Let's Look At Some Political Maps

Healthcare.gov is not for all 50 states. It is for all those red states which refused to set up their own state exchanges.

A lot of blue states have set up their own exchanges and their citizens don't have anything to do with healthcare.gov. They are singing up by the thousands on their state web sites. Every day, more and more people are getting health insurance. ObamaCare membership is growing and growing and growing. This is why I keep saying the GOP better get in front of that really quick.

Just more stupid shit the GOP fucked up on. "Fuck you. We didn't set up a state exchange, so you will just have to use that fucked up federal site. You're welcome!"

why should states let the Feds increase their Medicaid programs when they are going broke to begin with....?

The federal government is paying 100 percent of the cost of the expansion. Then it will be scaled back to 90 percent in 2019 and stay at that level from that point on. This is far higher than the current 50 percent federal funding for Medicaid.

instead.....why not try some GOP plans like allowing cross-state plans and limiting malpractice costs and giving individuals the same tax bennies that companies get....etc.

Tax bennies. More government tit. More tax expenditures. :rolleyes:

The GOP has done fuck-all to inform the public what it would do to reform health care. The only thing the public hears from the GOP is obstruction and whining and pessimism about the ACA. Not a word about an alternative plan.

It had all the power under Bush and did nothing to help the general public.

The GOP is known for one thing: Blockage.

some states obviously believe in the free market.....even when applied to the healthcare industry....that 90% can always be changed with the flick of a pen...

the GOP has proposed all kinds of reform....it's a party with many new ideas....in fact the Demrats steal them (like Romneycare)....compared to the GOP the Demrats are a top-down monolith and behave like the Borg....it's hard to compete when they control the mainstream media...so 'blockage' of course becomes the last resort....

i agree that the GOP 'moderates' are a bunch of backassward idiots who cave at almost every turn.....it's time the TPs take over...
why should states let the Feds increase their Medicaid programs when they are going broke to begin with....?

The federal government is paying 100 percent of the cost of the expansion. Then it will be scaled back to 90 percent in 2019 and stay at that level from that point on. This is far higher than the current 50 percent federal funding for Medicaid.

instead.....why not try some GOP plans like allowing cross-state plans and limiting malpractice costs and giving individuals the same tax bennies that companies get....etc.

Tax bennies. More government tit. More tax expenditures. :rolleyes:

The GOP has done fuck-all to inform the public what it would do to reform health care. The only thing the public hears from the GOP is obstruction and whining and pessimism about the ACA. Not a word about an alternative plan.

It had all the power under Bush and did nothing to help the general public.

The GOP is known for one thing: Blockage.

some states obviously believe in the free market.....even when applied to the healthcare industry....that 90% can always be changed with the flick of a pen...

the GOP has proposed all kinds of reform....it's a party with many new ideas....in fact the Demrats steal them (like Romneycare)....compared to the GOP the Demrats are a top-down monolith and behave like the Borg....it's hard to compete when they control the mainstream media...so 'blockage' of course becomes the last resort....

i agree that the GOP 'moderates' are a bunch of backassward idiots who cave at almost every turn.....it's time the TPs take over...

Yeah, by all means .... double down on stupid.

That oughta work
I have outlined the kinds of reforms we really need to bring down the costs of healthcare in America many times on this forum. Anyone who read them would laugh at the preposterous supposition I am liberal.

It is just that the GOP has been completely and utterly outgamed. Outgamed by Democrats, for fuck's sake! It does not get more pathetic than that. The GOP is a bag of hammers. Tripping over its shoelaces. Incompetent. Retards.

You may get something out of the following site. The Dartmouth Studies attempted to find ways to bring down the costs of healthcare by showing that very often the end results (outcomes) were not dictated by the amount of money spent. In other words, some counties spent large sums of money on certain treatments yet they had comparable outcomes to other counties which spent far less money pursuing different types of treatments which were more cost-effective.

Dartmouth Atlas of Health Care

That is a very interesting site. Thank you!
The federal government is paying 100 percent of the cost of the expansion. Then it will be scaled back to 90 percent in 2019 and stay at that level from that point on. This is far higher than the current 50 percent federal funding for Medicaid.

Tax bennies. More government tit. More tax expenditures. :rolleyes:

The GOP has done fuck-all to inform the public what it would do to reform health care. The only thing the public hears from the GOP is obstruction and whining and pessimism about the ACA. Not a word about an alternative plan.

It had all the power under Bush and did nothing to help the general public.

The GOP is known for one thing: Blockage.

some states obviously believe in the free market.....even when applied to the healthcare industry....that 90% can always be changed with the flick of a pen...

the GOP has proposed all kinds of reform....it's a party with many new ideas....in fact the Demrats steal them (like Romneycare)....compared to the GOP the Demrats are a top-down monolith and behave like the Borg....it's hard to compete when they control the mainstream media...so 'blockage' of course becomes the last resort....

i agree that the GOP 'moderates' are a bunch of backassward idiots who cave at almost every turn.....it's time the TPs take over...

Yeah, by all means .... double down on stupid.

That oughta work

speaking of doubling down on stupid......look at Obaamacare....:lol:
Remind us how you are an independent.....

I am a critically thinking, pragmatic independent. I don't run away from facts just because I don't like what they say.

And it is a fact the GOP is blocking the Medicaid expansion. And it is a fact this is affecting real people who vote.

You can pile on all the moralizing about Medicaid expansion all you like, but these are the facts.

And I just don't buy the fake moralizing I see from the Right. Not when right wingers were whining like welfare queens the other day, demanding their own government tit in the form of tax expenditures. Tax expenditures which are costing us $1.2 trillion a year and higher tax rates.

You can get pissed at me, you can pretend I am a liberal, but it won't take change reality at all. So go right ahead and stuff your head back in the sand. Start topics about how the GOP is going to kick ass in the state elections next year instead.

But when you see that first issue ad, a part of your brain is going to say, "Holy fuck! G5000 totally called it!"

And yet there are NO threads by you attacking the failures perceived or other
wise of Democrats. Obama care is a blazing cluster fuck and not one comment from you. Democrats have created bad laws all over the Country and you have never said a word. Democrats have refused for 5 years to pass a budget and not one thread from you about it. In fact in threads trying to bring democrats to task you are there defending them.
why should states let the Feds increase their Medicaid programs when they are going broke to begin with....?

The federal government is paying 100 percent of the cost of the expansion. Then it will be scaled back to 90 percent in 2019 and stay at that level from that point on. This is far higher than the current 50 percent federal funding for Medicaid.

instead.....why not try some GOP plans like allowing cross-state plans and limiting malpractice costs and giving individuals the same tax bennies that companies get....etc.

Tax bennies. More government tit. More tax expenditures. :rolleyes:

The GOP has done fuck-all to inform the public what it would do to reform health care. The only thing the public hears from the GOP is obstruction and whining and pessimism about the ACA. Not a word about an alternative plan.

It had all the power under Bush and did nothing to help the general public.

The GOP is known for one thing: Blockage.

some states obviously believe in the free market.....even when applied to the healthcare industry....that 90% can always be changed with the flick of a pen...

the GOP has proposed all kinds of reform....it's a party with many new ideas....in fact the Demrats steal them (like Romneycare)....compared to the GOP the Demrats are a top-down monolith and behave like the Borg....it's hard to compete when they control the mainstream media...so 'blockage' of course becomes the last resort....

i agree that the GOP 'moderates' are a bunch of backassward idiots who cave at almost every turn.....it's time the TPs take over...

Free markets? Most companies hate free markets and competition because then they have to compete based on price and service. But all things being equal, they prefer to be in a position where they can offer you a product that you have little choice other than to take it or leave it, and they use gov't to help them in that regard. That's one of the reasons that healthcare companies segment the market the way they do. And you don't really hear about cable companies competing with each other, do you? They promise lower rates, and then the rates go up because they don't have any real competition outside of possibly satellite providers whose business plan is most successful in rural areas where there is no cable service.

The point is that business WANT gov't to help them maintain a relative monopoly in certain areas.
The far right reactionaries refuse to recognize that which responsible republicans, mainstream independents and centrists, and the left see clearly.

For those of us who are responsible GOP, that is OK if sad. We will clear the trash out when the debacle is over.

That's sad. The people who need health care the most are being royally fucked - and loving it.

"Thank you Sir! Can I have more?"
The far right reactionaries refuse to recognize that which responsible republicans, mainstream independents and centrists, and the left see clearly.

For those of us who are responsible GOP, that is OK if sad. We will clear the trash out when the debacle is over.

Sure the left like you, you're just like them.
The federal government is paying 100 percent of the cost of the expansion. Then it will be scaled back to 90 percent in 2019 and stay at that level from that point on. This is far higher than the current 50 percent federal funding for Medicaid.

Tax bennies. More government tit. More tax expenditures. :rolleyes:

The GOP has done fuck-all to inform the public what it would do to reform health care. The only thing the public hears from the GOP is obstruction and whining and pessimism about the ACA. Not a word about an alternative plan.

It had all the power under Bush and did nothing to help the general public.

The GOP is known for one thing: Blockage.

some states obviously believe in the free market.....even when applied to the healthcare industry....that 90% can always be changed with the flick of a pen...

the GOP has proposed all kinds of reform....it's a party with many new ideas....in fact the Demrats steal them (like Romneycare)....compared to the GOP the Demrats are a top-down monolith and behave like the Borg....it's hard to compete when they control the mainstream media...so 'blockage' of course becomes the last resort....

i agree that the GOP 'moderates' are a bunch of backassward idiots who cave at almost every turn.....it's time the TPs take over...

Free markets? Most companies hate free markets and competition because then they have to compete based on price and service. But all things being equal, they prefer to be in a position where they can offer you a product that you have little choice other than to take it or leave it, and they use gov't to help them in that regard. That's one of the reasons that healthcare companies segment the market the way they do. And you don't really hear about cable companies competing with each other, do you? They promise lower rates, and then the rates go up because they don't have any real competition outside of possibly satellite providers whose business plan is most successful in rural areas where there is no cable service.

The point is that business WANT gov't to help them maintain a relative monopoly in certain areas.

the point is to have government that ALLOWS free markets to exist....Ocare doesn't cut it...
Let's be honest here, Kiddies...

ObamaCare is going to prohibitively expensive because the healthy folks that are supposed to sign up for it simply won't. Why would you pay a high premium for coverage that chances are you won't be using when in a worst case scenario you can sign up for coverage after you've become sick or injured because you can't be denied for a pre-existing condition? So the bulk of the people who WILL be signing up for ObamaCare coverage will be the elderly and those with pre-existing conditions...meaning the cost of the program will be high to treat those expensive patients.

So ask yourself what's going to happen then?
Let's be honest here, Kiddies...

ObamaCare is going to prohibitively expensive because the healthy folks that are supposed to sign up for it simply won't. Why would you pay a high premium for coverage that chances are you won't be using when in a worst case scenario you can sign up for coverage after you've become sick or injured because you can't be denied for a pre-existing condition? So the bulk of the people who WILL be signing up for ObamaCare coverage will be the elderly and those with pre-existing conditions...meaning the cost of the program will be high to treat those expensive patients.

So ask yourself what's going to happen then?

Politicians always believe that people will do what is in the politicians interest and not in their own interest. Only an idiot would believe them. And the liberals do...
Let's be honest here, Kiddies...

ObamaCare is going to prohibitively expensive because the healthy folks that are supposed to sign up for it simply won't. Why would you pay a high premium for coverage that chances are you won't be using when in a worst case scenario you can sign up for coverage after you've become sick or injured because you can't be denied for a pre-existing condition? So the bulk of the people who WILL be signing up for ObamaCare coverage will be the elderly and those with pre-existing conditions...meaning the cost of the program will be high to treat those expensive patients.

So ask yourself what's going to happen then?

Because after this year the open enrollment period will be about 6 weeks from mid October to the beginning of December.

Healthy people will sign up for preventive care as well. Screenings, tests, and check ups will have no out of pocket costs.

Also ACA has been most popular with the younger generation...which happens to be among the most healthy.
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The website issues are just the tip of the proverbial iceberg.

Obamacare will crash due to adverse selection. It's already in a death spiral and it's just started....:lol:


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