Let's Go Brandon billboards springing up

Trumpanzees are trash. You trash can chant all you want. You are still trash. "It's happening everywhere". No, it isnt. It's happening where a bunch of trash trumpanzees congregate. LOL thinking you are some type of majority. You are, and always will be, a MINORITY.
Think you know where you can shove your insult............and I hate to break the bad news to you, BUTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTT....my husband and I travel a lot, his job requires a lot of travel and our kids are spread out all across the nation--------but we are seeing the Fuck BIDEN flags, signs, bumper stickers all over the place.
Think you know where you can shove your insult............and I hate to break the bad news to you, BUTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTT....my husband and I travel a lot, his job requires a lot of travel and our kids are spread out all across the nation--------but we are seeing the Fuck BIDEN flags, signs, bumper stickers all over the place.
So what? :dunno:
Think you know where you can shove your insult............and I hate to break the bad news to you, BUTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTT....my husband and I travel a lot, his job requires a lot of travel and our kids are spread out all across the nation--------but we are seeing the Fuck BIDEN flags, signs, bumper stickers all over the place.
Who cares? You're a MINORITY of trumpanzee trash. Like I said, dumbass, I dont like Biden either. So if you think you're somehow "sticking it to the libs", you're sadly mistaken.
Unfortunately, the Kenosha police were filmed refusing their duty to enforce the curfew in effect in Kenosha and actually greeting people on the streets with guns, many from out of town and some from out of state, rather than chasing them off. Fatalities and grave injuries resulted. There is a rumor that the Kenosha police chief was a gang supporter wo actually invited his gang cronies to Kenosha.
Unfortunately, the Kenosha police were filmed refusing their duty to enforce the curfew in effect in Kenosha and actually greeting people on the streets with guns, many from out of town and some from out of state, rather than chasing them off. Fatalities and grave injuries resulted. There is a rumor that the Kenosha police chief was a gang supporter wo actually invited his gang cronies to Kenosha.

You conspiracy theory nuts are a hoot.
Think you know where you can shove your insult............and I hate to break the bad news to you, BUTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTT....my husband and I travel a lot, his job requires a lot of travel and our kids are spread out all across the nation--------but we are seeing the Fuck BIDEN flags, signs, bumper stickers all over the place.
Yea, rednecks mainly make up a majority of this country (flyover) when you leave populated cities where educated people live and work.
Nascar white trash has a new chant. And the track is in Alabama, no less.

I'm shocked, shocked I tell ya.
I’ll take the white trash of Alabama over Seattle’s finest all day everyday…..Wouldn’t you?

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