Let's talk about 'Sound of Freedom'

I haven’t watched it and one of the reasons I've chosen not to watch it is because I heard almost 2 weeks ago that it is likely 'controlled opposition.'

Reportedly it was funded by Carlos Slim, who is a friend of the Clintons, the Bidens and also the Rothschilds.

Also Tim Ballard was a CIA operative and special agent for Dept. Homeland Security.

These guys did a video about it:

I haven’t watched it and one of the reasons I've chosen not to watch it is because I heard almost 2 weeks ago that it is likely 'controlled opposition.'

Reportedly it was funded by Carlos Slim, who is a friend of the Clintons, the Bidens and also the Rothschilds.

Also Tim Ballard was a CIA operative and special agent for Dept. Homeland Security.

These guys did a video about it:

Carlos Slim???? LOL. Sounds like a pornstar name. :auiqs.jpg:

Psst...it was made and funded by Q and apparently, actual child traffickers.
There's been a lot of discussion about how this movie is a QAnon front. That's been proven. But now it's coming out that it's also a front for child-trafficking.


Because Marta was one of the investors in the film does not in any way make the film suspect. Fabian Marta was one of thousands of investors who made the film possible. Among thousands of any group of humans, you're bound to find a bad apple or two.

So shame on those who scoured among those thousands of investors to find one they could exploit to try to damage or compromise and/or falsely implicate a film exposing a topic the leftists don't want to even acknowledge or talk about, much less be featured in a popular movie. Such tactics are immoral, dishonest, reprehensible, and evil.

It would be far more honest to research those trying to discredit the film and learn their motives. I'm pretty sure their motives and methods are dishonorable.
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Because Marta was one of the investors in the film does not in any way make the film suspect. Fabian Marta was one of thousands of investors who made the film possible. Among thousands of any group of humans, you're bound to find a bad apple or two.

So shame on those who scoured among those thousands of investors to find one they could exploit to try to damage or compromise and/or falsely implicate a film exposing a topic the leftists don't want to even acknowledge or talk about, much less be featured in a popular movie. Such tactics are immoral, dishonest, reprehensible, and evil.

I always appreciate your take.

I have not seen the film, and frankly, I am not up to speed on the subject. It's hard enough as it is.

When I first saw the OP, I wondered.....is this saying the film is a lie or it is a bad film.

I thought it was a bit of an expose'.....I guess I might be wrong.
Carlos Slim???? LOL. Sounds like a pornstar name. :auiqs.jpg:

You've never heard of Carlos Slim? He's a Mexican billionaire, who at one point was said to be the richest man in the world.

Psst...it was made and funded by Q and apparently, actual child traffickers.

Back up your claim. And as I've said many times here before, "Q" is controlled opposition. You see, the powers-that-shouldn't-be are smart enough to understand that the best way to defeat the enemy is to infiltrate and control movements. In order to discredit movements or "conspiracies" they create their own, that way they can put out disinformation and bring it down, because that's the goal, to discredit certain groups and claims.
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Movie gets discredited because one person teaches women how to be successful gold diggers? :lol:
The movie is an adaption of real events, real people..
My gawd man, how this movie triggers leftists blows my fucking mind. You people are fucked in the head. Seriously.
I always appreciate your take.

I have not seen the film, and frankly, I am not up to speed on the subject. It's hard enough as it is.

When I first saw the OP, I wondered.....is this saying the film is a lie or it is a bad film.

I thought it was a bit of an expose'.....I guess I might be wrong.
Thank you. I try to keep it as honest as possible.

I haven't seen the movie either but have talked with those who have and read the reviews. It is an expose' on the horrendous crime of human/child trafficking which the leftist MSM refuses to acknowledge or report is out of control in the Biden Administration. That is not to say it did not exist in previous administrations because it did, but never to the absolute almost unrestricted degree that is happening now. The movie is not about the Biden Administration but rather the human/child trafficking that goes on in other countries, especially Latin America. But because it exposes such trafficking for the horrible crime it is and draws attention to it, the leftists are doing their damndest to discredit it any way they can.

It has been a very successful movie out earning all the blockbuster movies released this summer except for Oppenheimer.
I think Q was a just an early test run for the implementation of AI into the www.
I don't know WHAT Q is actually. Nobody so far, not even some of its more dedicated followers, have been able to explain it to me suggesting that they don't even know. I do know the movie makes no effort to promote any ideology or concept other than expose the horrendous crime of human/child trafficking. Of course the leftists, especially the MSM controlled by leftists, will pluck one or two insignificant things out of the whole and hold those up as 'proof' that the movie is baseless and there's nothing commendable about it.

The movie has stood up to its reputation.

Those criticizing it have their own reputation. (The movie comes out looking pretty darn good there.)
I will say the same thing about Sound of Freedom I have said to all the people who have been ranting online about Barbie if you don’t like it or it’s not your type of movie don’t see it. What type of movies other people like and go see has zero impact on anyone else’s life so get over it. Far to many people today seem to have no purpose in life other than to find something irrelevant to bitch about.
I don't know WHAT Q is actually. Nobody so far, not even some of its more dedicated followers, have been able to explain it to me suggesting that they don't even know. I do know the movie makes no effort to promote any ideology or concept other than expose the horrendous crime of human/child trafficking. Of course the leftists, especially the MSM controlled by leftists, will pluck one or two insignificant things out of the whole and hold those up as 'proof' that the movie is baseless and there's nothing commendable about it.

The movie has stood up to its reputation.

Those criticizing it have their own reputation. (The movie comes out looking pretty darn good there.)

I've never seen the movie myself. I'm fairly aware of the extent that human trafficking exists. Particularly at our own southern border. So, yes, I agree that it is conducive to acknowledge it. And I agree that there are certainly those who do not want it acknowledged in the public square. NGO affiliates, more often.

I might stream it at some point if I'm busy sitting around doing nothing.

Anyway. The Q thing, I think, was a kind of multifaceted...oh...let's call it endeavor?

I mentioned the relevance I personally kind of see with regard to AI applicability here, but there are other outlying factors in terms of intent, and I've mentioned some of them previously around here just casually.

For instance..

I will say the same thing about Sound of Freedom I have said to all the people who have been ranting online about Barbie if you don’t like it or it’s not your type of movie don’t see it. What type of movies other people like and go see has zero impact on anyone else’s life so get over it. Far to many people today seem to have no purpose in life other than to find something irrelevant to bitch about.
More to the point, if you don't like it or it's subject matter, just don't go. But don't join the meanspirited, evil people who try to tear down something because it emphasizes a crime the left, maybe a few on the right, doesn't want to believe is a problem.

Everybody doesn't like everything. After seeing "Oppenheimer" for instance, I am not a fan. Not because of its content, actors, acting but because of way it was edited that I think took from the more important story and made the movie more tedious than free flowing. Maybe they did the best they could trying to condense a 700 page book into a movie, but it frustrated me.

Many others who saw it, including a friend who saw it with me, loved it. My aunt and I were frustrated but appreciated certain aspects of it. My husband hated it. But I certainly am not going to try to discredit it or trash it and certainly am not unethical enough to pluck one person or investor out of the thousands who made is possible and hold that up as a reason the movie is 'trash' or worse.
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More to the point, if you don't like it or it's subject matter, just don't go. But don't join the meanspirited, evil people who try to tear down something because it emphasizes a crime the left, maybe a few on the right, doesn't want to believe is a problem.

People aren't allowed to have another opinion?

Lots of people who are against child trafficking have been saying to be wary of the film. Disclaimer: I don't know this guy, but he's just one of many who is talking about it from a discernment perspective.


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