Let’s Not Arm Anyone In Syria

Assad is against ISIS, and the FSA.

The FSA is against Assad and ISIS.

ISIS is against Assad and FSA......

And we throw weapons into the mix as they slaughter each other............It's kinda like throwing meat into a dog fight.
Except the dogs eventually turn on the hand that feeds.

so true----the USA made a big mistake MISJUDGING the filth----Taliban. I recall
---in the 1980s ---those mujahad pigs were getting GOOD PRESS in the USA I was
skeptical----but that is only because I was familiar with the Pakistani mindset----since the------before 1970. Pakistanis is the first
muslims I knew well------- a few even took me to a mosque to benefit from the Khutbah jumaat feces fling
The only winners in syria are the undertakers.............Our current policy is to support the FSA, Kill ISIS, and overthrow Assad.............

Whoever wins will eventually again not be our friends..........We serve a purpose to them to get what they want........Which is weapons and airstrikes to turn the tide in their favor..............

ISIS is are barbarian scum, but even those we support are performing acts of barbarism.............The dogs are fighting over the meat thrown into the pit by Foreign powers which includes Russia.......................Another 100k are going to die as a result or even more.
The only winners in syria are the undertakers.............Our current policy is to support the FSA, Kill ISIS, and overthrow Assad.............

Whoever wins will eventually again not be our friends..........We serve a purpose to them to get what they want........Which is weapons and airstrikes to turn the tide in their favor..............

ISIS is are barbarian scum, but even those we support are performing acts of barbarism.............The dogs are fighting over the meat thrown into the pit by Foreign powers which includes Russia.......................Another 100k are going to die as a result or even more.

yes----the lesson we should have learned from the TALIBAN experience. I do agree with you------arming muslims to "take care"
of other muslims is like ------arming one mafia family in order to "take care" of another.

more dead bodies in the gutters and the rivers
Penelope---can you give us a citation on your
allegation that ISRAEL is the party that wants Assad out "so bad"? I know lots of Israelis----lots and lots-----never heard anything about ASSAD from them-----the only people who seem to hate that bastard
that bastard and his dad over the past few
decades have been christian Syrian expats and their Christian children. Depending on where you live------in the USA-----YOU might
have access to Syrian Christians-----they are of the "eastern orthodox" thing with extra lines on their crosses.[/QUOTE

Penelope----I am really eager to know-----you stated that Israel is very eager to get rid of

do you have a citation? Long ago when I read the pro Nazi literature left over from the 1930s -----I learned that the people SO EAGER to get into war with Germany were
DA JOOOOOOS Your post reminded me of my childhood------I read that Nazi stuff circa 1960----as a child

then came the war with Iraq-----also "instigated by the war mongering jews"

I was fascinated by the Pakistani civil war that ended with the creation of "BANGLA DESH"-------but even more fascinated ten years later when I was told it was instigated

do your people ever change the standard song?

Why do you refuse to read this ?
A Clean Break A New Strategy for Securing the Realm - Wikipedia the free encyclopedia

I never refused to read anything----you lying idiot.

so I read the idiot piece again----I looked and looked -----It is a discussion that does not even mention Assad-----why do you lie so much? are you Penelope?

When the article speaks of rolling back Syria ( hopefully you saw that part ) it is referring to Assad. Who else would it be talking about ?
The only winners in syria are the undertakers.............Our current policy is to support the FSA, Kill ISIS, and overthrow Assad.............

Whoever wins will eventually again not be our friends..........We serve a purpose to them to get what they want........Which is weapons and airstrikes to turn the tide in their favor..............

ISIS is are barbarian scum, but even those we support are performing acts of barbarism.............The dogs are fighting over the meat thrown into the pit by Foreign powers which includes Russia.......................Another 100k are going to die as a result or even more.

That is the plan, ISIS is over more propaganda than anything I am thinking. Just an excuse to bomb Syria inner city where they now say ISIS is moving into

Just another example, a bill introduced by a Jewish senator and Baptist Rep.
US Senate elevates Israel s status as major strategic partner
The only winners in syria are the undertakers.............Our current policy is to support the FSA, Kill ISIS, and overthrow Assad.............

Whoever wins will eventually again not be our friends..........We serve a purpose to them to get what they want........Which is weapons and airstrikes to turn the tide in their favor..............

ISIS is are barbarian scum, but even those we support are performing acts of barbarism.............The dogs are fighting over the meat thrown into the pit by Foreign powers which includes Russia.......................Another 100k are going to die as a result or even more.

That is the plan, ISIS is over more propaganda than anything I am thinking. Just an excuse to bomb Syria inner city where they now say ISIS is moving into

Just another example, a bill introduced by a Jewish senator and Baptist Rep.
US Senate elevates Israel s status as major strategic partner

Just another example of what? Isis is just
a START UP-----something like TALIBAN was in the 1980s-----remember Taliban?---
in the early 90s----proud Pakistani colleagues
were STILL TELLING ME how wonderful they are--------and even how good is Sadaam. He was so good that the only reason he invaded Kuwait was because the Kuwaitis are "selfish" ---they use their oil money for
THEMSELVES ----rather than for ISLAMIC
PURPOSES (like sadaam did----such as paying families of suicide pigs $25,000 for their CONTRIBUTION TO THE GLORY OF ISLAAAAAM)

lots of that sort of chat did disappear after
9-11-01 -----but I have an excellent
The only winners in syria are the undertakers.............Our current policy is to support the FSA, Kill ISIS, and overthrow Assad.............

Whoever wins will eventually again not be our friends..........We serve a purpose to them to get what they want........Which is weapons and airstrikes to turn the tide in their favor..............

ISIS is are barbarian scum, but even those we support are performing acts of barbarism.............The dogs are fighting over the meat thrown into the pit by Foreign powers which includes Russia.......................Another 100k are going to die as a result or even more.

That is the plan, ISIS is over more propaganda than anything I am thinking. Just an excuse to bomb Syria inner city where they now say ISIS is moving into

Just another example, a bill introduced by a Jewish senator and Baptist Rep.
US Senate elevates Israel s status as major strategic partner

Just another example of what? Isis is just
a START UP-----something like TALIBAN was in the 1980s-----remember Taliban?---
in the early 90s----proud Pakistani colleagues
were STILL TELLING ME how wonderful they are--------and even how good is Sadaam. He was so good that the only reason he invaded Kuwait was because the Kuwaitis are "selfish" ---they use their oil money for
THEMSELVES ----rather than for ISLAMIC
PURPOSES (like sadaam did----such as paying families of suicide pigs $25,000 for their CONTRIBUTION TO THE GLORY OF ISLAAAAAM)

lots of that sort of chat did disappear after
9-11-01 -----but I have an excellent

Saddam invaded Kuwait because it was slant drilling into Iraq and stealing Iraq's oil.
The only winners in syria are the undertakers.............Our current policy is to support the FSA, Kill ISIS, and overthrow Assad.............

Whoever wins will eventually again not be our friends..........We serve a purpose to them to get what they want........Which is weapons and airstrikes to turn the tide in their favor..............

ISIS is are barbarian scum, but even those we support are performing acts of barbarism.............The dogs are fighting over the meat thrown into the pit by Foreign powers which includes Russia.......................Another 100k are going to die as a result or even more.

That is the plan, ISIS is over more propaganda than anything I am thinking. Just an excuse to bomb Syria inner city where they now say ISIS is moving into

Just another example, a bill introduced by a Jewish senator and Baptist Rep.
US Senate elevates Israel s status as major strategic partner

Just another example of what? Isis is just
a START UP-----something like TALIBAN was in the 1980s-----remember Taliban?---
in the early 90s----proud Pakistani colleagues
were STILL TELLING ME how wonderful they are--------and even how good is Sadaam. He was so good that the only reason he invaded Kuwait was because the Kuwaitis are "selfish" ---they use their oil money for
THEMSELVES ----rather than for ISLAMIC
PURPOSES (like sadaam did----such as paying families of suicide pigs $25,000 for their CONTRIBUTION TO THE GLORY OF ISLAAAAAM)

lots of that sort of chat did disappear after
9-11-01 -----but I have an excellent

Saddam invaded Kuwait because it was slant drilling into Iraq and stealing Iraq's oil.

BS Kuwait and Iraq were into a bit of economic warfare----a kind of MINI BDS---thing
into which the UMMAH has been against Israel since 1950 dildoduck seems to
believe economic warfare is a good excuse to BOMB-----sheeesh dildoduck-----
based on YOUR perception Israel has a right to drop a nuclear bomb on mecca
Last edited:
Assad is against ISIS, and the FSA.

The FSA is against Assad and ISIS.

ISIS is against Assad and FSA......

And we throw weapons into the mix as they slaughter each other............It's kinda like throwing meat into a dog fight.

Your conclusion is correct. But your assumptions are a little misguided.

1) Spokesperson for the FSA (Free Syrian Army) said last week that they COOPERATE with ISIS and the other 1000 militias whenever the tactical goals are in common. As in taking a strategic target. They are NOT focused on fighting a multi-front Civil War -- only in bringing down Assad.

2) The FSA and the other token pro-western factions have as much chance of GOVERNING SYRIA by POPULAR mandate as Nancy Pelosi has of being President. We would be arming SYMBOLS of western values that have ZERO chance of winning anything.

3) By arming LOSERS --- we accomplish NOTHING except pissing off the 85% of Arabs who WILL be running Syria if Assad falls.

Completely logical and sane to stay the fuck out of that dog fight. Has nothing to do with neutralizing ISIS either. THere are probably 300 militias in Syria with threats against US interests. Better action would be to quit beating up on Assad and allow Syria to restore law and order.
What positition does this idiot Richard Perle hold in the Obama Administration??

I want to talk about the topic WITHOUT the basement trolls changing the subject away from REAL American policy implications..

Arming ANYONE in Syria proper is a patently bad idea. And the idea that we are gonna background checks on these gangsters is ridiculous.
Arming ANYONE is Syria has NOTHING to do with crushing ISIS.

Not a thing..

Please read post # 14, that is from the ex Amb Oren on Israel and Assad.

Perhaps your not aware of who Pearle is and how the think tanks work and the power behind them,

"Perle advocates pre-emptive strikes, such as in Iraq, as an extension of America's right to self-defense. For example, Perle has expressed support for a theoretical first strike on North Korean and Iranian nuclear facilities"

Richard Perle - Wikipedia the free encyclopedia

as dangerous as Normon Podhoretz, and their propaganda tatics, etc.

Your right as well about McCain, another war monger, we have many in our gov. that like war and power. There is no way to deny Israel wanted Hussein out, and now Assad and also Iran.

Not worth a discussion. Perle and neo-cons are not part of this atrocious decision-making. Obama has change from the Obama Doctrine which best I can tell is "Leading with Your Ass" to the Bush Doctrine of "Pre-Emptive War" in less than a week. Why?

Because of the brutality and inhumanity of radical Islam. There is no policy. There is only REACTION. Just like our perennial clusterfuck on ME policy has been.

Any you and the multitude of conspiracy theorists are missing the point that all of this nonsense isn't driven by Israel and Jews. It's is SOLELY incompetence and horrendously bad analysis and judgement..

We're (i am) done with your conspiracies..
The only winners in syria are the undertakers.............Our current policy is to support the FSA, Kill ISIS, and overthrow Assad.............

Whoever wins will eventually again not be our friends..........We serve a purpose to them to get what they want........Which is weapons and airstrikes to turn the tide in their favor..............

ISIS is are barbarian scum, but even those we support are performing acts of barbarism.............The dogs are fighting over the meat thrown into the pit by Foreign powers which includes Russia.......................Another 100k are going to die as a result or even more.

That is the plan, ISIS is over more propaganda than anything I am thinking. Just an excuse to bomb Syria inner city where they now say ISIS is moving into

Just another example, a bill introduced by a Jewish senator and Baptist Rep.
US Senate elevates Israel s status as major strategic partner

Just another example of what? Isis is just
a START UP-----something like TALIBAN was in the 1980s-----remember Taliban?---
in the early 90s----proud Pakistani colleagues
were STILL TELLING ME how wonderful they are--------and even how good is Sadaam. He was so good that the only reason he invaded Kuwait was because the Kuwaitis are "selfish" ---they use their oil money for
THEMSELVES ----rather than for ISLAMIC
PURPOSES (like sadaam did----such as paying families of suicide pigs $25,000 for their CONTRIBUTION TO THE GLORY OF ISLAAAAAM)

lots of that sort of chat did disappear after
9-11-01 -----but I have an excellent

Saddam invaded Kuwait because it was slant drilling into Iraq and stealing Iraq's oil.

BS Kuwait and Iraq were into a bit of economic warfare----a kind of MINI BDS---thing
into which the UMMAH has been against Israel since 1950 dildoduck seems to
believe economic warfare is a good excuse to BOMB-----sheeesh dildoduck-----
based on YOUR perception Israel has a right to drop a nuclear bomb on mecca

If Saudi Arabia was stealing from them you can bet on it.
What positition does this idiot Richard Perle hold in the Obama Administration??

I want to talk about the topic WITHOUT the basement trolls changing the subject away from REAL American policy implications..

Arming ANYONE in Syria proper is a patently bad idea. And the idea that we are gonna background checks on these gangsters is ridiculous.
Arming ANYONE is Syria has NOTHING to do with crushing ISIS.

Not a thing..

Please read post # 14, that is from the ex Amb Oren on Israel and Assad.

Perhaps your not aware of who Pearle is and how the think tanks work and the power behind them,

"Perle advocates pre-emptive strikes, such as in Iraq, as an extension of America's right to self-defense. For example, Perle has expressed support for a theoretical first strike on North Korean and Iranian nuclear facilities"

Richard Perle - Wikipedia the free encyclopedia

as dangerous as Normon Podhoretz, and their propaganda tatics, etc.

Your right as well about McCain, another war monger, we have many in our gov. that like war and power. There is no way to deny Israel wanted Hussein out, and now Assad and also Iran.

Not worth a discussion. Perle and neo-cons are not part of this atrocious decision-making. Obama has change from the Obama Doctrine which best I can tell is "Leading with Your Ass" to the Bush Doctrine of "Pre-Emptive War" in less than a week. Why?

Because of the brutality and inhumanity of radical Islam. There is no policy. There is only REACTION. Just like our perennial clusterfuck on ME policy has been.

Any you and the multitude of conspiracy theorists are missing the point that all of this nonsense isn't driven by Israel and Jews. It's is SOLELY incompetence and horrendously bad analysis and judgement..

We're (i am) done with your conspiracies..

Sorry but Neocons have been pushing for this for years. Your denial won't change anything. No one is pushing harder to take out Assad AND ISIS than McCain and Graham.
What positition does this idiot Richard Perle hold in the Obama Administration??

I want to talk about the topic WITHOUT the basement trolls changing the subject away from REAL American policy implications..

Arming ANYONE in Syria proper is a patently bad idea. And the idea that we are gonna background checks on these gangsters is ridiculous.
Arming ANYONE is Syria has NOTHING to do with crushing ISIS.

Not a thing..

Please read post # 14, that is from the ex Amb Oren on Israel and Assad.

Perhaps your not aware of who Pearle is and how the think tanks work and the power behind them,

"Perle advocates pre-emptive strikes, such as in Iraq, as an extension of America's right to self-defense. For example, Perle has expressed support for a theoretical first strike on North Korean and Iranian nuclear facilities"

Richard Perle - Wikipedia the free encyclopedia

as dangerous as Normon Podhoretz, and their propaganda tatics, etc.

Your right as well about McCain, another war monger, we have many in our gov. that like war and power. There is no way to deny Israel wanted Hussein out, and now Assad and also Iran.

Not worth a discussion. Perle and neo-cons are not part of this atrocious decision-making. Obama has change from the Obama Doctrine which best I can tell is "Leading with Your Ass" to the Bush Doctrine of "Pre-Emptive War" in less than a week. Why?

Because of the brutality and inhumanity of radical Islam. There is no policy. There is only REACTION. Just like our perennial clusterfuck on ME policy has been.

Any you and the multitude of conspiracy theorists are missing the point that all of this nonsense isn't driven by Israel and Jews. It's is SOLELY incompetence and horrendously bad analysis and judgement..

We're (i am) done with your conspiracies..

Sorry but Neocons have been pushing for this for years. Your denial won't change anything. No one is pushing harder to take out Assad AND ISIS than McCain and Graham.

1. Neocons today are as irrelevent to actual policy as Whigs.
2. McCain is a convicted Con, not a neocon -- and a cerified lunatic and Graham is not a neo con either with only a slight IQ advantage over McCain..
3. Neocons can keep pushing all they like. So does the Green Party. And the Greens probably will have more success.

No conspiracy pal. This country is just managed by mental midgets And we LOVE to elect mental midgets.
you still here FLACAL? how about you leave me and sally alone to deal with your
pals of the strange bedfellows of

reminds me of the "alliance" ----adenoid hinkle----and-----what ever Charlie called
Mussolini ( I forgot----anyone?)
What positition does this idiot Richard Perle hold in the Obama Administration??

I want to talk about the topic WITHOUT the basement trolls changing the subject away from REAL American policy implications..

Arming ANYONE in Syria proper is a patently bad idea. And the idea that we are gonna background checks on these gangsters is ridiculous.
Arming ANYONE is Syria has NOTHING to do with crushing ISIS.

Not a thing..

Please read post # 14, that is from the ex Amb Oren on Israel and Assad.

Perhaps your not aware of who Pearle is and how the think tanks work and the power behind them,

"Perle advocates pre-emptive strikes, such as in Iraq, as an extension of America's right to self-defense. For example, Perle has expressed support for a theoretical first strike on North Korean and Iranian nuclear facilities"

Richard Perle - Wikipedia the free encyclopedia

as dangerous as Normon Podhoretz, and their propaganda tatics, etc.

Your right as well about McCain, another war monger, we have many in our gov. that like war and power. There is no way to deny Israel wanted Hussein out, and now Assad and also Iran.

Not worth a discussion. Perle and neo-cons are not part of this atrocious decision-making. Obama has change from the Obama Doctrine which best I can tell is "Leading with Your Ass" to the Bush Doctrine of "Pre-Emptive War" in less than a week. Why?

Because of the brutality and inhumanity of radical Islam. There is no policy. There is only REACTION. Just like our perennial clusterfuck on ME policy has been.

Any you and the multitude of conspiracy theorists are missing the point that all of this nonsense isn't driven by Israel and Jews. It's is SOLELY incompetence and horrendously bad analysis and judgement..

We're (i am) done with your conspiracies..

Sorry but Neocons have been pushing for this for years. Your denial won't change anything. No one is pushing harder to take out Assad AND ISIS than McCain and Graham.

1. Neocons today are as irrelevent to actual policy as Whigs.
2. McCain is a convicted Con, not a neocon -- and a cerified lunatic and Graham is not a neo con either with only a slight IQ advantage over McCain..
3. Neocons can keep pushing all they like. So does the Green Party. And the Greens probably will have more success.

"No conspiracy pal. This country is just managed by mental midgets And we LOVE to elect mental midgets.
It's no secret that John McCain, once a prominent realist, has steadily converted to neoconservatism over the past two decades. He is now the movement's most visible champion, which is to say that McCain has been at the forefront of championing almost every bad idea of the past decade, including serving as a cheerleader for the war in Iraq. Now McCain has issued a neocon manifesto for Mitt Romney in Foreign Policy."

John McCain s Neocon Manifesto The National Interest Blog
What positition does this idiot Richard Perle hold in the Obama Administration??

I want to talk about the topic WITHOUT the basement trolls changing the subject away from REAL American policy implications..

Arming ANYONE in Syria proper is a patently bad idea. And the idea that we are gonna background checks on these gangsters is ridiculous.
Arming ANYONE is Syria has NOTHING to do with crushing ISIS.

Not a thing..

Please read post # 14, that is from the ex Amb Oren on Israel and Assad.

Perhaps your not aware of who Pearle is and how the think tanks work and the power behind them,

"Perle advocates pre-emptive strikes, such as in Iraq, as an extension of America's right to self-defense. For example, Perle has expressed support for a theoretical first strike on North Korean and Iranian nuclear facilities"

Richard Perle - Wikipedia the free encyclopedia

as dangerous as Normon Podhoretz, and their propaganda tatics, etc.

Your right as well about McCain, another war monger, we have many in our gov. that like war and power. There is no way to deny Israel wanted Hussein out, and now Assad and also Iran.

Not worth a discussion. Perle and neo-cons are not part of this atrocious decision-making. Obama has change from the Obama Doctrine which best I can tell is "Leading with Your Ass" to the Bush Doctrine of "Pre-Emptive War" in less than a week. Why?

Because of the brutality and inhumanity of radical Islam. There is no policy. There is only REACTION. Just like our perennial clusterfuck on ME policy has been.

Any you and the multitude of conspiracy theorists are missing the point that all of this nonsense isn't driven by Israel and Jews. It's is SOLELY incompetence and horrendously bad analysis and judgement..

We're (i am) done with your conspiracies..

Sorry but Neocons have been pushing for this for years. Your denial won't change anything. No one is pushing harder to take out Assad AND ISIS than McCain and Graham.

1. Neocons today are as irrelevent to actual policy as Whigs.
2. McCain is a convicted Con, not a neocon -- and a cerified lunatic and Graham is not a neo con either with only a slight IQ advantage over McCain..
3. Neocons can keep pushing all they like. So does the Green Party. And the Greens probably will have more success.

"No conspiracy pal. This country is just managed by mental midgets And we LOVE to elect mental midgets.
It's no secret that John McCain, once a prominent realist, has steadily converted to neoconservatism over the past two decades. He is now the movement's most visible champion, which is to say that McCain has been at the forefront of championing almost every bad idea of the past decade, including serving as a cheerleader for the war in Iraq. Now McCain has issued a neocon manifesto for Mitt Romney in Foreign Policy."

John McCain s Neocon Manifesto The National Interest Blog

There is no debate here. The is no important person in the world that self identifies as a neocon. It is a derogatory name much the same as **** or islamo nazi.. The premier neocon whorehouse PNAC DISBANDED in 2006. Their website is GONE. So anyone can call people names, but these jerks are now hiding under rocks and not running the world. Stop being a jerk and find out WHY your government is so damn incompetent.
  • Thanks
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Please read post # 14, that is from the ex Amb Oren on Israel and Assad.

Perhaps your not aware of who Pearle is and how the think tanks work and the power behind them,

"Perle advocates pre-emptive strikes, such as in Iraq, as an extension of America's right to self-defense. For example, Perle has expressed support for a theoretical first strike on North Korean and Iranian nuclear facilities"

Richard Perle - Wikipedia the free encyclopedia

as dangerous as Normon Podhoretz, and their propaganda tatics, etc.

Your right as well about McCain, another war monger, we have many in our gov. that like war and power. There is no way to deny Israel wanted Hussein out, and now Assad and also Iran.

Not worth a discussion. Perle and neo-cons are not part of this atrocious decision-making. Obama has change from the Obama Doctrine which best I can tell is "Leading with Your Ass" to the Bush Doctrine of "Pre-Emptive War" in less than a week. Why?

Because of the brutality and inhumanity of radical Islam. There is no policy. There is only REACTION. Just like our perennial clusterfuck on ME policy has been.

Any you and the multitude of conspiracy theorists are missing the point that all of this nonsense isn't driven by Israel and Jews. It's is SOLELY incompetence and horrendously bad analysis and judgement..

We're (i am) done with your conspiracies..

Sorry but Neocons have been pushing for this for years. Your denial won't change anything. No one is pushing harder to take out Assad AND ISIS than McCain and Graham.

1. Neocons today are as irrelevent to actual policy as Whigs.
2. McCain is a convicted Con, not a neocon -- and a cerified lunatic and Graham is not a neo con either with only a slight IQ advantage over McCain..
3. Neocons can keep pushing all they like. So does the Green Party. And the Greens probably will have more success.

"No conspiracy pal. This country is just managed by mental midgets And we LOVE to elect mental midgets.
It's no secret that John McCain, once a prominent realist, has steadily converted to neoconservatism over the past two decades. He is now the movement's most visible champion, which is to say that McCain has been at the forefront of championing almost every bad idea of the past decade, including serving as a cheerleader for the war in Iraq. Now McCain has issued a neocon manifesto for Mitt Romney in Foreign Policy."

John McCain s Neocon Manifesto The National Interest Blog

There is no debate here. The is no important person in the world that self identifies as a neocon. It is a derogatory name much the same as **** or islamo nazi.. The premier neocon whorehouse PNAC DISBANDED in 2006. Their website is GONE. So anyone can call people names, but these jerks are now hiding under rocks and not running the world. Stop being a jerk and find out WHY your government is so damn incompetent.

The neocon philosophy lives on and McCain's behavior personifies it. Neocons don't need PNAC nor a website to carry on. Do you think McCain asked Obama's permission to campaign for support for the "moderate" rebels ? The neocon plan continues as defined by A Clean Break.
Not worth a discussion. Perle and neo-cons are not part of this atrocious decision-making. Obama has change from the Obama Doctrine which best I can tell is "Leading with Your Ass" to the Bush Doctrine of "Pre-Emptive War" in less than a week. Why?

Because of the brutality and inhumanity of radical Islam. There is no policy. There is only REACTION. Just like our perennial clusterfuck on ME policy has been.

Any you and the multitude of conspiracy theorists are missing the point that all of this nonsense isn't driven by Israel and Jews. It's is SOLELY incompetence and horrendously bad analysis and judgement..

We're (i am) done with your conspiracies..

Sorry but Neocons have been pushing for this for years. Your denial won't change anything. No one is pushing harder to take out Assad AND ISIS than McCain and Graham.

1. Neocons today are as irrelevent to actual policy as Whigs.
2. McCain is a convicted Con, not a neocon -- and a cerified lunatic and Graham is not a neo con either with only a slight IQ advantage over McCain..
3. Neocons can keep pushing all they like. So does the Green Party. And the Greens probably will have more success.

"No conspiracy pal. This country is just managed by mental midgets And we LOVE to elect mental midgets.
It's no secret that John McCain, once a prominent realist, has steadily converted to neoconservatism over the past two decades. He is now the movement's most visible champion, which is to say that McCain has been at the forefront of championing almost every bad idea of the past decade, including serving as a cheerleader for the war in Iraq. Now McCain has issued a neocon manifesto for Mitt Romney in Foreign Policy."

John McCain s Neocon Manifesto The National Interest Blog

There is no debate here. The is no important person in the world that self identifies as a neocon. It is a derogatory name much the same as **** or islamo nazi.. The premier neocon whorehouse PNAC DISBANDED in 2006. Their website is GONE. So anyone can call people names, but these jerks are now hiding under rocks and not running the world. Stop being a jerk and find out WHY your government is so damn incompetent.

The neocon philosophy lives on and McCain's behavior personifies it. Neocons don't need PNAC nor a website to carry on. Do you think McCain asked Obama's permission to campaign for support for the "moderate" rebels ? The neocon plan continues as defined by A Clean Break.

Yes they keep changing their names of the think tanks, as they enlis
Not worth a discussion. Perle and neo-cons are not part of this atrocious decision-making. Obama has change from the Obama Doctrine which best I can tell is "Leading with Your Ass" to the Bush Doctrine of "Pre-Emptive War" in less than a week. Why?

Because of the brutality and inhumanity of radical Islam. There is no policy. There is only REACTION. Just like our perennial clusterfuck on ME policy has been.

Any you and the multitude of conspiracy theorists are missing the point that all of this nonsense isn't driven by Israel and Jews. It's is SOLELY incompetence and horrendously bad analysis and judgement..

We're (i am) done with your conspiracies..

Sorry but Neocons have been pushing for this for years. Your denial won't change anything. No one is pushing harder to take out Assad AND ISIS than McCain and Graham.

1. Neocons today are as irrelevent to actual policy as Whigs.
2. McCain is a convicted Con, not a neocon -- and a cerified lunatic and Graham is not a neo con either with only a slight IQ advantage over McCain..
3. Neocons can keep pushing all they like. So does the Green Party. And the Greens probably will have more success.

"No conspiracy pal. This country is just managed by mental midgets And we LOVE to elect mental midgets.
It's no secret that John McCain, once a prominent realist, has steadily converted to neoconservatism over the past two decades. He is now the movement's most visible champion, which is to say that McCain has been at the forefront of championing almost every bad idea of the past decade, including serving as a cheerleader for the war in Iraq. Now McCain has issued a neocon manifesto for Mitt Romney in Foreign Policy."

John McCain s Neocon Manifesto The National Interest Blog

There is no debate here. The is no important person in the world that self identifies as a neocon. It is a derogatory name much the same as **** or islamo nazi.. The premier neocon whorehouse PNAC DISBANDED in 2006. Their website is GONE. So anyone can call people names, but these jerks are now hiding under rocks and not running the world. Stop being a jerk and find out WHY your government is so damn incompetent.

The neocon philosophy lives on and McCain's behavior personifies it. Neocons don't need PNAC nor a website to carry on. Do you think McCain asked Obama's permission to campaign for support for the "moderate" rebels ? The neocon plan continues as defined by A Clean Break.

Your right, they live on, they just change their names as they enlist newer members, heres a few newer think tanks,

Michael Singh - The Washington Institute for Near East Policy

Good page: Neocons Despair over D tente with Iran - Right Web - Institute for Policy Studies

We are already slowly killing Iran, weakening them, just like we did to Iraq.
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We should be arming the crap out of those people over there. All sides!

Keep them occupied and let them have at it with each other and they won't be bothering us here at home.

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