Lets look at how wrong the left has been, ONCE AGAIN shall we?


Diamond Member
Dec 8, 2013

But lets focus on his hands size, the fact that he supposedly does not know the War of 1812 was with England (another left wing lie), THE global warming, and how horrible it is that America is negotiating from a position of strength.

The left and miserable world globalists have done such unreal damage to the world education.

Lets take the time to laugh out loud. In the meantime, lets hear what side the left will predictably take with his historic summit in Singapore this week.

Either one of two things will happen. First of all lets all understand every left winger here and around the world is cheering for NK that no deal is done and that fat Korean tells Trump to fuck himself. I swear to God, the left would rather a nuclear war happen than Trump be successful. To them Trump being a success is equivalent to that anyway.

Here is what will happen this week.

1. They will not credit Trump at all. In fact Schumer the commie heeb has already given all credit to Moon Jae-in for the Summit.

2. They will blame Trump for making a deal with NK and the NK owned Trump at the negotiating table.

One of those two things will happen I predict. Probably a combination of the two.
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And all of that went right out the window once you showed that you're totally OK with using an anti-Semitic slur.
And all of that went right out the window once you showed that you're totally OK with using an anti-Semitic slur.
Aaand he pulls out the race card.

Mother fuckers cannot stand Israel and he gets bent out of shape cause I call Schumer the heeb he is.

Tell us your thoughts on Israel you stupid virtue signaling hypocrite. You fucking waste of blood. Go ahead, TELL US!
Who is "the left", filth?
I for one do not see tRump as a leader of anything except maybe the nescient people who follow him. As for Kim it would be in his interests to keep away from the flip flopper who claims to be leader of the Regime of America.
We have more to be concerned with in Russia than kim for nuclear war.

But lets focus on his hands size, the fact that he supposedly does not know the War of 1812 was with England (another left wing lie), THE global warming, and how horrible it is that America is negotiating from a position of strength.

The left and miserable world globalists have done such unreal damage to the world education.

Lets take the time to laugh out loud. In the meantime, lets hear what side the left will predictably take with his historic summit in Singapore this week.

Either one of two things will happen. First of all lets all understand every left winger here and around the world is cheering for NK that no deal is done and that fat Korean tells Trump to fuck himself. I swear to God, the left would rather a nuclear war happen than Trump be successful. To them Trump being a success is equivalent to that anyway.

Here is what will happen this week.

1. They will not credit Trump at all. In fact Schumer the commie heeb has already given all credit to Moon Jae-in for the Summit.

2. They will blame Trump for making a deal with NK and the NK owned Trump at the negotiating table.

One of those two things will happen I predict. Probably a combination of the two.

The left is on the side of the following groups

North Korea
Cop killers
illegal aliens
Convicted felons

Did I leave anyone out?
Looks just like the majority of the conservatives who live in the red states.

Actually no, it doesn't.

I asked OP in all seriousness, "who is the left?" He gave me that ridiculous picture. I don't think he actually knows what he's talking about. But to say any one picture represents conservatives is obviously troll as well.
You want the strong sauce from me motherfucker? You are a fucking loser you piece of shit. I would not address your pathetic stupid fucking comment you pathetic moron. I don't have the fucking time with you or your typical pathetic left wing bullshit you dumb fucking left wing ignorant virtue signaling hypocrite.

YOU, and EVERYONE LIKE YOU are fucking losers. Proven every fucking day.
Looks just like the majority of the conservatives who live in the red states.

Actually no, it doesn't.

I asked OP in all seriousness, "who is the left?" He gave me that ridiculous picture. I don't think he actually knows what he's talking about. But to say any one picture represents conservatives is obviously troll as well.
You want the strong sauce from me motherfucker? You are a fucking loser you piece of shit. I would not address your pathetic stupid fucking comment you pathetic moron. I don't have the fucking time with you or your typical pathetic left wing bullshit you dumb fucking left wing ignorant virtue signaling hypocrite.

YOU, and EVERYONE LIKE YOU are fucking losers. Proven every fucking day.

Yikes ... someone has a few more pills in the bottle this morning than they ought to have.

So now that we've established you don't know what you're talking about, AND you're an angry, emotional wreck, I think we can all safely disregard anything you have to say from this point forward. Thanks for making it obvious. Now go take your chill pills.

But lets focus on his hands size, the fact that he supposedly does not know the War of 1812 was with England (another left wing lie), THE global warming, and how horrible it is that America is negotiating from a position of strength.

The left and miserable world globalists have done such unreal damage to the world education.

Lets take the time to laugh out loud. In the meantime, lets hear what side the left will predictably take with his historic summit in Singapore this week.

Either one of two things will happen. First of all lets all understand every left winger here and around the world is cheering for NK that no deal is done and that fat Korean tells Trump to fuck himself. I swear to God, the left would rather a nuclear war happen than Trump be successful. To them Trump being a success is equivalent to that anyway.

Here is what will happen this week.

1. They will not credit Trump at all. In fact Schumer the commie heeb has already given all credit to Moon Jae-in for the Summit.

2. They will blame Trump for making a deal with NK and the NK owned Trump at the negotiating table.

One of those two things will happen I predict. Probably a combination of the two.

The left is on the side of the following groups

North Korea
Cop killers
illegal aliens
Convicted felons

Did I leave anyone out?


Karl Marx
Pol Pot
the clintons
terror groups that kill Christians and Israelis

But lets focus on his hands size, the fact that he supposedly does not know the War of 1812 was with England (another left wing lie), THE global warming, and how horrible it is that America is negotiating from a position of strength.

The left and miserable world globalists have done such unreal damage to the world education.

Lets take the time to laugh out loud. In the meantime, lets hear what side the left will predictably take with his historic summit in Singapore this week.

Either one of two things will happen. First of all lets all understand every left winger here and around the world is cheering for NK that no deal is done and that fat Korean tells Trump to fuck himself. I swear to God, the left would rather a nuclear war happen than Trump be successful. To them Trump being a success is equivalent to that anyway.

Here is what will happen this week.

1. They will not credit Trump at all. In fact Schumer the commie heeb has already given all credit to Moon Jae-in for the Summit.

2. They will blame Trump for making a deal with NK and the NK owned Trump at the negotiating table.

One of those two things will happen I predict. Probably a combination of the two.

The left is on the side of the following groups

North Korea
Cop killers
illegal aliens
Convicted felons

Did I leave anyone out?

Muslim terrorist.
I for one do not see tRump as a leader of anything except maybe the nescient people who follow him. As for Kim it would be in his interests to keep away from the flip flopper who claims to be leader of the Regime of America.
We have more to be concerned with in Russia than kim for nuclear war.

The problem Kim has is can he last 6 more years of TRUMP. Right now Kim can't even pay for his own hotel room.

But lets focus on his hands size, the fact that he supposedly does not know the War of 1812 was with England (another left wing lie), THE global warming, and how horrible it is that America is negotiating from a position of strength.

The left and miserable world globalists have done such unreal damage to the world education.

Lets take the time to laugh out loud. In the meantime, lets hear what side the left will predictably take with his historic summit in Singapore this week.

Either one of two things will happen. First of all lets all understand every left winger here and around the world is cheering for NK that no deal is done and that fat Korean tells Trump to fuck himself. I swear to God, the left would rather a nuclear war happen than Trump be successful. To them Trump being a success is equivalent to that anyway.

Here is what will happen this week.

1. They will not credit Trump at all. In fact Schumer the commie heeb has already given all credit to Moon Jae-in for the Summit.

2. They will blame Trump for making a deal with NK and the NK owned Trump at the negotiating table.

One of those two things will happen I predict. Probably a combination of the two.

Trump will get credit when he does something, anything, to help the American people.

So far he has increased the deficit and borrowing to levels never seen before and is bankrupting your government by providing massive tax cuts to billionaires and large multinational corporations, while increasing public spending on an unnecessary military build up.

He has alienated your allies and trading powers and torn up all your international trade deals.

You think that the rest of the world will come crawling back to you? Think again.

Your working class needs social assistance to feed and house themselves. Poverty is growing. The latest changes to the tax code will accelerate this trend. The middle class is losing ground and the rich are getting richer. Wages aren’t going up.

The American market for goods and services is shrinking as poverty increases. The problem isn’t that other countries are taking advantage of the US, it’s thst Americans continue to buy cheap foreign goods.

In real first world countries, we know that if we buy local, we’re helping our friends and neighbours. I made a point of buying a high quality Canadian made sofa two years ago, and not a cheap, imported, piece of trash. Buying stuff made locally provides Canadian jobs, and keeps my dollars in Canada.

Americans buy the cheapest thing they can get. Quality be damned. And American workers are overpaid.

Instead of blaming exporting nations for your economic problems. Try looking in the mirror.

But lets focus on his hands size, the fact that he supposedly does not know the War of 1812 was with England (another left wing lie), THE global warming, and how horrible it is that America is negotiating from a position of strength.

The left and miserable world globalists have done such unreal damage to the world education.

Lets take the time to laugh out loud. In the meantime, lets hear what side the left will predictably take with his historic summit in Singapore this week.

Either one of two things will happen. First of all lets all understand every left winger here and around the world is cheering for NK that no deal is done and that fat Korean tells Trump to fuck himself. I swear to God, the left would rather a nuclear war happen than Trump be successful. To them Trump being a success is equivalent to that anyway.

Here is what will happen this week.

1. They will not credit Trump at all. In fact Schumer the commie heeb has already given all credit to Moon Jae-in for the Summit.

2. They will blame Trump for making a deal with NK and the NK owned Trump at the negotiating table.

One of those two things will happen I predict. Probably a combination of the two.

Trump will get credit when he does something, anything, to help the American people.

So far he has increased the deficit and borrowing to levels never seen before and is bankrupting your government by providing massive tax cuts to billionaires and large multinational corporations, while increasing public spending on an unnecessary military build up.

He has alienated your allies and trading powers and torn up all your international trade deals.

You think that the rest of the world will come crawling back to you? Think again.

Your working class needs social assistance to feed and house themselves. Poverty is growing. The latest changes to the tax code will accelerate this trend. The middle class is losing ground and the rich are getting richer. Wages aren’t going up.

The American market for goods and services is shrinking as poverty increases. The problem isn’t that other countries are taking advantage of the US, it’s thst Americans continue to buy cheap foreign goods.

In real first world countries, we know that if we buy local, we’re helping our friends and neighbours. I made a point of buying a high quality Canadian made sofa two years ago, and not a cheap, imported, piece of trash. Buying stuff made locally provides Canadian jobs, and keeps my dollars in Canada.

Americans buy the cheapest thing they can get. Quality be damned. And American workers are overpaid.

Instead of blaming exporting nations for your economic problems. Try looking in the mirror.

How can you possibly have missed the best employment numbers in decades...
I'm sure it was just an honest oversight on your part.

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