Let’s Summarize What The Left Are Most Upset About Now

This will help the discussion, if posters and readers understand it.

Garbage from a liberal think tank. Replete with members like Keith Ellison and other scum perverting our laws for political gain.
If no porn is being shown to children, why can't a parent read from a book they got from the schools library.
No one is threatening school officials. They are letting them know the disgusting things their kids are being taught.
Like Biden said, your kids are our kids. California is trying to become a sanctuary state for transitioning kids. So a teacher could take a kid their to transform and the parents couldn't do anything.
Oh yes babies are getting their arms and legs ripped off. It's called an abortion. Hopefully in hell, you will feel the pain they go through for eternity.

Nobody even knows what is in a school library. Many of the books are long forgotten. No one is being forced to read them.
You say people calling out to school board members that they know where they live is not a threat.
Red states want to take away the right of parents to decide what is best for their children by denying them care. This could lead children to commit suicide.
It is not a baby. It is a fetus. A fetus has no arms and legs. How soon is it before a woman dies because they can't get an abortion. A fetus is not viable outside of the womb until 23 weeks generally.
You might be the single most ignorant person on the planet.

The cases before the SCOTUS (UNC and Harvard) were SPEFICALLY BROUGHT ON BEHALF OF THE MINORITY KNOWN AS "Asian" - literally no white people were involved in this story.

Trump supporters have that title nailed down.

"It is because of my experiences as an Asian American that I became passionate about advocating for greater representation, empowered by Harvard’s resources. Access to an elite institution has given me the privilege of an incredible support system and a professional network that I might otherwise have never attained.

I grew up hearing equal praise and concern about affirmative action, from my family and community alike. And there are conflicting thoughts about how Asian American applicants like me are impacted by it. But learning the facts - that affirmative action is critical for fostering equal access and opportunity in our academic institutions -cemented my belief that affirmative action is necessary if we want to create an equitable nation. Affirmative action opens doors. More than that, it acknowledges that everyone should have a seat at the table.

This ruling will affect generations to come, keeping many students from gaining access to the academic spaces that I have benefitted from. It stands counter to the aspirations for equity that motivated the 14th Amendment’s codification, which granted citizenship to those “born or naturalized in the United States.”

What’s more, the Supreme Court has jeopardized the intellectual and academic diversity that my peers, professors and I value: The very same diversity that has made this nation great."

She is a Asian-American and she is a true American. Not the right wing trash that makes up the Supreme Court.
So back to the 1950s meaning when both parties supported the Laws of the Land and one party wasn't a bunch of goosestepping Reich fanatics?
Yes the horror of that.

When the Republican Party was not the party of fascism. Republicans do not support law and order.
Democrats and Republicans.

I wasn't speaking of the Biden (or Trump) crime family.

Two criminal gangs.

See above.

See above.

None so blind, but I find it particularly hilarious that you're more upset that I agree with your characterization of the OP as garbage than that I'm pointing out the obvious about the two crime gangs that run the country at the behest of the Deep Swamp.

There is only one criminal gang and that’s the Republicans. And there is no “Deep Swamp”.

Your inability to see any difference between the two parties demonstrates weak critical thinking abilities on your part.
Do you believe that poor students are disadvantaged and have fewer scholarships opportunities than middle class class and wealthy students when it comes to college admission?

Do you know what is happened to registration of black students in the states where affirmative action has been overruled by state law?

Do you believe that racial diversity in medicine, law, and banking is a good thing????

Or are you just parroting the notion that affirmative action is a bad thing?
It IS a bad thing when you have the least qualified, disciplined candidates being admitted/hired purely because they check all the right boxes and don't know shit about the job! Why don't you just worry about North of the border and what asshole Trudeau is doing to fuck up your own country, frostback twat!
“I have a dream that my four little children will one day live in a nation where they will not be judged by the color of their skin but by the content of their character.”

The Left are pissed and freaked out Rev MLK’s dream is finally getting close to reality.


Parents wish to be involved with their child’s education and don’t want pornography shown to their children, men in the girls bathrooms, and want to be told when a dude in a dress rapes their daughter in the girls bathroom.

The Left are pissed and freaked out that anyone objects and puts the parents on terrorism lists.


Minors can’t buy a pack of cigarettes but they can get sex altering drugs despite their parent’s objections. Parents can have their children sexually mutilated on a whim.

The Left are pissed and freaked out anyone objects.


The Leftcare pissed and freaked out they can’t rip the limbs off of babies as they’re born.

Shouldn't bullshit threads like this one be moved to the flame zone?
There is only one criminal gang and that’s the Republicans.
And there is no “Deep Swamp”.
Your inability to see any difference between the two parties demonstrates weak critical thinking abilities on your part.

But apparently you're Canadian. This explains both your staggering ignorance and your need to parade it around.

Oh - and good job alienating someone who agreed with your opinion on the OP; the Canadian ability to turn potential allies into foes has always impressed me. :)
Nobody even knows what is in a school library. Many of the books are long forgotten. No one is being forced to read them.
You say people calling out to school board members that they know where they live is not a threat.
Red states want to take away the right of parents to decide what is best for their children by denying them care. This could lead children to commit suicide.
It is not a baby. It is a fetus. A fetus has no arms and legs. How soon is it before a woman dies because they can't get an abortion. A fetus is not viable outside of the womb until 23 weeks generally.
Counsel members are asking parents to stop reading books that are in the library because it's not appropriate to read in public. Those kids wouldn't want to commit suicide if they weren't groomed starting at 8 years old.
“I have a dream that my four little children will one day live in a nation where they will not be judged by the color of their skin but by the content of their character.”

The Left are pissed and freaked out Rev MLK’s dream is finally getting close to reality.


Parents wish to be involved with their child’s education and don’t want pornography shown to their children, men in the girls bathrooms, and want to be told when a dude in a dress rapes their daughter in the girls bathroom.

The Left are pissed and freaked out that anyone objects and puts the parents on terrorism lists.


Minors can’t buy a pack of cigarettes but they can get sex altering drugs despite their parent’s objections. Parents can have their children sexually mutilated on a whim.

The Left are pissed and freaked out anyone objects.


The Leftcare pissed and freaked out they can’t rip the limbs off of babies as they’re born.

Shit, the left are born with an upset gene. If they had virtually everything they wanted they would still be upset that there are too many holes in Swiss cheese.

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