Lets talk REALITY on the Corona virus economically for once

You can’t impeach Trump over the virus, or anything else for that matter, so what’s your skin in the game?

Another stupid Russian heard from.

This is where the nation needs to put aside politics and prevent the spread of this virus. This is especially important because Donald Trump has spent three years dismantling the CDC's Pandemic Response team and cutting funding to the CDC, so there really hasn't been much done since the first outbreak in China, other than closing the border.

So the USA is way behind the 8-ball here, and need to start believing the hiring and believing the scientists and start doing as they're told for a change. But most importantly, the Trump Administration needs to let the experts speak and stop trying to control a message they don't want getting out.

People don't need political pablum and fake reasurrances at this point. They need solid information on how to protect themselves and their families, as well as a realistic assessment as to what the risks are. What happens to the market is FUCKING IRRELEVANT. It is what happens to the people that matters.

When Trump's loyalists all go to great lengths to dismiss people's concerns, while Trump stands up an babbles idiotically at the news conference about a non-existant vaccine which is, at best 12 months away, while offering nothing about what supplies you should have in your medicine chest, what symptons to look our for, and how to best protect yourself and your family, you're going to start a panic.

In the face of every crisis he has faced since his inauguration, Trump and his minions have lied to the American people. Trump has been fortunate to this point that he's never had to face a REAL national emergency. He's trying to manufacture national emergencies for his own political gain, and those went badly. This is a real national emergency.

Every President faces national emergency tests, and how the manage them will determine what their legacy will be. W had 9/11 and he passed that test of uniting the nation, but then blew it with the Iraq war. His second test was Hurricane Katrina, and W failed that one utterly. It showed the folly of creating a giant Homeland Security Agency and then awarding all of the top positions contracts to your buddies, lobbyists and friends.

Obama had the world economic meltdown, and he passed that one with flying colours. Foreign affairs were less successful, but there are no good answers there. Peace was achieved in the western hemisphere, but the Middle East continues to be a mess. Afghanistan is an utter failure, from Day 1 to today.

This is Donald Trump's test. This is where he gets to save the nation and help save the world. If he's up to it. Handing the job off to Mike Pence looks an awful lot like he's looking for a fall guy. What happened to the man who said "I alone can fix it"?

This is you get to see if you really did elect the Great and Powerful Oz, or the pathetic little conman behind the curtain.
For Trump and his supporters this is only about politics.

Had nothing to do with politics although the lib media is pushing it.
I hope its just fear mongering. I'll take that nine ways to sunday over a virus thats easily transmissible and a mortality rate equal to the spanish flu.
I think its more like 2% with infants and the chronically ill bearing the brunt. Still anyone can do the math. Say 20 million americans get the thing. Say 200K get it.

And if we end up quaranteening and shutting down offices even for two weeks ….. Recession just in time for the election. And Trump took Medical and Science money for his wall. There's no mystery to why the admin is scrambling.

Children aren't really being affected by it....so far. Im more concerned with the flu with children right now.
Yep, 3 kids I know came down with it and ended up with pneumonia, one had to be hospitalized. Fortunately, they are now on the road to recovery.

where are you located Depotoo?
They live in Tx. Family members there.

K. You speaking of Corona or the flu? And thnx for responding.
You can’t impeach Trump over the virus, or anything else for that matter, so what’s your skin in the game?

Another stupid Russian heard from.

This is where the nation needs to put aside politics and prevent the spread of this virus. This is especially important because Donald Trump has spent three years dismantling the CDC's Pandemic Response team and cutting funding to the CDC, so there really hasn't been much done since the first outbreak in China, other than closing the border.

So the USA is way behind the 8-ball here, and need to start believing the hiring and believing the scientists and start doing as they're told for a change. But most importantly, the Trump Administration needs to let the experts speak and stop trying to control a message they don't want getting out.

People don't need political pablum and fake reasurrances at this point. They need solid information on how to protect themselves and their families, as well as a realistic assessment as to what the risks are. What happens to the market is FUCKING IRRELEVANT. It is what happens to the people that matters.

When Trump's loyalists all go to great lengths to dismiss people's concerns, while Trump stands up an babbles idiotically at the news conference about a non-existant vaccine which is, at best 12 months away, while offering nothing about what supplies you should have in your medicine chest, what symptons to look our for, and how to best protect yourself and your family, you're going to start a panic.

In the face of every crisis he has faced since his inauguration, Trump and his minions have lied to the American people. Trump has been fortunate to this point that he's never had to face a REAL national emergency. He's trying to manufacture national emergencies for his own political gain, and those went badly. This is a real national emergency.

Every President faces national emergency tests, and how the manage them will determine what their legacy will be. W had 9/11 and he passed that test of uniting the nation, but then blew it with the Iraq war. His second test was Hurricane Katrina, and W failed that one utterly. It showed the folly of creating a giant Homeland Security Agency and then awarding all of the top positions contracts to your buddies, lobbyists and friends.

Obama had the world economic meltdown, and he passed that one with flying colours. Foreign affairs were less successful, but there are no good answers there. Peace was achieved in the western hemisphere, but the Middle East continues to be a mess. Afghanistan is an utter failure, from Day 1 to today.

This is Donald Trump's test. This is where he gets to save the nation and help save the world. If he's up to it. Handing the job off to Mike Pence looks an awful lot like he's looking for a fall guy. What happened to the man who said "I alone can fix it"?

This is you get to see if you really did elect the Great and Powerful Oz, or the pathetic little conman behind the curtain.
For Trump and his supporters this is only about politics.
Now that is a complete joke.
I think its more like 2% with infants and the chronically ill bearing the brunt. Still anyone can do the math. Say 20 million americans get the thing. Say 200K get it.

And if we end up quaranteening and shutting down offices even for two weeks ….. Recession just in time for the election. And Trump took Medical and Science money for his wall. There's no mystery to why the admin is scrambling.

Children aren't really being affected by it....so far. Im more concerned with the flu with children right now.
Yep, 3 kids I know came down with it and ended up with pneumonia, one had to be hospitalized. Fortunately, they are now on the road to recovery.

where are you located Depotoo?
They live in Tx. Family members there.

K. You speaking of Corona or the flu? And thnx for responding.
The flu.
Yep, during the Illinois press conference they are not talking about this virus like it's over. They are talking about potential future actions like shutting down schools. Looks like jc lied.

Well know what? If they shut down the schools for 2 to 4 weeks, it just means the kids have to go longer into the summer. Problem solved! They kids won't be happy, the teachers won't be happy, and the parents won't be happy, but that is not any politicians fault in this country.

What does kids going to school in the summer have to do with solving the problem of the pandemic?

Because if 1 kid in school gets it, they WILL shut down that school for whatever the justation period is for the virus.

Right, so what problem is 'solved'? The school year is extended, OK, so what?

OK Joy, you tell everyone here what we should do RIGHT NOW! Tell us!

And remember----------->when you say "we," you are talking about CONGRESS as much as you are talking about the President.

You can INVOKE YOUR right to communicate with Congress, just as much or more as you can invoke your right, to complain about the President. And with your position that the President is incompetent, you would probably get a better response more to your liking from congress.

So go use your keyboard and write your rep or Senator. If it sounds good, post it, and we may sign it too!

Find a competent person to lead us through this mess and then listen to them.

It's not my position that the president is incompetent it's shared by millions.
Children aren't really being affected by it....so far. Im more concerned with the flu with children right now.
Yep, 3 kids I know came down with it and ended up with pneumonia, one had to be hospitalized. Fortunately, they are now on the road to recovery.

where are you located Depotoo?
They live in Tx. Family members there.

K. You speaking of Corona or the flu? And thnx for responding.
The flu.

K, thnx! I hope that all is well medically for your extended family. On all of this fiasco, we need to be one America!
I just heard from a Dr. Ingazia Ezeekay in Illinois who just announced that all 60 americans who had the virus have recovered. hmmmmmmmmm

Post a link to it.
It was just on Channel 9 WGN in Chicago ten minutes ago, Governor Pritzger had a presser.

The Illinois governor is announcing that all U.S. coronavirus patients have recovered?

Doesn't sound fishy at all.
nope, Dr. Igaazia Ezeekay said it. i know, reading is a new concept for you
I just heard from a Dr. Ingazia Ezeekay in Illinois who just announced that all 60 americans who had the virus have recovered. hmmmmmmmmm

Post a link to it.
It was just on Channel 9 WGN in Chicago ten minutes ago, Governor Pritzger had a presser.

The Illinois governor is announcing that all U.S. coronavirus patients have recovered?

Doesn't sound fishy at all.
nope, Dr. Igaazia Ezeekay said it. i know, reading is a new concept for you

Try posting it.
Divided we fall.

Thank the insurgent anti-American Dimms!

The duopoly has been dividing us for decades and you have been a willing participant so shut the hell up

Hell, let's be truthful, Dimms wanted to see a recession before this!
It's a correction now but they ain't going to be happy until it's a recession!!

True story, fuckstick!

you whine about divided country and then go out of your way to divide it...what a fraud
Is that bad?

Yes that is bad! And understand---------->by the time the market rights itself if/when Corona craziness stops for a while, because of the economic slowdown, the market is going to respond to BERNARD having a better chance of getting elected.

The market will not see any new highs till next year, and that is only if BERNARD is defeated.
What makes you think the market is going to stay down for that long--it's only the beginning of the third month.

Because of the politics of the whole situation. The more upheaval for any reason at all, the better chance a DNCer gets elected, and the market does not want that!

You can dislike what I am saying, and I dislike the reality also, but it is not a false statement, especially if that DNCer/Independent is Bernie.
The market is not reacting to Sanders, fool. It is reacting to the coronavirus and the disruption it is causing to the flow of goods and services.

Stock markets around the world are diving. Only a seriously retarded idiot is drinking the piss that it has something to do with Sanders.

I did NOT say that! Quit trying to spin! Reread what I said!
honest they are not
If the United States has a real outbreak, is that going to hurt us?

ANSWER-------->oh yes, absolutely, no doubt about it.

Is this virus going to hurt us economically, even without an outbreak in the USA?

Answer----------> Yes, our supply lines are tied to everyone, and everyone. New auto sales in China are down 92% since the outbreak, so our global company's are going to take a huge hit. May not like it, but facts are better than speculation, so plan accordingly.

Who is to blame?

ANSWER--------> REALLY, seriously? The human condition is to blame, unless you tie this virus to a country that purposely constructed it, then released it, for the purpose of screwing you, then look at your body and ask it what is up with this!

When will it end?

Either when a vaccine is released in 12 to 24 months, or when you realize that just like everything else in life, our survival from death, illness, or sickness, revolves around the PROFIT that someone can make from devising a solution. Those seeking BILLIONS, are feverishly working as I post, to save your lives. Those being forced to make nickels, are just taking their sweet a** time, as being first means absolutely nothing to them. Those seeking BILLIONS, may come in 4 months in advance of your death. Was it worth it to you and your family if you survive?

Is this political?

ANSWER-----------> Does a bear sh** in the woods? Of course it is!

Who was it that created the famous saying---------->never let a crisis go to waste!

Do any of the DNC phonies for President have massive healthcare knowledge? Does Donald J trump have any?

Of course not! The only thing we have is the best pharma industry in the world, and the race is on if they can beat this virus before you die; if you are one of the ones who WOULD die from its' effects. Does anyone on this board believe the odds are anywhere near good the solution is going to come from China, Venezuela, Cuba, or Russia? If any of you do, please post you will REFUSE to take an antidote from the USA, just on MORAL purposes, cause the USA sucks!

Now, I believe big pharma in the USA is screwing us, period! I believe the protection of big pharma by the government which forces us to pay more is anti American, and anti freedom of choice. We can NOT be held hostage by big pharma to SUBSIDIZE through price control, the solution to the worlds problems, just like our military can NOT create peace in the world through nation building and police action.

I believe the world has to PAY ITS FAIRSHARE for drugs that we come up with, just like it has to pay its FAIRSHARE for our protection of military force on their behave.

If we avoid this outbreak because of OUR pharma industry, enjoy it while you can, because with BERNARD, a solution would be faaaaaaaaar behind that which is coming. You might have to wait for China, or Cuba, or maybe Venezuela to fix it, and good luck with that!

Corona is going to cost American lives? Yeah, probably be. To deny that would make me a liar.

But who you do YOU want in the race to save your life, if you are one of those who might die? Want our crooked CAPITALISTIC people who come in 1st always, or want the SOCIALISTIC people who come in 2 to 3 years after, and only when they can steal the technology from us!

If, for political reasons, you have a hard time answering that question, then ask your family, who would have to go on without you!
The reality is that conservatives are worried that this will tank Trump reelection campaign.
nope. you all are fking lunatics.
Yeah, he's not saying that at all.

Live Stream Three

He is saying they aren't relying on the White House for information but relying on the CDC instead.
and the Dr. he brought in stated all cases in the US have recovered and no new cases.

Post a source that says this.

EDIT: A reliable one for a change.
i did

Guess I missed it what was the post number?
you're too late I guess. you haven't a clue how to use search. figures.
Yeah, he's not saying that at all.

Live Stream Three

He is saying they aren't relying on the White House for information but relying on the CDC instead.
and the Dr. he brought in stated all cases in the US have recovered and no new cases.

Post a source that says this.

EDIT: A reliable one for a change.
i did

Guess I missed it what was the post number?


Pritzker, Lightfoot address Illinois’ response to coronavirus

There is no mention that all patients in the U.S. have recovered.
Only TDS liberals can possibly try to pin the virus on Trump and contend it’s an impeachable situation
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