Let's Finally Make It Clear. Is It Idiotic To...


Senior Member
May 24, 2015
refuse food service to someone for being gay?

If I am an American citizen, how can I be forced to do anything? Gays think that they are a controversial topic. They intentionally harass Christians and Republicans and on top of that act like the victim. No they shouldn't be sued. It is my constitutional right to say no and no gay can take that from me. It is a given right. I can say what I want . Nobody will ever take that from me.
refuse food service to someone for being gay?

If I am an American citizen, how can I be forced to do anything? Gays think that they are a controversial topic. They intentionally harass Christians and Republicans and on top of that act like the victim. No they shouldn't be sued. It is my constitutional right to say no and no gay can take that from me. It is a given right. I can say what I want . Nobody will ever take that from me.
Well, first, I wouldn't use the word "idiotic", but "bigoted" is more appropriate.

But yes, you can be "forced" to do things if the person chooses to press the issue and have you punished for voicing your opinion in the wrong way.

Of course, that person can choose not to press the issue, but right now you can expect them to, at least in this area.

Such is the current state of our culture - there are people who choose to use your own rights against you by exercising theirs in certain ways.

refuse food service to someone for being gay?

If I am an American citizen, how can I be forced to do anything? Gays think that they are a controversial topic. They intentionally harass Christians and Republicans and on top of that act like the victim. No they shouldn't be sued. It is my constitutional right to say no and no gay can take that from me. It is a given right. I can say what I want . Nobody will ever take that from me.
Ask them if they are a democrat. It IS LEGAL to refuse service based on politics!
I am infinitely fascinated by the right wing, and conservatives, as well as Christians, freedom means their freedom to discriminate, freedom for others doesn't matter. The irony fails them. "We first kill people with our minds, before we kill them with weapons. Whatever the conflict, the enemy is always the destroyer. We're on God's side; they're barbaric. We're good, they're evil..." Sam Keen

know what really causes homosexuality.... US Message Board - Political Discussion Forum
A Conservative I agree with US Message Board - Political Discussion Forum

Interesting stuff below for the interested.

'Other liberation movements have rejected the idea that biology is destiny. So why should gay rights depend on it?'
Why being born gay is a dangerous idea Shamus Khan Aeon

"The position I offer, then, is a subtle one. ‘Born that way’ is a simple mantra, one that cuts through the concepts and challenges I have outlined. But it is also dangerous. For embracing the fiction of biological determinism risks consistently misunderstanding the most important part of our lives – our intimate relationships. We invented romantic love. And homosexuality. And just about every other kind of relationship. That doesn’t make any of these things less important or less real. But our inventions are not part of a biological nature: they are part of a conversation between a biological and social order of life."

"If sexuality is not determined, but mutable, we should make arguments in favour of those sexual practices and identities we value, and condemn those kinds of sexuality that we find abhorrent. This opens up a space for conservative arguments against homosexuality. So be it. For such an opening also allows me to vehemently reject pederasty. Knowing it was accepted in many societies before does nothing to change my position. And the reason behind my rejection – pederasty is built upon a power relationship where consent is impossible – supports the positive case for embracing the LGBT community."

Disciples of Christ protest Indiana anti-gay law. More of this please.

Will the Supreme Court bring marriage equality to the territories

'Study: LGBT Info on Resume Means Fewer Responses'
Study LGBT Info on Resume Means Fewer Responses Advocate.com

'World’s largest study on same-sex parents finds kids are healthier and happier than peers
Children raised by gay parents are doing just as well, if not better, than the general population
Lindsay Abrams

World s largest study on same-sex parents finds kids are healthier and happier than peers - Salon.com
refuse food service to someone for being gay?

If I am an American citizen, how can I be forced to do anything? Gays think that they are a controversial topic. They intentionally harass Christians and Republicans and on top of that act like the victim. No they shouldn't be sued. It is my constitutional right to say no and no gay can take that from me. It is a given right. I can say what I want . Nobody will ever take that from me.

No intelligent businessman would ever refuse someone's money.

That said, I agree. No one should be forced to associate in terms of business.
refuse food service to someone for being gay?

If I am an American citizen, how can I be forced to do anything? Gays think that they are a controversial topic. They intentionally harass Christians and Republicans and on top of that act like the victim. No they shouldn't be sued. It is my constitutional right to say no and no gay can take that from me. It is a given right. I can say what I want . Nobody will ever take that from me.

No intelligent businessman would ever refuse someone's money.

That said, I agree. No one should be forced to associate in terms of business.
Now I am going to disagree with you on that point. I refuse to rent to Democrats and I have little to NO problems with NON payment or damage or theft or drug problems.

As a employer that hires people {six} to maintain those units I have fewer call ins fewer thefts fewer problems with quality of work. So in some cases turning down short term gains equal long term gains.
Interesting. Tell me, do you supply your employees with medical insurance?
refuse food service to someone for being gay?

If I am an American citizen, how can I be forced to do anything? Gays think that they are a controversial topic. They intentionally harass Christians and Republicans and on top of that act like the victim. No they shouldn't be sued. It is my constitutional right to say no and no gay can take that from me. It is a given right. I can say what I want . Nobody will ever take that from me.

Can you be forced to obey the speed limit? Can you be forced to pay taxes?
refuse food service to someone for being gay?

If I am an American citizen, how can I be forced to do anything? Gays think that they are a controversial topic. They intentionally harass Christians and Republicans and on top of that act like the victim. No they shouldn't be sued. It is my constitutional right to say no and no gay can take that from me. It is a given right. I can say what I want . Nobody will ever take that from me.

Can you be forced to obey the speed limit? Can you be forced to pay taxes?
Public road VS private property. Apples and Oranges.
Is there a speed limit on private property? No.
refuse food service to someone for being gay?

If I am an American citizen, how can I be forced to do anything? Gays think that they are a controversial topic. They intentionally harass Christians and Republicans and on top of that act like the victim. No they shouldn't be sued. It is my constitutional right to say no and no gay can take that from me. It is a given right. I can say what I want . Nobody will ever take that from me.
It will soon be illegal to turn a homosexual down for sex if you cite discrimination for a reason. Either lie and say your boyfriend would get upset, or go to jail, your choice.
I am infinitely fascinated by the right wing, and conservatives, as well as Christians, freedom means their freedom to discriminate, freedom for others doesn't matter. The irony fails them. "We first kill people with our minds, before we kill them with weapons. Whatever the conflict, the enemy is always the destroyer. We're on God's side; they're barbaric. We're good, they're evil..." Sam Keen
Ah, that's your problem. You find the most polemic example and that works for you to define everyone that disagrees with you.
Plus you have no logic to your argument, freedom to discriminate doesn't take someone else's freedom away. Making someone accommodate your sexual relationship has never been defined as a freedom before. The left defines it as such and has the media to propagandize it.

I guess you are fascinated with reality because you've been brainwashed.
So as a side issue, you'd be a bit of a fan of Obama care then, knowing how hard it was for your employees to buy insurance when not part of a group?
Private contractors pay their own taxes and social security at the end of the year. I take out NO deductions and they take care of THEIR tax issues.
Yes, yes. I've employed under those sorts of arrangements. Let's not fool ourselves as to what it's all about.
So as a side issue, you'd be a bit of a fan of Obama care then, knowing how hard it was for your employees to buy insurance when not part of a group?
I am NO Obozo fan. I pay people and they work, their issues are their issues. NOT my concern.
Private contractors pay their own taxes and social security at the end of the year. I take out NO deductions and they take care of THEIR tax issues.
Yes, yes. I've employed under those sorts of arrangements. Let's not fool ourselves as to what it's all about.
You can fire a W9 for NO reason and without notice anytime.
That's MY reason.

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