Lets just face it….Devon Archer closed door testimony a bust

You should read this topic. This has been explained over and over, countless times.

If you don't want to read all the pages, just read my posts.

Now where's that video of Biden saying Shokin was investigating Burisma?

Have you ever WATCHED the video? Or are you just another parrot spreading a hoax on behalf of your propagandists?
You are misinformed under informed and propagandized by a Trump hating media... you sound as ridiculous as they do in the defense of the most corrupt family in American political history.... its laughable....
Why else would Joe the father of Hunter who had a do nothing job at Burisma want the guy fired... you have read too many fake news stories on this... just like all the fake news russian collusion stories....
Joe wanted Shokin fired completely unrelated to his son.

It was the position of the US government as well as the IMF , World Bank, and Eu and others.

The company that Hunter was working for was NOT under investigation by Shokin

We need a special counsel.

Why are Democrats afraid of a special counsel if Joe is innocent?
There's really no point in that, IMO. Could one say it's warranted? Yes.

Would it be a productive thing? I don't think so.
Joe wanted Shokin fired completely unrelated to his son.

It was the position of the US government as well as the IMF , World Bank, and Eu and others.

The company that Hunter was working for was NOT under investigation by Shokin

You are brainwashed by a Trump hating media... you sound ridiculous... like a member of a sick cult...

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