Let's get our teeth into China and Chinese people


VIP Member
Apr 17, 2014
Wuhan City, China
1) DEMOCRACY The Economist

You seem to only see the surface; it is beyond doubtful that China will ever be a Western style democracy, in fact it is an impossibility. China is not a dictatorship, it is a 13 million person oligarchy; China today is more inclusive than it has ever been, but don't think for one minute it will go further and let every boozo/bozo have a vote; not even the average Chinese on the street is for that.

As for China's "model"; on the political side it is more inclusive than what prevailed in South Korea and Taiwan at their equivalent stages; both were one man dictatorship under Park and Chang respectively (and you could argue Hong Kong as for most of its history it was ruled by a one man Governor). China is about as inclusive as Singapore, which is in effect a one party state. As for China's economic model; it is standard East Asian capital accumulation with some state-owned enterprises left over.

Moreover, how democratic did Japan (which really industrialized in the 19th century), South Korea, and Taiwan become? The LDP has ruled Japan 54 out of the last 59 years; South Korea politics is a opera among connected families and the daughter of their former dictator is now president; Taiwan is now governed by the "democratically elected" former one party KMT (which despite the displeasure with President Ma, still does well on all levels of elections); and Singapore is still, for all intents and purpose, a one party state. These nations did not so much become democratic as they, to borrow from 18th century Portugal, "kept up appearances for the English".

The difference for China is that they are nearly 1/5th of humanity and do not feel the need to keep up appearances for anyone; moreover, just as Westerner believe themselves to be the standard of "normality" so do the Chinese. The size and complexity of China is one of the greatest arguments (along with the complete failure of liberal democracy for non-Western peoples) for maintaining its oligarchical (really Meritocratic Technocracy) structure. Also, don’t discount nation’s copying the Chinese model; the decline of the West and the rise of China will lead many to try; however, it will not be without difficulty.
I think the most inane attempt by Chinese communists to wrest control of every prole's brain cell, is the party's recent creation of an official communist-approved version of Christianity. They must have been biting their knuckles and banging their heads on desks knocking that sacred writ from those Made in China keyboards. Stay tuned for the gamer's version.

Democracy in a Chinese person's mind:

mengyw 2014-11-07 16:20 举报
Democracy can't be with capitalism the reason is nothing but the definition of democracy.

Nowadays majority of people think of democracy as election and election system is one of managerial delegation methods. Then where is the management right from? Surely the answer is from proprietary rights and the proprietary rights is nothing but the ownship of the capital goods.

The logical chain of democracy is very easy actually, i.e. the ownship of the capital goods which is collective and equal --> the management right which is collective and equal --> effective managerial delegation. This is the real democracy, so democracy can't be with capitalism.

Any country can snatch the noun 'democracy', but the logical chain behind it wouldn't be snatched. The US (Capitalism) can rob the noun 'democracy' with China (Socialism), but it never the definition of democracy!

Nowadays the reason the whole world is falling into difficulties isn't the democratic system those countries implementing is not work properly, rather than they are failure to change into a democracy.
Every post posted by seeJudy is from the Internet and found out/translated by seeJudy, but in view of seeJudy is very busy, this creature will not reply any posts. Also due to the same reason, seeJudy's translation may be full of errors.
Uncle Ferd once chomped down onna China lady's finger...

... when she brought him a eggroll...

... an' didn't let go of it fast enough.
Because not every Chinese person can understand English, Japanese, French, Russian, Spanish, Korean, Portuguese, and Kazak, and so on, there are a few online forums in China specialized in translating those posts on the non-Chinese forums for Chinese people. A post obviously posted by a Japanese talking about the Sino-Japanese relations has been translated today:


After reading one post translated by the forum, a Chinese guy replied: "You should bullshit to the King of Qatar and have a look at what he would say to you."

Sometimes I'm wondering why usmessageboard wouldn't advertise itself on those Chinese online forums/boards? I'm sure that Chinese people would come in great numbers as soon as they know this board, since they are keen on knowing this whole world.
Have a look at this message. He wrote, "Don't expect the white too much, because the yellow are nothing but a group of civilized Indians in their opinions. "


Here is the last comment I would translate today, which is also directed against the aforesaid news and its comments.

"The things they hate testify what they are, at the same time explain why the US hates China so much, even its people also hate Chinese people. "

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