Let's talk about inner-city black on black violence

well chicago is really black on black crime....its a lot of gang violence.

True but each generation will give way to one more that's trying to end the cycle. Black's are not inferior as many on this forum want to believe. They just didn't get a fair shot at the American dream until 60 years ago. That's only 2 generations.
i dont believe this for Chicago. Sorry its just getting worse. If the jobs where coming back your point would be stronger.

My point is that blacks are not inferior. Whatever is at the root of Chicago's problems, it's not skin color.
There is no excuse for this. None. No parents watching them, no schoo, no jobs, no this, no that. Bullshit on all that. They know right from wrong.

The solution? No clue. Except let them kill each other off if that is what they want to do. Only problem with that is, innocent people get killed in the process.
there are no jobs because nobody will open up shop there.

We need to charge the attitude within that community towards wanting to do just that. Having parents that expect better of their children would go along ways to doing so. Do you agree? Next we need to educate this population to want to open up their own businesses.
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"...We need to charge the attitude within that community..."
That's just fine... begin now... and get back to everyone when you're done.

My guess is that you would go off-the-air until... oh... say... the year 2413 or so...

Good luck with that...

People are dying out there all the time, and it's not going to get one whit better with high-minded, well-intentioned, completely impractical 'change-the-hearts-and-minds' platitudes...

Oh, I have no doubt that changing economic conditions and changing opportunity and exposure and changing hearts-and-minds are a necessary part of the long-term solution...

But the immediate situation calls for a different approach, in order to keep some of these people off of cold slabs in the morgue...

They don't need something 10 years from now... they need something 10 minutes from now.

Your approach is definitely a part of the long-term solution, but it does nothing to stop the killing in the years-long interim.
True but each generation will give way to one more that's trying to end the cycle. Black's are not inferior as many on this forum want to believe. They just didn't get a fair shot at the American dream until 60 years ago. That's only 2 generations.
i dont believe this for Chicago. Sorry its just getting worse. If the jobs where coming back your point would be stronger.

My point is that blacks are not inferior. Whatever is at the root of Chicago's problems, it's not skin color.

sure, but most of the issues are in Black neighborhoods. So why you brought this up is beyond me.
There is no excuse for this. None. No parents watching them, no schoo, no jobs, no this, no that. Bullshit on all that. They know right from wrong.

The solution? No clue. Except let them kill each other off if that is what they want to do. Only problem with that is, innocent people get killed in the process.

well yes, there is excuses for why this is going on. Its a complex issue. Notice how you don't have an answer for this. That should have been your first clue.
there are no jobs because nobody will open up shop there.

We need to charge the attitude within that community towards wanting to do just that. Having parents that expect better of their children would go along ways to doing so. Do you agree? Next we need to educate this population to want to open up their own businesses.

sure educate is fine but if nobody has the money to buy things, then how are people going to make money?
The issue is much larger than just guns. There is no economy where this people live. Kids are not going to school. So when all you have is to join a gang, what do you expect to happen?

Economies are created by working hard. If you don't work, you can't create an economy.
there are no jobs because nobody will open up shop there.

We need to charge the attitude within that community towards wanting to do just that. Having parents that expect better of their children would go along ways to doing so. Do you agree? Next we need to educate this population to want to open up their own businesses.

sure educate is fine but if nobody has the money to buy things, then how are people going to make money?

Barter? Farm?

Society didn't start having money. Money came with hard work and industry.
As long as dumb poor people continue to have children in the ghetto - you will have the violence. As long as you give people stuff, and teach them that they are victims, they will be caught in a perpetual cycle. Look at Detroit, a liberal utopia. A very large part of the ghetto dilemma is plain stupidity.
And why is that? The violence. It's a catch 22.

The violence wasnt the only reason....Just like guns are not the only problem. Stop thinking its that simple.

So what other the other reasons people dont want to open up shop there?

Things are usually alot simpler than people give it credit to be.

no money to be made, Nobody really living there, Poor people, Violence, the affect of gangs..
UCR Today: Study Links Suicide Risk with Rates of Gun Ownership, Political Conservatism

Since two thirds of gun deaths are suicide, I suspect right wingers have more to fear from themselves than from some blacks in Chicago.

Happy Hunting!

Most of the murders in this country are committed within the black community is the reality. Blacks are 5 times more likely per capita to kill then whites.

How in the world can you blame whites that make about the same raw number of murders per year??? Far more likely to join a gang and do shit like this.

It is up to you to disprove me.
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