 6, 2021, when the Cry Baby Loser incited his goons to attack the Capitol because he had lost the election, and then pleasured himself for hours by watching his goons savage outnumbered police, was the last straw for normal Republicans.

More than 975 Trump goons were charged with crimes linked to the January 6, 2021 attack.

475 of them have pleaded guilty.

Six of the Trump goons who were members of the extremist 'Oath Keepers' have been convicted of sedition charges.

(United States Code defines "seditious conspiracy" as two or more people attempting to "overthrow, put down, or to destroy by force the Government of the United States or to levy war against them.")

The Q-Anon Trump goon was sentences to 41 months imprisonment.

Other Trump goons who have evaded the law are still being sought.

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“The president bears responsibility for Wednesday’s attack
on Congress by mob rioters."

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“The entire nation knows who is responsible for that day."

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The trump goons failed to thwart the will of the People.
All of that bullshit and not one person was charged or convicted of insurrection. Your definition fits Portland and Seattle without one Trump supporter in sight.
Semantics, and alternative-charge indictments? That's the best you've got on the matter, blowhard?

Nowhere NEAR good enough... for the law-courts.,.. or the campaign trail.,.. nor for the history books.


Oh, and by the way, my little Internet Right-Wing MAGA rear-guardsman... fighting a lost-cause rear-guard action like you are here...

The Portland (and other Race-Riots) did not assault the Congress of the United States whilst in the midst of performing its Constitutional duties...

The Portland (and other Race-Riots) did not abandon the sacred American tradition of a Peaceful Transfer of Power in an attempt to keep an autocrat in power...

Apples and Oranges...

Hell, for all I care, Rump should have federalized the National Guard and issued shoot-to-kill orders for looters and arsonists and those assaulting law officers...

But surely you should know by now that the "The Other Guys Did It Too" (rioted too) Defense stopped working for you by the 4th or 5th grade in school, eh?
Semantics, and alternative-charge indictments? That's the best you've got on the matter, blowhard?

Nowhere NEAR good enough... for the law-courts.,.. or the campaign trail.,.. nor for the history books.


Oh, and by the way, my little Internet Right-Wing MAGA rear-guardsman... fighting a lost-cause rear-guard action like you are here...

The Portland (and other Race-Riots) did not assault the Congress of the United States whilst in the midst of performing its Constitutional duties...

The Portland (and other Race-Riots) did not abandon the sacred American tradition of a Peaceful Transfer of Power in an attempt to keep an autocrat in power...

Apples and Oranges...

Hell, for all I care, Rump should have federalize the National Guard and issued shoot-to-kill orders for looters and arsonists and those assaulting law officers...

But surely you should know by now that the "The Other Guys Did It Too" (rioted too) Defense stopped working for you by the 4th or 5th grade in school, eh?
The worst I have is better than your best. Do not forget that traitor.
The worst I have is better than your best.
Lame... you haven't shown us jack-$hit in this context.
Do not forget that traitor.
You mistake me for the image in your mirror.

MAGA Brown Shirt.

And after all that you STILL haven't served-up a viable defense.

Mostly because you have none to serve up.

You're playing with a pair of deuces and you've already drawn your cards and you're out of chips.

Nowhere NEAR good enough... :auiqs.jpg:

Last edited:

You mistake me for the image in your mirror.

MAGA Brown Shirt.

And after all that you STILL haven't served-up a viable defense.

Mostly because you have none to serve up.

You're playing with a pair of deuces and you've already drawn your cards.

Nowhere NEAR good enough... :auiqs.jpg:
You are the lame one. Most liars are damaged goods. It is all on you traitor.
Semantics, and alternative-charge indictments? That's the best you've got on the matter, blowhard?

Nowhere NEAR good enough... for the law-courts.,.. or the campaign trail.,.. nor for the history books.


Oh, and by the way, my little Internet Right-Wing MAGA rear-guardsman... fighting a lost-cause rear-guard action like you are here...

The Portland (and other Race-Riots) did not assault the Congress of the United States whilst in the midst of performing its Constitutional duties...

The Portland (and other Race-Riots) did not abandon the sacred American tradition of a Peaceful Transfer of Power in an attempt to keep an autocrat in power...

Apples and Oranges...

Hell, for all I care, Rump should have federalized the National Guard and issued shoot-to-kill orders for looters and arsonists and those assaulting law officers...

But surely you should know by now that the "The Other Guys Did It Too" (rioted too) Defense stopped working for you by the 4th or 5th grade in school, eh?
Trump hauled ass to the W.H. after his rant & watched on the tube, jizzing all over himself as his mob went on a rampage. When he realized that his coup attempt failed he told his buddies to go home.

Why he's still walking free is beyond me.

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