Let's face the fact. Democrats are ANTI-JOBS

What could be more obvious?. They are the welfare party so of course they want people out of work and on the govt dole and voting for them.

That worked so well for Romney.

Romney was a very weak candidate but he still would have won if Christie hadn't stabbed him in the back.

Yeah, it's all Christie's fault. Not "47%", "binders full of women", "Romneycare is different than Obamacare".

Nope, it's aaalllll Christie's fault.
What could be more obvious?. They are the welfare party so of course they want people out of work and on the govt dole and voting for them.

Wealth distribution at it's finest!

Minnesota Democratic Rep. Keith Ellison defended Obamacare against the Congressional Budget Office’s finding that “more than 2.5 million people are likely to reduce the amount of labor they choose to supply to some degree because of the Affordable Care Act.”

Ellison told ABC’s “This Week” panel Sunday morning that ACA will lead to “working more reasonable hours.”

“Americans work way more than the average of industrialized countries around the world,” he said. ”What the Congressional Budget Office is saying, we’re going to discourage kids from being [in] latchkey. Have parents come home working reasonable hours. People can retire. People may be able to cook dinner rather than get takeout.
The fact is is that if Americans can have more choices to open up a new business they have been wanting to start, this is a good thing.
If you look at international comparisons country by country, Americans work way more than the average of industrialized countries around the world,” he continued. “We might to want look at our work-life balance, and this is something that gives us a great opportunity.”

Read more: Dem defends Obamacare disincentivizing work: Americans work too hard anyway | The Daily Caller

WHO pays for this???
Discourage kids from being latchkey?

That is so incredibly stupid and backwards only a liberal would pretend it makes any sense.

How about we discourage kids from being in single parent house holds, large families, working mothers homes, homes of fathers who don't earn 6 figures, the wrong zip codes, etc....

Wait, so you are for MORE working hours then and MORE kids being latchkey kids?
How can anyone say americans work too much.? America is a welfare state. Plus it has a shiity economy so many who want to work can't find work.

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