Let's hear from all of the USMB Covid vax supporters: Who is getting the new booster shot for the latest variant?

So you DO believe the scare tactics.

No, I believe in responsible choices.

Avian flu is contagious because it's airborne.

Remember when all the bullshit "experts" were telling us Covid isn't airborne?

Hey - I'm on record. I'm the one who first called bullshit on their stupid lies. And I had plenty of evidence, too.

You forget that hindsight is 20/20. When experts thought that, it was based on the best available evidence at the time because no one knew much early on.

That was 3 months after Covid appeared.

Right about the time half of Terminal Island died.
You forget that hindsight is 20/20. When experts thought that, it was based on the best available evidence at the time because no one knew much early on.


What happened is they flapped their yaps before they knew anything.

And tried to make it sound authoritative.


Not once, not twice, but HUNDREDS upon hundreds of times.

And you're still ready to swallow their bullshit?

Don't that brown matter stick in your throat?

Can you imagine the unmitigated, trailer park ignorance of someone that would line up for a jab now, after all the evidence that's been exposed in the last 2 years? :laughing0301: :laughing0301:

On second thought, it's an excellent way to thin the herd of the defects and substandard fuckups.... it's evil, but it's genius. Go Darwin!

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Do you still wish to physically harm people who wear masks?
Never said that like you loons did and it’s piss poor “moderation” to use the same valid words I used against me as if I said them when I didnt
Instead of lying you would do better to stay away from me as your superiors dictated you too.
No, I believe in responsible choices.

You forget that hindsight is 20/20. When experts thought that, it was based on the best available evidence at the time because no one knew much early on.
Virtue signaling fear monger. Realize how much you care about everyone or suffer the consequences
What a damn joke
So you are basing your decision on whether to be vaccinated on two people you know who got COVID?

That’s an incredibly stupid way to make decisions. People are so irrational.

What is incredibly stupid is your taking everything out of context and spinning it to suit your opinions.

1. I don't know anyone who suffered ill effects from Covid-19 after refusing the jab.
2. I do know two people whom I cited. That is far from the totality of my considerations, as you so dismissively pretend.
3. As I said, THOUSANDS have died from the jab. You ignored that crucial point.

4. The liars have continued to change their stories as to the effectiveness of the jab which you think is so important. How irrational, how stupid of you. Incredibly stupid, in your words.
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And "incredibly stupid" Marener was silent - tacitly admitting his "incredible stupidity."

Incidentally, I just updated my website with a link to a scientific article sent to the Environmental Protection Agency on their "incredible stupidity."
Government screws up more than any private business in America. And the gullible eat it up.

Virtue signaling fear monger. Realize how much you care about everyone or suffer the consequences
What a damn joke
What, are you so afraid you cannot allow others to make their own choices?
Never said that like you loons did and it’s piss poor “moderation” to use the same valid words I used against me as if I said them when I didnt
Instead of lying you would do better to stay away from me as your superiors dictated you too.
You sound delusional if you think anyone told me to stay away from you. Or maybe you have an overly inflated sense of your own unimportance. Why don’t you leave people alone to make their own decisions instead of spreading anti vax vitriol?
Of course I'm going to get the next vaccine booster, I've had the first four and will get the fifth booster...because I'm not a f#cking red hat moron.

The only people dying of covid are the unvaccinated, go ahead, take your chances, the fewer of you around at election time the better.
I’m sure I’ll get it if only because my employer demands it.

I’ve had all of them. Never had a single reaction of any kind. My shoulder didn’t even hurt.
You sound delusional @WEATHER53 if you think anyone told me to stay away from you. Or maybe you have an overly inflated sense of your own unimportance. Why don’t you leave people alone to make their own decisions instead of spreading anti vax vitriol?

"Anti-vax vitriol." - Translation:
"I got my jabs and I believe President Biden, my Hero! So shut the hell up!"

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