Let's Go Brandon billboards springing up

Answer the question. What about all those blacks refusing the mask and jab and turning on Biden? Oh. Wait. I know. Uncle Toms, right?
What about them? I'm smart enough to realize by this point, if you arent vaccinated, nobody is going to convince you to. As far as your kind goes, I've said all along I could care less if you dont get vaccinated.
I did answer, slob, with a question. He turned around and called me "Kunte Kinte" for some unknown reason so I still dont know what he's talking about.
Slob? lol
He did what you just did. ASSume via responses not liked. Personally, I liked Kunte Kinte. Adore Levar Burton. Oh, and it was the worlds loss when Boseman died. But I bet you think they are Uncle Toms too, since they are successful and aren't whining like you.

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Hmm, i wonder which image is fake?
What about them? I'm smart enough to realize by this point, if you arent vaccinated, nobody is going to convince you to. As far as your kind goes, I've said all along I could care less if you dont get vaccinated.
Do tell, Oh Unwise One...what IS my kind?
So what? Large groups of Trumpists gather and a chant like this brings them all together. NFL stadiums, Nascar tracks, anti-vax meetups, all chock full of uneducated, toothless rednecks who worship Trump.
They think this is a referendum on Biden just like they think the election was stolen. Funny though, they didn't think it was a referendum on Trump when some one the left shouted, "fuck Trump!"

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