Let's rename the Robert C Byrd HS too. He was KKK also

Interestingly enough, white women take more advantage of AA than anyone else.

I don't know of the statistics to whether that is true or not - but I have been very outspoken on the illegality of WOB's. (Women Owned Businesses) The tax breaks they get, federal grants, and speedy licensing is federally sponsored discrimination.
Government departments consistently give contracts to MOB's (minority owned business) and WOB's on a regular basis - AND - give tax breaks to private companies that grant contracts and award bids to them.
I can speak first hand how exasperating it is to lose a contract because I am white and have a penis. It is WORSE than discrimination in the past - because now it is government sponsored.
How about the late Repub George Wallace?

He also denounced his own previous stand against integration.

Do you racist slimebags also believe schools should not be named after him?

You didn't answer the question. Were you outraged that trent lot was called a racist, by just trying to make an old man feel good on his birthday?
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High School Named After KKK Leader Renamed...

School named after KKK grand wizard to be renamed — finally
December 16,`13 ~ Following a petition drive that garnered more than 160,000 signatures, a Florida school district will rename a high school whose current name commemorates a Confederate general and the first “grand wizard” of the Ku Klux Klan.
Nathan B. Forrest High School in Jacksonville will soon be known as something else after the community made clear to the Duval County Public School Board that they wanted the school changed. The board voted unanimously Monday night to remove the Forrest name. How did the school get that name? When it opened in 1959, an organization called the Daughters of the Confederacy pushed for the Forrest name despite a number of other noncontroversial names that were under discussion, including the student favorite, Valhalla High School. In 2007 the School Advisory Council asked the school board to change the name but it refused by a 5-2 vote. Since then, membership on the panel has changed.

At the school board meeting Monday night, Supt. Nikolai Vitti said: If you look at the history of the naming of Nathan B. Forrest High School, the students originally wanted the school to be named Valhalla. Politics reigned and as a response to desegregation and the civil rights movement, the school was named Nathan B. Forrest. That was not the will of the students, and considering the opinion of the students in this process, I think it is an opportunity to give voice to students whose voices were not heard in the beginning and can certainly be heard now.


Nathan Bedford Forrest

Today, more than half of the school’s students are African American. The Change.org petition to change the name was written by Jacksonville resident Omotayo Richmond, who wrote in part: I moved to Jacksonville from Long Island 12 years ago. Since then, I’ve put down roots here. I’ve helped raise a beautiful daughter here. This place is my home now, and the people who live here deserve better than a high school named for the first Grand Wizard of the KKK. That’s right, Jacksonville is home to Nathan Bedford Forrest High School, named in honor of a Confederate general who infamously slaughtered Black Union soldiers who’d already surrendered and who was a founding member of the original Ku Klux Klan. The school got its name in 1959, when white civic leaders wanted to protest a court decision that called for integrating public schools. I don’t want my daughter, or any student, going to a school named under those circumstances. This is a bad look for Florida — with so much racial division in our state, renaming Forrest High would be a step toward healing…

After the petition drive began, an “imperial kaltrop” of the KKK wrote a letter urging the board to keep the name.


Thanks for that background. I kinda wondered why the racist asshole who started the thread posted "The dems forced the Nathan B Forrest school to change it's [sic] name" and couldn't back it up. Now we see why; the community did it.
Thank you - and my question still stands. Wallace was a low-life racist, anti-everybody. He was the backward, ignorant sort who might well have burned crosses but he apparently pulled dragged himself out the mud and was able to actually become a real man. Sure, I could be wrong but my question is simply -

Can a leopard change his stripes?

Can a monster like him redeem himself?

He saw the light and renounced the KKK.

Also "was" because he's dead.

Or, hadn't you heard?

How about we ferret out KKK scum who are alive and actually currently practicing their hate?

How about we start with racist scum like ShootsSpeeders?

"Ferret them out" and do what to them?

He saw the light and renounced the KKK.

Also "was" because he's dead.

Or, hadn't you heard?

How about we ferret out KKK scum who are alive and actually currently practicing their hate?

How about we start with racist scum like ShootsSpeeders?

aaannnnnnddddd end the thread. There is no point with continuing now.
How about the late Repub George Wallace?

He also denounced his own previous stand against integration.

Do you racist slimebags also believe schools should not be named after him?

Wallace was never a Republican. He was a Democrat and then an independent.
Interestingly enough, white women take more advantage of AA than anyone else.

I don't know of the statistics to whether that is true or not - but I have been very outspoken on the illegality of WOB's. (Women Owned Businesses) The tax breaks they get, federal grants, and speedy licensing is federally sponsored discrimination.
Government departments consistently give contracts to MOB's (minority owned business) and WOB's on a regular basis - AND - give tax breaks to private companies that grant contracts and award bids to them.
I can speak first hand how exasperating it is to lose a contract because I am white and have a penis. It is WORSE than discrimination in the past - because now it is government sponsored.

That's the point i make too. Todays affirmative action is MANDATED by the govt itself even though the 14th amendment guarantees everyone equal protection under the law. AA is racist and sexist and immoral and unconstitutional.
Thank you - and my question still stands. Wallace was a low-life racist, anti-everybody. He was the backward, ignorant sort who might well have burned crosses but he apparently pulled dragged himself out the mud and was able to actually become a real man. Sure, I could be wrong but my question is simply -

Can a leopard change his stripes?

Can a monster like him redeem himself?

You liberals are the monsters for demanding affirmative action, the govt mandated persecution of white people. THAT'S A HATE CRIME, if i ever saw one.
How about the late Repub George Wallace?

He also denounced his own previous stand against integration.

Do you racist slimebags also believe schools should not be named after him?

Wallace was never a Republican. He was a Democrat and then an independent.
George Wallace - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

The 1964 unpledged elector slate
In 1964, Alabama Republicans stood to benefit from the unintended consequences of two developments: (1) Governor Wallace vacating the race for the Democratic presidential nomination against President Johnson, and (2) the designation of unpledged Democratic electors in Alabama, in effect removing President Johnson from the general election ballot. Prior to the 1964 Republican National Convention in San Francisco, Wallace and his aides Bill Jones and Seymore Trammell met in the Jefferson Davis Hotel in Montgomery with Alabama Republican leader James D. Martin, who had narrowly lost the U.S. Senate election in 1962 to J. Lister Hill. Wallace and his aides sought to determine if Barry M. Goldwater, the forthcoming GOP presidential nominee who as a senator from Arizona had voted against the Civil Rights Act of 1964 on libertarian and constitutional grounds, would advocate repeal of the law, particularly the public accommodations and equal employment sections. Bill Jones indicated that Wallace agreed with Goldwater's anti-communist stance but opposed the Republican's proposal to make Social Security a voluntary program. Jones stressed that Wallace had sacrificed his own presidential aspirations that year to allow a direct GOP challenge to President Johnson. It was later disclosed that Wallace proposed at the meeting with Martin to switch parties if he could be named as Goldwater's running-mate, a designation later given to U.S. Representative William E. Miller of New York. Goldwater reportedly rejected the overture because of Wallace's lack of strength outside the Deep South.[27]
Thank you - and my question still stands. Wallace was a low-life racist, anti-everybody. He was the backward, ignorant sort who might well have burned crosses but he apparently pulled dragged himself out the mud and was able to actually become a real man. Sure, I could be wrong but my question is simply -

Can a leopard change his stripes?

Can a monster like him redeem himself?

You liberals are the monsters for demanding affirmative action, the govt mandated persecution of white people. THAT'S A HATE CRIME, if i ever saw one.

There is nothing "liberal" about affirmative action, idiot.
Indeed! I suggest the new name should honor Malcolm X or Pope Francis.

What did malcom x ever do, you idiot.? Making racist anti-white hate speeches does NOT count as an accomplishment.

You need to talk to the idiot who started the OP?

Making racist hate speeches, my friend, is a negative accomplishment. :lol:

OK, we can name it Nathan B. Forrest HS. Or Trent Lott HS.
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The dems forced the Nathan B Forrest school to change it's name on grounds that Nat was a former Klansman but so too was DEMOCRAT Byrd and we have a school named after him in West Virginia and that's allowed to stand!!! And Byrd is not ancient history like Nat. Byrd was in congress just a few years back.

Robert C. Byrd High School in CLARKSBURG, WV | Best High Schools | US News

If the people of that school district want to, they should go for it.

West Virginia was made a separate state in 1863 when the people in that area wanted to be a free state and the people in what is now Virginia wanted to remain a slave state.

Here is an enlightening site concerning the development of states in our country.
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...someone is offended...

But I found this interesting about Nathan Bedford Forrest...

The following text is excerpted from Forrest's farewell address to his troops:

Civil war, such as you have just passed through naturally engenders feelings of animosity, hatred, and revenge. It is our duty to divest ourselves of all such feelings; and as far as it is in our power to do so, to cultivate friendly feelings towards those with whom we have so long contended, and heretofore so widely, but honestly, differed. Neighborhood feuds, personal animosities, and private differences should be blotted out; and, when you return home, a manly, straightforward course of conduct will secure the respect of your enemies. Whatever your responsibilities may be to Government, to society, or to individuals meet them like men.

The attempt made to establish a separate and independent Confederation has failed; but the consciousness of having done your duty faithfully, and to the end, will, in some measure, repay for the hardships you have undergone. In bidding you farewell, rest assured that you carry with you my best wishes for your future welfare and happiness. Without, in any way, referring to the merits of the Cause in which we have been engaged, your courage and determination, as exhibited on many hard-fought fields, has elicited the respect and admiration of friend and foe. And I now cheerfully and gratefully acknowledge my indebtedness to the officers and men of my command whose zeal, fidelity and unflinching bravery have been the great source of my past success in arms.

I have never, on the field of battle, sent you where I was unwilling to go myself; nor would I now advise you to a course which I felt myself unwilling to pursue. You have been good soldiers, you can be good citizens. Obey the laws, preserve your honor, and the Government to which you have surrendered can afford to be, and will be, magnanimous.

— N.B. Forrest, Lieut.-General
Headquarters, Forrest's Cavalry Corps
Gainesville, Alabama
May 9, 1865

It's also interesting to know that he influenced how Wars would be fought after the Civil War... Something the Winning Side in the Civil War certainly utilized. :thup:

Was he a Slaveholding ex-KKK member?... Sure he was... But the DemocRATS "Conscience of the Senate" in the modern day, Robert "There are White *******" Byrd (D-KKK) was a Grand Kleagle in the KKK and Filibustered AGAINST Civil Rights for Blacks as a US Senator.

List of places named after Robert Byrd - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

^^^Well I'll be God son-of-bitch-bastard damned...

Look at that LONG list of places, MANY Public, that are named after a Former Grand Kleagle who was still droppin' "******" like he used it everyday while W was President.

Seems to me that we can't have things named after former Klansman and Bigots, amirite?... :dunno:

I'm certain Liberals like [MENTION=8806]manifold[/MENTION] can be Honest regarding this VERY Important Issue of Newspeak. :thup:


...someone is offended...

But I found this interesting about Nathan Bedford Forrest...

The following text is excerpted from Forrest's farewell address to his troops:

Civil war, such as you have just passed through naturally engenders feelings of animosity, hatred, and revenge. It is our duty to divest ourselves of all such feelings; and as far as it is in our power to do so, to cultivate friendly feelings towards those with whom we have so long contended, and heretofore so widely, but honestly, differed. Neighborhood feuds, personal animosities, and private differences should be blotted out; and, when you return home, a manly, straightforward course of conduct will secure the respect of your enemies. Whatever your responsibilities may be to Government, to society, or to individuals meet them like men.

The attempt made to establish a separate and independent Confederation has failed; but the consciousness of having done your duty faithfully, and to the end, will, in some measure, repay for the hardships you have undergone. In bidding you farewell, rest assured that you carry with you my best wishes for your future welfare and happiness. Without, in any way, referring to the merits of the Cause in which we have been engaged, your courage and determination, as exhibited on many hard-fought fields, has elicited the respect and admiration of friend and foe. And I now cheerfully and gratefully acknowledge my indebtedness to the officers and men of my command whose zeal, fidelity and unflinching bravery have been the great source of my past success in arms.

I have never, on the field of battle, sent you where I was unwilling to go myself; nor would I now advise you to a course which I felt myself unwilling to pursue. You have been good soldiers, you can be good citizens. Obey the laws, preserve your honor, and the Government to which you have surrendered can afford to be, and will be, magnanimous.

— N.B. Forrest, Lieut.-General
Headquarters, Forrest's Cavalry Corps
Gainesville, Alabama
May 9, 1865

It's also interesting to know that he influenced how Wars would be fought after the Civil War... Something the Winning Side in the Civil War certainly utilized. :thup:

Was he a Slaveholding ex-KKK member?... Sure he was... But the DemocRATS "Conscience of the Senate" in the modern day, Robert "There are White *******" Byrd (D-KKK) was a Grand Kleagle in the KKK and Filibustered AGAINST Civil Rights for Blacks as a US Senator.

List of places named after Robert Byrd - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

^^^Well I'll be God son-of-bitch-bastard damned...

Look at that LONG list of places, MANY Public, that are named after a Former Grand Kleagle who was still droppin' "******" like he used it everyday while W was President.

Seems to me that we can't have things named after former Klansman and Bigots, amirite?... :dunno:

I'm certain Liberals like @manifold can be Honest regarding this VERY Important Issue of Newspeak. :thup:



Political Correctness...run amok...and behold...it's from the very same idiots that try to revise history and say it is the right wing that are the racists...I live within 3 miles of that High School...and like it or not...it IS part of our history...and I don't mind a bit that it is named after Forest...

Seems the LEFT is trying to erase ANY TRACE their grand history...as they try to feign ignorance...and blame the other side for it.

What School in Jacksonville is next? J.E.B. Stuart Middle School? Robert E. Lee High School? Stonewall Jackson Elementary... (ALL in Jacksonville)?

Give these PC nuts time...they'll find a way to try to erase history...THEIRS.

Thanks Mal.
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Fuck Robert Byrd and fuck Nathan Forrest. There problem solved.
Not quite. Saying 'Fuck them doesn't erase history spanky. But you cover your eyes, hide under the covers and pretend it doesn't exist...OK?
Well, they couldn't get rid of Confederate Hall at Vanderbilt. The Daughters of the Confederacy paid for the building and the name was a matter of contract. The name stays. The contract held up in court.
Nathan Bedford Forrest is one of those Democrats that conservatives bring up (indirectly)

when they're trying to disparage the Democratic Party as the party of racism.

Some of us didn't realize some of you meant that as a compliment.

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