Lets look at Benghazi through History!!!!!

CC's not answering, so I will answer the question. The 1st 2 attacks on the US compound in Benghazi amounted to 'Recon', testing the defenses - strengths, weaknesses, response times... It was in preparation of the attack on 9/11/12.

The fact that the State Department / Hillary was too stupid to know this can be seen in the fact that they did NOT order everyone out - as every other nation had done, they stripped Stephens of 14 members of his security team AFTER these 2 attacks, and they never made a move to order a military response team closer than 8 - 9 hours away.

The 2nd attack, which blew a 4-foot hole in the compound wall was all the evidence anyone with military / security experience needed to prove the compound was compromised / no longer secure, and anyone with military / security experience who knew of the 1st 2 attacks would have quickly assessed what the terrorists were doing, which was - again - testing the defenses. The second attack told them everything they needed to know - they would have no trouble on 9/11/12.
This is a total lie. Numerous upgrades to the Benghazi compound were completed in the months leading up to the attack.....

Yeah, like fixing that 4-foot hole in the compound wall created in the 2nd attack leading up to the final attack on 9/11/12.

Claudette is right - they had months of prior warnings of the attack coming on 9/11/12, of the call to assassinate Stephens, by everyone else pulling out, by 2 previous attacks on the compound and their only F*ING IGNORANT / INCOMPETENT / CRIMINAL response being to STRIP Stephens of 14 members of his security team. WTF?!

Hillary not responsible?

Hillary was Secretary of State. She was responsible for everything the State Dept did, everything the State Department said, every decision - she was responsible for the safety and security of every US citizen abroad serving in the State Department. She loved BEING the Sect of State but not DOING THE JOB! Being the leader does NOT mean PASSING THE BUCK!
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or did those four families make that up ?

The allegation that Clinton lied to victims’ families refers to events right after the Sept. 11, 2012, attack on a U.S. diplomatic compound in Benghazi, Libya. Three days after the attacks, President Barack Obama, Clinton and others met with the families of the four victims, gathering at Joint Base Andrews to receive the victims’ remains.

No one recorded these brief meetings behind closed doors. Family members and Clinton disagree on what was said. Especially given the emotional setting, memories — both Clinton’s and the families’ — might be fuzzy.

Checking Patricia Smith's claims about Clinton and Benghazi

Some family members don’t remember any discussion of a video. (Some do)

Jan Stevens, father of Ambassador Chris Stevens, told PolitiFact that the first time he heard anything about a video was when the Washington Post Fact Checker called him with a similar question. He confirmed that he heard "nothing whatsoever" about a video from Clinton but declined to comment further.

Tyrone Woods’ mother, Cheryl Bennett, told PolitiFact that when she spoke with Clinton, she "never heard the word ‘video’ mentioned. That’s just a fact." Bennett, who is estranged from Charles Woods, said the motivation behind the attack didn’t come up in her brief interaction with Clinton.

Barbara Doherty, Glen Doherty’s mother, didn’t recall talking with Clinton about a video and said she remembered Clinton as being sincere and crying, according to theWashington Post.
sounds as if you believe hillary.

Facts are facts. Here's three family member who spoke with her that day that didn't hear her say anything about a Video.
The only thing that should be of interest is that they had months or warnings about an attack at Benghazi.

Warnings that the Brits and the Red Cross took seriously enough to pull their people out of the area.

The anniversary of 9-11 was coming up as well.

Hillary and her State Department did nothing. Four good men died because of that nothing.

Incompetence, thy name is Hillary.

This is a total lie. Numerous upgrades to the Benghazi compound were completed in the months leading up to the attack. Not everything requested was done, but many security improvements were installed.

Your whole nasty and false diatribe fails to mention that Ambassador Stevens was advised NOT to go to Benghazi on the anniversary of 9-11, and the Ambassador chose to ignore that warning.

Hillary is not incompetent, nor is she responsible for what happened in Benghazi.

Of course she's responsible. They had months of warnings. The Brits and the Red Cross got those same warnings and pulled their people out. If our State Department had done that there would have been no Benghazi.

The buck stops at her desk. She was Stevens boss and she could have ordered that he stay at the embassy. She also could have ordered all of our people out. The anniversary of 9-11 was coming up as well and it shouldn't have taken a rocket scientist to figure out that 9-11 was one helluva good day for an attack.

You bet your sweet ass Hillary is incompetent.

My my how times have changed

With all due respect my friend, Obama and Hillary Clinton destroyed Libya based on lies .. no differently than Bush and his administration destroyed Iraq based on lies .. both killing countless innocent people in the process.

They completely destroyed it, and they used Al Queda terrorists as their ground troops.

Obama even used "The Brigade to Rid Libya of Black Skin"

Nothing partisan about truth brother .. and that is indeed the truth.
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or did those four families make that up ?

The allegation that Clinton lied to victims’ families refers to events right after the Sept. 11, 2012, attack on a U.S. diplomatic compound in Benghazi, Libya. Three days after the attacks, President Barack Obama, Clinton and others met with the families of the four victims, gathering at Joint Base Andrews to receive the victims’ remains.

No one recorded these brief meetings behind closed doors. Family members and Clinton disagree on what was said. Especially given the emotional setting, memories — both Clinton’s and the families’ — might be fuzzy.

Checking Patricia Smith's claims about Clinton and Benghazi

Some family members don’t remember any discussion of a video. (Some do)

Jan Stevens, father of Ambassador Chris Stevens, told PolitiFact that the first time he heard anything about a video was when the Washington Post Fact Checker called him with a similar question. He confirmed that he heard "nothing whatsoever" about a video from Clinton but declined to comment further.

Tyrone Woods’ mother, Cheryl Bennett, told PolitiFact that when she spoke with Clinton, she "never heard the word ‘video’ mentioned. That’s just a fact." Bennett, who is estranged from Charles Woods, said the motivation behind the attack didn’t come up in her brief interaction with Clinton.

Barbara Doherty, Glen Doherty’s mother, didn’t recall talking with Clinton about a video and said she remembered Clinton as being sincere and crying, according to theWashington Post.
sounds as if you believe hillary.

Facts are facts. Here's three family member who spoke with her that day that didn't hear her say anything about a Video.
well fundamentally that's wrong because they were all in the audience that day when they (hillary) blamed the video.
but i believe pat smith, i always have because her story hasn't changed since that day, same goes for mr. shaw. the other positions are contrived and have evolved, much like obama's life story.

also where is gaddafi's 200 billion, did that go to iran ?

What did Hillary Clinton tell the families of people who lost their lives in ...
Feb 9, 2016 - "Hillary Clinton is disqualified from being commander-in-chief of the United States," ... Rubio alleges that at this meeting, Clinton told the families a story about the ... The video had sparked raucous demonstrations around the Middle East, .... what Clinton told these families in brief conversations at a private ...
What Benghazi family members say Hillary Clinton said about the video
The Washington Post
Jan 4, 2015 - The family members, as you know, say you told them it was by a ... grief at the loss that parents experienced with the loss of these four brave Americans. ... members that she had blamed the video in private conversations.
How Hillary Lied to Parents of Benghazi Dead - National Review
National Review
Aug 3, 2016 - How Hillary Lied to Parents of Benghazi Dead ... As Smith told the Republican National Convention, “When I saw Hillary Clinton at ... later, she looked me squarely in the eye and told me a video was responsible. ... “She said basically the same thing in private to the families that were grieving,” Woods said.
Who lied? Parents of Benghazi victims that Hillary called 'liars' sue her ...
Aug 9, 2016 - Hillary Clinton is facing a lawsuit in the midst of her presidential ... what the victim's parents say she said in a private conversation with them. ... Smith claimed that Clinton had told her the attack was “the fault of the video…,” ...
The 7 Wildest Lies From Hillary Clinton - The Political Insider
Video of her actual arrival surfaced showing a very calm scene instead, and the ... Sir Edmund Hillary – Seems Clinton can't even bring herself to tell the truth ... Secretary of State Clinton claimed her infamous private e-mail server was set up in ... If those are all the wildest lies she ever told, she's probably the most honest ...
Deroy Murdock: How Hillary Clinton Lied to Parents of Benghazi Dead
Aug 5, 2016 - How Hillary Clinton Lied to Parents of Benghazi Dead | RealClearPolitics. ... in the eye and told me a video was responsible.†Hillary Clinton denies this. ... the same thing in private to the families that were grieving,†Woods ...
Hillary contradicts Benghazi families, denies blaming attacks on video ...
Hot Air
Dec 8, 2015 - Before we circle back to Hillary's statement on ABC News' This Week, ... base ceremony on September 14, 2012, Hillary Clinton told grieving ... grief at the loss that parentsexperienced with the loss of these four brave Americans. ... it right in private discussions, while peddling a very different tale in public.
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My my how times have changed

Yes, things have changed.

W never covered up his administrations actions in Benghazi, Obama did cover up his administration's actions in Benghazi.

Quite different

Yeah they just used their flawed talking points about the threat Iraq was to the world's remaining superpower for over a year. A country who had either been at war or was suffering under UN Sanction for over 20 years was somehow a threat that we should spend billions in treasure and 4000+ in blood on. They conned the pubic through the same "rigged' (or should I say embedded )media the Donald is whining about.

But Obama, oh man, they stuck to their talking point about extremest joining a protest for all of two weeks.

GOP says: Impeach! Impeach! Get out the pitchforks.
I believe the person who said, 'We KNOW it was a terrorist attack. The video played no part in it.'

That was Hillary Clinton!


My my how times have changed

Yes, things have changed.

W never covered up his administrations actions in Benghazi, Obama did cover up his administration's actions in Benghazi.

Quite different

Yeah they just used their flawed talking points about the threat Iraq was to the world's remaining superpower for over a year. A country who had either been at war or was suffering under UN Sanction for over 20 years was somehow a threat that we should spend billions in treasure and 4000+ in blood on. They conned the pubic through the same "rigged' (or should I say embedded )media the Donald is whining about.

But Obama, oh man, they stuck to their talking point about extremest joining a protest for all of two weeks.

GOP says: Impeach! Impeach! Get out the pitchforks.

You reading the discussion? Not really?
or did those four families make that up ?

The allegation that Clinton lied to victims’ families refers to events right after the Sept. 11, 2012, attack on a U.S. diplomatic compound in Benghazi, Libya. Three days after the attacks, President Barack Obama, Clinton and others met with the families of the four victims, gathering at Joint Base Andrews to receive the victims’ remains.

No one recorded these brief meetings behind closed doors. Family members and Clinton disagree on what was said. Especially given the emotional setting, memories — both Clinton’s and the families’ — might be fuzzy.

Checking Patricia Smith's claims about Clinton and Benghazi

Some family members don’t remember any discussion of a video. (Some do)

Jan Stevens, father of Ambassador Chris Stevens, told PolitiFact that the first time he heard anything about a video was when the Washington Post Fact Checker called him with a similar question. He confirmed that he heard "nothing whatsoever" about a video from Clinton but declined to comment further.

Tyrone Woods’ mother, Cheryl Bennett, told PolitiFact that when she spoke with Clinton, she "never heard the word ‘video’ mentioned. That’s just a fact." Bennett, who is estranged from Charles Woods, said the motivation behind the attack didn’t come up in her brief interaction with Clinton.

Barbara Doherty, Glen Doherty’s mother, didn’t recall talking with Clinton about a video and said she remembered Clinton as being sincere and crying, according to theWashington Post.
it's not hard to believe her, because they told the world it was a response to the video, and the video maker went immediately to jail. politifact is a vicious tool of the left, hence the pulitzer.

In reality they told the world that extremest attacked the compound. They said they thought there was a protest the the extremest joined in with or used as cover for their attack. They also told the world that they would wait for the results of the investigation before they could say for sure what happened.

Everything they said publicly is pretty much recorded so find the quotes.

The meeting with the families was private, no recordings.

My my how times have changed

Yes, things have changed.

W never covered up his administrations actions in Benghazi, Obama did cover up his administration's actions in Benghazi.

Quite different

Yeah they just used their flawed talking points about the threat Iraq was to the world's remaining superpower for over a year. A country who had either been at war or was suffering under UN Sanction for over 20 years was somehow a threat that we should spend billions in treasure and 4000+ in blood on. They conned the pubic through the same "rigged' (or should I say embedded )media the Donald is whining about.

But Obama, oh man, they stuck to their talking point about extremest joining a protest for all of two weeks.

GOP says: Impeach! Impeach! Get out the pitchforks.
While Barry was ramping up for his re-election and declaring 'Al Qaeida is on the run', Hillary and Barry were allying themselves WITH Al Qaeida, arming AL QAEIDA, dragging the US into one of 2 UN-Sanctioned wars in which they helped Al Qaeida - who was supposed to be 'on the run' - take over Libya, also allowing ISIS to flow into Libya. If not enough perplexing facts, Qaddafi had been HELPING the US and it's allies fight terrorists in Northern Africa. So by joining Al Qaeida against Qaddafi they were helping the spread of terrorism / Al Qaeida and ISIS.

I don't know where you come from, but violating the Constitution by by-passing Congress to drag the US into a war to HELP terrorists overthrow and murder the leader of a sovereign nation that is currently HELPING fight and defeat those same terrorists, that's border-line if not 'Treason'.

Barry never went before Congress to make a case to go to war in Libya because he knew damn-well he would never be able to convince Congress to give him the authority to use US troops to help the sons of bitches who killed approx. 3,000 Americans on 9/11/01 to overthrow and kill Qaddafi then take over their own nation.
Everyone focused on Benghazi .. didn't focus on the real crime.

Libya Lies - Rape as a Weapon of War - Made in the USA

... it is worth returning to the assault on Libya and the allegation by Susan Rice, then US Ambassador to the UN, in April 2011, that the Libyan government was issuing Viagra to its troops, instructing them to use rape as a weapon of terror.

However, reported Antiwar.com (1) MSNBC was told: "by US military and intelligence officials that there is no basis for Rice's claims. While rape has been reported as a 'weapon' in many conflicts, the US officials (said) they've seen no such reports out of Libya."

Several diplomats also questioned Rice's lack of evidence suspecting she was attempting: "to persuade doubters the conflict in Libya was not just a standard civil war but a much nastier fight in which Gadhafi is not afraid to order his troops to commit heinous acts."


Amnesty, perhaps "once bitten" not only questioned the Libya Viagra nonsense but denied it in categorical terms. According to Donatella Rovera, their Senior Crisis Response Advisor, who spent three months in Libya from the start of the crisis: "We have not found any evidence or a single victim of rape or a doctor who knew about somebody being raped."(2)

Liesel Gerntholtz, heading Womens Rights at Human Rights Watch which also investigated the mass rape allegations stated: "We have not been able to find evidence."

The then Secretary of State, Hillary "We came, we saw, he died" Clinton, was "deeply concerned" stating that: "Rape, physical intimidation, sexual harassment and even so-called 'virginity tests' " were taking place not only in Libya, but "throughout the region." Presumably leaving the way open for further plundering throughout Africa in the guise of bestowing "democracy", "human rights" etc.
Libya Lies - Rape as a Weapon of War - Made in the USA?
In reality they told the world that extremest attacked the compound. They said they thought there was a protest the the extremest joined in with or used as cover for their attack.

MY question(s) is WHERE did they get that idea...besides pulling it out of their asses?

The State Dept Lead in Tripoli testified that he was informed by those in Benghazi that they were under a terrorist attack within the 1st hour it began at which time he said he called the State Department directly, talked to HILLARY CLINTON herself (read the transcripts), and told her / them it was a terrorist attack.

The CIA in Benghazi also sent a report directly to the State Department and to the WAR room in the WH informing them that a terrorist attack in Benghazi was under way. As later proven, this report was then modified 13 times by the State Department and the WH to strip every reference of terrorism out of the document before it was allowed to be released.

The FBI's investigation resulted in them reporting there was NEVER any signs of a protest - none!

So, AGAIN, where did the State Department and the WH (and you) get the idea that there was a protest?

My my how times have changed

Yes, things have changed.

W never covered up his administrations actions in Benghazi, Obama did cover up his administration's actions in Benghazi.

Quite different

You concluded that without one investigation. Amazing

Democrats asked for an investigation? Link?

There was no investigation so please link to the information that shows W didn't cover up anything. Thanks in advance for your deflection

My my how times have changed

Yes, things have changed.

W never covered up his administrations actions in Benghazi, Obama did cover up his administration's actions in Benghazi.

Quite different

You concluded that without one investigation. Amazing

Democrats asked for an investigation? Link?

There was no investigation so please link to the information that shows W didn't cover up anything. Thanks in advance for your deflection

Democrats asked for an investigation? Link?

My my how times have changed

Yes, things have changed.

W never covered up his administrations actions in Benghazi, Obama did cover up his administration's actions in Benghazi.

Quite different

Yeah they just used their flawed talking points about the threat Iraq was to the world's remaining superpower for over a year. A country who had either been at war or was suffering under UN Sanction for over 20 years was somehow a threat that we should spend billions in treasure and 4000+ in blood on. They conned the pubic through the same "rigged' (or should I say embedded )media the Donald is whining about.

But Obama, oh man, they stuck to their talking point about extremest joining a protest for all of two weeks.

GOP says: Impeach! Impeach! Get out the pitchforks.
saddam's mustard gas - Google Search

welcome to iraq...

and they're back...


there was a reason obama drew that red line.
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I would have to agree with CC and Kaz...until I see a link. The LAST thing Hillary and Democrats wanted was to investigate Benghazi and allow her complete and utter incompetence / F* up to be revealed / exposed.

My my how times have changed

Yes, things have changed.

W never covered up his administrations actions in Benghazi, Obama did cover up his administration's actions in Benghazi.

Quite different

You concluded that without one investigation. Amazing

Democrats asked for an investigation? Link?

There was no investigation so please link to the information that shows W didn't cover up anything. Thanks in advance for your deflection

Democrats asked for an investigation? Link?

Nope but perhaps Closeass can provide proof of what Bush covered up??

Don't hold your breath though. LOL
I would have to agree with CC and Kaz...until I see a link. The LAST thing Hillary and Democrats wanted was to investigate Benghazi and allow her complete and utter incompetence / F* up to be revealed / exposed.

I agree though I have to say anyone with one iota of common sense can see the incompetence that led to Benghazi.

My my how times have changed

Yes, things have changed.

W never covered up his administrations actions in Benghazi, Obama did cover up his administration's actions in Benghazi.

Quite different

Yeah they just used their flawed talking points about the threat Iraq was to the world's remaining superpower for over a year. A country who had either been at war or was suffering under UN Sanction for over 20 years was somehow a threat that we should spend billions in treasure and 4000+ in blood on. They conned the pubic through the same "rigged' (or should I say embedded )media the Donald is whining about.

But Obama, oh man, they stuck to their talking point about extremest joining a protest for all of two weeks.

GOP says: Impeach! Impeach! Get out the pitchforks.
saddam's mustard gas - Google Search

welcome to iraq...

and they're back...


there was a reason obama drew that red line.

Thanks to Raygun, America can say "And I helped"! Shake and Bake anyone?

Exclusive: CIA Files Prove America Helped Saddam as He Gassed Iran

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