Let's Revisit How Unhinged Tim Scott Is Now That He's Running for President

I am not arguing with you about anything, I am simply asking why you think an old rich white guy is your stepping stone to being diverse.....i am still waiting on you to explain that.
I have explained it to you by pointing to the continued diversification of the Democratic party as well as its political march leftward.
I mean, maybe because he told you to support Obama because ...well... "I mean, you got the first mainstream African-American who is articulate and bright and clean and a nice-looking guy," Biden said. "I mean, that's a storybook, man." Joey "Racial Jungle" Xiden... Biden's description of Obama draws scrutiny - CNN.com

Hey, I guess....maybe....
Maybe you just rather do cosplay.
It acts like an intelligence test, doesn't it?

Smart black people realize how they are being patronized and are offended by it. The stupid ones don't even have a clue they are being patronized at all.

I'm reminded of that shameless exhibit a few years where Nancy organized a photo op showing her and other incredibly entitled white people kneeling in African tribal robes.
So the 90% of black voters who vote democratic are just stupid huh?

Let's Revisit How Unhinged Tim Scott Is Now That He's Running for President

As an African-American running as a Republican in South Carolina, it is a political necessity for Tim Scott to be, or at least feign being, unhinged. After all he must appeal to Southern white Christian nationalist voters who are themselves unhinged.

In the Old Confederacy there are hatreds and prejudices that have been Southern traditions for over two centuries, hatreds and prejudices that trump’s presidential campaign first began reinvigorating in 2015. Tim Scott must rely on the same trump hate-filled rhetoric if he expects support from the 74 million+ voters trump won in 2020. Scott must also win over the moderate Republicans and Democrats that voted for trump in 2016, but not in 2020.

For Scott, that is one giant mountain to climb, especially since trump and his cult will be looking to avenge trump’s massive 2020 loss to Biden. And, as a candidate running for the GOP’s 2024 nomination, much of trump’s racially charged hate-speech will be targeting Scott.



A FULLY retarded post.

You really should never go full retard, Bertie.

Has anyone else noticed how the hysterical dingbat useful idiots attempt to crucify anyone who dares run for POTUS as a republican? Even if it's one of their sacred cow minorities? Lulz.
Has anyone else noticed how the hysterical dingbat useful idiots attempt to crucify anyone who dares run for POTUS as a republican? Even if it's one of their sacred cow minorities? Lulz.
Only you think minorities are sacred. (When they're conservative)

Let's Revisit How Unhinged Tim Scott Is Now That He's Running for President

As an African-American running as a Republican in South Carolina, it is a political necessity for Tim Scott to be, or at least feign being, unhinged. After all he must appeal to Southern white Christian nationalist voters who are themselves unhinged.

In the Old Confederacy there are hatreds and prejudices that have been Southern traditions for over two centuries, hatreds and prejudices that trump’s presidential campaign first began reinvigorating in 2015. Tim Scott must rely on the same trump hate-filled rhetoric if he expects support from the 74 million+ voters trump won in 2020. Scott must also win over the moderate Republicans and Democrats that voted for trump in 2016, but not in 2020.

For Scott, that is one giant mountain to climb, especially since trump and his cult will be looking to avenge trump’s massive 2020 loss to Biden. And, as a candidate running for the GOP’s 2024 nomination, much of trump’s racially charged hate-speech will be targeting Scott.

WOW ... You're such a RACIST....

Let's Revisit How Unhinged Tim Scott Is Now That He's Running for President

As an African-American running as a Republican in South Carolina, it is a political necessity for Tim Scott to be, or at least feign being, unhinged. After all he must appeal to Southern white Christian nationalist voters who are themselves unhinged.

In the Old Confederacy there are hatreds and prejudices that have been Southern traditions for over two centuries, hatreds and prejudices that trump’s presidential campaign first began reinvigorating in 2015. Tim Scott must rely on the same trump hate-filled rhetoric if he expects support from the 74 million+ voters trump won in 2020. Scott must also win over the moderate Republicans and Democrats that voted for trump in 2016, but not in 2020.

For Scott, that is one giant mountain to climb, especially since trump and his cult will be looking to avenge trump’s massive 2020 loss to Biden. And, as a candidate running for the GOP’s 2024 nomination, much of trump’s racially charged hate-speech will be targeting Scott.

It won't be long before a string of women show up accusing Tim Scott of "sexual assault". The DemoCraps are as predictable as the sunrise.
Why do Democrats ALWAYS want to silence BLACK voices ???
They regard black Americans with paternalistic contempt. This is revealed in several ways, one of which we see the way they react any time a black American reveals a conservative thought or criticizes a democrat. The other primary way we see it is in their view of black Americans as unable to succeed in life without liberal white Americans to help them. There is only one accepted way of thinking for black Americans among democrats, and it's not related to independence at all.
Is the only reason you think Democrats can't attack their political opponents is because that opponent happens to be black?

Don't you clowns get tired of telling on yourselves? 😄
If you were honest, you would admit that you would be shrieking bloody murder about how racist all the Republicans are if they were to say things about black democrats like the attacks from democrats on any black conservative or Republican.
Yet you're the one suggesting there would be something wrong for Democrats to criticize Tim Scott.
Depends on how they're attacking, doesn't it? If they attack policies, that's one thing. If they attack him on the basis that he's black, completely another.
That's what cosplaying little cuck boys like you need to tell yourself. You have to believe Black voters love Joe Biden. You can't let yourself accept that Biden is his just a stepping stone on our way to a culturally and ethnically diverse Democratic party that is lot more vocally progressive and willing to fight white wing Conservatism than the current crop of moderates.

You white leftists ruin everything you touch.

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