Let's talk about inner-city black on black violence

maybe it's time for marshal law?

It's time for the media to do its job and report on the real mess we face as a country. We as a country have bigger problems within our inner-cities.

If the media never reported on it, how do you know about it?

they rarely mention it, where is Jackson and Sharpton doing their march for justice? Perhaps they are trying to find a way to blame whitey?
Since two thirds of all gun related deaths are suicide with most being white guys in Red States, that leave only a single third being all other gun related deaths.

Toddler shots sister.

Police shoot suspect

man shoot burgler

hunting accident

and so on

all part of the 1/3rd.

And worse, when a kid shoots somebody, most of the time, it's a white winger giving a loaded gun to their kid to play with, at least that's how it seems in the news.

Thank God for right wing racism. They give me something to "correct". Consider this a "teaching moment".
It's time for the media to do its job and report on the real mess we face as a country. We as a country have bigger problems within our inner-cities.

If the media never reported on it, how do you know about it?

they rarely mention it, where is Jackson and Sharpton doing their march for justice? Perhaps they are trying to find a way to blame whitey?

I'm close to Baltimore and violence is crazy but there are more people out there than just Jackson and Sharpton....Marching, doing things in the community. You know, all the things you say don't happen from "the blacks"

Man trying to form 300-Man March against violence | Baltimore City News - WBAL Home

Hundreds march in US city to pray against crime wave, Ecumenical News
If the media never reported on it, how do you know about it?

they rarely mention it, where is Jackson and Sharpton doing their march for justice? Perhaps they are trying to find a way to blame whitey?

I'm close to Baltimore and violence is crazy but there are more people out there than just Jackson and Sharpton....Marching, doing things in the community. You know, all the things you say don't happen from "the blacks"

Man trying to form 300-Man March against violence | Baltimore City News - WBAL Home

Hundreds march in US city to pray against crime wave, Ecumenical News

No no, those are the top liberal blacks, they are the ones you love and worship, so where are they? Where are all the big name players in the race industry?
No no youre being facecitious. Now you can stop saying blacks don't care about violence or don't speak out about it at least. But you won't...
There is no excuse for this. None. No parents watching them, no schoo, no jobs, no this, no that. Bullshit on all that. They know right from wrong.
The solution? No clue. Except let them kill each other off if that is what they want to do. Only problem with that is, innocent people get killed in the process.

I'm not making excuses for them but you only know right from wrong if someone teaches you that.
If the media never reported on it, how do you know about it?

they rarely mention it, where is Jackson and Sharpton doing their march for justice? Perhaps they are trying to find a way to blame whitey?

I'm close to Baltimore and violence is crazy but there are more people out there than just Jackson and Sharpton....Marching, doing things in the community. You know, all the things you say don't happen from "the blacks"

Man trying to form 300-Man March against violence | Baltimore City News - WBAL Home

Hundreds march in US city to pray against crime wave, Ecumenical News

This is a good start. I want to see tens of thousands march against it with the media showing every second. ;)
There is no excuse for this. None. No parents watching them, no schoo, no jobs, no this, no that. Bullshit on all that. They know right from wrong.
The solution? No clue. Except let them kill each other off if that is what they want to do. Only problem with that is, innocent people get killed in the process.

I'm not making excuses for them but you only know right from wrong if someone teaches you that.

This is why we need "fatherhood" classes within our inner-cities.
There is no excuse for this. None. No parents watching them, no schoo, no jobs, no this, no that. Bullshit on all that. They know right from wrong.
The solution? No clue. Except let them kill each other off if that is what they want to do. Only problem with that is, innocent people get killed in the process.

I'm not making excuses for them but you only know right from wrong if someone teaches you that.

This is why we need "fatherhood" classes within our inner-cities.

it's more than that, It's the culture of entitletement
The issue is much larger than just guns. There is no economy where this people live. Kids are not going to school. So when all you have is to join a gang, what do you expect to happen?

Gangs are created not because of economy. Gangs are these kid's "family". This is due ot the breakdown of the black family structure.
over 70% of black children are born into homes where the father does not live in the home. Most of the mothers of these children have other children by more than one man.
Because kids need structure, they turn to others in the streets for that structure.
Unfortunately, the structure they receive has no redeeming qualities whatsoever.
Law enforcement is virtually powerless to prevent gang related crime. This is due to overbearing citizen review boards which place 'one size fits all' restrictions on police. These board members and their supporters are the very same people that complain to the government that the police are not doing enough to prevent gang crime.
Try being a Cop in a large city run by liberals.
Liberalism and government goodies created this mess.
Then we get stupid comments like "maybe there should be Marshall Law"...

I have to wonder who this marshall guy is and why he has his own law;)

Me too....That's a friggin funny post!!! :clap2:
I'm not making excuses for them but you only know right from wrong if someone teaches you that.

This is why we need "fatherhood" classes within our inner-cities.

it's more than that, It's the culture of entitletement

Fucking A.

What are you referring to? This myth is really stupid.
Black inner city youth have no sense of entitlement. They have no sense of hope. neither do their fathers........present or not.

Learn first.......then type.
Sure cause people who are high never commit violent crimes.

Well, who says that violence will cease if drugs like marijuana are legalized? Instead of them being banned substances, they are regulated by the government. Either way, there may still be violence.

dukect did when he said that ending the so called drug war and 70% of city violence will be history.

The reason I typed that is when you look at the history of prohibition its full of crime,corruption, and death and when you look at the war on drugs what do you see. the same damn thing. Also if this country decriminalised illegal drugs like Peru there would be less absentee fathers in the inner city because they wouldn't be in jail
This is why we need "fatherhood" classes within our inner-cities.

it's more than that, It's the culture of entitletement

Fucking A.

What are you referring to? This myth is really stupid.
Black inner city youth have no sense of entitlement. They have no sense of hope. neither do their fathers........present or not.

Learn first.......then type.
Cut the bleeding heart crap.
The fact is several generations of inner city black people have been programmed to believe they are owed something.
They proudly accept any and all public dollars they can get their hands on. And what they receive is never enough.
It is no one else's fault that black men impregnate women and promptly abandon their responsibilities. That is where the problem begins. If these men stayed with the mothers and raised their kids correctly, the gang problem would be reduced by 50%. The other positive would be the High School graduation rate of these children would dramatically increase.
Suuuure, I remember the speech. Obama: there are disparaties in income, wealth, employment, housing, education but I'm here to tell you that Obamanomics is going to fix all that


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