Lets look at Benghazi through History!!!!!

BTW, most of the deaths listed in the OP weren't Americans. Clinton got Americans killed..

Why do you think that the 254 Marines and 18 CIA officers were not Americans?

Every President will take actions that results in getting Americans killed. Reagan did, Clinton did, Bush did, Obama has.

The difference with Benghazi is that the GOP put politics ahead of the country and spent years trying to blame Obama- and now Clinton.

According to HuffPo, Obama has lost 4,486 American soldiers lives in Iraq alone. What kind of bumbling incompetence is that? Again, the difference is what Obama and Clinton didn't do before the attack and what they did after the four Americans including the US Ambassador were murdered. Learn some history and you'll be disgusted with your party like most Americans. Clinton already admitted her mistakes, but cried out, "What difference, at this point, does it make?" when questioned about the details of the assault. Disgusting.
I would have to agree with CC and Kaz...until I see a link. The LAST thing Hillary and Democrats wanted was to investigate Benghazi and allow her complete and utter incompetence / F* up to be revealed / exposed.

I agree though I have to say anyone with one iota of common sense can see the incompetence that led to Benghazi.
and the bungled cover up still ensuing.

My my how times have changed

Yes, things have changed.

W never covered up his administrations actions in Benghazi, Obama did cover up his administration's actions in Benghazi.

Quite different

Yeah they just used their flawed talking points about the threat Iraq was to the world's remaining superpower for over a year. A country who had either been at war or was suffering under UN Sanction for over 20 years was somehow a threat that we should spend billions in treasure and 4000+ in blood on. They conned the pubic through the same "rigged' (or should I say embedded )media the Donald is whining about.

But Obama, oh man, they stuck to their talking point about extremest joining a protest for all of two weeks.

GOP says: Impeach! Impeach! Get out the pitchforks.
saddam's mustard gas - Google Search

welcome to iraq...

and they're back...


there was a reason obama drew that red line.

Thanks to Raygun, America can say "And I helped"! Shake and Bake anyone?

Exclusive: CIA Files Prove America Helped Saddam as He Gassed Iran

that's pretty horrifying.
BTW, most of the deaths listed in the OP weren't Americans. Clinton got Americans killed..

Why do you think that the 254 Marines and 18 CIA officers were not Americans?

Every President will take actions that results in getting Americans killed. Reagan did, Clinton did, Bush did, Obama has.

The difference with Benghazi is that the GOP put politics ahead of the country and spent years trying to blame Obama- and now Clinton.

According to HuffPo, Obama has lost 4,486 American soldiers lives in Iraq alone. What kind of bumbling incompetence is that? Again, the difference is what Obama and Clinton didn't do before the attack and what they did after the four Americans including the US Ambassador were murdered. Learn some history and you'll be disgusted with your party like most Americans. Clinton already admitted her mistakes, but cried out, "What difference, at this point, does it make?" when questioned about the details of the assault. Disgusting.

Did you say learn some history 007?

iCasualties | OIF | Iraq | Fatalities By Year

In Context: Hillary Clinton's 'What difference does it make'
BTW, most of the deaths listed in the OP weren't Americans. Clinton got Americans killed..

Why do you think that the 254 Marines and 18 CIA officers were not Americans?

Every President will take actions that results in getting Americans killed. Reagan did, Clinton did, Bush did, Obama has.

The difference with Benghazi is that the GOP put politics ahead of the country and spent years trying to blame Obama- and now Clinton.

According to HuffPo, Obama has lost 4,486 American soldiers lives in Iraq alone. What kind of bumbling incompetence is that? Again, the difference is what Obama and Clinton didn't do before the attack and what they did after the four Americans including the US Ambassador were murdered. Learn some history and you'll be disgusted with your party like most Americans. Clinton already admitted her mistakes, but cried out, "What difference, at this point, does it make?" when questioned about the details of the assault. Disgusting.

Did you say learn some history 007?

iCasualties | OIF | Iraq | Fatalities By Year

In Context: Hillary Clinton's 'What difference does it make'

Ha ha. Yes, I did say learn some history BlindBoo, but you're interested in peeing contests.
BTW, most of the deaths listed in the OP weren't Americans. Clinton got Americans killed..

Why do you think that the 254 Marines and 18 CIA officers were not Americans?

Every President will take actions that results in getting Americans killed. Reagan did, Clinton did, Bush did, Obama has.

The difference with Benghazi is that the GOP put politics ahead of the country and spent years trying to blame Obama- and now Clinton.

According to HuffPo, Obama has lost 4,486 American soldiers lives in Iraq alone. What kind of bumbling incompetence is that? Again, the difference is what Obama and Clinton didn't do before the attack and what they did after the four Americans including the US Ambassador were murdered. Learn some history and you'll be disgusted with your party like most Americans. Clinton already admitted her mistakes, but cried out, "What difference, at this point, does it make?" when questioned about the details of the assault. Disgusting.

Did you say learn some history 007?

iCasualties | OIF | Iraq | Fatalities By Year

In Context: Hillary Clinton's 'What difference does it make'

It makes a hell of a lot of difference whether it was a coordinated attack or not, and it was. And it makes a huge difference that she voted for the fiasco in Iraq or not, and she did. The woman is in what I call my basket of deplorables
BTW, most of the deaths listed in the OP weren't Americans. Clinton got Americans killed..

Why do you think that the 254 Marines and 18 CIA officers were not Americans?

Every President will take actions that results in getting Americans killed. Reagan did, Clinton did, Bush did, Obama has.

The difference with Benghazi is that the GOP put politics ahead of the country and spent years trying to blame Obama- and now Clinton.

According to HuffPo, Obama has lost 4,486 American soldiers lives in Iraq alone. What kind of bumbling incompetence is that? Again, the difference is what Obama and Clinton didn't do before the attack and what they did after the four Americans including the US Ambassador were murdered. Learn some history and you'll be disgusted with your party like most Americans. Clinton already admitted her mistakes, but cried out, "What difference, at this point, does it make?" when questioned about the details of the assault. Disgusting.

Did you say learn some history 007?

iCasualties | OIF | Iraq | Fatalities By Year

In Context: Hillary Clinton's 'What difference does it make'

It makes a hell of a lot of difference whether it was a coordinated attack or not, and it was. And it makes a huge difference that she voted for the fiasco in Iraq or not, and she did. The woman is in what I call my basket of deplorables

She wasn't being badgered over whether it was a coordinated attack or not. But it got the echo-chamber the needed sound bite.

She voted to give President Bush the power to decide to use Military force. The fiasco was the occupation which led to the civil war. That was all the Bush Administrations decisions.
BTW, most of the deaths listed in the OP weren't Americans. Clinton got Americans killed..

Why do you think that the 254 Marines and 18 CIA officers were not Americans?

Every President will take actions that results in getting Americans killed. Reagan did, Clinton did, Bush did, Obama has.

The difference with Benghazi is that the GOP put politics ahead of the country and spent years trying to blame Obama- and now Clinton.

According to HuffPo, Obama has lost 4,486 American soldiers lives in Iraq alone. What kind of bumbling incompetence is that? Again, the difference is what Obama and Clinton didn't do before the attack and what they did after the four Americans including the US Ambassador were murdered. Learn some history and you'll be disgusted with your party like most Americans. Clinton already admitted her mistakes, but cried out, "What difference, at this point, does it make?" when questioned about the details of the assault. Disgusting.

Did you say learn some history 007?

iCasualties | OIF | Iraq | Fatalities By Year

In Context: Hillary Clinton's 'What difference does it make'

Ha ha. Yes, I did say learn some history BlindBoo, but you're interested in peeing contests.

Countering lies is now a peeing contest?

BTW, most of the deaths listed in the OP weren't Americans. Clinton got Americans killed..

Why do you think that the 254 Marines and 18 CIA officers were not Americans?

Every President will take actions that results in getting Americans killed. Reagan did, Clinton did, Bush did, Obama has.

The difference with Benghazi is that the GOP put politics ahead of the country and spent years trying to blame Obama- and now Clinton.

According to HuffPo, Obama has lost 4,486 American soldiers lives in Iraq alone. What kind of bumbling incompetence is that? Again, the difference is what Obama and Clinton didn't do before the attack and what they did after the four Americans including the US Ambassador were murdered. Learn some history and you'll be disgusted with your party like most Americans. Clinton already admitted her mistakes, but cried out, "What difference, at this point, does it make?" when questioned about the details of the assault. Disgusting.

Did you say learn some history 007?

iCasualties | OIF | Iraq | Fatalities By Year

In Context: Hillary Clinton's 'What difference does it make'

It makes a hell of a lot of difference whether it was a coordinated attack or not, and it was. And it makes a huge difference that she voted for the fiasco in Iraq or not, and she did. The woman is in what I call my basket of deplorables

She wasn't being badgered over whether it was a coordinated attack or not. But it got the echo-chamber the needed sound bite.

She voted to give President Bush the power to decide to use Military force. The fiasco was the occupation which led to the civil war. That was all the Bush Administrations decisions.
and he ain't running for president.
BTW, most of the deaths listed in the OP weren't Americans. Clinton got Americans killed..

Why do you think that the 254 Marines and 18 CIA officers were not Americans?

Every President will take actions that results in getting Americans killed. Reagan did, Clinton did, Bush did, Obama has.

The difference with Benghazi is that the GOP put politics ahead of the country and spent years trying to blame Obama- and now Clinton.

According to HuffPo, Obama has lost 4,486 American soldiers lives in Iraq alone. What kind of bumbling incompetence is that? Again, the difference is what Obama and Clinton didn't do before the attack and what they did after the four Americans including the US Ambassador were murdered. Learn some history and you'll be disgusted with your party like most Americans. Clinton already admitted her mistakes, but cried out, "What difference, at this point, does it make?" when questioned about the details of the assault. Disgusting.

Did you say learn some history 007?

iCasualties | OIF | Iraq | Fatalities By Year

In Context: Hillary Clinton's 'What difference does it make'

Ha ha. Yes, I did say learn some history BlindBoo, but you're interested in peeing contests.

Countering lies is now a peeing contest?

Why do you think that the 254 Marines and 18 CIA officers were not Americans?

Every President will take actions that results in getting Americans killed. Reagan did, Clinton did, Bush did, Obama has.

The difference with Benghazi is that the GOP put politics ahead of the country and spent years trying to blame Obama- and now Clinton.

According to HuffPo, Obama has lost 4,486 American soldiers lives in Iraq alone. What kind of bumbling incompetence is that? Again, the difference is what Obama and Clinton didn't do before the attack and what they did after the four Americans including the US Ambassador were murdered. Learn some history and you'll be disgusted with your party like most Americans. Clinton already admitted her mistakes, but cried out, "What difference, at this point, does it make?" when questioned about the details of the assault. Disgusting.

Did you say learn some history 007?

iCasualties | OIF | Iraq | Fatalities By Year

In Context: Hillary Clinton's 'What difference does it make'

Ha ha. Yes, I did say learn some history BlindBoo, but you're interested in peeing contests.

Countering lies is now a peeing contest?


Pretty simple really, when 007 claimed "Obama has lost 4,486 American soldiers lives in Iraq alone." That lie is countered in link to fatalities by year.

The other contains the transcript of the questioning or Sec. Clinton where she was being badgered over the administration's assumption and talking point that there was a Protest at the Consulate prior to the assault Not the details of the assault itself.
According to HuffPo, Obama has lost 4,486 American soldiers lives in Iraq alone. What kind of bumbling incompetence is that? Again, the difference is what Obama and Clinton didn't do before the attack and what they did after the four Americans including the US Ambassador were murdered. Learn some history and you'll be disgusted with your party like most Americans. Clinton already admitted her mistakes, but cried out, "What difference, at this point, does it make?" when questioned about the details of the assault. Disgusting.

Did you say learn some history 007?

iCasualties | OIF | Iraq | Fatalities By Year

In Context: Hillary Clinton's 'What difference does it make'

Ha ha. Yes, I did say learn some history BlindBoo, but you're interested in peeing contests.

Countering lies is now a peeing contest?


Pretty simple really, when 007 claimed "Obama has lost 4,486 American soldiers lives in Iraq alone." That lie is countered in link to fatalities by year.

The other contains the transcript of the questioning or Sec. Clinton where she was being badgered over the administration's assumption and talking point that there was a Protest at the Consulate prior to the assault Not the details of the assault itself.
stupid is as stupid does, is that what you're saying?
The only thing that should be of interest is that they had months or warnings about an attack at Benghazi.

Warnings that the Brits and the Red Cross took seriously enough to pull their people out of the area.

The anniversary of 9-11 was coming up as well.

Hillary and her State Department did nothing. Four good men died because of that nothing.

Incompetence, thy name is Hillary.

I once thought you to be brainwashed, now I'm certain you're a fool and only needed a lite rinse. The point of the OP is a simple, so simple even someone as limited as you should have understood.
The only thing that should be of interest is that they had months or warnings about an attack at Benghazi.

Warnings that the Brits and the Red Cross took seriously enough to pull their people out of the area.

The anniversary of 9-11 was coming up as well.

Hillary and her State Department did nothing. Four good men died because of that nothing.

Incompetence, thy name is Hillary.

I once thought you to be brainwashed, now I'm certain you're a fool and only needed a lite rinse. The point of the OP is a simple, so simple even someone as limited as you should have understood.

Excuse me while I stand over here and LMAO.

Speaking of brainwashed and foolish and someone with limited intelligence. Boy do you fit that bill.

Carry on moron. LOL
The only thing that should be of interest is that they had months or warnings about an attack at Benghazi.

Did you forget about 9/11 and the warnings before that day?
Hillary Clinton is a first class fuck up and no amount of diversions will change that.

Hillary promised to answer the 3am phone call before the election. Not only did she ignore the phone call she dismissed MONTHS of warnings and endless pleading for more security.

Like you, she is an inept liberal
The only thing that should be of interest is that they had months or warnings about an attack at Benghazi.

Warnings that the Brits and the Red Cross took seriously enough to pull their people out of the area.

The anniversary of 9-11 was coming up as well.

Hillary and her State Department did nothing. Four good men died because of that nothing.

Incompetence, thy name is Hillary.

I once thought you to be brainwashed, now I'm certain you're a fool and only needed a lite rinse. The point of the OP is a simple, so simple even someone as limited as you should have understood.
No one here gives a damn what some peabrain like you thinks of them. We don't think you're brainwashed either, just stupid.
The only thing that should be of interest is that they had months or warnings about an attack at Benghazi.

Warnings that the Brits and the Red Cross took seriously enough to pull their people out of the area.

The anniversary of 9-11 was coming up as well.

Hillary and her State Department did nothing. Four good men died because of that nothing.

Incompetence, thy name is Hillary.

I once thought you to be brainwashed, now I'm certain you're a fool and only needed a lite rinse. The point of the OP is a simple, so simple even someone as limited as you should have understood.
No one here gives a damn what some peabrain like you thinks of them. We don't think you're brainwashed either, just stupid.

Don't lie, you've never offered any post or thread which would lead anyone to believe you think.

Hey, some people have remarked on your athletic career, I'm told you went into the joint a tight end and left a wide receiver.

My my how times have changed

Very true here is an article on the great conspiracy of Benghazi.
With Clinton exonerated, conspiracy theorists turn on Trey Gowdy

Now let's bring up EMAILS: Republicans better dam well hope that Republicans don't take over the house, or they'll be up to their email eyeballs in scandals and investigations over Colin Powell's email's when he was Secretary of State.

"The bottom line: Democrats may try to turn the revelations about the email accounts used by Powell and Rice’s staff into a scandal. They may release press statements condemning the former secretaries of state; they may call for scores of unnecessary congressional hearings; they may go to the press and confidently proclaim that crimes were committed by these honorable Republicans. But it would all be lies. Powell and Rice did nothing wrong. This could be considered a scandal only by ignorant or lying partisans.

So there is no Powell or Rice email scandal. And no doubt, that will infuriate the Republicans who are trying so hard to trick people into believing Clinton committed a crime by doing the exact same thing as her predecessors."
The shocking truth: Colin Powell’s emails don’t matter

And YES Colin Powell did receive classified documents on his personal AOL email account.
Rice Aides, Powell Also Got Classified Info on Personal Email Accounts

FBI Director Comey explained the difference in why 1 four star general and former CIA director, David Petreaus was charged and Hillary Clinton wasn't.
James Comey: David Petraeus case worse than Hillary Clinton's emails - CNNPolitics.com


Don't let them fool you. These attacks have everything to do with her name being Hillary Clinton, & not Henry Clinton. If she were a man, they would have NEVER taken this as far as they have.
Dear Hillary: How Very Dare You!

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