Lets talk REALITY on the Corona virus economically for once

The panicked herd has caused the Dow to drop another thousand points today.

The Dow is down 16% from its high. We are a little over a thousand points from an official bear market.
Is that bad?
Yes. Very bad. 6 trillion dollars has been wiped out this week. It's very bad for your 401(k).

God only knows how many derivatives are tied to bond spreads and interest rate swaps and how many trillions in nominal value they are. There could be a bank or hedge fund out there about to go all LTCM on us and threaten the entire financial system.
I have not got a clue what you just said except the first three words, and I'll trust you on the rest. I've got no 401K--hoping to croak before I can't work anymore.
The panicked herd has caused the Dow to drop another thousand points today.

The Dow is down 16% from its high. We are a little over a thousand points from an official bear market.
Is that bad?

Yes that is bad! And understand---------->by the time the market rights itself if/when Corona craziness stops for a while, because of the economic slowdown, the market is going to respond to BERNARD having a better chance of getting elected.

The market will not see any new highs till next year, and that is only if BERNARD is defeated.
What makes you think the market is going to stay down for that long--it's only the beginning of the third month.
are you saying I didn't hear the news? there was no one here when I heard it. How did you hear what I heard and how did you hear it differently?
Guess I missed the part about somebody wanting to destroy America. I probably changed changed channel to something more educational like reruns of Andy and Barney, since the Three Stooges wasn't on.
Just heard that any further announcement or government information put out by any federal government organization, regarding Coron Virus will have to be cleared by Mike Pence. Guess we are going back to top down management and information control. Good luck everybody.

He may be able to stop CDC from releasing info but he can't stop the states or personal experiences.

UA students, professor possibly exposed to coronavirus on study abroad trip

BTW when I'm reading without signing in I see the only person I have on ignore post but cannot see when signed it and that is JC.

The gov of CA said 8300 or 8400 are being monitored for the virus he said nothing about anyone of them having it yet.
Interesting comments and accurate about the 8300 to 8400 being monitor. I actually figure we would quickly learn any thing held back that we needed to know. Truth comes out. There is no stopping it. They could not stop the whistle blower and I understand there is a new whistle blower, specifically about DHS handling or mishandling aspects of meetings with possible infect patient at the air force base in CA, where the administration brought back the Americans from the cruise ship. People like JC do not bother me. I am getting used to seeing it on the board. I am not a Trump fan, but I live in the real world. Some here are so anti or pro DJT, that reality on the subject doesn't matter. Sort of like all's fair in love, war and politics, especially the politics of Trump. I do not like the TDS designations as they often are a false accusation hurled by the religious frenzied of Trump supporters, but it is getting hard to deny that TDS does to some extent exist.

A shortage of test kits are due to a bi-partisan shortsightedness!
This may be news to a Big Gov't proponent like you, but the Gov't cannot save you.
Good luck!
Who gets the blame for this, "Crooked Hillary?"

Coronavirus Live Updates: Cases Soar in Italy and Iran; U.S. Workers Possibly Exposed, Complaint Says

"Federal government health workers were not given proper medical training or protective gear when they were sent to assist Americans who had been quarantined for possible exposure to the coronavirus, according to a whistle-blower complaint.

"Staff members entered quarantine areas at Travis Air Force Base and March Air Reserve Base in California, interacted with the people who were in isolation and then moved freely around and off the bases, the complaint said.

"The whistle-blower, described as a senior leader at the Department of Health and Human Services, said at least one worker stayed in a nearby hotel and left California on a commercial flight."

I suppose MAGA Morons will run out of excuses for their ignorant, arrogant messiah at some point, but that will likely happen after he dies in prison.

You're 'shot out', dude.

MAGA yet?

Is this reporting true---------------->Israeli scientists say they are just WEEKS away from developing a vaccine to beat coronavirus | Daily Mail Online

Hmmmm, Israel, another Capitalistic country, what do you know!

Where is the Cuba solution? Venezuela? Russian?

Well, if this report is true, we can see that the SOCIALIST response is to whine, cry, and blame. The CAPITALISTIC response is...…..to SOLVE THE PROBLEM!
Weeks to get one to try, but that doesn't mean it works. If it does work, testing to make sure it doesn't destroy your brain, liver or other vital organs at the same time in attacking the single strand RNA that have taken over, your body, takes significantly more time, and then there is ramping up to produce the millions or billions of doses necessary to make a dent in the pandemic. Looking at a conservative year from what I have read. I do not care who produces it. I do not have much pharmaceutical stock and none in companies that produce vaccines, so I don't have a dog in this race relating to capitalistic or socialistic producing country coming up with it. I just hope somebody finds a viable one as soon as possible. I figure most of us are going to have a brush with this in the next year to year and half, and wish everybody luck and good health.
The panicked herd has caused the Dow to drop another thousand points today.

The Dow is down 16% from its high. We are a little over a thousand points from an official bear market.
Is that bad?

Yes that is bad! And understand---------->by the time the market rights itself if/when Corona craziness stops for a while, because of the economic slowdown, the market is going to respond to BERNARD having a better chance of getting elected.

The market will not see any new highs till next year, and that is only if BERNARD is defeated.
What makes you think the market is going to stay down for that long--it's only the beginning of the third month.

check the time frame of the 08 crash -

The stock market fell 90% during the Great Depression. But that took almost four years. The 2008 crash only took 18 months.
The panicked herd has caused the Dow to drop another thousand points today.

The Dow is down 16% from its high. We are a little over a thousand points from an official bear market.
Is that bad?

Yes that is bad! And understand---------->by the time the market rights itself if/when Corona craziness stops for a while, because of the economic slowdown, the market is going to respond to BERNARD having a better chance of getting elected.

The market will not see any new highs till next year, and that is only if BERNARD is defeated.
What makes you think the market is going to stay down for that long--it's only the beginning of the third month.

Because of the politics of the whole situation. The more upheaval for any reason at all, the better chance a DNCer gets elected, and the market does not want that!

You can dislike what I am saying, and I dislike the reality also, but it is not a false statement, especially if that DNCer/Independent is Bernie.
The panicked herd has caused the Dow to drop another thousand points today.

The Dow is down 16% from its high. We are a little over a thousand points from an official bear market.
Is that bad?

Yes that is bad! And understand---------->by the time the market rights itself if/when Corona craziness stops for a while, because of the economic slowdown, the market is going to respond to BERNARD having a better chance of getting elected.

The market will not see any new highs till next year, and that is only if BERNARD is defeated.
What makes you think the market is going to stay down for that long--it's only the beginning of the third month.

check the time frame of the 08 crash -
most likely more leftists lies.
The panicked herd has caused the Dow to drop another thousand points today.

The Dow is down 16% from its high. We are a little over a thousand points from an official bear market.
Is that bad?

Yes that is bad! And understand---------->by the time the market rights itself if/when Corona craziness stops for a while, because of the economic slowdown, the market is going to respond to BERNARD having a better chance of getting elected.

The market will not see any new highs till next year, and that is only if BERNARD is defeated.
What makes you think the market is going to stay down for that long--it's only the beginning of the third month.

Because of the politics of the whole situation. The more upheaval for any reason at all, the better chance a DNCer gets elected, and the market does not want that!

You can dislike what I am saying, and I dislike the reality also, but it is not a false statement, especially if that DNCer/Independent is Bernie.
I don't know what makes you think DNCers are controlling the stock market. Only lefties invest? LOL
The panicked herd has caused the Dow to drop another thousand points today.

The Dow is down 16% from its high. We are a little over a thousand points from an official bear market.
Is that bad?

Yes that is bad! And understand---------->by the time the market rights itself if/when Corona craziness stops for a while, because of the economic slowdown, the market is going to respond to BERNARD having a better chance of getting elected.

The market will not see any new highs till next year, and that is only if BERNARD is defeated.
What makes you think the market is going to stay down for that long--it's only the beginning of the third month.

Because of the politics of the whole situation. The more upheaval for any reason at all, the better chance a DNCer gets elected, and the market does not want that!

You can dislike what I am saying, and I dislike the reality also, but it is not a false statement, especially if that DNCer/Independent is Bernie.
I don't know what makes you think DNCers are controlling the stock market. Only lefties invest? LOL
hly fk you are clueless. Bernie alone controls the market They hate his existence in politics,
The panicked herd has caused the Dow to drop another thousand points today.

The Dow is down 16% from its high. We are a little over a thousand points from an official bear market.
Is that bad?

Yes that is bad! And understand---------->by the time the market rights itself if/when Corona craziness stops for a while, because of the economic slowdown, the market is going to respond to BERNARD having a better chance of getting elected.

The market will not see any new highs till next year, and that is only if BERNARD is defeated.
What makes you think the market is going to stay down for that long--it's only the beginning of the third month.

Because of the politics of the whole situation. The more upheaval for any reason at all, the better chance a DNCer gets elected, and the market does not want that!

You can dislike what I am saying, and I dislike the reality also, but it is not a false statement, especially if that DNCer/Independent is Bernie.
I don't know what makes you think DNCers are controlling the stock market. Only lefties invest? LOL

dems are the most powerful people in the universe - they control WORLD MARKETS

The panicked herd has caused the Dow to drop another thousand points today.

The Dow is down 16% from its high. We are a little over a thousand points from an official bear market.
Is that bad?

Yes that is bad! And understand---------->by the time the market rights itself if/when Corona craziness stops for a while, because of the economic slowdown, the market is going to respond to BERNARD having a better chance of getting elected.

The market will not see any new highs till next year, and that is only if BERNARD is defeated.
What makes you think the market is going to stay down for that long--it's only the beginning of the third month.

Because of the politics of the whole situation. The more upheaval for any reason at all, the better chance a DNCer gets elected, and the market does not want that!

You can dislike what I am saying, and I dislike the reality also, but it is not a false statement, especially if that DNCer/Independent is Bernie.
The market is not reacting to Sanders, fool. It is reacting to the coronavirus and the disruption it is causing to the flow of goods and services.

Stock markets around the world are diving. Only a seriously retarded idiot is drinking the piss that it has something to do with Sanders.
The panicked herd has caused the Dow to drop another thousand points today.

The Dow is down 16% from its high. We are a little over a thousand points from an official bear market.
Is that bad?

Yes that is bad! And understand---------->by the time the market rights itself if/when Corona craziness stops for a while, because of the economic slowdown, the market is going to respond to BERNARD having a better chance of getting elected.

The market will not see any new highs till next year, and that is only if BERNARD is defeated.
What makes you think the market is going to stay down for that long--it's only the beginning of the third month.

Because of the politics of the whole situation. The more upheaval for any reason at all, the better chance a DNCer gets elected, and the market does not want that!

You can dislike what I am saying, and I dislike the reality also, but it is not a false statement, especially if that DNCer/Independent is Bernie.
I don't know what makes you think DNCers are controlling the stock market. Only lefties invest? LOL

Not what I meant OL.

With all the Leftist plans, significant taxes have to be raised meaning------------> Peoples buying power goes DOWN, and corporate profits that remain are taxed HIGHER! Which also means, that the corporate pay out for shareholders drops, meaning the stockmarket pricing is going to fall also.

It is a logical thought process, and anyone who disputes it, better not have a self directed IRA-)
The panicked herd has caused the Dow to drop another thousand points today.

The Dow is down 16% from its high. We are a little over a thousand points from an official bear market.
Is that bad?

Yes that is bad! And understand---------->by the time the market rights itself if/when Corona craziness stops for a while, because of the economic slowdown, the market is going to respond to BERNARD having a better chance of getting elected.

The market will not see any new highs till next year, and that is only if BERNARD is defeated.
What makes you think the market is going to stay down for that long--it's only the beginning of the third month.

Because of the politics of the whole situation. The more upheaval for any reason at all, the better chance a DNCer gets elected, and the market does not want that!

You can dislike what I am saying, and I dislike the reality also, but it is not a false statement, especially if that DNCer/Independent is Bernie.
The market is not reacting to Sanders, fool. It is reacting to the coronavirus and the disruption it is causing to the flow of goods and services.

Stock markets around the world are diving. Only a seriously retarded idiot is drinking the piss that it has something to do with Sanders.

I did NOT say that! Quit trying to spin! Reread what I said!
Our Idiot-in-Chief blamed the stock market crash on the Democrats the other day at his press conference, and the parroting tard herd takes his word as gospel, without ever engaging either of their two brain cells in the most basic critical thinking.
A shortage of test kits are due to a bi-partisan shortsightedness!
This may be news to a Big Gov't proponent like you, but the Gov't cannot save you.
Good luck!
Who gets the blame for this, "Crooked Hillary?"

Coronavirus Live Updates: Cases Soar in Italy and Iran; U.S. Workers Possibly Exposed, Complaint Says

"Federal government health workers were not given proper medical training or protective gear when they were sent to assist Americans who had been quarantined for possible exposure to the coronavirus, according to a whistle-blower complaint.

"Staff members entered quarantine areas at Travis Air Force Base and March Air Reserve Base in California, interacted with the people who were in isolation and then moved freely around and off the bases, the complaint said.

"The whistle-blower, described as a senior leader at the Department of Health and Human Services, said at least one worker stayed in a nearby hotel and left California on a commercial flight."

I suppose MAGA Morons will run out of excuses for their ignorant, arrogant messiah at some point, but that will likely happen after he dies in prison.

You're 'shot out', dude.

MAGA yet?

I see that you took your talking points today from 'Morning Joe', you unimaginative putz!
I just heard from a Dr. Ingazia Ezeekay in Illinois who just announced that all 60 americans who had the virus have recovered. hmmmmmmmmm
A shortage of test kits are due to a bi-partisan shortsightedness!
This may be news to a Big Gov't proponent like you, but the Gov't cannot save you.
Good luck!
Who gets the blame for this, "Crooked Hillary?"

Coronavirus Live Updates: Cases Soar in Italy and Iran; U.S. Workers Possibly Exposed, Complaint Says

"Federal government health workers were not given proper medical training or protective gear when they were sent to assist Americans who had been quarantined for possible exposure to the coronavirus, according to a whistle-blower complaint.

"Staff members entered quarantine areas at Travis Air Force Base and March Air Reserve Base in California, interacted with the people who were in isolation and then moved freely around and off the bases, the complaint said.

"The whistle-blower, described as a senior leader at the Department of Health and Human Services, said at least one worker stayed in a nearby hotel and left California on a commercial flight."

I suppose MAGA Morons will run out of excuses for their ignorant, arrogant messiah at some point, but that will likely happen after he dies in prison.

You're 'shot out', dude.

MAGA yet?

I see that you took your talking points today from 'Morning Joe', you unimaginative putz!
dude, I'm laughing my ass off.
Is that bad?

Yes that is bad! And understand---------->by the time the market rights itself if/when Corona craziness stops for a while, because of the economic slowdown, the market is going to respond to BERNARD having a better chance of getting elected.

The market will not see any new highs till next year, and that is only if BERNARD is defeated.
What makes you think the market is going to stay down for that long--it's only the beginning of the third month.

Because of the politics of the whole situation. The more upheaval for any reason at all, the better chance a DNCer gets elected, and the market does not want that!

You can dislike what I am saying, and I dislike the reality also, but it is not a false statement, especially if that DNCer/Independent is Bernie.
I don't know what makes you think DNCers are controlling the stock market. Only lefties invest? LOL

dems are the most powerful people in the universe - they control WORLD MARKETS

leftists are the oligarchs and why we hate them.

I guess they never heard of George Soros
I just heard from a Dr. Ingazia Ezeekay in Illinois who just announced that all 60 americans who had the virus have recovered. hmmmmmmmmm

Post a link to it.
It was just on Channel 9 WGN in Chicago ten minutes ago, Governor Pritzger had a presser.

The Illinois governor is announcing that all U.S. coronavirus patients have recovered?

Doesn't sound fishy at all.

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