Let's Go Brandon billboards springing up

Unlike what you idiots keep claiming---its not small local areas with the signs, flags, and bumper stickers screaming FUCK BIDEN...like with the sporting events all over---people are screaming FUCK BIDEN all over the place. So it means---that Biden never had the support to win the election and that if Biden makes it to the end of the 4 years without criminal charges and being forcibly removed, he and his corrupt handlers should consider themselves very lucky. I personally think that the odds of an uprising against the US government has 20% chance now that is growing.

Again, so what?

It's not going to get Biden out of office. It's not going to get him to change any policies. If there's another uprising against the government, it'll be thoroughly squashed by the military.

So again, so what?

Other than making you feel good, what difference does it make?
WHy are you a willing sheep? Specifically, why?

You see Tlaib ADMITTING the mask thing is bullshit...you see it with your own 2 eyes....

It is so bizarre.
Why do you care so much about what I wear or dont wear and where I wear it? You the fashion police or something?
Seems to me your definition of "learning" differs from mine.

It's what I would expect from a lefty though.
And thank G-d for that given you learned the 2020 election was stolen.
Lefty communist cucks REPEATEDLY see elected Democrats VIOLATING THEIR OWN MASKS MANDATES.

Yet, they continue to wear masks.

You guys are some seriously dumb motherfuckers.
Ever since Obama was elected, we have seen a wave of absolute childishness occurring in this country. When does it stop and we resume behaving like adults with some dignity?
Yeah, where did those Trump as Hitler memes go?

Let's go, Brandon!
I'm white, dumbass. Take your racist shit somewhere else, you low end white piece of trash.
Answer the question. What about all those blacks refusing the mask and jab and turning on Biden? Oh. Wait. I know. Uncle Toms, right?

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