Let's join liberals in condemning Trump as a filthy White Nationalist racist , but..........then as

Trump has condemned White Nationalists NUMEROUS TIMES, proving their claim he is one of them is a worn out lie....

Meanwhile Warren refuses to denounce her Satan-worshipping Antifa Assassin supporter's terrorist act at all....

If Trump would just convince White Nationalists that he isn't the best thing that could ever happen for them, that would be a good start. They aren't budging from that belief. Do you know why?

White Nationalist benefit from democratic policies.

Evidently they don't think they benefit nearly as much as they do from Trump policies. They LOVE him.
If Trump would just convince White Nationalists that he isn't the best thing that could ever happen for them, that would be a good start.
The same way Elizabeth Warren needs to convince Satan worshipping Antifa Mass Murderers SHE is not the best thing that could happen for them.....




You keep trying. You'll come up with something that isn't really dumb eventually.
Unlike Warren, the President has condemned the beliefs and actions of White Nationalists.

The Satan-worshipping Antifa Mass Murderer named Warren by name and his support for her and hatred of Ttump in his writings and on social media.....and she refuses to denounce him even ONCE...

....yet she engaged in FUND RAISING off the dead bodies of Americans who still remained where they had fallen after being shot.

If YOU can't condemn this sick politically motivated act by Warren, Harris, and the DNC then you are complicit / advocate / support a party so filled with hate that it could not pause and grieve with a country in morning at LEAST until the victims had been removed from the crime scene!

'nuff said, snowflake

I agree. That was nuff said, but I'm sure you will spout lots more crap before you finally stop. Warren never advocated violence. Trump did.
Much like despicable Warren won't denounce her Satan-worshipping Antifa assassin supporter's terrorist act, YOU won't denounce the despicable act of Warren, Harris, & the DNC FUND RAISING ON THE DEAD BODIES OF AMERICANS BEFORE THE BODIES WERE EVEN COLD.
Trump has condemned White Nationalists NUMEROUS TIMES, proving their claim he is one of them is a worn out lie....

Meanwhile Warren refuses to denounce her Satan-worshipping Antifa Assassin supporter's terrorist act at all....

If Trump would just convince White Nationalists that he isn't the best thing that could ever happen for them, that would be a good start. They aren't budging from that belief. Do you know why?

White Nationalist benefit from democratic policies.

Evidently they don't think they benefit nearly as much as they do from Trump policies. They LOVE him.

Socialism benefits rich white people.
Trump has condemned White Nationalists NUMEROUS TIMES, proving their claim he is one of them is a worn out lie....

Meanwhile Warren refuses to denounce her Satan-worshipping Antifa Assassin supporter's terrorist act at all....

If Trump would just convince White Nationalists that he isn't the best thing that could ever happen for them, that would be a good start. They aren't budging from that belief. Do you know why?

White Nationalist benefit from democratic policies.

Evidently they don't think they benefit nearly as much as they do from Trump policies. They LOVE him.

Socialism benefits rich white people.

Yes. We have socialism for the rich now.
The left has once again hijacked the language. Being white and a patriot does not make one a skinhead racist.
The left has once again hijacked the language. Being white and a patriot does not make one a skinhead racist.

No. It takes a conscious effort to become a skin head racist. Being a Trump supporter is a good first step.
The left has once again hijacked the language. Being white and a patriot does not make one a skinhead racist.

No. It takes a conscious effort to become a skin head racist. Being a Trump supporter is a good first step.
No, being as stupid as you are takes more of a conscious effort and more work than simply hating....
Trump has condemned White Nationalists NUMEROUS TIMES, proving their claim he is one of them is a worn out lie....

Meanwhile Warren refuses to denounce her Satan-worshipping Antifa Assassin supporter's terrorist act at all....

If Trump would just convince White Nationalists that he isn't the best thing that could ever happen for them, that would be a good start. They aren't budging from that belief. Do you know why?

White Nationalist benefit from democratic policies.

Evidently they don't think they benefit nearly as much as they do from Trump policies. They LOVE him.

Socialism benefits rich white people.

Yes. We have socialism for the rich now.

After socialism fails who do you think can afford to pay for the things that are no longer free...
If Trump would just convince White Nationalists that he isn't the best thing that could ever happen for them, that would be a good start. They aren't budging from that belief. Do you know why?

White Nationalist benefit from democratic policies.

Evidently they don't think they benefit nearly as much as they do from Trump policies. They LOVE him.

Socialism benefits rich white people.

Yes. We have socialism for the rich now.

After socialism fails who do you think can afford to pay for the things that are no longer free...

Don't know. Who is paying for the cops and fire department now?
IMHO this weekend shows this country is beyond the point of no return....the disgusting immediate attack on the President and fund raising on the dead bodies of Americans killed in a mass shooting the Democrats immediately politicized shows insanity beyond the ability to recover.

After 9/11/01 the nation came together. Within hours of these shootings the Socialist Democrats went all-in on extreme hatred and division for personal / party political gain ... and actually proved that there are mentally unstable / easily emotionally manipulated people who will not only give them a pass for doing so but will also join them in the insanity as it goes over the cliff, taking the country with them.
IMHO this weekend shows this country is beyond the point of no return....the disgusting immediate attack on the President and fund raising on the dead bodies of Americans killed in a mass shooting the Democrats immediately politicized shows insanity beyond the ability to recover.

After 9/11/01 the nation came together. Within hours of these shootings the Socialist Democrats went all-in on extreme hatred and division for personal / party political gain ... and actually proved that there are mentally unstable / easily emotionally manipulated people who will not only give them a pass for doing so but will also join them in the insanity as it goes over the cliff, taking the country with them.
ohhh calm the fuck down

these mass shootings have been politicized since i was a child

what's changed is your media is more readily available, and more of the shit talking is easier to hear

pull up your britches and calm it the fuck down.

look at violence per-capita, historically, in the u.s. and also globally. it's a quiet time in human history to be alive if you put your fucking keyboard down
ohhh calm the fuck down.these mass shootings have been politicized since i was a child
...yet you still have not demonstrated you have outgrown your childish tolerance for this bullshit and pitical drama.

Enough is enough. Its time for grown-ups to step in and get serious.
Has Warren denounced her Satan-worshipping Antifa Mass Murderer supporter's terrorist act yet?

Have snowflakes denounced / condemned Warren, Harris, and the DNC for fund raising off of the bodies of dead Americans just hours after they were killed?

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