Let’s pretend republicans gained full control of the government in 2024

Whatever. I know you know what is afoot in your party. If you don't you're an even bigger fool than I give you credit for.
We openly and proudly announce our intention to destroy the Dem party. Be glad we haven't already sent the Dem scum into exile.
I don't think inflation would be as much of a problem if Republicans had won.

They wouldn't have forced lock downs as much and tried to give people free money for so long they didn't want to go back to work. People would have had to work a lot sooner and not sat on their ass so long they had to be bribed to work with huge pay increases and sign on bonuses which led to companies having to charge more.

We wouldn't have the shortages that drive inflation. All these shortages are still planned by Democrats. Even during the height of the pandemic when no one was working, businesses had to shutdown, and we were locking down all the big businesses were selling and shipping record amounts of product without a single hitch.

Gas wouldn't be high at all. Soon as Biden took over he worked hard to limit and in some cases cease domestic oil production, bought oil from Russia and then sold our reserves to China.

We wouldn't have vaccine mandates threatening workers or businesses pushing workers to quit or strike.

We wouldn't have floods of illegals stressing our economic system.

Republicans wouldn't have fought to allow rioters and looters to disrupt so many major cities and cause store closings and interrupt the system.

And so on. Democrats have done so much to cause problems and inflation. I'm sure Republicans would have had us back to normal by now.
What SPECIFIC policies would address inflation or ANY economic problem?

We already know trickle down economics is a failure. What else do republicans even offer?

Repeal all overreaching laws and keep the government out of the private sector. That's what happened under Trump and the economy rock-n-rolled.
What SPECIFIC policies would address inflation or ANY economic problem?

We already know trickle down economics is a failure. What else do republicans even offer?

Repealing all the spending the Democrats just approved, and I mean for the last two year. Government borrowing increases the number of dollars in circulation, and all this new spending was financed with borrowing.
Over the decades I have watched the Dem party move from center/right to far left as they purged moderates from their party. Now they are nearly 100% dishonest lying filth who lie, cheat and steal elections to maintain their hold on power. It's time for American to send them packing.
Never, the left LIE! I didn't even respond to that liars lie, what's the point anymore. Almost everything they say is a lie.
Yeah, and notice how hard they try to paint Republicans as the ones who lie.

They aren't fooling anyong.
Yeah, and notice how hard they try to paint Republicans as the ones who lie.

They aren't fooling anyong.
I love watching the Dem idiots flail about in all directions as they lose their grip on power. I warned them Trump was only the first salvo. You have to give Trump credit he took a wrecking ball to decades of carefully crafted Dem propaganda and liberal media control. But it will require a few more Trump's to finally destroy the Dem party. Great first wave though, good job Trump!
Reverse all of the Xiden-Nance-Chuckles edits, for starters.
Do you realize how dumb it sounds to pretend these policies don’t exist? I mean if the name bothers you, it’s such a lame point. Regardless of what you call it, these policies exist either way.
What's "dumb", Billy...is pretending that trickle down economics exists anywhere in the real world! It doesn't! It's a pejorative term coined by liberals that don't understand how Supply Side theory works. Liberals like yourself that don't have a clue about Economics. Liberals like you and the entire Biden White House that don't understand basic Macro Economic formulas. Inflation is going to get worse because people like you can't seem to grasp that flooding an economy with trillions of dollars in stimulus has an effect on that economy! First year Econ 101 students understand a concept that liberals are oblivious to!
Repeal all overreaching laws and keep the government out of the private sector. That's what happened under Trump and the economy rock-n-rolled.
The economy had 3 million less private jobs by the time his term ended.

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