Let's Have The Talk We Hear So Much About But Never Happens


VIP Member
Mar 18, 2012
Let's have the 'race talk' our nation is so in need of folks. It'll never happen in politics and on television. I am a black American, I'm a rarity to a certain degree, I'm a right winger. But I want to have the talk and hope you all do as well. So fire a question pertaining to my community at me and I will answer it to the best of my ability and from my perspective. I'll do the same back if I have a question.

The time has come...
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You could not appreciate the immenseness of the fuck I do not give anymore.

Sure I can, that's why I started the thread. You're welcome to ask a question, and don't worry about how you'll be percirved by me or anyone else. It's your observations, state them as such. I won't hold it against you.
What does the 'black community' mean? No other race gets singled out as a 'community'. I find the term slightly demeaning to the very people it is supposed to support.
Is it true that a majority of the black community (let's limit it to the under thirty crowd) -- in private conversations with other blacks -- speak disparagingly of white people merely on the basis of race?

I have heard this claim a good deal from some angry black guys (on this very board in fact), and I don't doubt that there is at least a kernel of truth under-girding it. I just wonder how accurate it really is.
I believe racism doesn't exist in this country.

Liberals have shifted the meaning of predjudice and discrimination to racism.
What does the 'black community' mean? No other race gets singled out as a 'community'. I find the term slightly demeaning to the very people it is supposed to support.

Well, I kind of agree with you. I can only say what it means to me. For me it means our people as in race in the country we live in as a whole.

It is demeaning as it lumps us all into a collective, but that isn't how I mean it.
Is it true that a majority of the black community (let's limit it to the under thirty crowd) -- in private conversations with other blacks -- speak disparagingly of white people merely on the basis of race?

I have heard this claim a good deal from some angry black guys (on this very board in fact), and I don't doubt that there is at least a kernel of truth under-girding it. I just wonder how accurate it really is.

I would say it is inaccurate. It's true a lot of black folks do just that. But I'm guessing there is a lot of white folks who do the same. Probably about the same % of their populations. It all depends who you are influenced by, as well as experience in life.

Much like any other human being on this planet.
What does the 'black community' mean? No other race gets singled out as a 'community'. I find the term slightly demeaning to the very people it is supposed to support.

Well, I kind of agree with you. I can only say what it means to me. For me it means our people as in race in the country we live in as a whole.

It is demeaning as it lumps us all into a collective, but that isn't how I mean it.

How is the term "black community" defined in the black community? Do you consider yourself, as a black conservative, a member of and welcome in the "black community"?
Is it true that a majority of the black community (let's limit it to the over thirty crowd) -- in private conversations with other blacks -- speak disparagingly of white people merely on the basis of race?
What does the 'black community' mean? No other race gets singled out as a 'community'. I find the term slightly demeaning to the very people it is supposed to support.

Well, I kind of agree with you. I can only say what it means to me. For me it means our people as in race in the country we live in as a whole.

It is demeaning as it lumps us all into a collective, but that isn't how I mean it.

How is the term "black community" defined in the black community? Do you consider yourself, as a black conservative, a member of and welcome in the "black community"?
I don't think we ever defined it, Salt. It's just something we've accepted. You and I both know there is a plethora of sub groups within the "black community".

Accepted? Not always but most of the time yes. As long as I keep my mouth shut about my politics.
What does the 'black community' mean? No other race gets singled out as a 'community'. I find the term slightly demeaning to the very people it is supposed to support.

Well, I kind of agree with you. I can only say what it means to me. For me it means our people as in race in the country we live in as a whole.

It is demeaning as it lumps us all into a collective, but that isn't how I mean it.

But.... you agree that 'our people' is really all Americans - regardless of their skin color? Don't you get bored with being identified by your color rather than your citizenship? Why can't we just see Americans?
Is it true that a majority of the black community (let's limit it to the over thirty crowd) -- in private conversations with other blacks -- speak disparagingly of white people merely on the basis of race?

It is not the most talked about subject for any age group for black Americans. That is the thing that worries me about how the media portrays us. Most folks I talked to today were talking about other things. Party at the Elks, Tasha's bday celebration, bring your own liquor... That type of stuff.
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What does the 'black community' mean? No other race gets singled out as a 'community'. I find the term slightly demeaning to the very people it is supposed to support.

Well, I kind of agree with you. I can only say what it means to me. For me it means our people as in race in the country we live in as a whole.

It is demeaning as it lumps us all into a collective, but that isn't how I mean it.

But.... you agree that 'our people' is really all Americans - regardless of their skin color? Don't you get bored with being identified by your color rather than your citizenship? Why can't we just see Americans?

Human nature.
Is it true that a majority of the black community (let's limit it to the under thirty crowd) -- in private conversations with other blacks -- speak disparagingly of white people merely on the basis of race?

I have heard this claim a good deal from some angry black guys (on this very board in fact), and I don't doubt that there is at least a kernel of truth under-girding it. I just wonder how accurate it really is.

I would say it is inaccurate. It's true a lot of black folks do just that. But I'm guessing there is a lot of white folks who do the same. Probably about the same % of their populations. It all depends who you are influenced by, as well as experience in life.

Much like any other human being on this planet.

My hunch, also, is that such talk is inaccurate. I wonder if there is any way to quantify it where we wouldn't have to rely so much on impressions.
What does the 'black community' mean? No other race gets singled out as a 'community'. I find the term slightly demeaning to the very people it is supposed to support.

Well, I kind of agree with you. I can only say what it means to me. For me it means our people as in race in the country we live in as a whole.

It is demeaning as it lumps us all into a collective, but that isn't how I mean it.

But.... you agree that 'our people' is really all Americans - regardless of their skin color? Don't you get bored with being identified by your color rather than your citizenship? Why can't we just see Americans?

Because we are not just Americans. Name a country where race, skin color, sect, tribe, religion or caste isn't a factor.
Well, I kind of agree with you. I can only say what it means to me. For me it means our people as in race in the country we live in as a whole.

It is demeaning as it lumps us all into a collective, but that isn't how I mean it.

But.... you agree that 'our people' is really all Americans - regardless of their skin color? Don't you get bored with being identified by your color rather than your citizenship? Why can't we just see Americans?

Because we are not just Americans. Name a country where race, skin color, sect, tribe, religion or caste isn't a factor.

Wrong. And the fact that you don't get and cannot appreciate that you are wrong is why the kind of divisions we suffer from still exist.

We not only ARE different as a nation, but we are supposed to be different.

It is still imperfect, of course, but this IS the land where race, skin color, sect, tribe, religion or caste is not a factor.

You focus on the fact that we haven't completely made it there. You and those like you reel in it, still. Guys like Al Sharpton exploit it and then wonder why it must still exist.

They are frauds. You? I don't know. But you sure come over as one very shallow individual.
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But.... you agree that 'our people' is really all Americans - regardless of their skin color? Don't you get bored with being identified by your color rather than your citizenship? Why can't we just see Americans?

Because we are not just Americans. Name a country where race, skin color, sect, tribe, religion or caste isn't a factor.

Wrong. And the fact that you don't get and cannot appreciate that you are wrong is why the kind of division we suffer from still exist.

We not only ARE different as a nation, but we are supposed to be different.

It is still imperfect, of course, but this IS the land where race, skin color, sect, tribe, religion or caste is not a factor.

You focus on the fact that we haven't completely made it there. You and thoe like you reel in it, still. Guys like Al sharpton exploit it and then wonder why it must still exist.

They are frauds. You? I don't know. But you sure come over as one very shallow individual.

Name a time in world history and American history when race, skin color, sect, tribe, religion or caste was/is not a factor.
What does the 'black community' mean? No other race gets singled out as a 'community'. I find the term slightly demeaning to the very people it is supposed to support.

In Nashville gays are the 'gay community.' They even have their 'community church.'

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