Let’s get real here: if Trump was in office long enough, would he just nuke California?

Trump is going to lose in 2020. Just sit back and watch how it happens.

I'd say the odds at this point are pretty slim ... so, if it doesn't happen, please don't loose your stuff for another four years. The human body can only take so much outrage.


The odds are not slim. You right wingers have lived in a fact free alternative America since Trump took office. His approval rating is at or below 40 percent. Republican members of both houses are quitting. His policies have been failures. He's isolating the US on the world stage. His tax cut only allowed corporations to buy back stock. His trade wars are costing Americans money. These are the things that exist in the real world.

Trumps behavior is getting more erratic and it will be his behavior the ends his hope of a second term. Right now Trump trails the top 5 democratic candidates and is twisting arms so he can stop from facing a primary in his own party. So no, the odds are not slim.

This is not 2016 and Trump has a record. It is not the record he has told you. He will not be tweeting during the debates. He will not be calling fox and friends either. He won't be able to say every question from the moderators is fake news. He will face reality.

And so will you.

If you're correct, my life will go along fine, just as before. I'm merely hoping that if the situation is reversed, you'll do the same.
Dear Diary, OMG Trump is going to NUKE CALIFORNIA!!! Billy you just make this all too easy, dude. You need to chill way the heck out


PS The "critical thinking" avatar after he says crap like "Trump is going to nuke California" is really too much for me to take. But also perfect.

Pay no attention to poor Billy, he is suffering from brain infarction. Obviously when Trump decides to nuke California he'll have his buddies Little Kim and Putin do it for him. It'll be a beautiful thing to see and they will make it look like it was a random asteroid from space. o_O

But Shhhh, mums the word, I hear that if that plan fails, Trump is planning on drilling up from below and sucking all of LA and SF down a giant sinkhole. They'll call it Climate Change. :spinner:
You’re talking about an orangutan that has expressed many times to his staff that he thinks nuclear weapons would stop hurricanes.
You dumbass! Nuking hurricanes was discussed back in the 50's during the Eisenhower years.

A History of Plans to Nuke Hurricanes (and Other Stuff Too)
Dear Diary, OMG Trump is going to NUKE CALIFORNIA!!! Billy you just make this all too easy, dude. You need to chill way the heck out


PS The "critical thinking" avatar after he says crap like "Trump is going to nuke California" is really too much for me to take. But also perfect.

Pay no attention to poor Billy, he is suffering from brain infarction. Obviously when Trump decides to nuke California he'll have his buddies Little Kim and Putin do it for him. It'll be a beautiful thing to see and they will make it look like it was a random asteroid from space. o_O

But Shhhh, mums the word, I hear that if that plan fails, Trump is planning on drilling up from below and sucking all of LA and SF down a giant sinkhole. They'll call it Climate Change. :spinner:
You’re talking about an orangutan that has expressed many times to his staff that he thinks nuclear weapons would stop hurricanes.
You dumbass! Nuking hurricanes was discussed back in the 50's during the Eisenhower years.

A History of Plans to Nuke Hurricanes (and Other Stuff Too)

To be fair, they had a lot of nukes and were looking for ways to use them.

Even to me that sounds unlikely now, but if this moron were to win another term, what is to stop of him from becoming so unhinged and fucking stupid that he just nukes Cali a few years down the road? That would take care of those fantasy 3 million illegal heathens that helped Hillary win the popular vote! His mental faculties are failing at an alarming rate and the fact that he has always been stupid makes it even worse.

Now granted, those controlling the nukes would reject his order, but the intent still matters.

Fuck the legality of impeachment. Forget about the legality of illegal immigrants. Trump himself needs to go via the 25th amendment like yesterday. Pence is a backwards nut job piece of shit, but I would still trust him a hell of a lot more than I do Trump to run this country.

Why would you go to such an extreme? You could have made an argument that was purely based on speculation, and quite far fetched, without going into the vicinity of the impossible.

I'd say of all the angry, insane allegations that have been made about Trump, we can recall how many were made before the 2016 that have all been prove to be false; I'd say nuking his own nation (America First?) would be at or near the very bottom.
Even to me that sounds unlikely now, but if this moron were to win another term, what is to stop of him from becoming so unhinged and fucking stupid that he just nukes Cali a few years down the road? .

Hmmm .... you talk like that would be a bad thing. It would save us all a lot of money, considering the costs of deportations these days.
Even to me that sounds unlikely now, but if this moron were to win another term, what is to stop of him from becoming so unhinged and fucking stupid that he just nukes Cali a few years down the road? That would take care of those fantasy 3 million illegal heathens that helped Hillary win the popular vote! His mental faculties are failing at an alarming rate and the fact that he has always been stupid makes it even worse.

Now granted, those controlling the nukes would reject his order, but the intent still matters.

Fuck the legality of impeachment. Forget about the legality of illegal immigrants. Trump himself needs to go via the 25th amendment like yesterday. Pence is a backwards nut job piece of shit, but I would still trust him a hell of a lot more than I do Trump to run this country.
Note to mods: please move thread to Rubber Room
Even to me that sounds unlikely now, but if this moron were to win another term, what is to stop of him from becoming so unhinged and fucking stupid that he just nukes Cali a few years down the road? That would take care of those fantasy 3 million illegal heathens that helped Hillary win the popular vote! His mental faculties are failing at an alarming rate and the fact that he has always been stupid makes it even worse.

Now granted, those controlling the nukes would reject his order, but the intent still matters.

Fuck the legality of impeachment. Forget about the legality of illegal immigrants. Trump himself needs to go via the 25th amendment like yesterday. Pence is a backwards nut job piece of shit, but I would still trust him a hell of a lot more than I do Trump to run this country.
Total opposite view here-Trump won;t do anything bad to anybody, but I would deport all of Los Angeles-quickly becoming the armpit of the diseased world-which includes the 3 million and growing phantom illegals
Even to me that sounds unlikely now, but if this moron were to win another term, what is to stop of him from becoming so unhinged and fucking stupid that he just nukes Cali a few years down the road? That would take care of those fantasy 3 million illegal heathens that helped Hillary win the popular vote! His mental faculties are failing at an alarming rate and the fact that he has always been stupid makes it even worse.

Now granted, those controlling the nukes would reject his order, but the intent still matters.

Fuck the legality of impeachment. Forget about the legality of illegal immigrants. Trump himself needs to go via the 25th amendment like yesterday. Pence is a backwards nut job piece of shit, but I would still trust him a hell of a lot more than I do Trump to run this country.

Dude. Get a grip.
Dear Diary, OMG Trump is going to NUKE CALIFORNIA!!! Billy you just make this all too easy, dude. You need to chill way the heck out


PS The "critical thinking" avatar after he says crap like "Trump is going to nuke California" is really too much for me to take. But also perfect.

Sounds like something Trump would do. He wanted to nuke a hurricane, didn't he?

Yea, got the idea from a study from the 50's.
Dear Diary, OMG Trump is going to NUKE CALIFORNIA!!! Billy you just make this all too easy, dude. You need to chill way the heck out


PS The "critical thinking" avatar after he says crap like "Trump is going to nuke California" is really too much for me to take. But also perfect.

Pay no attention to poor Billy, he is suffering from brain infarction. Obviously when Trump decides to nuke California he'll have his buddies Little Kim and Putin do it for him. It'll be a beautiful thing to see and they will make it look like it was a random asteroid from space. o_O

But Shhhh, mums the word, I hear that if that plan fails, Trump is planning on drilling up from below and sucking all of LA and SF down a giant sinkhole. They'll call it Climate Change.


Obviously when Trump decides to nuke California he'll have his buddies Little Kim and Putin do it for him.

You are probably right.
Dear Diary, OMG Trump is going to NUKE CALIFORNIA!!! Billy you just make this all too easy, dude. You need to chill way the heck out


PS The "critical thinking" avatar after he says crap like "Trump is going to nuke California" is really too much for me to take. But also perfect.
The triple zeros represent his IQ.
Dear Diary, OMG Trump is going to NUKE CALIFORNIA!!! Billy you just make this all too easy, dude. You need to chill way the heck out


PS The "critical thinking" avatar after he says crap like "Trump is going to nuke California" is really too much for me to take. But also perfect.

Sounds like something Trump would do. He wanted to nuke a hurricane, didn't he?

This must be the stellar thinking that led you to a lifetime of Leftism.

Nuking hurricane.

Nuking California.

Same thing.

Dopey dope, that's same great thinking

Yes, that is pretty dopey. It's embarrassing that our president actually wanted to do it.
View attachment 279386
Wasn't the first, was he?

Nuking Hurricanes: The Surprising History of a Really Bad Idea

Yet he is denying it.
Trump's 3 tweets: The aftermath of our story on Trump and nuking hurricanes
President Trump tweeted on Tuesday night — for the third time — that Jonathan Swan's reporting on him asking if officials could explore using nuclear bombs to stop hurricanes from hitting the U.S. was ridiculous.
Dear Diary, OMG Trump is going to NUKE CALIFORNIA!!! Billy you just make this all too easy, dude. You need to chill way the heck out


PS The "critical thinking" avatar after he says crap like "Trump is going to nuke California" is really too much for me to take. But also perfect.

Sounds like something Trump would do. He wanted to nuke a hurricane, didn't he?

This must be the stellar thinking that led you to a lifetime of Leftism.

Nuking hurricane.

Nuking California.

Same thing.

Dopey dope, that's same great thinking

Yes, that is pretty dopey. It's embarrassing that our president actually wanted to do it.
View attachment 279386
Wasn't the first, was he?

Nuking Hurricanes: The Surprising History of a Really Bad Idea

Yet he is denying it.
Trump's 3 tweets: The aftermath of our story on Trump and nuking hurricanes
Who cares?

There will be no hurricanes getting nuked. California will not be nuked. We are not even in the predicted nuclear war with North Korea or Iran.

That is Reality.
The premise of this thread is retarded and based in fantasy.
Dear Diary, OMG Trump is going to NUKE CALIFORNIA!!! Billy you just make this all too easy, dude. You need to chill way the heck out


PS The "critical thinking" avatar after he says crap like "Trump is going to nuke California" is really too much for me to take. But also perfect.

Pay no attention to poor Billy, he is suffering from brain infarction. Obviously when Trump decides to nuke California he'll have his buddies Little Kim and Putin do it for him. It'll be a beautiful thing to see and they will make it look like it was a random asteroid from space. o_O

But Shhhh, mums the word, I hear that if that plan fails, Trump is planning on drilling up from below and sucking all of LA and SF down a giant sinkhole. They'll call it Climate Change. :spinner:
You’re talking about an orangutan that has expressed many times to his staff that he thinks nuclear weapons would stop hurricanes.

Welcome aboard Mr. Zero. You had sufficient warnings.
Dear Diary, OMG Trump is going to NUKE CALIFORNIA!!! Billy you just make this all too easy, dude. You need to chill way the heck out


PS The "critical thinking" avatar after he says crap like "Trump is going to nuke California" is really too much for me to take. But also perfect.

Sounds like something Trump would do. He wanted to nuke a hurricane, didn't he?

This must be the stellar thinking that led you to a lifetime of Leftism.

Nuking hurricane.

Nuking California.

Same thing.

Dopey dope, that's same great thinking

Yes, that is pretty dopey. It's embarrassing that our president actually wanted to do it.
View attachment 279386

Doesn't matter if you think it's dopey. It's not even in the ballpark of wanting to nuke CA and you know it.

It's certainly in the ballpark of something Trump would do.
Dear Diary, OMG Trump is going to NUKE CALIFORNIA!!! Billy you just make this all too easy, dude. You need to chill way the heck out


PS The "critical thinking" avatar after he says crap like "Trump is going to nuke California" is really too much for me to take. But also perfect.

Pay no attention to poor Billy, he is suffering from brain infarction. Obviously when Trump decides to nuke California he'll have his buddies Little Kim and Putin do it for him. It'll be a beautiful thing to see and they will make it look like it was a random asteroid from space. o_O

But Shhhh, mums the word, I hear that if that plan fails, Trump is planning on drilling up from below and sucking all of LA and SF down a giant sinkhole. They'll call it Climate Change. :spinner:
You’re talking about an orangutan that has expressed many times to his staff that he thinks nuclear weapons would stop hurricanes.

How many times? Way to go with another exaggeration.

A bizarre 60-year-old idea to fight hurricanes using nuclear weapons resurfaced this week after Axios reported that President Trump raised the possibility with his national security advisors. Trump later denied the report—but regardless, he wouldn’t have been the first to propose it or other wild schemes for stopping cyclones in their tracks.
Beyond nukes: how scientists dream of killing hurricanes
Dear Diary, OMG Trump is going to NUKE CALIFORNIA!!! Billy you just make this all too easy, dude. You need to chill way the heck out


PS The "critical thinking" avatar after he says crap like "Trump is going to nuke California" is really too much for me to take. But also perfect.

Sounds like something Trump would do. He wanted to nuke a hurricane, didn't he?

This must be the stellar thinking that led you to a lifetime of Leftism.

Nuking hurricane.

Nuking California.

Same thing.

Dopey dope, that's same great thinking

Yes, that is pretty dopey. It's embarrassing that our president actually wanted to do it.
View attachment 279386
Wasn't the first, was he?

Nuking Hurricanes: The Surprising History of a Really Bad Idea

It was considered at first, before we knew as much as we do now. It was a bad idea then. It's a laughably stupid idea now.

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