Lets look at Benghazi through History!!!!!

it's not everyday a libdem opens this aunt dora's box.. thank you.

Diplomat: U.S. Special Forces told "you can't go" to Benghazi during ...
CBS News
May 6, 2013 - The U.S. Souda Bay Naval Base is an hour's flight from Libya. ... or two over Benghazi as quickly as possible after the attack commenced, ... Ambassador Susan Rice and Secretary of State Hillary Clinton initially ... And so, in my personal opinion, a fast-mover flying over Benghazi at .... Fight to retake Mosul.
Benghazi hearing: U.S. military assets were told to stand down ...
May 7, 2013 - Email ..... And so, in my personal opinion, a fast mover flying over Benghazi at some ... Kelly Ayotte, R-New Hampshire, why F-16s at Aviano Air Base in Italy ... had been told that it would take two to three hours to get them airborne, ... after which "the Libyan military agreed to fly their C-130 to Benghazi and ...
Official: US Special Forces team wasn't allowed to fly to Benghazi ...
May 6, 2013 - 12, more than 12 hours after the fighting had ended. ..... Authorities claim that sending fighter jets over to the compound would not have worked ...

it would take three hours to get the f16's airborne... is that true ?

Several things here.......................

First off, have you ever been to Souda Bay Crete? I have. And there is almost NOTHING on that base, it's just a little station with only a few buildings.

In the second link, it says the special forces wanted to go to Benghazi on 12 September, the day AFTER the attack.

In the third link, it says in them that a State official wanted to send in a mission to rescue him, but they were stopped by MILITARY OFFICIALS.

As far as an F-16 being a good close in air support platform? You're kidding, right? Yes, they can sight in and shoot down other aircraft, but that's because those aircraft are flying too. Strafing the ground at 300 to 500 mph is a bit different, and I've watched pilots strafe targets out at sea, and they usually had to make several runs to sink the target. And, the bombs that they carry would have wiped out everyone in the compound if dropped, terrorists and Americans alike.

The only platform that could have mounted a rescue mission would have been a helicopter or an Osprey, neither of which fly very fast and wouldn't have been able to get there in time to save the ambassador.
in a similar situation the flyover stopped the fighting for several hours, it's in one of the emails.

Two questions..............

One..............exactly how many fighters were in the area that were available for flyover?

And two......................what makes you so sure it would have worked in this situation. Just because it works once, doesn't mean it's going to work again. And, if the first flyover didn't fire on them, with the second one they would think it's just a show of force with no real teeth and ignore it.
it's a great question, but for the actual pilots. and there was no gaurantee it would work, but we've always tried. this is the sentiment of a pilot who was there. waiting.... there was a lot of waiting going on that night... that's the problem.

the coverup is a whole other object, it begins that night though.
BTW, most of the deaths listed in the OP weren't Americans. Clinton got Americans killed..

Why do you think that the 254 Marines and 18 CIA officers were not Americans?

Every President will take actions that results in getting Americans killed. Reagan did, Clinton did, Bush did, Obama has.

The difference with Benghazi is that the GOP put politics ahead of the country and spent years trying to blame Obama- and now Clinton.

According to HuffPo, Obama has lost 4,486 American soldiers lives in Iraq alone. What kind of bumbling incompetence is that? Again, the difference is what Obama and Clinton didn't do before the attack and what they did after the four Americans including the US Ambassador were murdered. Learn some history and you'll be disgusted with your party like most Americans. Clinton already admitted her mistakes, but cried out, "What difference, at this point, does it make?" when questioned about the details of the assault. Disgusting.

Did you say learn some history 007?

iCasualties | OIF | Iraq | Fatalities By Year

In Context: Hillary Clinton's 'What difference does it make'

It makes a hell of a lot of difference whether it was a coordinated attack or not, and it was. And it makes a huge difference that she voted for the fiasco in Iraq or not, and she did. The woman is in what I call my basket of deplorables

Are they more dead if it was a coordinated attack, or less?

What is the difference?
According to HuffPo, Obama has lost 4,486 American soldiers lives in Iraq alone. What kind of bumbling incompetence is that? Again, the difference is what Obama and Clinton didn't do before the attack and what they did after the four Americans including the US Ambassador were murdered. Learn some history and you'll be disgusted with your party like most Americans. Clinton already admitted her mistakes, but cried out, "What difference, at this point, does it make?" when questioned about the details of the assault. Disgusting.

Did you say learn some history 007?

iCasualties | OIF | Iraq | Fatalities By Year

In Context: Hillary Clinton's 'What difference does it make'

It makes a hell of a lot of difference whether it was a coordinated attack or not, and it was. And it makes a huge difference that she voted for the fiasco in Iraq or not, and she did. The woman is in what I call my basket of deplorables

She wasn't being badgered over whether it was a coordinated attack or not. But it got the echo-chamber the needed sound bite.

She voted to give President Bush the power to decide to use Military force. The fiasco was the occupation which led to the civil war. That was all the Bush Administrations decisions.
She was one of the libs who declared Hussein was a threat and that we had to remove him from power. She most certainly was suggesting occupation until a new govt was up and running.

Here is what she had to say about it.

"My vote is not, however, a vote for any new doctrine of pre-emption, or for uni-lateralism, or for the arrogance of American power or purpose -- all of which carry grave dangers for our nation, for the rule of international law and for the peace and security of people throughout the world.

Over eleven years have passed since the UN called on Saddam Hussein to rid himself of weapons of mass destruction as a condition of returning to the world community. Time and time again he has frustrated and denied these conditions. This matter cannot be left hanging forever with consequences we would all live to regret. War can yet be avoided, but our responsibility to global security and to the integrity of United Nations resolutions protecting it cannot. I urge the President to spare no effort to secure a clear, unambiguous demand by the United Nations for unlimited inspections.


So it is with conviction that I support this resolution as being in the best interests of our nation. A vote for it is not a vote to rush to war; it is a vote that puts awesome responsibility in the hands of our President and we say to him - use these powers wisely and as a last resort. And it is a vote that says clearly to Saddam Hussein - this is your last chance - disarm or be disarmed."

A golden oldie: Hillary's floor speech to invade Iraq

That said, the power was not used wisely or as a last resort.

Hillary's never responsible for what she did ... to you. We should have never invaded Iraq. That you justify her vote for the war as though she's not responsible for the war is the morally bankrupt ridiculous little party that you are. She authorized it, she owns that
BTW, most of the deaths listed in the OP weren't Americans. Clinton got Americans killed..

Why do you think that the 254 Marines and 18 CIA officers were not Americans?

Every President will take actions that results in getting Americans killed. Reagan did, Clinton did, Bush did, Obama has.

The difference with Benghazi is that the GOP put politics ahead of the country and spent years trying to blame Obama- and now Clinton.

According to HuffPo, Obama has lost 4,486 American soldiers lives in Iraq alone. What kind of bumbling incompetence is that? Again, the difference is what Obama and Clinton didn't do before the attack and what they did after the four Americans including the US Ambassador were murdered. Learn some history and you'll be disgusted with your party like most Americans. Clinton already admitted her mistakes, but cried out, "What difference, at this point, does it make?" when questioned about the details of the assault. Disgusting.

Did you say learn some history 007?

iCasualties | OIF | Iraq | Fatalities By Year

In Context: Hillary Clinton's 'What difference does it make'

It makes a hell of a lot of difference whether it was a coordinated attack or not, and it was. And it makes a huge difference that she voted for the fiasco in Iraq or not, and she did. The woman is in what I call my basket of deplorables

Are they more dead if it was a coordinated attack, or less?

What is the difference?

So are the people in Iraq more dead whether W wanted to invade or not?

What a stupid old biddy you are to say something ridiculous. You want to nail every Republican to the cross for everything they ever thought of doing. Hillary lies and all you have is "are they more dead?" What a dry hole

It makes a hell of a lot of difference whether it was a coordinated attack or not, and it was. And it makes a huge difference that she voted for the fiasco in Iraq or not, and she did. The woman is in what I call my basket of deplorables

She wasn't being badgered over whether it was a coordinated attack or not. But it got the echo-chamber the needed sound bite.

She voted to give President Bush the power to decide to use Military force. The fiasco was the occupation which led to the civil war. That was all the Bush Administrations decisions.
She was one of the libs who declared Hussein was a threat and that we had to remove him from power. She most certainly was suggesting occupation until a new govt was up and running.

Here is what she had to say about it.

"My vote is not, however, a vote for any new doctrine of pre-emption, or for uni-lateralism, or for the arrogance of American power or purpose -- all of which carry grave dangers for our nation, for the rule of international law and for the peace and security of people throughout the world.

Over eleven years have passed since the UN called on Saddam Hussein to rid himself of weapons of mass destruction as a condition of returning to the world community. Time and time again he has frustrated and denied these conditions. This matter cannot be left hanging forever with consequences we would all live to regret. War can yet be avoided, but our responsibility to global security and to the integrity of United Nations resolutions protecting it cannot. I urge the President to spare no effort to secure a clear, unambiguous demand by the United Nations for unlimited inspections.


So it is with conviction that I support this resolution as being in the best interests of our nation. A vote for it is not a vote to rush to war; it is a vote that puts awesome responsibility in the hands of our President and we say to him - use these powers wisely and as a last resort. And it is a vote that says clearly to Saddam Hussein - this is your last chance - disarm or be disarmed."

A golden oldie: Hillary's floor speech to invade Iraq

That said, the power was not used wisely or as a last resort.

Hillary's never responsible for what she did ... to you. We should have never invaded Iraq. That you justify her vote for the war as though she's not responsible for the war is the morally bankrupt ridiculous little party that you are. She authorized it, she owns that

The UNSC did pass a strong Resolution with unlimited inspections. It was not very wise of the president to renege on our obligation after signing on to SCR1441 To break our word to the world, to stop the unlimited inspections, to launch an invasion, proves beyond a shadow of a doubt that war was not the last resort.

The Bush Administration made the decision to go to war in Iraq, not the Congress. Congress abdicated their Constitutional responsibility and never held President Bush accountable for his breach of the UNSCR 1441 or their Resolution.

At least she had something useful to say about it, rather than "I guess so.."

We never should have allied with Iraq in the 80's. But we did and we have to live with that.
It makes a hell of a lot of difference whether it was a coordinated attack or not, and it was. And it makes a huge difference that she voted for the fiasco in Iraq or not, and she did. The woman is in what I call my basket of deplorables

She wasn't being badgered over whether it was a coordinated attack or not. But it got the echo-chamber the needed sound bite.

She voted to give President Bush the power to decide to use Military force. The fiasco was the occupation which led to the civil war. That was all the Bush Administrations decisions.
She was one of the libs who declared Hussein was a threat and that we had to remove him from power. She most certainly was suggesting occupation until a new govt was up and running.

Here is what she had to say about it.

"My vote is not, however, a vote for any new doctrine of pre-emption, or for uni-lateralism, or for the arrogance of American power or purpose -- all of which carry grave dangers for our nation, for the rule of international law and for the peace and security of people throughout the world.

Over eleven years have passed since the UN called on Saddam Hussein to rid himself of weapons of mass destruction as a condition of returning to the world community. Time and time again he has frustrated and denied these conditions. This matter cannot be left hanging forever with consequences we would all live to regret. War can yet be avoided, but our responsibility to global security and to the integrity of United Nations resolutions protecting it cannot. I urge the President to spare no effort to secure a clear, unambiguous demand by the United Nations for unlimited inspections.


So it is with conviction that I support this resolution as being in the best interests of our nation. A vote for it is not a vote to rush to war; it is a vote that puts awesome responsibility in the hands of our President and we say to him - use these powers wisely and as a last resort. And it is a vote that says clearly to Saddam Hussein - this is your last chance - disarm or be disarmed."

A golden oldie: Hillary's floor speech to invade Iraq

That said, the power was not used wisely or as a last resort.

Hillary's never responsible for what she did ... to you. We should have never invaded Iraq. That you justify her vote for the war as though she's not responsible for the war is the morally bankrupt ridiculous little party that you are. She authorized it, she owns that

The UNSC did pass a strong Resolution with unlimited inspections. It was not very wise of the president to renege on our obligation after signing on to SCR1441 To break our word to the world, to stop the unlimited inspections, to launch an invasion, proves beyond a shadow of a doubt that war was not the last resort.

The Bush Administration made the decision to go to war in Iraq, not the Congress. Congress abdicated their Constitutional responsibility and never held President Bush accountable for his breach of the UNSCR 1441 or their Resolution.

At least she had something useful to say about it, rather than "I guess so.."

We never should have allied with Iraq in the 80's. But we did and we have to live with that.

Yes, W is responsible for going into the war. And Hillary is responsible for voting to allow him to do it. None of your spin removes that stink
So are the people in Iraq more dead whether W wanted to invade or not?

They would not be dead at all if W did not.

And the four in Benghazi may or may not be dead if she'd sent help. But she didn't

Help arrived within 30 minutes and cleared the compound and rescued and recovered all but the Ambassador. You might have a case if she decided to send the Ambassador to Benghazi that day. She didn't.
So are the people in Iraq more dead whether W wanted to invade or not?

They would not be dead at all if W did not.

And the four in Benghazi may or may not be dead if she'd sent help. But she didn't

Help arrived within 30 minutes and cleared the compound and rescued and recovered all but the Ambassador. You might have a case if she decided to send the Ambassador to Benghazi that day. She didn't.

Hmm. So four people dying was "all but the Ambassador?"

Actually according to liberal rationalizations sites, it was "sent" within 30 minutes. Do you know the difference?
According to HuffPo, Obama has lost 4,486 American soldiers lives in Iraq alone. What kind of bumbling incompetence is that? Again, the difference is what Obama and Clinton didn't do before the attack and what they did after the four Americans including the US Ambassador were murdered. Learn some history and you'll be disgusted with your party like most Americans. Clinton already admitted her mistakes, but cried out, "What difference, at this point, does it make?" when questioned about the details of the assault. Disgusting.

Did you say learn some history 007?

iCasualties | OIF | Iraq | Fatalities By Year

In Context: Hillary Clinton's 'What difference does it make'

Ha ha. Yes, I did say learn some history BlindBoo, but you're interested in peeing contests.

Countering lies is now a peeing contest?


Countering YOUR lies isn't a peeing contest, but using generalizations of the numbers of American lives lost is.

I'm using the liberal biased HuffPo article as the source. I can't help it if they're lying. Here's the article and video of the HEATED exchange -- Hillary Clinton, Ron Johnson Engage In Heated Exchange At Benghazi Hearing (VIDEO) | Huffington Post . Clinton deserved to have a new hole ripped, caused her to meltdown and she left with it gaping.

We have Wikileaks which has revealed the following. You can bet Clinton losing her cool under Benghazi fire had to be contained.

Clinton Campaign Chair Had Dinner With Top DOJ Official One Day After Hillary's Benghazi Hearing | Zero Hedge

You claim the "Obama has lost 4,486 American soldiers lives in Iraq alone" figure came from HuffPo.

It didn't.

4,486 American Soldiers Have Died in Iraq. President Obama Is Continuing a Pointless and Deadly Quagmire. | Huffington Post

"The purpose of remembering the 4,486 American soldiers who’ve died in Operation Iraqi Freedom, a war that already ended in 2011,......"

There is no doubt from the transcripts that she was being badgered over whether or not there was a protest, not the details of the actual assault.

Ok, I'll let you have your fun with numbers. It still beats the OP numbers. And Clinton and Obama weren't badgered over Benghazi, but deservedly ripped for her handling of the debacle. Anyway, HuffPo has already wrote Clinton's premature obituary and why she lost. Benghazi isn't one of the reasons though. They claim Benghazi is political, but the email scandal is serious.

"On the high, crenelated ramparts of Castle Clinton, a chill breeze is stirring ― a faint but gnawing sense that the White Walkers are coming, wearing “MAKE AMERICA GREAT AGAIN” baseball caps on their skinless noggins.

If Donald Trump does sack the fortress, no one who lost the battle will want to admit it was Hillary Clinton’s fault. It will have had nothing to do with, say, “transparency” or calling bearded villagers “deplorables” or the Iraq War vote or the simple fact that middle-of-the-road Clintonism ran out of gas as a public philosophy.

No, other individuals, groups and forces will have to be blamed. In fact, they already are, pre-emptively. If Trump wins, we’re all going to be too busy moving to Canada to read the postmortems (or write them), so we offer them to you now:

See the Big 9 reasons here:
Why Hillary Lost: A Premature Obit | Huffington Post

#10 could be a picture is worth a thousand words on Clinton's health.


Hillary Clinton Once Again Needs Assistance Climbing a Stair

Hillary Clinton Once Again Needs Assistance Climbing a Stair - Breitbart
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So are the people in Iraq more dead whether W wanted to invade or not?

They would not be dead at all if W did not.

And the four in Benghazi may or may not be dead if she'd sent help. But she didn't

Help arrived within 30 minutes and cleared the compound and rescued and recovered all but the Ambassador. You might have a case if she decided to send the Ambassador to Benghazi that day. She didn't.

Hmm. So four people dying was "all but the Ambassador?"

Actually according to liberal rationalizations sites, it was "sent" within 30 minutes. Do you know the difference?

Two people were killed at the Consulate building. The first response team found the body of Sean Smith but not the Ambassador. Glen Doherty and Tyrone Woods were killed after the response team from Tripoli finally made it to the CIA annex and they came under mortar fire.

I don't know if this document came from a liberal rationalization site but.....


The information on the response time starts on page 4 and continue on page 5.

It makes a hell of a lot of difference whether it was a coordinated attack or not, and it was. And it makes a huge difference that she voted for the fiasco in Iraq or not, and she did. The woman is in what I call my basket of deplorables

She wasn't being badgered over whether it was a coordinated attack or not. But it got the echo-chamber the needed sound bite.

She voted to give President Bush the power to decide to use Military force. The fiasco was the occupation which led to the civil war. That was all the Bush Administrations decisions.
She was one of the libs who declared Hussein was a threat and that we had to remove him from power. She most certainly was suggesting occupation until a new govt was up and running.

Here is what she had to say about it.

"My vote is not, however, a vote for any new doctrine of pre-emption, or for uni-lateralism, or for the arrogance of American power or purpose -- all of which carry grave dangers for our nation, for the rule of international law and for the peace and security of people throughout the world.

Over eleven years have passed since the UN called on Saddam Hussein to rid himself of weapons of mass destruction as a condition of returning to the world community. Time and time again he has frustrated and denied these conditions. This matter cannot be left hanging forever with consequences we would all live to regret. War can yet be avoided, but our responsibility to global security and to the integrity of United Nations resolutions protecting it cannot. I urge the President to spare no effort to secure a clear, unambiguous demand by the United Nations for unlimited inspections.


So it is with conviction that I support this resolution as being in the best interests of our nation. A vote for it is not a vote to rush to war; it is a vote that puts awesome responsibility in the hands of our President and we say to him - use these powers wisely and as a last resort. And it is a vote that says clearly to Saddam Hussein - this is your last chance - disarm or be disarmed."

A golden oldie: Hillary's floor speech to invade Iraq

That said, the power was not used wisely or as a last resort.

You people are such ridiculous partisan hacks. Hillary isn't responsible for what she did, Republicans are! Like you'd ever accept that lame shit from Republicans ...

It makes a hell of a lot of difference whether it was a coordinated attack or not, and it was. And it makes a huge difference that she voted for the fiasco in Iraq or not, and she did. The woman is in what I call my basket of deplorables

She wasn't being badgered over whether it was a coordinated attack or not. But it got the echo-chamber the needed sound bite.

She voted to give President Bush the power to decide to use Military force. The fiasco was the occupation which led to the civil war. That was all the Bush Administrations decisions.
She was one of the libs who declared Hussein was a threat and that we had to remove him from power. She most certainly was suggesting occupation until a new govt was up and running.

Here is what she had to say about it.

"My vote is not, however, a vote for any new doctrine of pre-emption, or for uni-lateralism, or for the arrogance of American power or purpose -- all of which carry grave dangers for our nation, for the rule of international law and for the peace and security of people throughout the world.

Over eleven years have passed since the UN called on Saddam Hussein to rid himself of weapons of mass destruction as a condition of returning to the world community. Time and time again he has frustrated and denied these conditions. This matter cannot be left hanging forever with consequences we would all live to regret. War can yet be avoided, but our responsibility to global security and to the integrity of United Nations resolutions protecting it cannot. I urge the President to spare no effort to secure a clear, unambiguous demand by the United Nations for unlimited inspections.


So it is with conviction that I support this resolution as being in the best interests of our nation. A vote for it is not a vote to rush to war; it is a vote that puts awesome responsibility in the hands of our President and we say to him - use these powers wisely and as a last resort. And it is a vote that says clearly to Saddam Hussein - this is your last chance - disarm or be disarmed."

A golden oldie: Hillary's floor speech to invade Iraq

That said, the power was not used wisely or as a last resort.

You people are such ridiculous partisan hacks. Hillary isn't responsible for what she did, Republicans are! Like you'd ever accept that lame shit from Republicans ...

Really? What did Mike Pence say before he cast his vote for giving President Bush the deciding power? Anything?
It makes a hell of a lot of difference whether it was a coordinated attack or not, and it was. And it makes a huge difference that she voted for the fiasco in Iraq or not, and she did. The woman is in what I call my basket of deplorables

She wasn't being badgered over whether it was a coordinated attack or not. But it got the echo-chamber the needed sound bite.

She voted to give President Bush the power to decide to use Military force. The fiasco was the occupation which led to the civil war. That was all the Bush Administrations decisions.
She was one of the libs who declared Hussein was a threat and that we had to remove him from power. She most certainly was suggesting occupation until a new govt was up and running.

Here is what she had to say about it.

"My vote is not, however, a vote for any new doctrine of pre-emption, or for uni-lateralism, or for the arrogance of American power or purpose -- all of which carry grave dangers for our nation, for the rule of international law and for the peace and security of people throughout the world.

Over eleven years have passed since the UN called on Saddam Hussein to rid himself of weapons of mass destruction as a condition of returning to the world community. Time and time again he has frustrated and denied these conditions. This matter cannot be left hanging forever with consequences we would all live to regret. War can yet be avoided, but our responsibility to global security and to the integrity of United Nations resolutions protecting it cannot. I urge the President to spare no effort to secure a clear, unambiguous demand by the United Nations for unlimited inspections.


So it is with conviction that I support this resolution as being in the best interests of our nation. A vote for it is not a vote to rush to war; it is a vote that puts awesome responsibility in the hands of our President and we say to him - use these powers wisely and as a last resort. And it is a vote that says clearly to Saddam Hussein - this is your last chance - disarm or be disarmed."

A golden oldie: Hillary's floor speech to invade Iraq

That said, the power was not used wisely or as a last resort.

You people are such ridiculous partisan hacks. Hillary isn't responsible for what she did, Republicans are! Like you'd ever accept that lame shit from Republicans ...

Really? What did Mike Pence say before he cast his vote for giving President Bush the deciding power? Anything?


I criticize Republicans for what they did, I blame Democrats for what they did.

You criticize Republicans for what they did, you blame Republicans for what Democrats did.

Yes, Pence is totally responsible for what he did. Your point? I'm not a hypocrite like you are? OK, you got me there.

Now wait, am I consistent with voting?

I'm not voting for Trump/Pence or Hillary. You are voting for Hillary. Wow, you're still the hypocrite and I'm still not ...

As for Pence himself, he's also not blaming his vote on someone else
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She wasn't being badgered over whether it was a coordinated attack or not. But it got the echo-chamber the needed sound bite.

She voted to give President Bush the power to decide to use Military force. The fiasco was the occupation which led to the civil war. That was all the Bush Administrations decisions.
She was one of the libs who declared Hussein was a threat and that we had to remove him from power. She most certainly was suggesting occupation until a new govt was up and running.

Here is what she had to say about it.

"My vote is not, however, a vote for any new doctrine of pre-emption, or for uni-lateralism, or for the arrogance of American power or purpose -- all of which carry grave dangers for our nation, for the rule of international law and for the peace and security of people throughout the world.

Over eleven years have passed since the UN called on Saddam Hussein to rid himself of weapons of mass destruction as a condition of returning to the world community. Time and time again he has frustrated and denied these conditions. This matter cannot be left hanging forever with consequences we would all live to regret. War can yet be avoided, but our responsibility to global security and to the integrity of United Nations resolutions protecting it cannot. I urge the President to spare no effort to secure a clear, unambiguous demand by the United Nations for unlimited inspections.


So it is with conviction that I support this resolution as being in the best interests of our nation. A vote for it is not a vote to rush to war; it is a vote that puts awesome responsibility in the hands of our President and we say to him - use these powers wisely and as a last resort. And it is a vote that says clearly to Saddam Hussein - this is your last chance - disarm or be disarmed."

A golden oldie: Hillary's floor speech to invade Iraq

That said, the power was not used wisely or as a last resort.

You people are such ridiculous partisan hacks. Hillary isn't responsible for what she did, Republicans are! Like you'd ever accept that lame shit from Republicans ...

Really? What did Mike Pence say before he cast his vote for giving President Bush the deciding power? Anything?


I criticize Republicans for what they did, I blame Democrats for what they did.

You criticize Republicans for what they did, you blame Republicans for what Democrats did.

Yes, Pence is totally responsible for what he did. Your point? I'm not a hypocrite like you are? OK, you got me there.

Now wait, am I consistent with voting?

I'm not voting for Trump/Pence or Hillary. You are voting for Hillary. Wow, you're still the hypocrite and I'm still not ...

As for Pence himself, he's also not blaming his vote on someone else

Says someone who just claimed Sec Clinton murdered the four victims in Benghazi.
She was one of the libs who declared Hussein was a threat and that we had to remove him from power. She most certainly was suggesting occupation until a new govt was up and running.

Here is what she had to say about it.

"My vote is not, however, a vote for any new doctrine of pre-emption, or for uni-lateralism, or for the arrogance of American power or purpose -- all of which carry grave dangers for our nation, for the rule of international law and for the peace and security of people throughout the world.

Over eleven years have passed since the UN called on Saddam Hussein to rid himself of weapons of mass destruction as a condition of returning to the world community. Time and time again he has frustrated and denied these conditions. This matter cannot be left hanging forever with consequences we would all live to regret. War can yet be avoided, but our responsibility to global security and to the integrity of United Nations resolutions protecting it cannot. I urge the President to spare no effort to secure a clear, unambiguous demand by the United Nations for unlimited inspections.


So it is with conviction that I support this resolution as being in the best interests of our nation. A vote for it is not a vote to rush to war; it is a vote that puts awesome responsibility in the hands of our President and we say to him - use these powers wisely and as a last resort. And it is a vote that says clearly to Saddam Hussein - this is your last chance - disarm or be disarmed."

A golden oldie: Hillary's floor speech to invade Iraq

That said, the power was not used wisely or as a last resort.

You people are such ridiculous partisan hacks. Hillary isn't responsible for what she did, Republicans are! Like you'd ever accept that lame shit from Republicans ...

Really? What did Mike Pence say before he cast his vote for giving President Bush the deciding power? Anything?


I criticize Republicans for what they did, I blame Democrats for what they did.

You criticize Republicans for what they did, you blame Republicans for what Democrats did.

Yes, Pence is totally responsible for what he did. Your point? I'm not a hypocrite like you are? OK, you got me there.

Now wait, am I consistent with voting?

I'm not voting for Trump/Pence or Hillary. You are voting for Hillary. Wow, you're still the hypocrite and I'm still not ...

As for Pence himself, he's also not blaming his vote on someone else

Says someone who just claimed Sec Clinton murdered the four victims in Benghazi.

Yes, she did.

I always like how Democrats only accept not being a Republican or a Democrat just fine, you just have to prove you're a Democrat to do it ...
And Clinton and Obama weren't badgered over Benghazi,

Conflating rationalizations?

President Obama was not being questioned when the "What difference does it make" sound bite came out.

Right now, the pubs are more interested in Benghazi than a sound bite. We're interested in Sidney Blumenthal who went from reporter to inside Bill Clinton's political circle and now inside Hillary Clinton's political bubble. He's "unofficially" a friend of Hillary Clinton, but there's more to this friendship than meets the eye. Clinton was questioned about Blumenthal at the Benghazi hearings and got testy. Now we know why. See Wikileaks release at bottom.

New Clinton emails show expansive role of Sidney Blumenthal
The liberal writer and family confidant peppered the secretary of state with advice on everything from internal turf battles to climate change.
New Clinton emails show expansive role of Sidney Blumenthal

Wikileaks - Sidney Blumenthal search
WikiLeaks - Hillary Clinton Email Archive

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