Let’s Summarize What The Left Are Most Upset About Now

I’m not freaked out that a SC, bought and paid for by dark money, and installed by a corrupt and racist Republican Party, mostly by refusing to confirm Obama’s pick, is busy overturning rights legislation for women, blacks and gays.

This shit won’t stand.
Suck it up buttercup, majority of Americans don't think the same as you loons.
“I have a dream that my four little children will one day live in a nation where they will not be judged by the color of their skin but by the content of their character.”

The Left are pissed and freaked out Rev MLK’s dream is finally getting close to reality.


Parents wish to be involved with their child’s education and don’t want pornography shown to their children, men in the girls bathrooms, and want to be told when a dude in a dress rapes their daughter in the girls bathroom.

The Left are pissed and freaked out that anyone objects and puts the parents on terrorism lists.


Minors can’t buy a pack of cigarettes but they can get sex altering drugs despite their parent’s objections. Parents can have their children sexually mutilated on a whim.

The Left are pissed and freaked out anyone objects.


The Leftcare pissed and freaked out they can’t rip the limbs off of babies as they’re born.


You are a lying weasel. MLK would in no way say that day has arrived. To the contrary, we have regressed and people are increasingly being judged by their skin color. The Little Mermaid is exhibit 1 of the fact that racism has increased in the US and the world. This film is being review bombed by right wing hate groups and we are seeing the amount of racism in the US and the world.

No pornography is being shown to children. There are no men in girls' bathrooms. What you rightwingers object to is that you want children to hate the people you hate. That is child abuse.

You support right wing terrorists who threaten school boards with physical harm.

Parents have a right to do what is best for their children.

No one is ripping arms off of babies as they are born.

You are 0 for 5. Congratulations. You are the perfect right wing Nazi.
You are a lying weasel. MLK would in no way say that day has arrived. To the contrary, we have regressed and people are increasingly being judged by their skin color. The Little Mermaid is exhibit 1 of the fact that racism has increased in the US and the world. This film is being review bombed by right wing hate groups and we are seeing the amount of racism in the US and the world.

No pornography is being shown to children. There are no men in girls' bathrooms. What you rightwingers object to is that you want children to hate the people you hate. That is child abuse.

You support right wing terrorists who threaten school boards with physical harm.

Parents have a right to do what is best for their children.

No one is ripping arms off of babies as they are born.

You are 0 for 5. Congratulations. You are the perfect right wing Nazi.
If no porn is being shown to children, why can't a parent read from a book they got from the schools library.
No one is threatening school officials. They are letting them know the disgusting things their kids are being taught.
Like Biden said, your kids are our kids. California is trying to become a sanctuary state for transitioning kids. So a teacher could take a kid their to transform and the parents couldn't do anything.
Oh yes babies are getting their arms and legs ripped off. It's called an abortion. Hopefully in hell, you will feel the pain they go through for eternity.
No minorities are being discriminated against. This was backed by right wing white activists.

You might be the single most ignorant person on the planet.

The cases before the SCOTUS (UNC and Harvard) were SPEFICALLY BROUGHT ON BEHALF OF THE MINORITY KNOWN AS "Asian" - literally no white people were involved in this story.
There was nothing in his list that was even close to true.

None of your most closely held beliefs have any basis in fact, law or reality. This is been proven to you over and over again, but you still cling to your delusions.

The definition of insanity is doing the same thing over and over again, and expecting a different result. You keep voting for Republicans, and expecting them not to crash the economy or impoverish working people.
What a load of horse shit. Nothing but bitterness and hateful spew.
Why are you trying to twist my post???

Do you think that day has arrived? Are people judged entirely on the content of their character? If yes, tell us why you think the black unemployment rate is double the white unemployment rate.

Do you think that the Supreme Court removing affirmative action helps or hinders that a goal of racial equality?
It’s double because most black men have criminal records and a large percentage of black people are either under or un educated by ant rational standard.
This will help the discussion, if posters and readers understand it.

This will help the discussion, if posters and readers understand it.

Hmm no mention of the continued labor force participation rate down to barely 60%. Wonder why that could be?

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