Let's Revisit How Unhinged Tim Scott Is Now That He's Running for President


Let's Revisit How Unhinged Tim Scott Is Now That He's Running for President

As an African-American running as a Republican in South Carolina, it is a political necessity for Tim Scott to be, or at least feign being, unhinged. After all he must appeal to Southern white Christian nationalist voters who are themselves unhinged.

In the Old Confederacy there are hatreds and prejudices that have been Southern traditions for over two centuries, hatreds and prejudices that trump’s presidential campaign first began reinvigorating in 2015. Tim Scott must rely on the same trump hate-filled rhetoric if he expects support from the 74 million+ voters trump won in 2020. Scott must also win over the moderate Republicans and Democrats that voted for trump in 2016, but not in 2020.

For Scott, that is one giant mountain to climb, especially since trump and his cult will be looking to avenge trump’s massive 2020 loss to Biden. And, as a candidate running for the GOP’s 2024 nomination, much of trump’s racially charged hate-speech will be targeting Scott.


You just dislike him because he's black.
1) I'm not a "conservative.

2) You're still a chump.
That's what cosplaying little cuck boys like you need to tell yourself. You have to believe Black voters love Joe Biden. You can't let yourself accept that Biden is his just a stepping stone on our way to a culturally and ethnically diverse Democratic party that is lot more vocally progressive and willing to fight white wing Conservatism than the current crop of moderates.
That's what cosplaying little cuck boys like you need to tell yourself. You have to believe Black voters love Joe Biden. You can't let yourself accept that Biden is his just a stepping stone on our way to a culturally and ethnically diverse Democratic party that is lot more vocally progressive and willing to fight white wing Conservatism than the current crop of moderates.
See?!?...You've been fed that stale fucking boilerplate for as long as you've been alive, and y'all still believe it! :laugh:

Are you going to be an absolute snowflake and compare us pointing and laughing at Tim Scott for being a 30 year old virgin and then still failing to live up to his so called principles to lynching? You're going to be that guy? 😄
He was born in 1965, so I am not sure how he'd only be 30....but hey, it's never to early to start making things up and throwing out personal insults....the racial attacks will soon follow, I'm sure..
See?!?...You've been fed that stale fucking boilerplate for as long as you've been alive, and y'all still believe it! :laugh:

Fed what and by who? If we love Biden we're chumps if we keep pushing the Democratic party leftward we're chumps. It's almost like you don't have an actual argument and just want to call us chumps like the cosplayer that you are. 😄
That's what cosplaying little cuck boys like you need to tell yourself. You have to believe Black voters love Joe Biden. You can't let yourself accept that Biden is his just a stepping stone on our way to a culturally and ethnically diverse Democratic party that is lot more vocally progressive and willing to fight white wing Conservatism than the current crop of moderates.
How is an old rich white guy as the head of your party make you culturally and ethnically diverse?
Once again White wingers show us all they do is project. They're the ones who think they can hide behind a black man without criticisms of his beliefs or policies just because he black.
hahah you haven't been critical of his beliefs or politics....you've made up stuff, called him a 30 year old virgin....
He was born in 1965, so I am not sure how he'd only be 30....but hey,
He was 30 when he made his comments about being a virgin and living a good christian life by abstaining from sex until marriage. He's still unmarried and has since confessed to breaking his vow of abstinence. What are you confused about you Bingo?
it's never to early to start making things up and throwing out personal insults....the racial attacks will soon follow, I'm sure..
Or you could just inform yourself of the facts before commenting like a complete Dipshit.

Fed what and by who? If we love Biden we're chumps if we keep pushing the Democratic party leftward we're chumps. It's almost like you don't have an actual argument and just want to call us chumps like the cosplayer that you are. 😄
They're so far left that they're a half step to the right of Stalin, and everything is worse for your people.....And your answer is to keep doing what you've been doing for over 60 years...





How is an old rich white guy as the head of your party make you culturally and ethnically diverse?
How is one person an example of a lack of diversity among an entire group? This Democratic party is more diverse than its ever been. This Congress is the most diverse in history despite Joe Biden being white. Do you understand how that works Bingo?
He was 30 when he made his comments about being a virgin and living a good christian life by abstaining from sex until marriage. He's still unmarried and has since confessed to breaking his vow of abstinence. What are you confused about you Bingo?

Or you could just inform yourself of the facts before commenting like a complete Dipshit.

1) so he's not a virgin? more made up stuff
2) the fact you still haven't been critical of his policies or beliefs....or are you saying you are critical of people that aren't married?
How is one person an example of a lack of diversity among an entire group? This Democratic party is more diverse than its ever been. This Congress is the most diverse in history despite Joe Biden being white. Do you understand how that works Bingo?
I didn't say it was...you are the one that claimed the old rich white guy was the stepping stone to it....hahaha
They're so far left that they're a half step to the right of Stalin, and everything is worse for your people.....And your answer is to keep doing what you've been doing for over 60 years...






Only a chump would think your nebulous comments mean anything. So far I haven't heard what you're offering. If you can't think of anything I think we'll just continue our take over of the Democratic party.
1) so he's not a virgin? more made up stuff
2) the fact you still haven't been critical of his policies or beliefs....or are you saying you are critical of people that aren't married?
I find him being a 30 year virgin funny and I find his inability to keep to his commitment telling about how truly committed he is to christ. Also I find his desire to severely restrict abortion to be atrocious. Notice how none of my criticisms have to do with his skin color as originally claimed.
I didn't say it was...you are the one that claimed the old rich white guy was the stepping stone to it....hahaha
Yes and then you questioned how this party could be diverse with Joe Biden as the head as if you were a Bingo who doesn't know how numbers work. 😄

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