Let's be clear...trump will take his MAGA base and walk if not the 2024 nominee

Honestly he doesn't need to say a thing, his backers won't back anyone else, many of them are former Rust Belt classic liberals/Den supporters. The mistake the GOP continue to make is to jaw-jaw but not actually get anything done. There are basic, common sense issues on a plate for them and they sit comfortably silent. Trump was known as a man of action, right or wroing, that provides a great deal of street cred to voters tired of inhertia.
If President Trump runs as third party it is the end of the GOP. and good riddance. IN that case, they'll all declare themselves democrats. which is what they are anyway.
No one. NO ONE. has the balls or the trial by Fire like Trump has...and if he doesn't win....well...pack it in...cause it is the end of this country. if Biden doesn't destroy the whole thing by 2024... they'll finish it off the next four. you won't recognize the place.

What is that word that trump keeps saying? Loyalty....HE HAS NONE TO HIS PARTY OR HIS COUNTRY.
laughing hilariously.jpg
If he does then Biden will win reelection by 15 points and gain 5-6 seats in the senate and 35 in the house.
What is the point of voting in a RINO if forced on the voters? Promises made and never kept. What part of McCain with the thumbs down on Obamacare do you not understand? Just one example of treating their voters like shit once elected and reelected. If left alone and not demonized Trump actually would represent a calming for a few years with his policies.
Let’s be clear your TDS is as bad today as it was in 2016.
And with vastly more Good Reason now than ever... why?... January 6, 2021... a self-inflicted mortal wound to his chances of ever again attaining high office.
Let him. He won't have many to walk with by the time it comes to that. More of his cult are opening their eyes to the poison he is.
You can't see the forest for the trees. Enjoy new and better lies coming out daily. Then look at the shit going on. Try some honesty.
Good, let him. It can't happen soon enough.

Then the GOP will have to clean house of all the Trump trash. Maybe then, just maybe, they can return to being a legitimate group rather than the laughing stock they have become.

And don't misinterpret my comments as support for the Democrats. They're not.

Of course that is what they are.
You want each party to be democrats.
Problem is that they're not a "legitimate group"...For his litany of faults, failings, and foibles, Trump smoked out the "mainstream" GOP for the gaggle of controlled opposition poseurs that they have been sine at least Eisenhower.

Your "legitemate group" may as well be democrats in the end.....Not a dime's worth of difDemocrats.
That's what they all want.
They want each party to actually be Democrats.
You don't know much about Narcissists, do you? He cares only about trump, all the time. He could care less if the repubs are crushed in 2024. As a matter of fact, he will enjoyed seeing a blood bath.

There can never be a more narcissistic resident than Barack Hussein.
Nothing could ever be his fault.
Narcissistic immunity.

Then so be it.

The Republicans will lose in 2024 if either (a) the party splits over this or (b) they are stupid enough to nominate Trump again.

January 6, 2021 has damned him forevermore in the context of American political history.

He can no longer win after that.

They already know that... even if they cannot bring themselves to admit it publicly.

As to anything beyond 2024...

With any luck their Orange Comb-Over Albatross will be pushing-up daisies by 2028 and will no longer be a factor.

After which time, the Republican Party may begin to heal.

No giving in to Blackmail.

No Trump.

Pubs need to be like Melania... slap his hand away...

This shows how desperate Putin's pal is to get the party behind him. Facing a prison cell tends to do that to people. Trump thinks if he's the nominee he'll have a get out of jail free card.

This Country can't survive another 4 years of that racketeer back in the oval office.

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