Let's talk about inner-city black on black violence

The issue is much larger than just guns. There is no economy where this people live. Kids are not going to school. So when all you have is to join a gang, what do you expect to happen?

Economies are created by working hard. If you don't work, you can't create an economy.

wow.....no shit

You clearly missed the point:

Working leads to a strong economy. a strong economy doesn't lead to working.
After the DC King riots, it took decades before large named grocery stores, and other stores moved back into the predominately black neighborhoods - it wasn't worth it. So they had to deal with the mostley Korean owned convienence stores where they were forced to pay double. If you put a new school in a ghetto, it will be all fucked up in no time - point being that shit begets more shit.
The problem with black violence is BLACK. They don't pocess the attitudes to transcend their situation. You can make all the intelectual references, cause, and effects, or any other politically correct reasoning you like, but you cannot surmount the root of the problem - the people. It takes a long time; many generations to domesticate a wild animal.
Blacks are only a few generations from the wild kingdom, what do you expect? :blsmile:
As long as dumb poor people continue to have children in the ghetto - you will have the violence. As long as you give people stuff, and teach them that they are victims, they will be caught in a perpetual cycle. Look at Detroit, a liberal utopia. A very large part of the ghetto dilemma is plain stupidity.

Blaming it on handouts is a cop out used by cons because they hate paying taxes. The fact is that there are many countries throughout the world where the poor are not given handouts. They are poorer than here in the US, and they live in ghettos that are unimaginable, and they kill each other over drugs, just like here, only it's actually worse.

The drug gangs and violence of the Brazilian city expecting hundreds of thousands of football fans for next year's World Cup | Mail Online

BBC News - Brazil: 13 new deaths in Sao Paulo's gang battle

[ame=http://youtu.be/dTStiMw5tLk]SLUMS MUMBAI AUGUST 2010 ** MUST SEE THIS CLIP ** - YouTube[/ame]

Yea, I prefer tying to give the poor a better chance rather than just leaving it up to them. The rest of the world has taught us that leaving it up to them doesn't work at all.
As long as dumb poor people continue to have children in the ghetto - you will have the violence. As long as you give people stuff, and teach them that they are victims, they will be caught in a perpetual cycle. Look at Detroit, a liberal utopia. A very large part of the ghetto dilemma is plain stupidity.

Blaming it on handouts is a cop out used by cons because they hate paying taxes. The fact is that there are many countries throughout the world where the poor are not given handouts. They are poorer than here in the US, and they live in ghettos that are unimaginable, and they kill each other over drugs, just like here, only it's actually worse.

The drug gangs and violence of the Brazilian city expecting hundreds of thousands of football fans for next year's World Cup | Mail Online

BBC News - Brazil: 13 new deaths in Sao Paulo's gang battle

[ame=http://youtu.be/dTStiMw5tLk]SLUMS MUMBAI AUGUST 2010 ** MUST SEE THIS CLIP ** - YouTube[/ame]

Yea, I prefer tying to give the poor a better chance rather than just leaving it up to them. The rest of the world has taught us that leaving it up to them doesn't work at all.
There is huge oppertunity here that they don't avail themselves to. I am not blaiming it on handouts, but it is a contributing exponet. I blame blacks for their problems. If it was an Eskimo problem, I would blame them. Making excuses for their failing does not help.
Why the fuck would you have children in an unimaginable ghetto? Stupid ass fucking people of color is the problem. If you can't make them smart, you can't help much!
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Our inner cities are a problem not because they are poor or because there is violence. Our inner cities are a problem because of the people pure and simple. It doesn't matter what color, race or political persuasion they are. You can try to take people out of the slums and reinvigorate the communities all you want. But it wont solve the problems because you need to take the slums out of people.

You have to change the culture and the only way to change the culture is to change the hearts and minds of the people in the culture.
The issue is much larger than just guns. There is no economy where this people live. Kids are not going to school. So when all you have is to join a gang, what do you expect to happen?

Gangs are created not because of economy. Gangs are these kid's "family". This is due ot the breakdown of the black family structure.
over 70% of black children are born into homes where the father does not live in the home. Most of the mothers of these children have other children by more than one man.
Because kids need structure, they turn to others in the streets for that structure.
Unfortunately, the structure they receive has no redeeming qualities whatsoever.
Law enforcement is virtually powerless to prevent gang related crime. This is due to overbearing citizen review boards which place 'one size fits all' restrictions on police. These board members and their supporters are the very same people that complain to the government that the police are not doing enough to prevent gang crime.
Try being a Cop in a large city run by liberals.
Liberalism and government goodies created this mess.
Then we get stupid comments like "maybe there should be Marshall Law"...
The issue is much larger than just guns. There is no economy where this people live. Kids are not going to school. So when all you have is to join a gang, what do you expect to happen?

Gangs are created not because of economy. Gangs are these kid's "family". This is due ot the breakdown of the black family structure.
over 70% of black children are born into homes where the father does not live in the home. Most of the mothers of these children have other children by more than one man.
Because kids need structure, they turn to others in the streets for that structure.
Unfortunately, the structure they receive has no redeeming qualities whatsoever.
Law enforcement is virtually powerless to prevent gang related crime. This is due to overbearing citizen review boards which place 'one size fits all' restrictions on police. These board members and their supporters are the very same people that complain to the government that the police are not doing enough to prevent gang crime.
Try being a Cop in a large city run by liberals.
Liberalism and government goodies created this mess.
Then we get stupid comments like "maybe there should be Marshall Law"...

I have to wonder who this marshall guy is and why he has his own law;)
The issue is much larger than just guns. There is no economy where this people live. Kids are not going to school. So when all you have is to join a gang, what do you expect to happen?

Gangs are created not because of economy. Gangs are these kid's "family". This is due ot the breakdown of the black family structure.
over 70% of black children are born into homes where the father does not live in the home. Most of the mothers of these children have other children by more than one man.
Because kids need structure, they turn to others in the streets for that structure.
Unfortunately, the structure they receive has no redeeming qualities whatsoever.
Law enforcement is virtually powerless to prevent gang related crime. This is due to overbearing citizen review boards which place 'one size fits all' restrictions on police. These board members and their supporters are the very same people that complain to the government that the police are not doing enough to prevent gang crime.
Try being a Cop in a large city run by liberals.
Liberalism and government goodies created this mess.
Then we get stupid comments like "maybe there should be Marshall Law"...
liberalism created this mess. Shut the fuck up.
UCR Today: Study Links Suicide Risk with Rates of Gun Ownership, Political Conservatism

Since two thirds of gun deaths are suicide, I suspect right wingers have more to fear from themselves than from some blacks in Chicago.

Happy Hunting!

Most of the murders in this country are committed within the black community is the reality. Blacks are 5 times more likely per capita to kill then whites.

How in the world can you blame whites that make about the same raw number of murders per year??? Far more likely to join a gang and do shit like this.

It is up to you to disprove me.

Hello, knock knock, out of all the gun related deaths in the US, two thirds are suicide. Most of those are white guys living in Red States. That leaves only a third of all gun deaths being homicides.
Got it?
There are poor white people all over the rural south, yet when I open the paper I don't see Billy Bob on the front page for shooting up someone for no reason. Detroit, Birmingham, Chicago, Baltimore, New Orleans all have two things in common; at the top of the cities in murders per 100,000 residents and a majority black population. Call me racist all you want, but I'm not sure you can call numbers racist.
This problem begins and ends with the war on drugs end the war on drugs and 70% of inner city violence will be history
There are poor white people all over the rural south, yet when I open the paper I don't see Billy Bob on the front page for shooting up someone for no reason. Detroit, Birmingham, Chicago, Baltimore, New Orleans all have two things in common; at the top of the cities in murders per 100,000 residents and a majority black population. Call me racist all you want, but I'm not sure you can call numbers racist.

Truth hurts. Which pisses a shitload of people off, which in turn causes the racist term to be bandied about.
This problem begins and ends with the war on drugs end the war on drugs and 70% of inner city violence will be history

Sure cause people who are high never commit violent crimes.

Well, who says that violence will cease if drugs like marijuana are legalized? Instead of them being banned substances, they are regulated by the government. Either way, there may still be violence.
The issue is much larger than just guns. There is no economy where this people live. Kids are not going to school. So when all you have is to join a gang, what do you expect to happen?

Seriously. Instead of "black on black" violence it should be viewed as "poor on poor" violence. The statistics are similar in every nation. In 50 - 100 years black on black crime will be a much lower percentage. It takes time to heal old wounds.

But hayin' on the blacks is what Matthew's about.
This problem begins and ends with the war on drugs end the war on drugs and 70% of inner city violence will be history

Sure cause people who are high never commit violent crimes.

Well, who says that violence will cease if drugs like marijuana are legalized? Instead of them being banned substances, they are regulated by the government. Either way, there may still be violence.

dukect did when he said that ending the so called drug war and 70% of city violence will be history.
We should ban ghetto culture. Ban rap, ban and teach the wrongs of gangs and work to install into these people the importance of being a good human being.
We should ban ghetto culture. Ban rap, ban and teach the wrongs of gangs and work to install into these people the importance of being a good human being.

You can't ban culture without eliminate the First Amendment.

As a free people we cannot use the threat of violence to create a better society. We have to do it with love, persuasion, long-suffering, truth, etc.

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