Let's play a game! It's called, who's the REAL racist.

Johnson was a man born in Texas in the beginning of the 20th century. O f course he used the word n1gger. Everyone from that period and place used the word.
But Johnson started his career teaching poor Mexicans in school and had an affinity for groups who suffered from discrimination.
Your arguments are facile and without substance.

My favorite story about LBJ(and I think I have this right) was about when he was a teacher- and found out that the janitor was illiterate, and either came early or stayed late every day to teach this minority janitor how to read and write.

LBJ was no saint. But he considered the passage of 1964 Civil Rights Act his finest accomplishment.

Then you should support the Trump family as Trump's son Eric has given about 28 million to a children's hospital to take care of sick children. That's a lot more than any Clinton has ever done.

I think if Eric Trump did that, he is to be commended.

But he is not LBJ, and Eric Trump didn't pass the 1964 Civil Rights Act., nor did Donald Trump.

No, it was the Republicans who finally got enough pressure on the Democrats to do it. This was the third attempt and it was Dr Martin Luther King who put enough social pressure on the Democrats to force their hand.
You clearly know nothing about this.
Republicans didnt care about civil rights for blacks because most Republicans represented states with few blacks.

What a liberal hack you are. The Civil Rights Act of both 1957 and 1960 were pushed in Congress by Republicans and LBJ and the democrats fought against it. Try a history book. You might learn the truth.
Johnson opposed the first two attempts at civil rights while in Congress and advised Kennedy to stay away from the issue.

LBJ was the single person most responsible for the passage of the 1964 Civil Rights Act- and considered the signing of the Act his greatest achievement.

No but he was instrumental in getting the Dems to vote for it. Dr Martin Luther King was the single most instrumental man.

LBJ publicly pressured Congress to pass the legislation proposed by Kennedy.

Which resulted in a majority of both Democrats and Republicans voting for it.

And then he signed the bill

July 2, 1964

—President Johnson, upon signing the Civil Rights Act- stating:

"This Civil Rights Act is a challenge to all of us to go to work in our communities and our states, in our homes and in our hearts, to eliminate the last vestiges of injustice in our beloved country. So tonight I urge every public official, every religious leader, every business and professional man, every working man, every housewife — I urge every American — to join in this effort to bring justice and hope to all our people, and to bring peace to our land.

"My fellow citizens, we have come now to a time of testing. We must not fail. Let us close the springs of racial poison. Let us pray for wise and understanding hearts. Let us lay aside irrelevant differences and make our nation whole. Let us hasten that day when our unmeasured strength and our unbounded spirit will be free to do the great works ordained for this nation by the just and wise God who is the father of us all."

Caro: The reason it’s questioned is that for no less than 20 years in Congress, from 1937 to 1957, Johnson’s record was on the side of the South. He not only voted with the South on civil rights, but he was a southern strategist, but in 1957, he changes and pushes through the first civil rights bill since Reconstruction. He always had this true, deep compassion to help poor people and particularly poor people of color, but even stronger than the compassion was his ambition. But when the two aligned, when compassion and ambition finally are pointing in the same direction, then Lyndon Johnson becomes a force for racial justice, unequalled certainly since Lincoln.

Similarly, White House spokesman Eric Schultz answered our request for information with emailed excerpts from Means of Ascent, the second volume of Caro’s books on Johnson.

The introduction to the book says that as Johnson became president in 1963, some civil rights leaders were not convinced of Johnson’s good faith, due to his voting record. "He had been a congressman, beginning in 1937, for eleven years, and for eleven years he had voted against every civil rights bill – against not only legislation aimed at ending the poll tax and segregation in the armed services but even against legislation aimed at ending lynching: a one hundred percent record," Caro wrote. "Running for the Senate in 1948, he had assailed President" Harry "Truman’s entire civil rights program (‘an effort to set up a police state’)…Until 1957, in the Senate, as in the House, his record – by that time a twenty-year record – against civil rights had been consistent," Caro wrote.

We found that excerpt in the book as well as these vignettes:

--In 1947, after President Harry S Truman sent Congress proposals against lynching and segregation in interstate transportation, Johnson called the proposed civil rights program a "farce and a sham--an effort to set up a police state in the guise of liberty."

--In his 1948 speech in Austin kicking off his Senate campaign, Johnson declared he was against Truman’s attempt to end the poll tax because, Johnson said, "it is the province of the state to run its own elections." Johnson also was against proposals against lynching "because the federal government," Johnson said, "has no more business enacting a law against one form of murder than against another."

Next, we asked an expert in the offices of the U.S. Senate to check on Johnson’s votes on civil rights measures as a lawmaker. By email, Betty Koed, an associate historian for the Senate, said that according to information compiled by the Senate Library, in "the rare cases when" such "bills came to a roll call vote, it appears that" Johnson "consistently voted against" them or voted to stop consideration.
Thanks for proving my point.
You are dismissed.

Go fuck yourself you liberal hack. You are a moron who has to ignore history to feel good about yourself.

Your point is that you are a moron who only knows liberal talking points instead of facts.

You are a miserable scumbag.
Glad they finally came on board after 12 years. Took those asshats long enough.

And the white men who passed the 1964 Civil Rights Act were Democrats and Republicans- more Democrats than Republicans actually, since Democrats were a majority

I glad that everyone who came on board came on board.

It was LBJ's finest moment.

Indeed it was.

Too bad almost everything else he did was total shit. His legacy will be the Americans who bled and died in a foreign country while he made arbitrary rules of engagement instead of winning. Vietnam and a failed war on poverty that increased poverty are not his finest moments.
War on poverty did what was intended
Ease the suffering of the poor and provide educational and jobs training

Better check your stats. There are more people below the poverty line now than every. More people unemployed than every. More people needing assistance than ever. That money didn't go toward ending poverty. It went to increasing the number of people who are dependent on government.
More people below the poverty level?

Blame the job creators not the government
My favorite story about LBJ(and I think I have this right) was about when he was a teacher- and found out that the janitor was illiterate, and either came early or stayed late every day to teach this minority janitor how to read and write.

LBJ was no saint. But he considered the passage of 1964 Civil Rights Act his finest accomplishment.

Then you should support the Trump family as Trump's son Eric has given about 28 million to a children's hospital to take care of sick children. That's a lot more than any Clinton has ever done.

I think if Eric Trump did that, he is to be commended.

But he is not LBJ, and Eric Trump didn't pass the 1964 Civil Rights Act., nor did Donald Trump.

No, it was the Republicans who finally got enough pressure on the Democrats to do it. This was the third attempt and it was Dr Martin Luther King who put enough social pressure on the Democrats to force their hand.
You clearly know nothing about this.
Republicans didnt care about civil rights for blacks because most Republicans represented states with few blacks.

What a liberal hack you are. The Civil Rights Act of both 1957 and 1960 were pushed in Congress by Republicans and LBJ and the democrats fought against it. Try a history book. You might learn the truth.

The conservative Democrats fought against all of the Civil Rights Acts.

Because they were conservatives.
And the white men who passed the 1964 Civil Rights Act were Democrats and Republicans- more Democrats than Republicans actually, since Democrats were a majority

I glad that everyone who came on board came on board.

It was LBJ's finest moment.

Indeed it was.

Too bad almost everything else he did was total shit. His legacy will be the Americans who bled and died in a foreign country while he made arbitrary rules of engagement instead of winning. Vietnam and a failed war on poverty that increased poverty are not his finest moments.
War on poverty did what was intended
Ease the suffering of the poor and provide educational and jobs training

Better check your stats. There are more people below the poverty line now than every. More people unemployed than every. More people needing assistance than ever. That money didn't go toward ending poverty. It went to increasing the number of people who are dependent on government.
More people below the poverty level?

Blame the job creators not the government

Really. No wonder you are such a stooge. Clinton's NAFTA and his granting of permanent favored nation status to China had nothing to do with it. His dismantling of banking regulations has nothing to do with the economic problems of the last decade. Bush's wars had nothing to do with it. Obama's mandatory health care doesn't have a negative effect. The NWO that has been the progressive movement of the political elites in both parties since Bush Sr hasn't helped money flow out of America and into foreign investments mostly in the attempt to pull lower level service jobs and manufacturing jobs away from the USA while at the same time our government does nothing to increase tariffs on the cost of business to slow the bleeding.

What about too big to fail? Businesses that are vital to the political class and the wealthy are protected from failure at the cost of the working class.

Pull your head out. The war on poverty was a great slogan that never decreased poverty at all. The government has done everything it can to prop up multinational corporations at the expense of small businesses. They have stolen the American Dream of Education, Family, Home Ownership, and running your own small business. They replaced it with large tuition loans, broken families, rent, and shitty lower paying jobs.
Then you should support the Trump family as Trump's son Eric has given about 28 million to a children's hospital to take care of sick children. That's a lot more than any Clinton has ever done.

I think if Eric Trump did that, he is to be commended.

But he is not LBJ, and Eric Trump didn't pass the 1964 Civil Rights Act., nor did Donald Trump.

No, it was the Republicans who finally got enough pressure on the Democrats to do it. This was the third attempt and it was Dr Martin Luther King who put enough social pressure on the Democrats to force their hand.
You clearly know nothing about this.
Republicans didnt care about civil rights for blacks because most Republicans represented states with few blacks.

What a liberal hack you are. The Civil Rights Act of both 1957 and 1960 were pushed in Congress by Republicans and LBJ and the democrats fought against it. Try a history book. You might learn the truth.

The conservative Democrats fought against all of the Civil Rights Acts.

Because they were conservatives.

No, because they were racist Democrats. Nice try at a projection of your party's lack of values onto others. You really haven't got a clue what conservatism is because you are so entrenched in party rhetoric that you just fight out of ignorance.
Hillary has proven that she is a fraud and doesnt care for Black People, hasnt anyone ever taken notice that we never see Hillary Clinton in the same pic as Michelle,,or a photo of Hillary hugging and kissing Michelle O?

Mrs. Tuzla Clinton doesn't want to be in any pictures with younger people that will make her look even more like the old dried up grandma she is.
I think if Eric Trump did that, he is to be commended.

But he is not LBJ, and Eric Trump didn't pass the 1964 Civil Rights Act., nor did Donald Trump.

No, it was the Republicans who finally got enough pressure on the Democrats to do it. This was the third attempt and it was Dr Martin Luther King who put enough social pressure on the Democrats to force their hand.
You clearly know nothing about this.
Republicans didnt care about civil rights for blacks because most Republicans represented states with few blacks.

What a liberal hack you are. The Civil Rights Act of both 1957 and 1960 were pushed in Congress by Republicans and LBJ and the democrats fought against it. Try a history book. You might learn the truth.

The conservative Democrats fought against all of the Civil Rights Acts.

Because they were conservatives.

No, because they were racist Democrats. Nice try at a projection of your party's lack of values onto others. You really haven't got a clue what conservatism is because you are so entrenched in party rhetoric that you just fight out of ignorance.

Why did southern Democrats call themselves conservatives if they weren't conservative?

Why did southern conservative Democrats join with conservative Republicans to form the Conservative Coalition if they weren't conservatives?

Conservative coalition - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Your ignorance of history is sadly comical.
Indeed it was.

Too bad almost everything else he did was total shit. His legacy will be the Americans who bled and died in a foreign country while he made arbitrary rules of engagement instead of winning. Vietnam and a failed war on poverty that increased poverty are not his finest moments.
War on poverty did what was intended
Ease the suffering of the poor and provide educational and jobs training

Better check your stats. There are more people below the poverty line now than every. More people unemployed than every. More people needing assistance than ever. That money didn't go toward ending poverty. It went to increasing the number of people who are dependent on government.
More people below the poverty level?

Blame the job creators not the government

Really. No wonder you are such a stooge. Clinton's NAFTA and his granting of permanent favored nation status to China had nothing to do with it. His dismantling of banking regulations has nothing to do with the economic problems of the last decade. Bush's wars had nothing to do with it. Obama's mandatory health care doesn't have a negative effect. The NWO that has been the progressive movement of the political elites in both parties since Bush Sr hasn't helped money flow out of America and into foreign investments mostly in the attempt to pull lower level service jobs and manufacturing jobs away from the USA while at the same time our government does nothing to increase tariffs on the cost of business to slow the bleeding.

What about too big to fail? Businesses that are vital to the political class and the wealthy are protected from failure at the cost of the working class.

Pull your head out. The war on poverty was a great slogan that never decreased poverty at all. The government has done everything it can to prop up multinational corporations at the expense of small businesses. They have stolen the American Dream of Education, Family, Home Ownership, and running your own small business. They replaced it with large tuition loans, broken families, rent, and shitty lower paying jobs.
NAFTA is a conservative bogey man
It has minimal affect on jobs

War on poverty did what it was supposed to do. What it didn't do is anticipate that employers would stop paying a wage people could live off

Blame the capitalists not the government
Hillary has proven that she is a fraud and doesnt care for Black People, hasnt anyone ever taken notice that we never see Hillary Clinton in the same pic as Michelle,,or a photo of Hillary hugging and kissing Michelle O?

Mrs. Tuzla Clinton doesn't want to be in any pictures with younger people that will make her look even more like the old dried up grandma she is.
She is s younger than Trump

Only difference is that she is not orange
Hillary has proven that she is a fraud and doesnt care for Black People, hasnt anyone ever taken notice that we never see Hillary Clinton in the same pic as Michelle,,or a photo of Hillary hugging and kissing Michelle O?

Mrs. Tuzla Clinton doesn't want to be in any pictures with younger people that will make her look even more like the old dried up grandma she is.
She is s younger than Trump

Only difference is that she is not orange

Doesn't change what I posted.
Hillary has proven that she is a fraud and doesnt care for Black People, hasnt anyone ever taken notice that we never see Hillary Clinton in the same pic as Michelle,,or a photo of Hillary hugging and kissing Michelle O?

Mrs. Tuzla Clinton doesn't want to be in any pictures with younger people that will make her look even more like the old dried up grandma she is.
She is s younger than Trump

Only difference is that she is not orange

Doesn't change what I posted.
It is a fact

Hillary is not orange
One side believes in personal accountability regardless of race while the other believes that people by their skin color, creed, or nationality are too stupid to get ID cards and they do not believe people by their skin color, gender, or nationality cannot get a job or into a prestigious school so they create seperate, sub standard criteria so as to effectively compete against more qualified applicants.
Too bad almost everything else he did was total shit. His legacy will be the Americans who bled and died in a foreign country while he made arbitrary rules of engagement instead of winning. Vietnam and a failed war on poverty that increased poverty are not his finest moments.
War on poverty did what was intended
Ease the suffering of the poor and provide educational and jobs training

Better check your stats. There are more people below the poverty line now than every. More people unemployed than every. More people needing assistance than ever. That money didn't go toward ending poverty. It went to increasing the number of people who are dependent on government.
More people below the poverty level?

Blame the job creators not the government

Really. No wonder you are such a stooge. Clinton's NAFTA and his granting of permanent favored nation status to China had nothing to do with it. His dismantling of banking regulations has nothing to do with the economic problems of the last decade. Bush's wars had nothing to do with it. Obama's mandatory health care doesn't have a negative effect. The NWO that has been the progressive movement of the political elites in both parties since Bush Sr hasn't helped money flow out of America and into foreign investments mostly in the attempt to pull lower level service jobs and manufacturing jobs away from the USA while at the same time our government does nothing to increase tariffs on the cost of business to slow the bleeding.

What about too big to fail? Businesses that are vital to the political class and the wealthy are protected from failure at the cost of the working class.

Pull your head out. The war on poverty was a great slogan that never decreased poverty at all. The government has done everything it can to prop up multinational corporations at the expense of small businesses. They have stolen the American Dream of Education, Family, Home Ownership, and running your own small business. They replaced it with large tuition loans, broken families, rent, and shitty lower paying jobs.
NAFTA is a conservative bogey man
It has minimal affect on jobs

War on poverty did what it was supposed to do. What it didn't do is anticipate that employers would stop paying a wage people could live off

Blame the capitalists not the government

NAFTA at 20: One Million U.S. Jobs Lost, Higher Income Inequality

NAFTA at 20: One Million U.S. Jobs Lost, Higher Income Inequality
Hillary has proven that she is a fraud and doesnt care for Black People, hasnt anyone ever taken notice that we never see Hillary Clinton in the same pic as Michelle,,or a photo of Hillary hugging and kissing Michelle O?

Mrs. Tuzla Clinton doesn't want to be in any pictures with younger people that will make her look even more like the old dried up grandma she is.
She is s younger than Trump

Only difference is that she is not orange

Doesn't change what I posted.
It is a fact

Hillary is not orange

And I didn't say she her pasty white ass was orange.
Then you should support the Trump family as Trump's son Eric has given about 28 million to a children's hospital to take care of sick children. That's a lot more than any Clinton has ever done.

I think if Eric Trump did that, he is to be commended.

But he is not LBJ, and Eric Trump didn't pass the 1964 Civil Rights Act., nor did Donald Trump.

No, it was the Republicans who finally got enough pressure on the Democrats to do it. This was the third attempt and it was Dr Martin Luther King who put enough social pressure on the Democrats to force their hand.
You clearly know nothing about this.
Republicans didnt care about civil rights for blacks because most Republicans represented states with few blacks.

What a liberal hack you are. The Civil Rights Act of both 1957 and 1960 were pushed in Congress by Republicans and LBJ and the democrats fought against it. Try a history book. You might learn the truth.

The conservative Democrats fought against all of the Civil Rights Acts.

Because they were conservatives.

Bravo and extension of the lie about democrats. I am impressed with you ability to imagine things that just are not so.

The unvarnished truth is, they were democrats. No way around it.
No, it was the Republicans who finally got enough pressure on the Democrats to do it. This was the third attempt and it was Dr Martin Luther King who put enough social pressure on the Democrats to force their hand.
You clearly know nothing about this.
Republicans didnt care about civil rights for blacks because most Republicans represented states with few blacks.

What a liberal hack you are. The Civil Rights Act of both 1957 and 1960 were pushed in Congress by Republicans and LBJ and the democrats fought against it. Try a history book. You might learn the truth.

The conservative Democrats fought against all of the Civil Rights Acts.

Because they were conservatives.

No, because they were racist Democrats. Nice try at a projection of your party's lack of values onto others. You really haven't got a clue what conservatism is because you are so entrenched in party rhetoric that you just fight out of ignorance.

Why did southern Democrats call themselves conservatives if they weren't conservative?

Why did southern conservative Democrats join with conservative Republicans to form the Conservative Coalition if they weren't conservatives?

Conservative coalition - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Your ignorance of history is sadly comical.

The real question is, if they were conservative, instead of just calling them conservatives, why would they be democrats? So let's just focus on what we know to be true, they were democrats.
You clearly know nothing about this.
Republicans didnt care about civil rights for blacks because most Republicans represented states with few blacks.

What a liberal hack you are. The Civil Rights Act of both 1957 and 1960 were pushed in Congress by Republicans and LBJ and the democrats fought against it. Try a history book. You might learn the truth.

The conservative Democrats fought against all of the Civil Rights Acts.

Because they were conservatives.

No, because they were racist Democrats. Nice try at a projection of your party's lack of values onto others. You really haven't got a clue what conservatism is because you are so entrenched in party rhetoric that you just fight out of ignorance.

Why did southern Democrats call themselves conservatives if they weren't conservative?

Why did southern conservative Democrats join with conservative Republicans to form the Conservative Coalition if they weren't conservatives?

Conservative coalition - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Your ignorance of history is sadly comical.

The real question is, if they were conservative, instead of just calling them conservatives, why would they be democrats? So let's just focus on what we know to be true, they were democrats.

Having lived in the south, both Georgia and North Carolina, the Republicans are clearly dominating because of fiscal policy. Racism is across both parties and still heavily Democrat. "Southerners" are not one group.

Also, the elitist leftists like to make it sound like the violent racists who drove the KKK were the norm when they were not. The FBI brought down the KKK because even most of the racists in the south were opposed to violence to blacks. A few drove the rest, but the FBI had informers coming out of their ears who were afraid to openly oppose the extremists.

It's just more elitist bigotry from the anti-bigotry party, LOL
You clearly know nothing about this.
Republicans didnt care about civil rights for blacks because most Republicans represented states with few blacks.

What a liberal hack you are. The Civil Rights Act of both 1957 and 1960 were pushed in Congress by Republicans and LBJ and the democrats fought against it. Try a history book. You might learn the truth.

The conservative Democrats fought against all of the Civil Rights Acts.

Because they were conservatives.

No, because they were racist Democrats. Nice try at a projection of your party's lack of values onto others. You really haven't got a clue what conservatism is because you are so entrenched in party rhetoric that you just fight out of ignorance.

Why did southern Democrats call themselves conservatives if they weren't conservative?

Why did southern conservative Democrats join with conservative Republicans to form the Conservative Coalition if they weren't conservatives?

Conservative coalition - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Your ignorance of history is sadly comical.

The real question is, if they were conservative, instead of just calling them conservatives, why would they be democrats? So let's just focus on what we know to be true, they were democrats.

Do you think Zell Miller is no different than Elizabeth Warren? They're both Democrats.
Go fuck yourself you liberal hack. You are a moron who has to ignore history to feel good about yourself.Your point is that you are a moron who only knows liberal talking points instead of facts.You are a miserable scumbag.
So it appears we have someone here calling Rabbi a "liberal hack".


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