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Do you have indictment fatigue?

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You can say that as much as you want. IS AN EX-PRESIDENT ENTITLED TO HIDE DOCUMENTS THAT A GRAND JURY DEMANDED? Is that your position?
Unknowingly misplacing is not hiding. Think of it like Biden unknowingly storing classified documents in his garage.
You can say that as much as you want. IS AN EX-PRESIDENT ENTITLED TO HIDE DOCUMENTS THAT A GRAND JURY DEMANDED? Is that your position?
No Grand Jury demanded the documents, it's was NARA, the DOJ, and a judge.

I'm going to list some of the people involved for debate purposes.



Debra Steidel Wall..it's very important to read what she wrote in your link.

"As you are no doubt aware, NARA had ongoing communications with the former President's representatives throughout 2021 about what appeared to be missing Presidential records, which resulted in the transfer of 15 boxes of records to NARA in January 2022. In its initial review of materials within those boxes, NARA identified items marked as classified national security information, up to the level of Top Secret and including Sensitive Compartmented Information and Special Access Program materials. NARA informed the Department of Justice about that discovery, which prompted the Department to ask the President to request that NARA provide the FBI with access to the boxes at issue so that the FBI and others in the Intelligence Community could examine them. On April 11 , 2022, the White House Counsel's Office-affirming a request from the Department of Justice supported by an FBI letterhead memorandum-formally transmitted a request that NARA provide the FBI access to the 15 boxes for its review within seven days, with the possibility that the FBI might request copies of specific documents following its review of the boxes. Although the Presidential Records Act (PRA) generally restricts access to Presidential records in NARA's custody for several years after the conclusion of a President's tenure in office, the statute further provides that, "subject to any rights, defenses, or privileges which the United States or any agency or person may invoke," such records "shall be made available ... to an incumbent President if such records contain information that is needed for the conduct of current business of the incumbent President's office and that is not otherwise available." 44 U.S.C. §

The Counsel to the President has informed me that, in light of the particular circumstances presented here, President Biden defers to my determination, in consultation with the Assistant Attorney General for the Office of Legal Counsel, regarding whether or not I should uphold the former President's purported "protective asse1tion of executive privilege." See 36 C.F.R. § l 270.44(f)(3). Accordingly, I have consulted with the Assistant Attorney General for the Office of Legal Counsel to inform my "determination as to whether to honor the former President's claim of privilege or instead to disclose the Presidential records notwithstanding the claim of privilege." Exec. Order No. 13,489, § 4(a).

And here's the money shot, baby! "Accordingly, NARA will provide the FBI access to the records in question , as requested by the incumbent President, beginning as early as Thursday, May 12, 2022."

IOW, Biden said he wanted what Trump had because it was critical to his current business or some cockamamie bullshit

which is what got this whole shitball rolling!

Thanks fer the link, brah! :thup:
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No Grand Jury demaded the documents, it's was the DOJ and a judge.
The ability of people like you to deny stuff even when the relevant information is provided is truly astonishing. By the way. A judge ordered it? So, an ex-president is allowed to hide documents from a judge? I think they would disagree.

I'm willing to stomach a lot of dishonesty. On this board you kind of have too. But at a certain point it's no longer fun. I think you denying that a grand jury ordered the subpoena. After being provided with the court document, relevant text, and place to find the relevant text within the document, I think that point is reached.
The ability of people like you to deny stuff even when the relevant information is provided is truly astonishing. By the way. A judge ordered it? So, an ex-president is allowed to hide documents from a judge? I think they would disagree.

I'm willing to stomach a lot of dishonesty. On this board you kind of have too. But at a certain point it's no longer fun. I think you denying that a grand jury ordered the subpoena. After being provided with the court document, relevant text, and place to find the relevant text within the document, I think that point is reached.
Prove Trump was hiding them.
Unknowingly misplacing is not hiding. Think of it like Biden unknowingly storing classified documents in his garage.
Yes, of course. I often misplace classified documents in my desk. Sometimes right next to me keys.
Yes, of course. I often misplace classified documents in my desk. Sometimes right next to me keys.
Prove Trump hid them and stop with the bullshit. 'JackOffNoTrades' link has a quote from Trump saying he was working with archives. Did you not read it?
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Prove Trump hid them and stop with the bullshit.
Read the indictment.

Failing that, just see the picture of the documents in Trump's office. It was taken during the execution of the search-warrant. There are court filings with the FBI stating they found documents in his desk. There's testimony from Trump's own lawyer that Trump signaled him to remove damaging documents. There's according to the indictment video surveillance video of Nauta removing documents a day prior Cochrane going through the documents, and video of him putting some of them back after he left.

This truly won't be a heavy lift to prove.

As for bullshit. Leo I fear that without bullshit you would have nothing to say. Prove it? Trump can tell you personally he did so, and you would still say "I don't believe it"
Every time bad news comes out publicly about the Biden corrupt family high five a conservative.

Then the next day when Trump is indicted slap a leftist.

Seriously though don't you all have indictment fatigue? It's so overplayed in the media it's all the MSM wants to talk about. It is TRUMP TRUMP TRUMP or RUSSIA RUSSIA RUSSIA on fucking steroids 24/7
It feels like a twisted game of Wack-a-Mole played by the media where Trump is the mole and the paddle is a bundle of indictments.

Personally I think the left are overplaying their hand BIGLY and they better pray to God Trump doesn't become president. I feel BIG changes coming in the pipeline. I'm just not sure if those changes will come through political figures or violence from a fed up population. If it's the latter I suspect Jan 6th will look like child's play.
So you're saying if Trump goes to prison or isn't reelected you will attempt a violent overthrow of the US government.

Okay, you just crossed over into StupidLand. Tell me why the subpoenas were warranted and legal to begin with.

Not to mention unprecedented that a NARA worker demands documents from a former president.

What's unprecedented about it?
Most people think a former president being indicted for 78 and counting felonies a big deal. It's kind of odd frankly that you don't.

As for the "corrupt" Biden family. The moment any of you can articulate an actual crimes. I promise you I will look at the evidence to support that crime very carefully.

So far what I understand is the the son of the president who's NOT nor ever was a public official used the name of his father to earn money. All the rest I heard is accusations by highly dubious sources, unverified government forms and a whole lot of bluster.

None of it amount to even the basis of any serious investigation in the only person either of us really cares about in this case, namely JOE BIDEN.

If you want to claim Hunter Biden is an asshole. You won't get an argument from me. But I would suggest you look at what you know and what you suspect. I promise you those things aren't the same thing.
Come on man. If you can't see criminal behavior from President Joe Biden down through his whole administration then you're just watching Legacy Media and refusing to face the truth.

Unknowingly misplacing is not hiding. Think of it like Biden unknowingly storing classified documents in his garage.


This was "unknowingly misplacing" them, was it...?


Read the indictment.

Failing that, just see the picture of the documents in Trump's office. It was taken during the execution of the search-warrant. There are court filings with the FBI stating they found documents in his desk. There's testimony from Trump's own lawyer that Trump signaled him to remove damaging documents. There's according to the indictment video surveillance video of Nauta removing documents a day prior Cochrane going through the documents, and video of him putting some of them back after he left.

This truly won't be a heavy lift to prove.

As for bullshit. Leo I fear that without bullshit you would have nothing to say. Prove it? Trump can tell you personally he did so, and you would still say "I don't believe it"
You poor sucker, after all the FBI lied about with regard to Trump (The fake dossier being a good example) you STILL believe they didn't plant those documents? BTW.....Tell us what Trump was going to do with these documents? Did he use them to overthrow our Republic? Has he said he hates America and will use documents to tear it down? What is his motive? What was in those 'damaging documents?' Do you even know? I didn't ask Trump to prove anything I am asking YOU the one making the allegations and so far, you got exactly 0.
Come on man. If you can't see criminal behavior from President Joe Biden down through his whole administration then you're just watching Legacy Media and refusing to face the truth.

You know their thinking 'Brandon GOOD'....'Orange Man BAAAD'
Jack Smith structured a layered indictment that will ensure a conviction at some level. He knows what he is doing.

Trump will not be allowed to pardon himself if elected

What he will do is replace the prosecutors with his own men and order them to give a half hearted prosecution, not contest defense motions and drop charges
You are full of shit.
Prove Trump hid them and stop with the bullshit. 'JackOffNoTrades' link has a quote from Trump saying he was working with archives. Did you not read it?
Sure. But he can say anything. He was talking to the archives...while trying to move and hide docs from them at the same time. :)
Kinda defeating the purpose.
Come on man. If you can't see criminal behavior from President Joe Biden down through his whole administration then you're just watching Legacy Media and refusing to face the truth.

Devon Archers bombshell, oh yes. First, the most you can say that Archer testified too is that Hunter called his father, his father took the phone and that he talked to the people Hunter was doing business with. He also testified Joe only did small talk when this happened. From that you have to infer first that Hunter Biden's business dealings were illegal. Something I've yet to see proven. He earned money from foreign businesses doesn't get you there. And then you need to infer that Joe Biden was into whatever illegal thing you accuse Hunter of. I'm not a fan of Hunter or nepotism. I'm also not a fan of whataboutisms. This one is pretty ironic though. Considering the money during and after made by Trump personally and his sons and daughters on the back of his status.

This is 2 inferences. Without proper justification IMO.
You poor sucker, after all the FBI lied about with regard to Trump (The fake dossier being a good example) you STILL believe they didn't plant those documents? BTW.....Tell us what Trump was going to do with these documents? Did he use them to overthrow our Republic? Has he said he hates America and will use documents to tear it down? What is his motive? What was in those 'damaging documents?' Do you even know? I didn't ask Trump to prove anything I am asking YOU the one making the allegations and so far, you got exactly 0.

I thought Trump said he declassified them?? You saying the FBI planted declassified documents? :cuckoo:
You poor sucker, after all the FBI lied about with regard to Trump (The fake dossier being a good example) you STILL believe they didn't plant those documents? BTW.....Tell us what Trump was going to do with these documents? Did he use them to overthrow our Republic? Has he said he hates America and will use documents to tear it down? What is his motive? What was in those 'damaging documents?' Do you even know? I didn't ask Trump to prove anything I am asking YOU the one making the allegations and so far, you got exactly 0.
Lol. Yup that'll work in court. I was framed, I tell you, I was framed.

As for proving. I have no more information than what is in the public realm. What is in the public realm though is sufficient to convince anyone not deliberately obtuse.


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