Let's stop the lies


VIP Member
Jul 1, 2012
Get the truth out there and stop all the lies!

The far Left in the United States is Socialism and the far Right in the United States is Confederacy/almost Anarchy.

The far Left in Europe is Communism and the far Right in Europe is National Socialism.

Yes, the United States has Communist and National Socialists in it but they are the whack jobs...like Bernie and that lady who beat what's his face in New York.
Please explain how the American far-right is secessionist and anarchistic? I'm a pretty far-right kinda guy but I don't believe that any state should break off from the union. Nor am I an anarchist. We have laws for a reason.

I also disagree that the far-right in Europe is becoming "National Socialistic." Nationalistic", yes, but they are anti-socialism and anti-communist. They are just expressing their concern for their countries, because they see the damage that socialism, globalism and unfettered immigration is doing.

But I do agree with the first part: The Democrat Party is becoming more socialist every day.
The only thing to admire about Scotland is their whisk(e)y. I'd be offended about the scottish upside down and ass backwards opinion about the American "far right" if I took them seriously about anything.
The only thing to admire about Scotland is their whisk(e)y. I'd be offended about the scottish opinion about the American "far right" if I took them seriously about anything.

Eh, they're still subjects. In before their culture is replaced by Muslims.
Get the truth out there and stop all the lies!

The far Left in the United States is Socialism and the far Right in the United States is Confederacy/almost Anarchy.

The far Left in Europe is Communism and the far Right in Europe is National Socialism.

Yes, the United States has Communist and National Socialists in it but they are the whack jobs...like Bernie and that lady who beat what's his face in New York.
The truth by you...………………...
The only thing to admire about Scotland is their whisk(e)y. I'd be offended about the scottish upside down and ass backwards opinion about the American "far right" if I took them seriously about anything.

Other things in Scotland are admirable:






I would take them seriously.
Get the truth out there and stop all the lies!

The far Left in the United States is Socialism and the far Right in the United States is Confederacy/almost Anarchy.

The far Left in Europe is Communism and the far Right in Europe is National Socialism.

Yes, the United States has Communist and National Socialists in it but they are the whack jobs...like Bernie and that lady who beat what's his face in New York.

The American fringe Left begins with pick and choose socialism, runs Red farther left into a neo-Marxist collectivism and identity politic, and touch downs in borderless non-state, no prison, no consequence for anyone anarchy. Their goal is grouping Americans by race, sexual preference, gender (millions), favorite f*cking color, you name it. Divide and conquer by classification. Free speech gone. Freedom of religion gone. Free travel within the State gone. You get the picture. And no, they won't let you own land either.

The American fringe Right is about one thing: preservation of racial heritage and inherited culture. They don't want to deport immigrants, they want to end them and then visit where they came from and end that place too. It's a great system IF you fit into one of their preferred approved genetic origins. If you don't or you're about to marry outside your skin tone and culture like I am, then they'll likely call you heretic, race traitor and kill you. They like killing just about everyone.

^^All Bad Guys^^

Then there's Nationalism which gets a really bad rap in history. But what no one other American seemingly has the balls to say these days is Nationalism can be a damn good thing for citizens of a given country. Nationalism is all about preservation of national heritage, national borders, national religion and culture and tradition. Nationalism done right includes all the differing races, religions, creeds, etc. already living within its borders as citizens with protected full civil liberties. It also makes room for immigrants to come in so long as they become normalized acclimatized to the national culture and ways of doing things and do not try to change established national identity. Nationalists also don't like moral relativism or minority fringe groups trying to change the sex of their children or take their God out of pop culture.

But no one wants to mention the unhallowed Nationalism word for fear of being wrongly called another N word popular these days in the MSM.
Get the truth out there and stop all the lies!

The far Left in the United States is Socialism and the far Right in the United States is Confederacy/almost Anarchy.

The far Left in Europe is Communism and the far Right in Europe is National Socialism.

Yes, the United States has Communist and National Socialists in it but they are the whack jobs...like Bernie and that lady who beat what's his face in New York.
While we're at it, Let's stop all the emotional rants....

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