Let's create a list of "Trump's Enemies" since he started running for President.

Radical Queers
Radical Hispanics
Radical muslims
N. Korea
Most dictatorships
European Weenies
and stupid people who make threads like this...You Lost, live with it moron!

Oh, one I forgot...Paid Protestors from the DNC!
Paid Protestors from the DNC that turned out to be FAKE news. Of course YOU would believe it.
WikiLeaks doesn't lie... YOU DO with your continued FAKE NEWS!!!!
Radical Queers
Radical Hispanics
Radical muslims
N. Korea
Most dictatorships
European Weenies
and stupid people who make threads like this...You Lost, live with it moron!

Oh, one I forgot...Paid Protestors from the DNC!

Except the Russians. They like Trump. Yup.

You'd think having that kind of relationship with Russia, you could keep a vodka brand from running dry.

You'd think.
Radical Queers
Radical Hispanics
Radical muslims
N. Korea
Most dictatorships
European Weenies
and stupid people who make threads like this...You Lost, live with it moron!

Oh, one I forgot...Paid Protestors from the DNC!

Except the Russians. They like Trump. Yup.

Of course. Unlike the Manchurian muslim he is NOT trying to start WWIII with them!...Yup!!!
Oh, there is only one Manchurian here. That would be Donald Trump.

Obama will leave the country much, much better that what was left to him by the GOP. That is undisputable.

95 million out of work, and 10 trillion more DEBT.....you sure you want to keep looking fucking dumber than you already are?
Radical Queers
Radical Hispanics
Radical muslims
N. Korea
Most dictatorships
European Weenies
and stupid people who make threads like this...You Lost, live with it moron!

Oh, one I forgot...Paid Protestors from the DNC!

Except the Russians. They like Trump. Yup.

You'd think having that kind of relationship with Russia, you could keep a vodka brand from running dry.

You'd think.

I wouldn't be surprised if you drank it all up...especially by your last 2+ years of idiotic posting!
Radical Queers
Radical Hispanics
Radical muslims
N. Korea
Most dictatorships
European Weenies
and stupid people who make threads like this...You Lost, live with it moron!

Oh, one I forgot...Paid Protestors from the DNC!

Except the Russians. They like Trump. Yup.

Of course. Unlike the Manchurian muslim he is NOT trying to start WWIII with them!...Yup!!!
Oh, there is only one Manchurian here. That would be Donald Trump.

Obama will leave the country much, much better that what was left to him by the GOP. That is undisputable.

So Hillary who promised Obama 2.0 was flat spanked in an electoral land slide why then?
We could start with countries.
First, name the country and then the reason.

1. Mexico - Trump said the Mexican government is purposely sending killers and rapists into this country. Then further states they are coming from all over South America. You could include the name of every country in South America. That would be 2 through 13.

14. Scotland - Protesters tell Trump to GO HOME over his golf course.

15. Britain - Britain's Parliament introduced a bill to ban Donald Trump from entering the country because of his racism.

16. Iran - Well, that is no surprise. But if Trump had any chance of a Fresh Start, that's certainly gone. In fact, there are 50 countries across the globe considered Muslim. That takes us from 16 through 65.

66. China - China is already gearing up to protest Trump over the one China policy that was negotiated decades ago between China, the US and Taiwan. That's right, Taiwan signed on to the One China Policy. Now China is gearing up their military.

If anyone can name any more countries, add to the list. But be sure to include the reason.

Hillary, on the other hand, has 65 million "deplorables" for enemies.

Actually 65 million is the number that voted for her. Closer to 66.
Perhaps you meant 62. You know, the second place guy.

You mean the winner of the election.
Have to say, and the evidence is in every post I have made,I did not support trump, had to hold my nose and vote "NOT HILLARY" as did most who voted for trump, but like many others in this country I am being shoved more and more into Trumps camp by all the tantrum throwing by the democrat party. This is bull shit and unamerican.
Have to say, and the evidence is in every post I have made,I did not support trump, had to hold my nose and vote "NOT HILLARY" as did most who voted for trump, but like many others in this country I am being shoved more and more into Trumps camp by all the tantrum throwing by the democrat party. This is bull shit and unamerican.

That's kind of odd since there's no such thing as a "democrat party".
So that's telling.

Whatever the source, when you say "this is bull shit [sic] and unamerican [sic] ---- what is "this" referring to?
Radical Queers
Radical Hispanics
Radical muslims
N. Korea
Most dictatorships
European Weenies
and stupid people who make threads like this...You Lost, live with it moron!

Oh, one I forgot...Paid Protestors from the DNC!
Paid Protestors from the DNC that turned out to be FAKE news. Of course YOU would believe it.
WikiLeaks doesn't lie... YOU DO with your continued FAKE NEWS!!!!
WikiLeaks doesn't lie?

Wow, a true believer.
We could start with countries.
First, name the country and then the reason.

1. Mexico - Trump said the Mexican government is purposely sending killers and rapists into this country. Then further states they are coming from all over South America. You could include the name of every country in South America. That would be 2 through 13.

14. Scotland - Protesters tell Trump to GO HOME over his golf course.

15. Britain - Britain's Parliament introduced a bill to ban Donald Trump from entering the country because of his racism.

16. Iran - Well, that is no surprise. But if Trump had any chance of a Fresh Start, that's certainly gone. In fact, there are 50 countries across the globe considered Muslim. That takes us from 16 through 65.

66. China - China is already gearing up to protest Trump over the one China policy that was negotiated decades ago between China, the US and Taiwan. That's right, Taiwan signed on to the One China Policy. Now China is gearing up their military.

If anyone can name any more countries, add to the list. But be sure to include the reason.

Hillary, on the other hand, has 65 million "deplorables" for enemies.

Actually 65 million is the number that voted for her. Closer to 66.
Perhaps you meant 62. You know, the second place guy.

You mean the winner of the election.
You mean the winner of the electoral college.
Radical Queers
Radical Hispanics
Radical muslims
N. Korea
Most dictatorships
European Weenies
and stupid people who make threads like this...You Lost, live with it moron!

Oh, one I forgot...Paid Protestors from the DNC!

Except the Russians. They like Trump. Yup.

Of course. Unlike the Manchurian muslim he is NOT trying to start WWIII with them!...Yup!!!
Oh, there is only one Manchurian here. That would be Donald Trump.

Obama will leave the country much, much better that what was left to him by the GOP. That is undisputable.

So Hillary who promised Obama 2.0 was flat spanked in an electoral land slide why then?

One of the biggest landslides in US History.
Have you noticed? Republicans stopped arguing about Trump making enemies all over the world. They know. And for some reason, they are proud of it.
Radical Queers
Radical Hispanics
Radical muslims
N. Korea
Most dictatorships
European Weenies
and stupid people who make threads like this...You Lost, live with it moron!

Oh, one I forgot...Paid Protestors from the DNC!

Except the Russians. They like Trump. Yup.

Of course. Unlike the Manchurian muslim he is NOT trying to start WWIII with them!...Yup!!!
Oh, there is only one Manchurian here. That would be Donald Trump.

Obama will leave the country much, much better that what was left to him by the GOP. That is undisputable.

So Hillary who promised Obama 2.0 was flat spanked in an electoral land slide why then?

One of the biggest landslides in US History.

Yup, way out im front of crying Hillary no matter how low the vote was.
You could make a massive list, quite frankly it doesn't mean much at this point. America is at a cross roads, especially economically. The massive debt that has accumulated is a National Security threat, it is going to leave the greatest democracy on earth beholden to other nations, many which are NOT democracies.

I find it confusing that many will suggest that global warming is a great threat, but Americas debt isn't. Borrowing from future generations, citizens who have no say in the matter is wrong, certainly as a perpetual policy.

Drastic times call for drastic measures. America will make friends and maintain allies with those nations who are legitimate allies. No more cowing to International nations who have no interest in global peace or individual rights. No more allowing foreign governments to steal Americas future.

Trump is certainly imperfect, but for the task at hand he may just be the president the America needs.
We could start with countries.
First, name the country and then the reason.

1. Mexico - Trump said the Mexican government is purposely sending killers and rapists into this country. Then further states they are coming from all over South America. You could include the name of every country in South America. That would be 2 through 13.

14. Scotland - Protesters tell Trump to GO HOME over his golf course.

15. Britain - Britain's Parliament introduced a bill to ban Donald Trump from entering the country because of his racism.

16. Iran - Well, that is no surprise. But if Trump had any chance of a Fresh Start, that's certainly gone. In fact, there are 50 countries across the globe considered Muslim. That takes us from 16 through 65.

66. China - China is already gearing up to protest Trump over the one China policy that was negotiated decades ago between China, the US and Taiwan. That's right, Taiwan signed on to the One China Policy. Now China is gearing up their military.

If anyone can name any more countries, add to the list. But be sure to include the reason.
How about Ukraine? Or pretty much all former communist countries, except for ones with fucked up leaders like Hungary and Belarus.
You could make a massive list, quite frankly it doesn't mean much at this point. America is at a cross roads, especially economically. The massive debt that has accumulated is a National Security threat, it is going to leave the greatest democracy on earth beholden to other nations, many which are NOT democracies.

I find it confusing that many will suggest that global warming is a great threat, but Americas debt isn't. Borrowing from future generations, citizens who have no say in the matter is wrong, certainly as a perpetual policy.

Drastic times call for drastic measures. America will make friends and maintain allies with those nations who are legitimate allies. No more cowing to International nations who have no interest in global peace or individual rights. No more allowing foreign governments to steal Americas future.

Trump is certainly imperfect, but for the task at hand he may just be the president the America needs.
Global Warming is a threat to mankind. Debt isn't.
You could make a massive list, quite frankly it doesn't mean much at this point. America is at a cross roads, especially economically. The massive debt that has accumulated is a National Security threat, it is going to leave the greatest democracy on earth beholden to other nations, many which are NOT democracies.

I find it confusing that many will suggest that global warming is a great threat, but Americas debt isn't. Borrowing from future generations, citizens who have no say in the matter is wrong, certainly as a perpetual policy.

Drastic times call for drastic measures. America will make friends and maintain allies with those nations who are legitimate allies. No more cowing to International nations who have no interest in global peace or individual rights. No more allowing foreign governments to steal Americas future.

Trump is certainly imperfect, but for the task at hand he may just be the president the America needs.
Global Warming is a threat to mankind. Debt isn't.

I'm not suggesting global warming isn't a threat, I'm suggesting that many of the same people don't see the U.S debt as a threat.

If America loses it's position as global leader the void will be filled. The threat to democracy and human rights at every corner of the globe would then be present. Imagine China running the world as the only super power? Surely many understand what risk that poses.
We could start with countries.
First, name the country and then the reason.

1. Mexico - Trump said the Mexican government is purposely sending killers and rapists into this country. Then further states they are coming from all over South America. You could include the name of every country in South America. That would be 2 through 13.

14. Scotland - Protesters tell Trump to GO HOME over his golf course.

15. Britain - Britain's Parliament introduced a bill to ban Donald Trump from entering the country because of his racism.

16. Iran - Well, that is no surprise. But if Trump had any chance of a Fresh Start, that's certainly gone. In fact, there are 50 countries across the globe considered Muslim. That takes us from 16 through 65.

66. China - China is already gearing up to protest Trump over the one China policy that was negotiated decades ago between China, the US and Taiwan. That's right, Taiwan signed on to the One China Policy. Now China is gearing up their military.

If anyone can name any more countries, add to the list. But be sure to include the reason.

Hillary, on the other hand, has 65 million "deplorables" for enemies.

Actually 65 million is the number that voted for her. Closer to 66.
Perhaps you meant 62. You know, the second place guy.

You mean the winner of the election.
You mean the winner of the electoral college.

That's the same thing as the winner of the election, moron.
You could make a massive list, quite frankly it doesn't mean much at this point. America is at a cross roads, especially economically. The massive debt that has accumulated is a National Security threat, it is going to leave the greatest democracy on earth beholden to other nations, many which are NOT democracies.

I find it confusing that many will suggest that global warming is a great threat, but Americas debt isn't. Borrowing from future generations, citizens who have no say in the matter is wrong, certainly as a perpetual policy.

Drastic times call for drastic measures. America will make friends and maintain allies with those nations who are legitimate allies. No more cowing to International nations who have no interest in global peace or individual rights. No more allowing foreign governments to steal Americas future.

Trump is certainly imperfect, but for the task at hand he may just be the president the America needs.
Global Warming is a threat to mankind. Debt isn't.

Global warming is a giant con. Proposed Democrat "solutions" are currently the biggest threat to mankind.
Have to say, and the evidence is in every post I have made,I did not support trump, had to hold my nose and vote "NOT HILLARY" as did most who voted for trump, but like many others in this country I am being shoved more and more into Trumps camp by all the tantrum throwing by the democrat party. This is bull shit and unamerican.

That's kind of odd since there's no such thing as a "democrat party".
So that's telling.

Whatever the source, when you say "this is bull shit [sic] and unamerican [sic] ---- what is "this" referring to?

sure as hell aint a democratic one. Ask bernie.

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