Lets play a game!

Do you have indictment fatigue?

  • Yes

  • No

  • I love BandMaid 😆

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Sometimes the idiots prevail, e.g. 2016! :biggrin:
I prevail 95% of the time there's a conflict so maybe you're right 😆

Just the other day my electric mower died. I loaded it up and took it back to Home Depot because I bought the 3 year extended warranty. The warranty died on July 4th. It was August 4th.
After some haggling they agreed to give me a FULL REFUND if I spent double on the replacement. I now own an all wheel drive mower for the cost of the first one! And yes I paid the 100.00 for another 3 years.
Am I an idiot? Perhaps. But I got what I wanted when they owed me nothing.

For the record Home Depot to me is like the ghettos favorite crack dealer. I struggle to just buy what I need every time
I thought Trump said he declassified them?? You saying the FBI planted declassified documents? :cuckoo:
Ssst, don't break his brain with inconsistencies. He probably doesn't have many braincells left.
Lol. Yup that'll work in court. I was framed, I tell you, I was framed.

As for proving. I have no more information than what is in the public realm. What is in the public realm though is sufficient to convince anyone not deliberately obtuse.
Trump was framed by the FBI. If the 'public realm' said 'Lynch that black guy' you'd go along. Now, go fuck off.
It won't even go to the Supreme Court. Trump will likely be impeached while his hand is still on the Bible as he says, "I do."
You think if Trump wins the left will get the house? After the last several years of massive disapproval numbers?

Wishful thinking at best.
Sheer ignorance at worst.
You think if Trump wins the left will get the house? After the last several years of massive disapproval numbers?

Wishful thinking at best.
Sheer ignorance at worst.
Trump won't win. He cannot win a general election. Ron DeSantis is damaged goods and should just wait until 2028. Nikki Haley or Tim Scott could win but it's unclear if Republicans have the stones to dump Trump and ignore DeSantis. For the rest, Democrats take back the House, after the complete dysfunction and chaos Republicans displayed since the 2022 elections. The Senate map favors Republicans taking it back by 2, maybe 3 seats. But in the current climate, I wouldn't bet the farm on it. And if Democrats hold the Senate at even, the map is most favorable in both 2026 and 2028.
Doubtful they will win given they've done almost nothing in the House since they wrestled control of it from Democrats.
They didn't wrestle control. The left gave it up freely because of their actions.
The only problem with the current house is their spending and love of war. That's certainly not a problem for today's left.
Trump won't win. He cannot win a general election. Ron DeSantis is damaged goods and should just wait until 2028. Nikki Haley or Tim Scott could win but it's unclear if Republicans have the stones to dump Trump and ignore DeSantis. For the rest, Democrats take back the House, after the complete dysfunction and chaos Republicans displayed since the 2022 elections. The Senate map favors Republicans taking it back by 2, maybe 3 seats. But in the current climate, I wouldn't bet the farm on it. And if Democrats hold the Senate at even, the map is most favorable in both 2026 and 2028.
The senate can not initiate an impeachment. So if they hold it there will be no impeachment.
They could definitely log jam any agenda but a log jam is a good thing most times.
An ineffective government is a win. No more garbage laws or regulations.
The senate can not initiate an impeachment. So if they hold it there will be no impeachment.
They could definitely log jam any agenda but a log jam is a good thing most times.
An ineffective government is a win. No more garbage laws or regulations.
The Senate can only vote to convict or acquit. I was responding to your "What if Trump wins" simulation. :)
And we have much bigger issues to worry about than "garbage laws and regulations".
The Senate can only vote to convict or acquit. I was responding to your "What if Trump wins" simulation. :)
And we have much bigger issues to worry about than "garbage laws and regulations".
No we really don't. The push to govern via current social standards is strangling our economy and children.
Maybe it seems like a game but there is rarely any bad news about Biden that the mainstream media doesn't defend or ignore. The same can't be said for two attempts on Trump's life with fake documents that lead to failed impeachments and frivolous indictments alleging technical violations of little known campaign statutes.
The indictments spell out the accusations. If he is found guilty will you simply trash the judiciary or accept the judgement?
I would and do blame the administration of President Biden for turning our political world into a Banana Republic complete with jailing competitors.

With a straight face, please tell us that this is a coincidence.

I would and do blame the administration of President Biden for turning our political world into a Banana Republic complete with jailing competitors.

With a straight face, please tell us that this is a coincidence.

If found guilty you will take the word of One Man over the jury?
The ability of people like you to deny stuff even when the relevant information is provided is truly astonishing. By the way. A judge ordered it? So, an ex-president is allowed to hide documents from a judge? I think they would disagree.

I'm willing to stomach a lot of dishonesty. On this board you kind of have too. But at a certain point it's no longer fun. I think you denying that a grand jury ordered the subpoena. After being provided with the court document, relevant text, and place to find the relevant text within the document, I think that point is reached.
Let's try a little exercise here, shall we? :D

This is the link you posted to support a Grand Jury convened to subpoena Trump:

Now all you gotta do is search the page for "Grand Jury" or "grand" or "jury".

It's in there, but what it really says is "Go through all your stuff and give us everything". Which is patently ridiculous.

Also no Grand Jury was convened to make those demands. That was strictly NARA, FBI, DOJ, and BIDEN!

YOU ARE COMMANDED to appear in this United States district court at the time, date, and place shown below to testify before the comt's grand jury. When you arrive, you must remain at the court until the judge or a court officer allows you to leave. Place: U.S. DISTRICT COURT FOR THE DISTRICT OF COLUMBIA U.S. Courthouse, 3rd Floor Grand Jury #2 1-09 333 Constitution A venue, N. W. Washington, D.C. 20001 Date and Time: May 24,YOU ARE COMMANDED to appear in this United States district court at the time, date, and place shown below to testify before the comt's grand jury. When you arrive, you must remain at the court until the judge or a court officer allows you to leave. Place: U.S. DISTRICT COURT FOR THE DISTRICT OF COLUMBIA U.S. Courthouse, 3rd Floor Grand Jury #2 1-09 333 Constitution A venue, N. W. Washington, D.C. 20001 Date and Time: May 24,

"Date: May 11, 2022 The name, address, telephone number and email of the prosecutor who requests this subpoena are: Jay I. Bratt . Subpoena #GJ2022042790054"
"As we discussed, in lieu of personally appearing on May 24, the custodian may comply with the subpoena by providing any responsive documents to the FBI at the place of their location. The FBI will ensure that the agents retrieving the documents have the proper clearances and will handle the materials in the appropriate manner. The custodian would also provide a sworn certification that the documents represent all responsive records. If there are no responsive documents, the custodian would provide a sworn certification to that effect. Thank you again for your cooperation.

Jay I. Bratt

< Chief Counterintelligence and Export Control Section"

So who is this "Jay I. Bratt "?

His name comes up around the Trump-Russia hoax.

Also here:
(Yeah, that's pretty janky and random)
That's not enough really, but I'm tired, have exercised a good bit today, and will revisit this at another time, maybe.
Bratt (as well as Jack Smith) has definitely been there since at least the Obama/Holder "Fast & Furious" days
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Trump won't win. He cannot win a general election. Ron DeSantis is damaged goods and should just wait until 2028. Nikki Haley or Tim Scott could win but it's unclear if Republicans have the stones to dump Trump and ignore DeSantis. For the rest, Democrats take back the House, after the complete dysfunction and chaos Republicans displayed since the 2022 elections. The Senate map favors Republicans taking it back by 2, maybe 3 seats. But in the current climate, I wouldn't bet the farm on it. And if Democrats hold the Senate at even, the map is most favorable in both 2026 and 2028.
Yeah, whatever, NostraDumbass. I say Democrat policies have been so disastrous and hurt so many people that

they're in for the biggest ass-kicking they've ever had across the board.
The senate can not initiate an impeachment. So if they hold it there will be no impeachment.
They could definitely log jam any agenda but a log jam is a good thing most times.
An ineffective government is a win. No more garbage laws or regulations.
Yes! That's the way our brilliant Founding Fathers set it up to be! :04:
Observers who have followed Trump's political career closely have seen instance after instance where Trump is accused of one nefarious or illegal act or another, and when the dust finally settles, Trump was innocent and the accusations were all not just incorrect, but intentionally slanderous.

The Russia collusion hoax.

The American Nazi's that Trump praised as "very fine people."

That Trump "bragged about grabbing people by [their private parts],"

Trump "raped" various women.

All nonsense. All lies.

And while this flurry of indictments are not exactly the same, they follow the same pattern. The Manhattan case is a joke, with no crime even accused. The Mar-a-Lago documents case is Constitutionally and logically preposterous; a person who had the absolute power to de-classify any document he wanted is being charged for handling those documents in a way that some bureaucrat didn't like; the President basically asks the Governor of Georgia to leave no stone unturned to find any and all Trump votes that may have previously been overlooked; the President continues claiming that the 2020 election was stolen after the New York Times decided that everything was in order.

Bullshit on steroids.

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