Let's say Trump colluded with the Russians, but didn't intend to

All is forgiven, right?

The fanatical admirers of the most qualified psycho princess in history and their deep state allies will never forgive the very stable orange genius for robbing Hillary's rightful crown

They know the vast Russian conspiracy is complete bull$hit but that doesn't matter, the MIC loves a new cold war so they can get $billions for new military toys, the Orwellian spy agencies absolutely love their new powers (to keep the people safe of course) and the DNC doesn't have to explain how the chosen one managed to lose from a deplorable clown...

All is forgiven, right?

The fanatical admirers of the most qualified psycho princess in history and their deep state allies will never forgive the very stable orange genius for robbing Hillary's rightful crown

They know the vast Russian conspiracy is complete bull$hit but that doesn't matter, the MIC loves a new cold war so they can get $billions for new military toys, the Orwellian spy agencies absolutely love their new powers (to keep the people safe of course) and the DNC doesn't have to explain how the chosen one managed to lose from a deplorable clown...


Yes, finally a DEEP STATE!
Situation 1
Russian Official: I have pictures of Hillary Clinton picking her nose and eating buggers
from when she visited Russia.
Trump: Thanks for the pictures. They will be a big help.

Situation 2
Russian Official: We can hack the DNC server and get dirt on the democrats (especially HRC) and help your campaign.
Trump: Please do that because it will be a big help.

I don’t see a problem with situation number 1. If the dirt on HRC is obtained legally (can not be proven to have been obtained illegally) then Russia should be able to pass the info to Trump, no problem. After all, Russian nationals have freedom of speech in America just like anyone else.

Situation #2 is a problem because hacking the server is illegal. If Trump was “colluding” with the hacking, that’s a problem, whether Russians or anyone else.
/——/ Why would Russia drag Trump into this? If they wanted to damage Hildabeast they could’ve just do it on social media. Why risk getting Trump in trouble if they wanted him president so badly.
There's only one problem: So far there is not one shred of hard/credible evidence that Trump or any of his senior people colluded with the Russians to sway the election. The FBI illegally wire-tapped Carter Page for a year and found no evidence of collusion. Not one of Muller's indictments of any Trump campaign official or volunteer has cited a single instance of collusion to influence the election.

Being willing to listen to a Russian source who says he has dirt on your opponent is not collusion. If so, then Hillary and the DNC colluded with the Russians by using a dossier loaded with alleged dirt on Trump that the Russians fed to a former spy whom Hillary and the DNC had hired to find dirt on Trump.
All is forgiven, right?

The amount of lying goes on makes it look like they had to know. If he hadn't known, then he'd have been a little more truthful.
/----/ What lying? If we accuse Hildabeast of lying you Libtards demand immediate irrefutable proof from sources only you trust, in triplicate and a notarized confession and if we produce all of that, you dismiss it with, "So what, time to move on."
monica and bill.jpg blue dress.jpg
Ya, not so much.

That's what I thought

But it's still an undeniable fact that no matter who gets elected, the bureaucracy and the politics stay the same, always more $$$ for war, tax cuts for the rich and just cuts for everyone else (and yes, that includes Saint Obama). Why do you think that is?


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